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Big Jon writes...

Would you be offended if I gave a tattoo of Goliath to a client of mine as long as I post the tat when its done

Greg responds...

Go for it!

Response recorded on October 27, 2011

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Fe writes...

Mr. Weismen, I want to first thank you for creating quality programming that I grew up with and for creating Elisa, a strong female figure that matched my own background in terms of race.

1.Would you say that Aqualad is a younger non gargoyle version of Goliath in terms of personality?

2.You revealed Flash’s, Batman’s and Superman’s ages, would it be okay to ask how old is Aquaman and Mera?

Thank you for looking over my questions and I wish you all the luck with current and future projects.

Greg responds...

1. Uh... not really.

2. Aquaman is 29; Mera, 27.

Response recorded on September 30, 2011

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Sam.i.am writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm from Ireland, huge fan..
Just want to say, thanks for a large part of my childhood in the form of Gargoyles.
I have a picture of Goliath tatooed on my arm with 3 crows over his shoulder representing myself, my dad and younger brother as we used to watch it togeather, everyday after school..Thanks alot. And just out of interest, any idea where I could get Season 2 part 2 on dvd, video, anything..??
Kind regards,

Greg responds...

Wow. Tattoos are quite the commitment.

Sorry, no new news on the DVD front.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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lou-bert vs. q-bert writes...

Hi Greg, thank you for connecting to everyone. Fifteen years later, I'm sure questions about "The Kiss" never end, so who am I to part with tradition?

>It is my understanding that, for soap operas and/or ongoing series, actors do get sprung some story-surprises in their scripts. Although it was likely 1 to 2 pages of script, was "The Kiss" that kind of surprise for Salli Richardson and Keith David?

>Did they record their dialogue together? because it was extraordinarily acted.

Greg responds...

Honestly, I can't remember. Wish I could.

Response recorded on August 10, 2011

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Alma writes...

Love this series, it was the best Cartoon show of my childhood and now, almost 30 I am revisiting the series and am finding ALOT of adult humor, situations and no little amount of (sexual) tension between carachters.
I could babble on but I honestly don't have the time to do it now, so I shall ask away...
At what point in Awakening do Goliath and Demona "break-up".
Yes I understand that he figured her dead for 1000 years but once he saw her, wouldn't he feel the same about her?

Look forward to hearing from you, and again, thanks for bestowing the awesomeness that is Gargolyes into our lives!!!!

Greg responds...

There's no one moment, though when she tries to kill him, the relationship really starts to go south.

Response recorded on July 28, 2011

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Skylar writes...

Why does Goliath have a mullet? It's the least coolest haircut in the world. If you had to do it over again, would you pick a better haircut?

Greg responds...

I don't see it as a mullet. Just as long hair tucked behind his ears.

And, no, I wouldn't change it.

Response recorded on May 26, 2011

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MacLeod writes...

Hey Greg,

I always thought that in "Future Tense" Goliath sent the Phoenix Gate to the distant past, thus closing the loop and the gate restarting its journey from scratch. Of course this was not the case, otherwise the "Timedancer" events couldn't/wouldn't have taken place. But can you at least give a hint of when did Goliath send the gate to at the end of "Future Tense"?

Greg responds...

He didn't pick a specific time or place, hoping that would prevent the Gate from landing anywhere and keeping it out of nefarious hands for eternity.

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Ryan Eden writes...

who is your favorite character on Gargoyles mine is a tie between Goliath and Hudson and i didn't know you was working on Young Justice no wonder why it's already awesome and it only has 4 episodes so far

Greg responds...


I don't have a single favorite Gargoyles character, though of course Goliath is the prism through which we view all the others, making him the most essential.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Jurgan writes...

Thirty minutes left until the reairing of the Young Justice premiere, so I thought I'd pass the time asking a completely unrelated question.

