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Hey Greg I've been the biggest Spectacular Spider-Man Fan. After Season 2 ended I was thinking what could happen. So I'm making a Novel called Spectacular Spider-Man The Big Change. Now I need to get get this approved by you so can make a Comic Novel edition for the fans. i really want to publish this Novel to the world. I'm not really a good artist so can you get somebody to make the Comic Novel Edition. I'll tell the Plot once I'm done with it.
Hey, have fun with your project, but please do NOT involve me. If you're wondering why I'm passing, please review the guidelines here at ASK GREG once again.
Will 90's Spiderman Cartoon ever come out on DVD.
I thought it was.
None of my local stores carry anything Gargoyles. Would buying it from Amazon suffice?
In Gargoyles 2158, you said Deliah will be uncomfortable about having human genes from Elisa. How will she even know she has this since Gargoyles are raised communally?
It's Gargoyles 2198 now. You might check that archive. Beyond that, I'm not going into any details about Delilah at this time.
Which week in March does âFinal Curtainâ take place?
Will the couple that Spider-Man saved (and ended up marrying) make further appearances in the series? Do they have any established names and are they going to be Spider-Man's equivalent to the Yuppie Couple?
No comment.
Okay, so, I exist in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe, and I was Norman Osborn's chauffeur at one point. Harry mentioned me as the worst chauffeur ever, and that he thought his dad was going to pop a vessel.
Okay, so later on, Norman went nuts, and became the Green Goblin. He went after the Big Man, tried to kill Otto, and just plain went nuts on people he doesn't like.
Am I still alive in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe? I think that if I had that guy mad at me, it's okay for me to inquire to my present health.
Where am I now in the Spideyverse? ;)
Dude, could this question be any more self-aggrandizing if you tried?
But somehow I doubt that Goblin ran around avenging every petty annoyance. I mean, hell, I let you live.
in a previous response, you stated about the Spectacular Spider-Man series, "We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel." it's obvious that you cant reveal the characters, but can you at least tell how many they are? can you reveal the characters? :)
I don't have the list with me. And even if I did, it's a legal document. It's not my place to go into detail about it.
How do you decide what villains/characters to include in Spider-Man? Is it a matter of what they can provide to the story, personal preference, or is their a certain formula to balance out well known and not as well known characters?
It's a very organic process. Basically what feels right, respecting the core of the characters.
I'm pretty sure that show (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!) is out of production.
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