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WEISMANSWERS 2009-11 (Nov)

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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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friendlyneighborhoodspidey writes...

1. While Kraven was stalking Spidey I noticed his spider-sense didn't go off. Is that an OOPS or what?

2. Is Kraven turning into an animal supposed to be similar to Puma? (look him up if you don't know who I mean)

3. May I suggest asking Robert Englund to play Carnage? He'd do a great job because Freddy Krueger's personality is a lot like Carnage's.

Greg responds...

1. Stalking doesn't activate spider-sense in our show. As I've said before, Pete was bitten by a genetically altered spider, not a genetically altered psychic. We limited spider-sense in our series to incoming blows.

2. I know who Puma is, thank you.

3. Robert is already our Vulture. I'm not ruling out your suggestion, but I wouldn't want the voices to be too similar.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Spidey#1fan writes...

1. If you can't borrow Kingpin what crime boss will you use? Owl?

2. I heard something about Beetle and Boomerang being in SSM is it true?

3. You think you will use Morbius and Manwolf?

4. How heavily "toned down" does Carnage have to be to be in the show?

Greg responds...

1. As of the end of Season Two, I couldn't use Owl either. But I've got plenty of crime bosses already.

2. Seriously, WHERE did you hear that? Or did you just make it up? Anyway, Beetle's currently unavailable: officially he's not a Spidey villain. I'd have to check on Boomerang.

3. No comment.

4. How heavily toned down did you want him to be?

And just curious? Is there one question above that I haven't already answered? Let's check the ASK GREG Archives.

Hmmm... Nope. All been answered before. Some of them multiple times.

Response recorded on November 03, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Big Boy writes...

I have some questions considering the censorship of Spectacular Spider-Man. I don't think they will reveal any spoilers (I hope not). If they do, then you don't have to answer them.

1) Can you get away with Carnage being a serial killer in the show?
2) Can you get away with Morbius being a vampire that bites people and drinks blood in the show?
3) Can you get away with someone like Morlun in the show?
4) Can you get away with someone dying?
5) Did you keep Norman alive because you weren't allowed to keep him dead or did you keep him alive for the future?

Greg responds...

1-3. Hasn't come up yet.

4. Yes. We already have.

5. Why would I kill off Norman?

Response recorded on November 02, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Rinso writes...

Hi, Greg.
I must say that “The Spectacular Spider-Man” is the best superhero show I’ve ever seen. I totally love it. But I have two questions about it that has been sort of bugging me lately.

In Season 1 episode “Intervention”, after Peter rejects the symbiote, he returns it to Connors’ laboratory and tries to kill the alien by freezing the camera where it’s held. Eddie Brock sees him doing this and is enraged, because by killing the alien, Spider-Man destroyed his last chance to get back his job and thus his education in college. But less than a minute later, it turns out that the symbiote is unharmed and it’s actually fine. My question is â€" why did Brock had to free the alien and bond with it in order to pursue vengeance against Spider-Man? I mean, since it turned out that it was apparently alive and healthy, why couldn’t he just leave it in the camera? He would have gotten his job back and everything would have been fine with his life.

And my second question. Spoiler alert!

In “Final Curtain”, the final episode of Season 2, the identity of the Green Goblin was revealed for real. He was (of course) none other than Norman Osborn and it turned out that Harry’s unmasking in Season 1 was a red herring meant to throw Spider-Man (and the fans :P) off. Back in Season 1, during his last fight with Spider-Man, Norman faked a leg injury before escaping and later he found Harry unconscious, dressed him up in the Goblin costume and injured his leg, so he would limp in front of Spider-Man. My question is â€" why did he faked the injury in the first place? Did he knew before the fight with Spider-Man that Harry was laying unconscious back at home and planned to frame him as a back-up plan? Or did he found him when he came back after the fight? The latter doesn’t make much sense, because in such case there was no explicit need to fake an injury, but still, I wonder.

Sorry, these are probably annoying questions whose answers are “Just because!”, but still, they’re nagging me.

Fingers crossed for Season 3 happening. And 4, and 5, and…

Greg responds...


1. The "camera"? Anyway, Eddie heard the symbiote calling to him... and released it... pretty much in a semi-trance. At which point, it twisted his already semi-twisted thought processes.

2. He faked an injury with a plan to find a scapegoat later. Harry presented the perfect opportunity.

Response recorded on November 02, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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