I saw your recent response about zombies, and how you like the old-fashioned "voodoo zombies" but not the modern, post-Romero zombies. I at least partly disagree, as I feel the best zombie movies can be good vehicles for social commentary (for instance, I thought the recent Land of the Dead was a brilliant metaphor for war profiteering- on the other hand, Dawn of the Dead was probably pretty clever at the time, but criticism of shopping malls now seems hopelessly dated). But that's just a difference of opinion. I was more interested in seeing how zombies might show up in your work.

1. Did you think of Goliath in "Temptation" as a zombie? Was that intentional on your part?

2. Do you think zombies may make a more formal appearance in Gargoyles, or have you covered that ground in "Temptation?"

Thanks for reading. I'll probably write up a ramble on YJ sometime this weekend, once I've seen it.

Greg responds...

1. Loosely, I guess.

2. At the moment I have no plans, but...

Response recorded on February 07, 2011

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Billybob writes...

Soo... did the group dynamics of young justice resemble gargoyles by accident like maybe you didn't realize you were writing them that way. I mean robin is cleary the lexington of the group the smallest and the smartest, and aqualad has goliaths role as the mature leader. And the boys reaction to seeing miss martian for the first time was pretty much the same as the trios to meeting Angela. (who was also new to the city the same way miss martian is new to the planet.)

Greg responds...

Uh... gee, when you put it that way, it all seems pretty unoriginal. But I don't actually think your parallels go much beyond the few surface characteristics you've listed. (I mean is Kid Flash supposed to be in any real way like Broadway because they both like food?)

Keep watching and let me know...

Oh, and no, no parallelism was intended.

Response recorded on December 27, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I have a question regarding the relationship between Elisa and Goliath:

1. Did you always have in mind for them to be a couple or is this something that just came up as you kept writing?

2. Did you find it strange for a 7 ft mythological creature to fall in love with a human?

3. What does Goliath think of Elisa?

4. What does Elisa think of Goliath?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... pretty much always, if we're talking about Elisa and Goliath and not some of the development precursors.

2. Sure. But isn't love always strange? (I'm sensing a theme tonight.)

3. If that's not clear from the source materials, I have nothing to add.

4. Ditto.

Response recorded on December 22, 2010

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,

Recently watched "Long Way Til Morning"

And this is hopefully the first question that leads to what I hope to complete soon as a long essay on how fascinating Demona is as a character as well as her impact on her estranged clan "family".

In this we see three characters. All with relatively strong familial bonds. First we have the Father, Hudson. Then of course the rookery children Goliath and Demona.

My actual question is this:

What had to be going through Hudson's mind during all of this? I know he acknowledged the two as a mated pair, but in essence he had to save his son from his daughter. That could not have made him all too plussed.

Secondly, the dialogue in this last scene really shows how even now, they still have latent feelings of being family...

Hudson: "Give it up girl, you can't win.." Which even as a boy, first watching this I always received as a Father being parental in some way to his daughter.

Then there is Demona, who is as bananas as it gets. She, even in her tirade tips her hand. She, through raw, volatile emotion expresses she still has love for Hudson.

"I would have ended this quickly! Your pride will cost you your life!" Even though I know at this point in her life she is past redemption, I still feel that the way she exclaims these sentiments is a tell she doesn't want to HAVE to say them. She loves her rookery father. And in a way, still NEEDS him. As all grown children do once we reach adulthood. But nothing can stand in the way of her vengeance. The vengeance for her murdered family. Not even surviving FAMILY.

All too fascinating Greg, and thank you!


Greg responds...

You're welcome...

Response recorded on November 03, 2010

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Charisma82 writes...

Did Hudson influence Goliath’s decision at all as to who should’ve been Goliath’s second in command?

If something had happened to Goliath before he had chosen a second in command, I would assume that Hudson would’ve become leader at first, but then would choose someone else to lead since he’s older and believes that a younger leader would be best (which is indicated in the episode Upgrade). If this was the case, who would Hudson have considered becoming the new leader of the clan? Would he have based his decision along the same lines as Goliath, or would he have looked for other qualifications?

