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WEISMANSWERS 2009-07 (Jul)

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

This is probably a strange question, but here goes:

In (or before) "Mark of the Panther," Anansi became big and fat because the werepanthers brought meat to him, right? But the Third Race are creatures of pure magic, not mortal flesh and blood, so they don't necessarily digest food the same way we do. For all I know, even eating is a strange magical process for them.

I'm not saying that he should not have become fat or that I disagree with the story. I'm just interested in how it happened, because it seems to me it could possibly be different from how a mortal becomes fat. Anansi isn't a sympathetic character in Gargoyles, but it did seem like he enjoys food!

So just out of curiosity, in what way did eating a lot make Anansi big and fat? Did he gain chemical energy from the protein, carbohydrates, and fats in the food like a mortal animal would, by chemically digesting them? Did the food simply add matter to his body? Did it give him some kind of non-chemical energy? Or was it some other reason?


Greg responds...

He was a gourmand. He liked food. He ate food. His spider-form got larger. Beyond that, I have no details.

Response recorded on July 21, 2009

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Matus/Slovakia/ writes...

I just wanted to say how pleased I am with all TSS stuff. Great job. No questions, life is full of surprises and I am going to wait for it all in TSS S3!

Greg responds...

Glad you like it.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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SpiderFan89 writes...

oh, I forgot to ask you - if season 3 is ordered, will the situaton with season 4 be same (waiting for the ratings and stuff)?

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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SpiderFan89 writes...

Greg, congratulations for your Spider-Man series. I watched the two seasons and as everybody else, I want more. but I'm not gonna ask season 3 questions because:
A) you wont reveal anything
B) by the time you answer this we will know if there's going to be another season

1) have you watched the other new Marvel shows - Wolverine & The X-Men and Iron Man - Armored Adventures? if so, what do you think of them?
2) theres been speculation that Teletoon (Spectacular Spidey's Canadian home) may step in to save the show. is that a possibility, or the fate of the series depends entirely on Disney XD?
3) can you use Jack O'Lantern and The Punisher?
4) which Spider-Man games have you played?

thats for now.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't seen them.

2. I have no idea.

3. Not the Punisher.

4. None. I'm not really much of a gamer. But I do love Tetris.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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AJC writes...

Based on season two of Spectacular Spider-man, the character Debra Whitman appears to be quite aloof and unsympathetic (when she stood in the background as miles warren basically took over the connors' lab and fired them). What was the reasoning behind this characterization and how is this bringing out the essence of the character? Sorry if I am being analytical.

Greg responds...

There was actually a bit of a mistake there. Deb was supposed to be walking by when she was introduced. She doesn't respond, but it's not because she's being rude, it's because she's completely immersed in her work. The board artist didn't get that and had her stop for the introduction but then walk away. She comes across quite differently than we intended. I caught the error and alerted the director, but it fell through the cracks, and the boarded version was animated. As you can imagine, I wasn't pleased, but I was stuck with what we had.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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Lylat-Warrior-Galaxia writes...

You know the funny thing is? I played Star Fox 64 on my Nintendo Wii and I had noticed that there are two characters and two planets are named after th animals and history stuff. Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnell (Fox Xanatos and Wolf of the Pack) while Titania and MacBeth are the planets (Queen Titania and MacBeth Xanatos hired). Pretty funny huh? Next thing you know, Star Fox might have another character and/or planet named after the Gargoyles character's name.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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Alex writes...

Hi, Greg.

Have you ever had the chance to watch any episodes of Gargoyles or The Spectacular Spider-Man on another language (German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, ...)? If so, which did you enjoy the most/least?

Greg responds...

I haven't.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Pete writes...

Before I begin i just wanna thank you for the best superhero animated series EVER!!!!
Now, with that said I would like to ask...
1.) If you were to ever use any other hero in the marvel universe who would it be?

2.) Did you like the fact that Harry was Hobgoblin in the Ultimate Spiderman Comics?

3.) Are you a fan of the Crime Master? (The crimelord that was in about two comics with the goblin then killed off.)

