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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

This is my 33rd posting. I have something VERY critically important to ask you. Please do not delete this posting no matter what!

You may recall from one of my earlier postings that I was telling you about how the existence of the DC multiverse was in question after the events of the DC crossover event “Flashpoint.” Then I told you how it seemed like they are starting the DC multiverse all over again with the reintroduction of parallel Earths in May (based on the May 2012 solicitation descriptions of Earth Two and Action Comics). The only two parallel Earths from the old DC multiverse (don’t forget there was New Earth and 51 other parallel Earths at that time) that did not seem affected by the relaunch were Earth-1 (the setting for DC: Earth One graphic novels) and Earth-16 (the setting for Young Justice). However, with this realization, I failed to consider the possibility that these two parallel Earths MIGHT NOT exist in the rebooted multiverse (even though we don’t know that for sure yet)! In the case of Young Justice, have you or your co-workers ever confirmed with the higher-ups who work in DC Comics about whether or not Earth-16 still exist in the post-Flashpoint DC multiverse? I’m sure it would create conflict if someone tried to use Earth-16 without realizing that you and your crew are already using it. This is an extremely important question that I’m asking you, so I hope your response can shed some light on the matter.

Thank you very much for reading this. It is my fault that I didn’t ask you about this sooner, but I hope to hear from your response very soon!

Greg responds...

I have no light to shed, I'm afraid. DC knows what we're up to, and they know we're using Earth-16. We've had no further discussions about it relative to Flashpoint or the New 52.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) At Wondercon, you said that Jason Spisak is a lot like Wally West. Has he ever hit on any of his female co-stars during the recording sessions?

2) Why is it that Miss Martian is so exceptionally powerful in Martian Manhunter's eyes? He referred to her as the most powerful telepath he's ever encountered. Is it just a case of fate smiling upon her and her happening to be born with advanced telepathy for a Martian (in other words, a coincidence), or is there more to her incredible power than meets the eye?

Greg responds...

1. Not that I know of. (Don't take what I said too literally.)

2. There's a difference between raw power and advanced technique. She has a lot of raw telepathic power, like some guy might be really strong physically. As to why Manhunter thinks she's so powerful, the answer was right there in the episode "Failsafe". I don't have much to add.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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skye4376 writes...

hi, i just wanted to know your viewpoint on the true identities of the heroes of earth 16. are the heroes really their hero personas pretending to be their civilian selves or are the civilian identities their true identities.

for example, is does dick grayson see himself as dick grayson or as robin who uses his dick grayson persona as a front and acts different so that no one knows that he is robin. also, does clark kent see himself as clark kent or as superman pretending to be a bumbling, clumsy clark kent.

i hope you understand what i mean and that this isn't too confusing for you. thanks.

Greg responds...

1. There's no blanket answer for all heroes.

2. Nothing is as cut and dry as you're making it sound. Dick is Dick. But he's aware he's hiding a piece of himself. Robin is also Dick, but he's aware he's hiding a LOT about himself. But he's not suffering from MPD.

3. It's not much different for Clark. Clark hides MORE of his true self than Dick does, and probably Superman hides more of his true self than Robin does. But the equation is pretty much the same. I mean, it's not like Clark likes Apple Pie, but Superman doesn't. Besides, when have you ever seen our Clark Kent be "bumbling" or "clumsy"?

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Now that the first season is over, I would like to know if there were any specific reactions by your audience to parts of the show which surprised you?

Greg responds...

Well, initially, I was surprised by the vitriol leveled our way on all sorts of topics. And, of course, for everyone who hated something there was someone else who loved the series for that very thing.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Alex writes...

If Robin said he doesn't want to be like Batman, why would he become Nightwing in the future? Was he referring to the dark loner thing Batman has going on, or was he talking about his life being consumed by his crime-fighting activities?

Greg responds...

You've basically answered your own question.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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SHAZAM! writes...

What is Black Adam's alter ego? is it Teth Adam, who's been Shazam's champion for 5000 years or Theo Adam, who stumbled upon Teth's magic necklace? or is it a different adaptation?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Zia writes...

Hey! First off, congratulations to your whole team on such a great show. The details you guys put into Young Justice are just amazing. And since I assume the season finale will have aired by the time you see my question, congrats on that full season two!

Here's my questions: 1. What made you decide to have other family members besides Dick Grayson's parents in the Flying Graysons?
2. Was it inspired at all by the movie Batman Forever (which, as far as I know, is the only other instance of multiple Graysons in the DC universe)?
3. Why did you decide to have his uncle survive the fall?

That's it! Oh, one last thing: thank you for portraying Robin and Batman's relationship differently than usual! There's tons of reasons for Robin to grow dissatisfied with Batman and break off on his own at a later date without them having a strained relationship, and it's a breath of fresh air to see it being handled in that way.


Greg responds...

1. Mostly, I'm not going to answer this, but I will say, it never made much sense to me that there were only three Graysons (total). I was also inspired by the Flying Wallendas.

2. No. Or at least not consciously.


4. Why does Dick EVER have to "grow dissatisfied with Batman and break off"? That hasn't happened on Earth-16. He's simply grown-up. Their relationship is solid.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jacklyen writes...

Thank you for creating this show - in my opinion, it's the best animated superhero show in I've ever seen. There are so many levels in each episode, and it's more realistic in the way that characters interact and behave than most shows on today.

My question is whether or not any footage was made that is not going to be appearing in the show. What I mean is, that when the show first came out and there were promotional videos for it, we saw some scenes that haven't occurred in the series yet. Are they going to, or were some scenes made only for the trailers?