Thank you for your time and all that you do,


Greg responds...

Hudson and Goliath are two different guys... but I still think Hudson would have ended up choosing Brooklyn.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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Charisma82 writes...

In Outfoxed, who was Mr. Vogel going to blame for sabotaging the robots on the ship before Goliath showed up?

Thank you for your time and all that you do,


Greg responds...

He'd have come up with something.

Response recorded on September 15, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This discussion has been had in Station Eight a few times, and I thought I would bring it up here. It seems to me like one could make a case that Demona is the lead character in the greater story of the GARGOYLES UNIVERSE.

If one looks at "Dark Ages," "Gargoyles," and "Gargoyles 2198" as a three act story, Demona's story is the one story arc that really plays out through the entire timeline. She is there for all three acts.

Yes, Goliath is the lead in "Gargoyles" and Samson is the lead in "Gargoyles 2198." I think Hudson is the lead in "Dark Ages," but I might be wrong. And they all play huge roles, crucial roles. But Goliath and Hudson are not in Act Three, and Samson is not in the first two acts.

Demona, without being the lead in any of the acts, is the constant presence. Sure, she may not appear in "Pendragon," "New Olympians," Heroes of Ulster," and may only have a small role in "TimeDancer" and "Bad Guys." But if "Gargoyles" is the center of the universe here, and "Dark Ages" and "2198" are both acts in that story, it almost makes me wonder if this is really her story. You've got her youth, her fall from grace, her time as the main antagonist (or one of them), and then her eventual redemption.

Not to take anything away from Goliath, because I definitely agree that "Gargoyles" is his story and that he is the most pivotal character in that series. But is his story a large piece of her story?

I'm not saying it's all about her, because it's not. I don't think that or feel that, because this is all one huge ensemble piece made up of many stories, but like I said, she seems to be the most constant character out of all of them in the Big Picture. And all without ever being THE LEAD in any of the "three acts."

Greg responds...

It's definitely an interesting theory.

Of course, I don't actually view the Gargoyles' Universe as any one character's story, including Goliath. To me it's a tapestry with many threads...

But I'm not disagreeing per se.

Response recorded on September 14, 2010

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I miss the Blue Mug a Guests writes...

At the Gathering in Chicago, during the Blue Mug a Guest, you and Keith David were asked if Goliath and Demona had sex during Awakening 4. After the scene where they reunited in the Great Hall it fades to black. Then we see them on the turret with the rest of the gargoyles.

When you both got asked at the Gathering about this, Keith said something like "what couple in their right mind would meet again after a thousand years and go see the kids first?"

I don't remember if you answered. So, did they?

Greg responds...

Honestly, I'd have to view the episode again to see whether it plays as if there's time. But I don't rule out the possibility at all. Especially since technically the trio weren't their rookery children anyway. More like rookery cousins.

Response recorded on September 02, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

And now I have a question on Goliath and religion.

In the VHS version of "Awakening" as the trio glide off to steal the disc, Goliath says "godspeed lads. They'd better not be harmed." In the TV version he just says "They'd better not be harmed."

Since you edited the VHS release, I have to ask. Would Goliath say "godspeed?" Considering what you have since revealed about gargoyle religious beliefs, I was wondering. In your mind, did he say it?

And while I'm here, what's the canon status of the VHS version of "Awakening?" There is some material in it that wasn't in the TV and later DVD version?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. But as a colloquialism.

2. It's mooshy, since in my brain elements of both versions are mooshed together.

Response recorded on August 17, 2010

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Night Angel writes...

Hi Greg I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times but I am a huge fan of the gargoyles!! One day I'm hoping to become a film editor in the future, maybe even own my own movie set! So if your ever looking for an editor sometime in the future look me up, I would love to work with you! Also I been searching and I wasn't able to find this question so I hope you haven't been asked this yet. But I've always wondered I know it obvious that Elisa and Goliath will end up being together some how, but how does Angela feel about Elisa as possibly becoming a future step mom? Would she see her in that way?

