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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

For the moment I'm commenting on the current episode!
1- Mmmm Black Spider moves like Spiderman and in voiced by Josh Keaton...cute. When Spectacular Spiderman came out there were some complaints about the design being cartoony. It really grew on me and it worked wonderfully with the incredibly fluid animation. If ever there were a superhero that fluidity suited it it would be Spidy. Black Spider has the more traditional silhouette and movement. Was this seen as a chance to show that as well as an in joke?
2- I see other posters are calling the little blond girl being Arrowette. Clever...age is right judging by Logan...though it would be a significantly different back story (IIRC). I don’t recall her father living long enough for her to really remember him. I haven’t been able to successfully google if “Bowstring Jones” was a real character or not. In the comic book he really seemed a bit of a joke. He was the guy who choked on calamari. That was pretty much it. And all fans know that Peter David wrote her as another illegitimate child of Oliver’s.
3-Another case of addressing questions that have been swirling- Artimas’s mother point blank explains why she allows, even encourages, her daughter’s activities. Of course the irony follows- she is trying to be honest and ends up angering Artimas and shaking her confidence. (I chuckled at Paula’s “Well, I am your mother!” line. Great delivery.)
4-More irony- Artimas mulls over it and reaches the mature decision not to let it bother her because regardless of how she started, she has certainly earned her unique spot on the team... and then Red Arrow is there. Murphy rules.
5- Wally is mature and sweet at the beginning. Then he is mature in his anger and disappointment. Also, it never once occurs to him to question her loyalty. The first explanation that jumps to mind that she was seeking glory, not being a mole.
6- Is it my imagination, or does Cheshire have an accent? If so, why? It has been my observation, excluding isolated communities, children of immigrants don’t pick up the parents’ accents in the local language, only in the ones they don’t hear all around them all the time. I can see her speaking Vietnamese and French with her mom’s accent, but English?
7- Cheshire kissed Roy...lucky it seems she hasn’t started with poison yet.
8- Did Conner rub his arm where the shield patch had been and fly?
9- Loved Wolf’s inconvenient nap time :)
10- I may be wrong, but I still don’t read Artimas as a potential mole. Of course her father and sister are messing with her head, but I don’t think even they think she’ll really turn on her team as much as screw up by being off her game.

Wow! I'm caught up...er nope. I still have the comic books ahead.

Greg responds...

1. Not to me. Phil designed Black Spider for episode 106, without any baggage from SpecSpidey.

2. Let's be frank: you guys haven't seen enough of Cissie to know how similar or how different her origin is. This was just a taste.

