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Josh writes...

Did Klarion offer Wotan, Felix Faust, Blackbriar Thorn, and Wizard anything in return for their help with his spell in "Misplaced?"

Greg responds...

Do the Light a favor and the Light does favors in return. (Witness Count Vertigo.)

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! I have two questions.
1. Do female Martians get periods?
2. Can Superboy grow facial hair?

Greg responds...

1. I'd lean toward yes, but I have honestly not thought about this. I'd have to study on it with the help of a biologist, I think.

2. To the level of any sixteen-year-old, yes.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Whitebeard writes...

Ahoy Mr. Weisman!

In yer eyes, who is the most redeemable villain in yer show, Young Justice?

I highly appreciate yer work; in fact it was ye who inspired a young scalawag like me to pick up a quill and start writing.

Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!
Season 3 looks to be quite fun!


Greg responds...

Lots of villains are potentially redeemable. (It also depends on one's definition.) I'm not going to name names, because it could sound like I'm hinting at future plans, and, as always: NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Avid Wingnut writes...

Good day Mr. Weisman
I'm a big fan of Dick Grayson, and as such I've read most of the Titans and Nightwing trades, but my interest in the character was sparked by watching Young Justice, so thanks for that. I was wondering: how would you describe him as a character? There have been varying depictions in the comics so I was wondering how you think of him. In YJ Season 2 he was very serious which reminded me of Nightwing from the Wolfman/Perez era. Anyway, I just wanted to know your thoughts. Sorry for the length of this, thanks for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Greg responds...

I could probably write a dissertation on Dick, but I'm not going to do that here. For the most part, I like to let the episodes and issues speak for themselves. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to justify anything.

But basically, I think Dick was a fun-loving kid who experienced a horrible tragedy, but had two adult male role (Bruce and Alfred) models who stepped up and gave him a way to work through his anger and grief and reclaim the fun-loving kid that he was

Dick is, to my mind, extremely competent, which was born out in both the Teen Titans series of the 60s & 70s and the New Teen Titans series of the 80s. And so with that competence, and with the hard-earned knowledge of the responsibilities of leadership learned as early as "Drop-Zone" and "Failsafe", comes the serious-minded Nightwing that we often see in Season Two.

But I don't think that's his natural disposition. Instead, I look to the Robin of the 40s and 50s. Dick is the acrobat. The trapeze artist. The performer. Dick is the kid who learned to disappear like Batman but finds it so funny, he can't stop himself from laughing. That's the real Dick Grayson. A kid/teen/young adult that is so winning and naturally guileless and honest that even his ex-girlfriends still love him. (That is his super-power, after all.) He knows how to do the other thing - and he's actually scary good at it. But he kinda hates that too.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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C. Bakerstone writes...

During their time at Gotham Academy, were Dick and Barbara in the same grade? Or was one of them in the grade below?

Greg responds...

Same grade, though she's a year younger. (She skipped a grade.)

Response recorded on May 14, 2018

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Thomas Kroot writes...

1: Did Amanda Waller know that Superboy and Ms. Martian were replacing the Terror Twins and that the actual twins were to be swapped back in later?

2: What sort of crimes did Plastic Man commit before he became a hero? Any reason it took him 7 years to become a JL member?

3: Does Eel O Brien/Plastic Man retain his cold weaknesses from main comic world?

4: Do the villains on Earth 16 generally stick to a single city like normal continuity or are they more multi-city

5: Do any real life nations in the YJ earth not allow the Justice League in their borders the same way Biyalia doesn't.

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No spoilers.

3. It depends how cold we're talkin'?

4. Every individual villain has his or her own M.O.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on May 14, 2018

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Marvelman writes...

How far up on the Kinsey scale would a woman have to be to be effected by Queen Bee's power? Would the extent of her homosexual attraction effect the degree to which she could resist Queen Bee's control? For example, would someone who was bi-sexual more readily resist her influence, or does her power not work that way?

Greg responds...

I don't pretend to be a biologist, so I'm willing to be corrected on this point, but it seems to me that anyone who can be affected by female human pheromones, is going to be affected. Degree doesn't matter, because they are very powerful.

Response recorded on April 16, 2018

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Marvelman writes...

A few years ago, in Geoff Johns' Justice League, Captain Cold said to Wonder Woman: "Not every super-villain wants to blow up the world." (Or words to that effect.) It got me to thinking... the Light's plans must seem like doomsday to most people who aren't on board with their agenda. It's hard for me to see how someone like Captain Cold, who we see robbing a bank in season 2, is going to benefit from the Light instigating an alien invasion. So, my question is: are there super-criminals in the YJ universe who disagree with the Light's plans or even actively oppose it?

Greg responds...

Keep in mind that very few people know the deep details. The big guns are saying, "Do this and it'll work in your favor." And a lot of them do.

Response recorded on April 16, 2018

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Jack Carpenter writes...

Would it be fair to assume that in Earth-16, most of the heroes have more or less the same archenemies as their comics counterparts? I know L'Gann called Manta "our King's greatest enemy" and someone once asked about Lex and Supes and you basically said yes, but does it more or less apply to the rest as well?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to give a blanket confirmation of this kind of thing. Part of the point of even having Earth-16 is to keep the geek audience off-balance. You can't necessarily go back and read comics to figure out how we're approaching things. Sometimes we might follow an individual story, but more often than not, we'll - at minimum - put our YJ spin on it.

For example:

Captain Cold's main opponent = Flash (as expected)

Mister Freeze's main opponent = Batman (as expected)

Killer Frost's main opponent = Aquaman (not as expected)

No guarantees.

Response recorded on April 11, 2018

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Marvelman writes...

Why did Wally attend public school? If he was such a genius, couldn't he have gotten a scholarship to a private school?

Greg responds...

You're assuming that private school is better?

Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. He was in a good school district.

Response recorded on April 11, 2018

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