4.) Season 1 and 2 were both incredible, none of the episodes were below 8 out of 10, but something is bugging me...Norman's alive just like in the comics, were you trying to respect the comics or were you not aloud to keep him dead.

5.) Quuestion four leads me to another question, can you name some of the things you are not aloud to do on the show?

6.) Finally, when, not if WHEN, season 3 gets commisioned will you announce it on this site.

Thanks for your time and the best anime series out there:)

Greg responds...

1. In Spec. Spidey? Or in his or her own show?

2. If I say yes, does that imply that I'm planning the same thing? If I say no, does that imply I'm not?

3. I'm not not a fan.

4. Neither.

5. i can't think of anything beyond using realistic gunshot sounds.

6. Yes.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Rachel N. writes...

Just as a brief FYI, in the May 2009 issue of Empire Magazine, on page 73 in an article about the movie "Angels and Demons", there's the following blurb:

"Unsurprisingly, the Illuminati often crop up as Hollywood baddies. As well as Angels & Demons, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and TV cartoon Gargoyles feature the Illuminati, or Illuminati-associated wonks, as villains."

I just thought it was cool that they mentioned Gargoyles and made that connection.

Greg responds...

I agree!

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

**Spider-man spoilers***


Ramble: Child Development 101

Okay, so last season I thought the Symbiote arc was pretty good, I didn't really like Eddie that much, but I thought that the take on the Symbiote was interesting. My only real complaint was as with most symbiote stories (in Ultimate, in the other Animated Series), we didn't go long enough thinking it was just a regular costume. (Though I guess that'd be kind of pointless with most people knowing it's an alien.)

I find the theme of this arc hard to pin down. Psychology made sense last season as we were sort of looking into the motives and histories of Eddie Brock and Peter Parker and how they contrasted with one another. But here? We're not really getting a deeper look into Eddie or Peter's history beyond the first episode. I suppose to a degree the major theme is people with power they cannot yet handle or control. (Jameson and his spores, Sandman and his beach, Eddie and the Symbiote.) Which is of course, a big part of growing up.

Anyway, overall while reinforcement was my least favourite episode, this was probably my least favourite arc of the series. Most of the B-plots were always more interesting than what Venom was up to. I really loved the Sandman plot, I thought there could have been more information involved in the relationship between the Master Planner and the Big Man. I also vastly preferred the personal stake Jameson had in the Colonel Jupiter episode. And the third episode had some fun with people considering whether Peter could be Spider-man.

I have a theory about Norman's "No." but I'll chose to keep that to myself until I review Drama 101. The Conner's perspective is interesting, and I kinda like that they suspect, Aunt May's reaction is okay, but I'm still disappointed Peter has never told her. (And that's something I still don't really get. I guess he doesn't want to worry her, but it still seems irresponsible.) Stacy's reaction is of course, awesome. There are so many series and movies out there where the police are made out to be incompetent and completely incapable of foreseeing or preventing even the smallest of crimes, nice to see that subverted here. Stacy is actually a detective.

The use of the gene cleanser was an interesting choice, but a lot of wasted potential in the last episode again, I feel. Kind of like Reinforcement, I think a re-balancing between action and the villain's reaction to Peter Parker would have been apt (that one fight with Venom seemed to go on for a really long time for me). Though that's a tricky bit of writing to pull off, as I also find it difficult to justify why somebody like say, Tombstone (or even Beck really) wouldn't get rid of Peter just in case he was Spider-man.

Other than that, I liked the use of different soliloquies for each part here. Made for nice little bits of character development. While Gwen hooking up with Harry is almost as foolish as Peter hooking up with Liz. Bah, teenagers.

Overall, like I said, not my favourite arc, but overall much better upon reflection. I enjoy Venom somewhat, but still feel like there's something missing with the character. His motives make sense, but I think I just find them too petty to be invested in them. And Venom comes across as too much as a petulant child for me to find him scary beyond his first appearance.

Greg responds...

Okay... hopefully the next arc will work better for you.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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