3. Kelly is a gem and does a wonderful job as both Paula and Jade.

4. Yep.

5. Yep again.

6. I think it's your imagination. I've never noticed any accent in Jade.

7. Not for Roy, anyway.

8. Yeah, him shielding up there got cut for time. But somehow the arm scratch got left in.

9. Thanks.

10. Well, by now you know.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Another day another comment :)

1- How annoying! The station ran an ad showing the team with Rocket. Talk about spoilers...
2- I love the Watchtower design- looking at it it just fits with it not being weaponized.
3- I really like Wonder Woman’s voice.., and her ‘more females’ comment.
4- I really loved the JLA’s considerations
a-they openly wonder if more members stoke enemies.
b-Icon and Rocket show up, and Superman wondering if he’s Kryptonian. I always thought Icon makes a fascinating comparison to Superman. Going on his Milestone origin- Both are powerful aliens who grew up on Earth, but Icon was an adult first and deaged to blend in. He was genetically linked to his human family, and most important, he’s been here since the 1850s, and spent the first 15 of those years as a slave. Superman has no real memory of his life before Earth. He may be near immortal, but as of now he’s only lived a normal 30 or so years. He hasn’t outlived his family, his wife, innumerable friends. And obviously, he never experienced anything like slavery first hand. They are both alien and native sons in different ways. They are both profoundly different and yet part of Earth in different ways.
c-Green Lanterns on Guy...bwahaha!
d-They know now Captain Marvel is a boy, and it is an issue. Bruce always knew, (maybe). Actually, that reminds me of a theory I have on Batman. He lost his parents and made his oath at around 8 years old. Consciously or not, for him childhood ends at 8. Maybe not as in an adult who’ll be on his own, but more like a Bar Mitzvah- Old enough to be responsible for ones own actions, to make momentous decisions. Billy is 10, Dick was 9. In his mind both are old enough to choose to put their lives in danger.
e- Not telling us the decision?? Mean!
5- As I mentioned on Image, you’ve really been hitting the questions of late
-last time is was M’gann and being a White Martian (It seems she somehow has kept it from J’onn...or that it isn’t a big deal to him so he doesn’t realize how it effects her.)
-Guardian and Roy are confirmed relations
-Conner and Lex are indeed connected
-Wonder Woman gets a speaking role...
-...and calls Batman on training a 9 yr old. (Loved her interactions with Bats and Supes.)
-Fate is confirmed to be staying on and have noticeable input from Zatara.
6- In the room the Match was in, what was in the other tubes? Their contents seemed to disappear when they were trashed.
7- Is that ‘Red Sun’ or ‘Red Son’? Wait, never mind, it’s been asked.
Another great episode.

Greg responds...

1. Yeah, that stuff drives me nuts.

2. Check out Brandon's post about it. It's even cooler than you thought.

3. Maggie was just great as the Princess.

4a. Seemed important to raise.

4b. Yeah, I always thought Icon and Rocket were great!

4c. ;)

4d. Batman knew. It's not like he recommends all kids take on this responsibility. But Billy was already doing it and had been chosen to do it, and Bruce felt Dick NEEDED it so that he would not turn out like the Batman.

4e. Intentionally so. ;)

5. J'onn always knew she was a White Martian. He was also aware what a big deal it was to her, though he himself didn't think it was a big deal.

6. Piecework.

7. Red Sun. (I'm trying to figure out how 'Red Son' would make ANY sense? I mean, I know Conner is Lex's 'son', but why would Superboy be a RED son?)

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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B writes...

In "Misplaced", was Roanoke Island chosen as the location of Klarion's spell because people (the whole Roanoke Colony) had disappeared there before? And if so, was it necessary for the spellcasters, or just a fun reference on your part?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Tia writes...

Was the little girl in the episode Insecurities of Young Justice Cissie Jones or Arrowette?
By the way, amazing show.

Greg responds...

Cissie King-Jones. And thanks.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Brandon Vietti, my producing partner on Young Justice, has blogged on our versions of the Hall of Justice and the Watchtower. Check it out here:


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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I think the deluge has slowed, I'm still managing to keep up and post questions!

1- Young Justice really excels at showing people being people- the roleplaying, the humor in the reaction, the awkwardness talking with M'gann. Similarly the later line “He’s 8, he doesn’t do orders.”
2- So Kid Flash knows Bruce is Batman... This is the beginning of a string of hitting the questions that were being asked all the time on this site. (Asked over and over...) This episode answers that and the White Martian question. Wonder Woman gets a significant role ~and~ the dearth of female roles both get hit in the next ep, along with if the JLA knew Billy Batson was a kid. Other stuff I’ll mention in my comments on Agenda. Did you get a good chuckle knowing it was coming up?
3- Is it just me, or does Queen Bee looks like Marina Stirtis?
4- Loved the Hello Megan clips. But who are these Greg Vietti & Brandon Weisman folks..? Seriously, I googled everyone, that show is like a nexus of DC happenings.
5- White Martians are even uglier than in the comics. Nice design! I’ve wondered for a while if M’gann was her real name or not. She says she was attracted to the similarity in the names and some coincidences do happen. On the other hand....
6- Beast Boy... green eyes... Interesting how Martians can change on a molecular level. It seems that that transfusion plays a role in him becoming Beast Boy and green, yet she’s a White a Martian. Has she so internalized her role that she held on to the Green cells more than the White ones? Similarly, the ‘real form’ she showed was still more human than J’onn’s. She really is still in deep denile. (Nice little twist of the knife when Robin apologizes for making her lie and impersonate Queen Bee.)
7- The mole didn’t know it when the charge was first made. Brilliant. Everyone was looking for something that didn’t exist yet, so know they think it was a ruse to begin with and miss the threat, I know folks are saying the mole could still be Conner or Artimas, but I’m really reading it as M’Gann since she is actually being blackmailed, while the others are being emotionally manipulated. They haven’t done anything particularly egregious yet. Letting your sister go, even using the drug is not the same as brain blasting a bad guy to vegetable status simply to keep a secret-blasting your friends too. Of course I could be wrong.
8- Why do I feel the urge to say, "And the plot thickens..."?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks, we try.

