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anonymous writes...

I have a few questions pertaining to Roy Harper.
1. Since he's 18, is he a high school senior? Or a college student?
2. What languages can he speak?
3. You metioned earlier that out of the orginal sidekicks, Roy was closest to Kaldur. What is his relationship with Robin and Kid Flash like?
4. This is more of a confirmation, actually: Artemis can speak Vietnamese, French and knows high school Spanish. Correct?

Greg responds...

1. He graduated high school and is now taking a year off.

2. English, obviously. Otherwise, I'm not sure.

3. Cordial and friendly. Even fraternal.


Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Anon writes...

Hey Greg, so I was up late watching Conan (This is going somewhere I promise) and I saw that he had gone to the studios to make himself into a superhero and then he was put into the show as a little parody. Did you have anything to do with that? It was very good humor.

Greg responds...

I had just a TINY bit to do with it. I kibbitzed. That's all.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Athon writes...


1. My first question: How old is Zat-

Just kidding

2. My real question: In the episode Alpha Male, The Brain makes a comment about Captain Marvel having Achilles' courage, and states that it would have been better if he had his invulnerability instead. Was this a reference to the "Trials of Shazam" mini-series, where Achilles' courage was in fact swapped with his near invulnerability?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Why, you little-- Oh. Never mind.

2. Nope. Haven't read that one. But it is something that struck me years ago.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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SummerOtaku writes...

Hello Greg! Thanks so much for the great show! It's currently my favorite on tv and solely responsible for getting me back into comics again so DC should give you guys a cut of all those DC comics I buy now. Homefront has been my favorite episode but loved Schooled (for rewatchability) and all the rest too. Anyway a few questions!

1. I think the motorcycle Zatanna rode in Secrets (that was consequently blown up)was Robin's. A. Can you confirm this? B. Did she ask permission? C. Does Robin know it's fate? D. Will this be addressed in the comic or mentioned later? (I thought it would be mentioned in Misplaced, that's why I waited before asking this.)

2.A. Do you guys have any plans to attend New York Comic Con this year? B. If so, will there be a Young Justice panel? (I want to go to one and live on the East Coast so entirely selfish!)

3.A. Do you have any say or input on the type of merchandise that gets put out? B. If we fans have requests or suggestions is there someone/somewhere you can point us? (I want something other than Action figures. A mug, keychains, or a magnet set would be nice...heck! Even t-shirts!)

4. Are Superman and Batman best friends in this universe? (Sorry if this one is already answered, I did go to the archives but only got so far!)

That's all I can think of while I got you! Thanks for your time and great show~! I totally love Robin, Wally, and their bromance and look forward to more with them along with the rest of this great cast I fall more and more in love with! Billy! Zatanna! NUUU!

Oh, also wanted to mention I'd totally throw my excitement behind any podcast, youtube vids, or commentary you happened to do for the episodes!

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1a. I honestly don't remember.

1b. I'd think she'd ask permission, but she is a bit mischievous.

1c. You're assuming it's his bike. I'm not confirming that.

1d. No, I have no plans to address this. Our guys live dangerous lives and do dangerous work. Batman supplies the bikes. I'm sure he knows that a little property damage is part of the gig. A bike is replaceable. Lives are not.

2a. Not that I know of. If that changes, I'll announce it here.

2b. Don't know.

3a. Say? No. Input? Yes.

3b. I wouldn't even know whom to point you to. Maybe Warner Bros. Consumer Products?

4. They're good friends. I don't know about best friends.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg, just watched "Misplaced." I thought it was a great episode!

1. Why were the faces of The Light not "lighted-out" at the end of the episode, the way they were in their first appearances?
2. Was Sportsmaster's getaway driver the Riddler?
3. Do the five evil wizards featured in "Misplaced" all have different specialties and, if so, what are they?
4. It seemed like Zatara was unaware that Billy Batson was Captain Marvel. Is this true, and if so, did anyone else on the League know about Captain Marvel's secret identity prior to the events of this episode?
5. The Team didn't send out a signal asking other under-18 heroes to join them. Are they aware of other young heroes, specifically Rocket? Is the Justice League? (Seems like if the Justice League knows Icon, they probably know of Rocket)

Anyway, thanks so much for a great and for taking time to answer fans questions.

Greg responds...

1. They were communicating with people who already knew their identities.

2. No, but Riddler's getaway driver was Sportsmaster.

3. I'm sure to some degree they do, but I haven't worked them all out. But Blackbriar Thorn is a druid. Felix Faust is an alchemist. Wotan is an immortal Viking sorcerer (at least in his latest incarnation. Klarion is a Lord of Chaos. Wizard is a wizard.

4. Only Batman.

5. I'd guess they were aware of Rocket's existence. But Rocket and the Atlantean heroes were also busy. They were on their own. (The rest you probably know by now.)

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Anon writes...

Hi Greg. Just curious, but if you HAD to diagnose Bruce Wayne with a mental illness, what would you diagnose him with?

Greg responds...

A. I wouldn't.

B. I'm not qualified to do so, even if I were so inclined.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Kofi writes...

Dear Greg

Is new york close to Metropolis?
Will we ever know what superboy was doing in Metropolis in schooled?(i thought it would be in the comics)

Greg responds...

1. Fairly close.

2. He was hoping to see Superman.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Anon writes...

1. What is Artemis trained in besides archery and martial arts?
2. What are Artemis's parents day jobs?

Greg responds...

1. Her father made sure she had experience with a variety of weapons and fighting styles. Strategy, ruthlessness, etc. were also on the agenda.

2. Paula's currently on disability. Crusher's day job is as enforcer for the Light.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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lizzie writes...

Hey Mr Weisman!
1. Is Zatanna's Mum dead?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Lydia writes...

Hi, a fun question about Misplaced:
What do you think happened to pregnant women or babies that were being born during the split dimensions?
Just to make you think :)

Greg responds...

It depends on Klarion.

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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