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Peter writes...

Been reading through quite a bit of answers you give on here about YJ for quite some time and finally worked up the nerve to ask something! However its kinda a meta thing.

So I notice that some of the times when people ask you something kinda random, you answer with "No Spoilers" because i assume you might want to cover it in the future on the show.

Personally, whenever someone asks something like that, and you reply with "No Spoilers" it gives me hope. I truly wonder if that's what you mean to do when you answer it that way? Truly admire you Mr. Weisman and we miss you on Twitter!

Greg responds...

Um. Anything that we might tell a story with down the road is going to get No Spoilers.


Response recorded on September 11, 2017

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Chloe Wynter writes...

Did Marie Logan homeschool her son Garfield Logan?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 17, 2017

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Paul writes...

Hello, in S1 Episode 23, Red Arrow gets in a fight with Sportsmaster, and despite having his bow broken he seems to do quite well, getting Sportsmaster in a hold before Klarion teleported them away. Was Sportsmaster holding back against Roy (cause he didn't wanna hurt the mole), or is Roy actually good enough to match Sportsmaster in hand to hand? Because it always seemed like Roy wasn't even as good as Cheshire in hand to hand, and he got wrecked by Batman, so just curious. It's not super important, but I like debating who would win type battles, and any extra info helps
Thank you

Greg responds...

I'm so fine with leaving that to one's interpretation.

In any given fight, the tables may turn. Sportsmaster may not have been super-motivated for the reasons you state above. Red Arrow might have been super-motivated for reasons he himself didn't fully comprehend. Or whatever.

Response recorded on August 17, 2017

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Nardragon writes...

Each member team has at least two variations to their outfits, the dark stealth and snow stealth versions. Which version is your favourite? Classic, dark stealth or snow stealth? Are there other versions we haven't seen?

Greg responds...

1. Love 'em all. Which is your favorite?

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 17, 2017

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Paul writes...

Hey, this might be more specific than you remember, but I was wondering, in S1 Episode 6, Aqualad gets snagged by Black Spider and pulled up into the tree, there's a scuffle, and Aqulaad gets sent flying from the tree into a van (a very impressive hit). Was it Black Spider who hit him like that, or was it Cheshire (who seemed to be with Black Spider, since she came out with him)? I understand if you don't remember, but I figured may as well ask

Greg responds...

I don't remember. Sorry.

Response recorded on August 08, 2017

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King_Joey writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

I have some questions about Aquaman and the other Atlanteans of Young Justice.

I've read your previous responses to questions about Atlantean powers and you stated that Auqaman was "way stronger than your average Atlantean" and placed him in your GENERAL ranking of the Justice League by strength on the same level as Captain Atom and Martian Manhuner. You later stated that "off the top of your head" he was IN GENERAL stronger than Martian Manhuner and then, later still, that Martian Manhunter cannot lift a semi-truck but could "probably" lift a small car.

Again, as an avid reader of your site and SUPER FAN of your work I know you HATE to strength comparison questions and being asked to specify strength things. That is why I won't ask you for specifics or to compare, but it seems that, from what I've seen of your previous responses, that eventhou you don't keep weight limit SPECIFISCS in your mind, you do have a GENERAL idea of what the characters you write can lift. I won't ask for a list or anything I just want to know:

1. Can Aquaman lift a tank or semi-truck, or is he closer to small car? Maybe a pick-up truck?

I'm asking this question because you've said that your Young Justice characters of Universe-16 were back to their "original" power levels and I have read comics wherein Auqaman has thrown a tank at The Fisherman. I've also read older comics wherein he was basically the "Superboy" of the Justice League as far as strength and invulnerablity. Just looking for clarity.😀

2. While Auqagirl and Tempest were on the team did you they use a device to allow them to carry around water like Auqalad's waterbear "backpack sheeth" or was their level of scorcery and magic skill great enough that they didn't need anything?

3. Could they magically summon water to them for their spells or am I wrong in assuming that their or all Atlantean magic requires water?

I played Young Justice: Legacy and the Tempest DLC didn't seem to have any type of water apparatus. I'm asking you because you've stated that not ALL of the game was cannon.

4. In Uiverse-16 is Aquaman's super atlantean skin stronger enough to make him bulletproof or just bullet resistant?

5.This last question is about Wonder Woman. On the Young Justice website it lists invulnerability as one of her powers. I've always wondered, if she's invulnerable, why block bullets with her bracelets? Doesn't invulnerable and bulletproof go hand in hand? I mean, she can go "toe to toe" with super strong opponents like Devastation, but if someone shoots her in the head she dies? What's the deal? Any in universe explanation?

Those last three questions under number five are rhetorical.😮

Greg responds...

1. I'm thinking a small car. But clearly my opinion is somewhat changeable. I would think that Captain Atom is potentially stronger than Aquaman. And if I said something different earlier, that's not how I feel now.

2. No spoilers.

3. It doesn't all require water.

4. Resistant.

5. I'm not sure what website you're referring to, but I have never thought of Wonder Woman as invulnerable for the exact reason you state: why bother with the bracelets, if the bullets would bounce off anyway?

Response recorded on August 08, 2017

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Stranger writes...

Was Jade happy when she learned about Artemis (in the time when Paula was pregnant)? Did she was hoping to be a girl?

Greg responds...

For now, I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on August 04, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In "Young Justice," if Atlantis is the size of a small continent, then how exactly does the placement of the capital city and city-states work? I mean, would Poseidonis be located in the center of Atlantis while each of the city-states would be located outside the borders of the capital city; thus all the city-states surround the capital city as if they from some kind of circle-like pattern...?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 03, 2017

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Son of Batman writes...

What was the Justice League thinking when they decided, "Oh, let's have the pretty, teenage, Martian girl share a residence with the super hot, teenage, Kryptonian boy with major parental problems who has never seen a real woman in his entire life, and put them under the supervision of a glorified smartphone. What's the worst that can happen?" For real?

Greg responds...

Um... they could fall in love?

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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I_Ship_Bluepulse writes...

My sisters and I argued about this for three hours the other day so now I must know. Is, or isn't, Young Justice an anime?

Greg responds...

It is not.

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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