2. Sometimes, I get a chuckle. Sometimes it's just frustrating.

3. It's possible, but I believe the design was completed before the part was cast.

4. "Hello, Megan!" had a stellar cast of DC Universe actors. ;)

5. It's her real name.

6. Yes, she's in deep denial - down to the molecular level. But again, Manhunter's form is no more "real" than either Megan Morse, Miss Martian or bald M'gann. The only true Martian form we've seen up to this point, is M'gann's White Martian form.

7. By now, you know.

8. Cuz it does. With every single episode.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Hi again,

Please pretend I spelled Klarion correctly at least once on my Missing questions. Not the worst mistake I've mistyped, but I kept repeating it. In case there is any doubt a mean "...the Witch Boy" and not a trumpet. :}

Greg responds...

Don't sweat it.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Coldhearted- I don’t have a lot of comments, but I did enjoy the episode a lot. Some highlights:
i) 7:15…6 I loved the touch of the text in front of the scene changing with the time.
Great little human moment; while fighting atop on of the blizzard ships, Aqualad vaults over Aquaman by putting a foot on his king’s shoulder. Arthur’s face looks startled and annoyed. That and at the end when Wally crashing through the glass doors as they start opening were my two favorite visual bits.
ii) I figured out that the heart was the main objective pretty early, pretty much as soon as Vandal Savage showed, but I still liked it. (It was obvious based on story form and not something the characters should have picked up, so it was fine.)
iii) Wally’s points ‘A’ & ‘2’…. Loved it!
iv) Once again his choice of souvenir shows growth.

Greg responds...

iii) Stole that one from Paul Reiser (among others).

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Kevin asked “Are the three martian races a nod to Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom Series or is it just a coincidence?” (and you responded “ <Ahem> No comment.” ;). I feel silly for not thinking of that myself- especially with M’gann’s habit of being green and growing extra arms. It bring a few questions to mind:

1- Do the Red Martians appear in the comic books or are they new to the show?
2- Are the Martian races different species or just literally different races as in the scientific term? When I first thought of the question I only saw the three groups in the comic book. Now we have a very different image of the white Martians. Ordinarily such great physical difference would imply different species, but M’gann said her shape- shifting works at the molecular level. I wonder what remains static to indicate their speciehood? It may mean that physical appearance is less important to the genetics of the races of Mars.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, and no.

2. I've said this before: the visual you saw in the comic was part of M'gann's description, i.e. part of her lie. White Martians, Green Martians and Red Martians all look more or less like M'gann's White Martian form. That's what ALL Martians look like. And, yes, that means that the image we have of Martian Manhunter is as false as our original image of Miss Martian. And, no, the Whites, Greens and Reds are NOT different species. They're different races of the same species. In fact, biologically they probably have more in common with each other than Caucasians, Asians and Africans have on our world. The real difference/divide between them is cultural, not biological.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Wow! Is it hard to keep up with even the questions to post new ones. Thanks for reopening the queue!

Condolences on the lose of your Grandmother. I remember the months before my grandmother died how she had retreated into herself and was all but unrecognizable, than all of a sudden came back to herself for a week or two at the end. I still treasure it as a great gift that we were reminded who she was before the end. She was a good deal younger than 100 so we were not quite expecting the end, but I can understand what you mean by feeling that the person you love is already on the way somewhere else. I am glad you have so many years and so many wonderful memories to look back on.