Thanks! It's great of you to take these questions.

Greg responds...

If we're talking about the same thing, that was just test footage, which we stuck in a promo or two. Nothing's missing.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

Hi Greg - I just finished watching Performance, and one thing confused me: if Miss Martian wasn't able to use her powers for a while after Parasite touched her, why didn't she revert back to her natural (monstrous) form? Were her shapeshifting powers somehow unaffected?

Greg responds...

Her form is not unstable when she shape-shifts. So when he absorbed her powers, she was weakened and more-or-less stuck. As you may have noticed, she NEVER reverts because she falls asleep or loses consciousness, etc.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How did parasite get his absorbation superpowers?

Greg responds...

Why does "absorbation" sound dirty to me?

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Ben writes...

why is match about 16? was it always the lights plan to wake superboy when he was still young? or age them to adult?

Greg responds...

Kryptonian DNA doesn't seem to lend itself to force-growth very well.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Ben writes...

with superboy being partially human does kryptonite effect him as badly as superman?

Greg responds...

Badly enough.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jerry Whitworth writes...

Hey Greg, just saw the YJ episode "Performance" and I was curious: was Jack Haly's physical appearance based on Mr. Miracle's buddy Oberon (taller and heavier, of course)? Thanks!

Greg responds...

No. It seems that character designer Jerome Moore based Haly on Ed Asner. I'm not sure why. Ed, who had already voiced Kent Nelson for us, was never going to be the voice of Jack Haly, though if he hadn't already voiced Kent, Jack would have been a great part for Ed.


Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jude writes...

We saw Cissie King-Jones in "Insecurity". How old is she?

Greg responds...

Cissie is nine-years-old as of "Insecurity".

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Mies writes...

How popular are Kid Flash, Robin, and Kaldur in America? Particularly the last two whom, intentionally or unintentionally, perhaps shy away from the media for obvious reasons. Those three the ones we've seen so far who seem popular with the media.

Greg responds...

They're all three fairly famous, which doesn't mean they give the press a lot of face time.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Meis writes...

Did Artemis recognize Robin in "Performances" as her school mate, Dick Grayson, or was she too occupied with the mission, of "not looking for answers," to realize?

Greg responds...

She never saw him without a mask. On a world where no one recognizes Clark Kent because of his glasses, that's got to be enough to suspend your disbelief.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Larisse writes...

Just finished "Performances" and what an episode! Ok, since we couldn't see how Batman reacted (and from what I'm told, it isn't touched up on a following episode this season) to Robin's taking lead on a non-sanctioned mission, leading on the team with a delicate lie of "Because Batman said so." A brief answer would be appreciated! Thanks!

Greg responds...

What's the question?

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Danger writes...

1. How old is King Faraday?
2. How long have Oliver and Dinah been in a romantic relationship?
3. How long have Oliver and Dinah known each other?
4. How long have Dinah and Roy known each other?
5. Is Roy a millionaire?
Thanks for your time! YJ is phenomenal :D

Greg responds...

1. As of "Performance", King Faraday is 41-years-old.

2. Depends on how you define your terms.

3. About three years.

4. About the same.

5. No.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Wow, Performance was a great episode! I mean, it was fun to see Grayson with the circus, I'm surprised the Ringmaster is the only one who recognized him. Also, nice job with Parasite, he was good and creepy! And I like the casting of Clancy Brown as King Faraday, excellent choice. But most importantly for me, thank you for finally having Roy lighten up on Artemis, Megan, & Connor. I still think Sportsmaster was lying about a mole to screw with their heads, but it was nice for Roy to give them the benefit of the doubt finally.
Please keep it up and I anxiously await the next episode!

PS- I realize I screwed up in my last response by calling the civilian Mr. King when I meant Mr. Jones. But I still know the little girl is Cissie King-Jones, AKA Arowette (again, thank you)

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Just watched Performance and enjoyed it, great job with the episode! I liked how you didn't dwell too much into Robin's past, and kept fans wondering (even though many know the details of it). I loved the Wally and Dick interaction, and their conversation showed just how deep their friendship goes. My question is how long has Wally known about Dick's past, and when did Dick tell him about it? Thanks!

Greg responds...

About a year and a half prior to the start of YJ.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Cheshire hates Sportsmaster so much, why did she decide to follow in his footsteps in joining the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

Human beings are complex and contradictory.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Just watched Performance and liked it a lot. I'm glad to see an episode focusing on Robin. Just curious was Robin's laugh inspired by the Shadow of pulp/radio fame?

Greg responds...

Well, the Shadow's up there in my brain, but I really don't think so. It's inspired more by his youth and irrepressibility.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ questions:

1) Clancy Brown as Agent Faraday, and Faraday looks A LOT like George Stacy. Spectacular Spider-Man reference?

2) Parasite was working for Intergang. Does this say anything about the current whereabouts of Bruno Mannheim or Whisper A'Daire?

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly. Again, keep in mind that the designs are done by Phil Bourassa under Brandon Vietti's art direction, and neither worked on SpecSpidey.

2. Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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phool writes...

What is Roy and Dinah's relationship like in YJ? Does he see her as a surrogate mother or a big sister?

Greg responds...

More of a big sister. She's only six years older than he thinks he is.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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WoWonder writes...

I saw a preview of what's yet to come to come in season 2 of Young Justice on the Hollywood Reporter website. But I only get to see about the last 17 seconds of it. The rest of those seconds were recaps of season 1. Can you tell me if you REALLY understand what happened in those 17 seconds?

Greg responds...

Me? Sure. But then I worked on the show.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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