Greg responds...

I have answered this before, so you might check the archives for more detail, but basically Angela views Elisa as an older sister. That wouldn't change. But if you've read the comics, you know Angela ALREADY considers Elisa to be Goliath's mate (more or less).

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Celestialien86 writes...

I am very curious about this one: According to GargWiki, it is said that Goliath died between 2008-2188, and I was wondering if it's true that he had died. If so, what year did he died and what was the cause of hid death?

Greg responds...

Goliath, like any mortal, does die eventually. But I have no intention of revealing how or when at this time.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Daniel writes...

Hi Greg, new fan here. Before I ask my questions, I want to thank you very much for what you've done with the Gargoyles franchise. The stories are amazing and continue to captivate me. I will do my best to help by spreading the word and supporting the franchise.

1. Does Goliath's experience in Future Tense effect how he sees and trusts Lexington, especially considering recent predictions being so close to what’s been happening? Even though he never really saw Lex’s costume, would other things such as Brooklyn’s Timedancer costume being very similar and the police station blowing up cause Goliath to be more wary of Lex?

2. Also, is there some kind of inside joke or reason behind knocking Lexington unconscious so much? It might be just me and I understand that he’s not the best fighter, but it seems to happen a lot.

Greg responds...

1. No comment beyond what can already be found on this subject in the archives.

2. No more, to my thinking, than any of the others.

Response recorded on August 06, 2010

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Derek writes...

We've seen biological relations for all the members of the cast(Brooklyn(Brooksbro), Lexington(Kermit), Hudson and Broadway(True), Bronx(Chomp and Chaw)) except Demona and Goliath among the Wyvern Clan, is there a reason for this.

Greg responds...

The premise of this question is not necessarily correct.

Response recorded on May 27, 2010

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TZ writes...

Another question...
When Elisa told (or admitted, however you want to look at it) Angela that it was true that Demona was her mother at the end of Sanctuary, was Goliath angry with her? Did they discuss it at all later or did he just let it go? Was he actually relieved to not have to be the one to tell Angela?

Greg responds...

I'm sure he was angry, but she probably convinced him of the obvious: (a) it was obvious and (b) it would have come out eventually and it was better coming from them then from Demona herself. Goliath would have grumbled at first, but known she was right.

Response recorded on May 14, 2010

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TZ writes...

I was wondering about the backstory of Iago's deception to Othello. Could you elaborate on it? (i.e. what circumstance did he make Othello believe Goliath and Desdemona were betraying him, like did he show them kissing or something--I know gargs don't kiss, just a for instance...) Also, how did the situation get reconciled, I mean how did Goliath and Desdemona prove themselves or disprove Iago to Othello? I just wanted to know the story (or as much of it as you'd tell ;)).
Pretty Pretty Pretty Please?
With a cherry on top?

Greg responds...

Yeah... no. Sorry, but that's a story I'd like to tell some day, so I'm gonna save the details, though if you rewatch "Legion" you can glean the gist of what happened.

Response recorded on May 13, 2010

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Random Fan writes...

I know that you wont answer questions that are suggetions for the future or if they try to pry the future out of you so I'm trying very hard to make this neither.
Has Goliath told anyone the entire story behind future tense or has he kept the details to himself? Would the rest of the Manhatan clan know about it?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

I've already answered this one. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on May 10, 2010

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M. writes...

I'm curious if Goliath ever told the others in the clan besides Elisa and Angela about what happened in "Future Tense", considering that Brooklyn returned wearing EXACTLY the same armor. This was one of the most interesting revelatins from CBII. Throughly enjoyed everything you've done and looking very forward to more.

Greg responds...

I don't think he did tell much. And certainly not in the kind of detail that would allow Brooklyn to model his armor off of Goliath's story, if that's what you mean.

Response recorded on May 07, 2010

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