1- I see someone already asked if you can explain some of the terms you used when you broke down the stages the of episodes in progress. He mentioned ‘online’ in particular. If you didn’t already do so, can you also define ‘slug’?

2- I know you prefer to record the voice actors together in conversation, unlike many other cartoons that record the voices in isolation. In live action tv and movies are recorded out of order, that’s the most efficient way to use the sets and actors. Since there aren’t sets for cartoons, and you prefer to have all the actors together anyway, are the scenes more or less recorded in order?

3- You mentioned in the past moments when stories just come together and surprise you- when the next event seems to announce herself, unplanned but seemingly totally organic to the story. Like when “Owen is Puck!” announced itself. Or when you kept hearing “Thailog” when the video was being rewound. Did you have any such moments for Spectacular Spiderman and the other shows you worked on? Have you had any with Young Justice yet? Can you share any if they’ve already happened?

4-One last question for this catch-all batch... what do you think of the new DC Nation shorts? I’m not crazy about loosing the opening credits, but I love shorts and think it is an easy trade. I love that they are all different and playful and yet often also a series. My favorite so far is the one with Batgirl and Supergirl trying to convince Wonder Girl to ‘borrow’ Wonder Woman’s invisible jet. (Oddly I have become used to (and approve) on Dianna being portrayed as someone from another country, with a light to strong intonation of something foreign, but it never occurred to me the same would apply to Donna.)

Begin pontification: I’ve never loved the Teen Titan cartoon, (plenty to like, but never loved), but I love the fact it is turning up in the shorts. Back when Disney XD was Toon Disney I wondered why they didn’t run shorts. (To be fair I didn’t have a TiVO at the time and it was possible they were already running the “Have a Laugh” abridged classic shorts as well as Shaun the Sheep. But they weren’t running any new material.) It seemed odd to me they were trying to compete with the Cartoon Network’s reach into the older demographic and didn’t, for instance, declare one night a week the 10 o’clock older folks movie night, (say a Miyazaki flik), and intersperse it with shorts- gorgeous, varied, counter expectation shorts like they gleefully did for Fantasia 2000. (I had the idea a long time ago.) If some of those shorts were back door pilots...great. It worked for the Simpsons They could have led to another late evening night of new programming of new shows. They couldn’t compete with cheap nostalgic cartoons or crude adult ones because that just isn’t Disney. Disney can never put out a Family Guy type show under the Disney label. Maybe they could do it on ABC, but not something with Disney in the name. (Even Miyazaki’s Princess Monenoke had to be released in the US under the Miramax label because a PG-13 cartoon would be problematic under the Disney label.) It a rather obvious route for a high end cartoon station to go and might have netted a few Oscars away from Pixar. Or perhaps more for Pixar. End pontification.

Of course it would have been an ideal place to run a little Gargoyle related short. :)

Greg responds...

1. A "slug" is the section of action BETWEEN lines of dialogue. A "slugged board" is a board that's been timed, i.e. the time for each action has been calculated - and since each line of dialogue has also been timed - you have an exact length, and you know whether or not your episode is going to be long, short or right on the money. If it's long or short, we need to cut or pad to get it to time.

2. Generally, yes. But for example, I poked my head in at a recording on Monday for "Beware the Batman". And there was one actress at the record who was only in one scene, and it happened to be the last scene. So after the rehearsal, they recorded that last scene first, so that the actress wouldn't have to sit through the entire record. It's a courtesy thing. Other times, it may be a scheduling thing. But, again, generally, we record the whole episode from start to finish.

3. It happens all the time. I wish I could remember a specific example from Spidey, but nothing immediately comes to mind. And it's too soon to discuss this stuff on YJ.

4. I love DC NATION. Sincerely. I think some of the shorts have been great, and some have fallen a little flat, but in general, I LOVE the FACT that they're doing the shorts. I just wish they'd expand DC Nation to two hours or something.

5. I'm game for ANYTHING that brings me back to Gargoyles.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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