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Would it be fair to assume that in Earth-16, most of the heroes have more or less the same archenemies as their comics counterparts? I know L'Gann called Manta "our King's greatest enemy" and someone once asked about Lex and Supes and you basically said yes, but does it more or less apply to the rest as well?
I'm not going to give a blanket confirmation of this kind of thing. Part of the point of even having Earth-16 is to keep the geek audience off-balance. You can't necessarily go back and read comics to figure out how we're approaching things. Sometimes we might follow an individual story, but more often than not, we'll - at minimum - put our YJ spin on it.
For example:
Captain Cold's main opponent = Flash (as expected)
Mister Freeze's main opponent = Batman (as expected)
Killer Frost's main opponent = Aquaman (not as expected)
No guarantees.