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Yjboy writes...

What are garth's, tula's and mera's magical specialties? And how is that different from zatanna's magic?

Greg responds...

Garth's specialty is summoning the Tempest, i.e storm magic.

Tula's abilities are more or less the same as Kaldur's except she's more advanced so doesn't require the Water-Bearers that he uses.

Mera is a master sorceress, who doesn't need to specialize as much. But she can create solid forms out of water like the others, but has more flexibility, imbuing her creations with something akin to a life of their own.

Zatanna's abilities are even less specific. She can accomplish many, many things with enough preparation and energy.

Response recorded on November 14, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

How exactly was Wally shown to be insecure in Infiltrator? I've rewatched the episode multiple times, and I just don't see it. Aside from his good-natured "Kid Flash; never heard of you" line to Artemis, he was entirely civil with her after he fell and she made fun of him until Roy showed up. It wasn't until Roy started to get upset about Oliver replacing him with Artemis (and subsequently leaving because of her) that Wally showed any signs of hostility towards her.

And going by what was established about Wally's character, it makes much more sense that his hostility was in support of his friend (Roy) than due to some sort of insecurity. Everything even seemed to play out that way. Wally finally accepts her "taking Roy's spot" after he begrudgingly shakes her hand at the end, and by the next episode, he appears to be completely over it as he's trying to joke around with Artemis about magic. It didn't appear to have anything to do with him being insecure at all from what I can see.

Greg responds...

Well, you may have watched it multiple times, but so have I. In fact, I lived with it for months and months before and after the episode was completed. And I think from the moment he tripped and she made a little joke about it, he reacted badly. For example, asking over and over WHO ARE YOU?

There are other little clues too. I think the Roy thing was just an excuse, frankly, which is why he's so easily OVER that, as you point out. It was never about that. But it doesn't change how he feels a bit off his game with Artemis, which had more to do with her making fun of him (out of her own insecurities) and with his very real attraction to her exacerbating that embarrassment. I'm not saying it's not subtle. It was supposed to be subtle. But it's absolutely there - because those of us who made it put it there - whether you chose to believe or acknowledge or see or whatever it or not.

But I am done arguing over this. CAN WE PLEASE AGREE TO DISAGREE?! Neither of us is convincing the other. You will NEVER convince me that the things I intentionally put in the show aren't there nor will you convince me that things we didn't intend to put in motivated our choices. NEVER.

And it seems equally clear that I'm not going to convince you either. That makes this discussion a somewhat frustrating endeavor, at least for me.

Response recorded on November 13, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

When I try to picture how Troia might have looked in YJ, the image in my head is close to how Zatanna looked in this show. Do you think Donna would have looked quite different to Zatanna, had she appeared in the show?

Greg responds...

Well, other than the dark hair, I don't see that Zatanna and Donna have much in common. But I wouldn't want to second guess the amazing Phil Bourassa. Brandon Vietti, Phil and I would always talk about a character before he sat down to design him or her. And Phil would always do everything we asked for. But then Phil would always surprise us, as well.

Response recorded on November 12, 2014

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Harry Potter writes...

In the episode ''schooled'' from young justice how did Artimis know to save Kid Flash

Greg responds...

Check out issues #7-8 of our companion in continuity comic book series for the answer.

Response recorded on November 10, 2014

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Jorlem writes...

A few questions regarding Martians and fire:

1. Is the Martian weakness to fire a part of/based in their physiology, or is it entirely mental?

2. Does the level of vulnerability vary from Martian to Martian (2b. Or from color to color), or is it the same across all Martians?

3. Does Beast Boy share the Martian vulnerability to fire?

Greg responds...

1. It's really about heat, not fire. But both are a legit threat to them physically.

2. I suppose.

2b. There's no significant biological difference between the various races of Martians in ANY respect.

3. Well, we're all vulnerable to fire, aren't we? I mean, I Superboy isn't. But it's not like Robin, Artemis, Aqualad and Kid Flash are somehow immune from the threat of fire. Beast Boy's no different. But he's not as vulnerable to heat as Miss Martian is.

Response recorded on November 10, 2014

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Yukiko writes...

My question is just this: worst-case-scenario, let's say five years or so from now, YJ still hasn't come back for a third season in cartoon or comic form. After all that time has passed and there's still no way to let us viewers continue the show, would you consider giving us fans some closure about certain character's deaths/revivals?

I completely understand and respect you not wanting to spoil your own show at the present, but I also don't want to be thinking "what if they're NOT really dead, what if they ARE really dead" ten years from now.

I'm not asking for spoilers, just asking whether you'll consider giving them in the future, if there's ever a long period of time with no hope of a continuation of the show.

Sorry if this question is awkward or irksome. I've tried to keep within the guidelines, and I'd just really like to know. Thank you for your time, and of course, Young Justice.

Greg responds...

The short answer is no.

First off, five years? It's been twenty on Gargoyles and I haven't given up on that.

Second off, ideas minus their execution are subject to horrendous second guessing. I don't know why I'd open myself up to that.

Besides, at that point - if it's not an authorized revival of SOME kind - I'm just writing (well-informed) fan fiction. You guys can do that yourselves and each come up with the "ending" you like the best. You don't need me for that.

Response recorded on November 10, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I love Young Justice so much. Thanks so much to everyone part of the team who helped create such a beautiful show. I just have one question that I'm uncertain about but is pretty trivial. I was recently re-watching the first season and I noticed that Wally was wearing a jacket that was similar to Artemis's in Season Two. Was it Wally's jacket she was wearing? Thank you.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't recall. Might be a question for Brandon Vietti and/or Phil Bourassa.

Response recorded on October 14, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Ah, I just thought of another Marvel Family question! Sorry for not including it in the submission I made a few minutes ago.

This one's just a general Marvel Family question: was Mary Bromfield active as Sergeant Marvel in July of Team Year Zero, when the Team was formed?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 14, 2014

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Heath writes...

Why did you guys decide to use Wally West as one of the members of the original team on Young Justice? Was it because he was a vastly popular character in the comics (and therefore would be popular on the show)? Was it simply because he was one of the original sidekicks? Or was he just a placeholder speedster until Bart could be brought in?

I ask because it certainly seemed like the show never put as much effort and thought into his character and story that it did any of the other lead characters throughout the two seasons. You guys completely skipped over important parts of his story and never established things that were supposedly vital to the character on the show. Having to come here to find out that he was insecure about his speed relative to Barry (pretty important since he died because of that), or what Artemis might like about him, or why he wasn't helping out with the alien invasion after his confrontation with Dick during the second season isn't something that should be necessary. Which meant that both he and the stories he was a part of on the show suffered greatly. Also, you even mentioned that Wally was never a priority for the show like the other five members of the original team were.

So why use a valuable roster spot and screen-time on a character that you guys obviously weren't all that invested in? It's not like he was ever relevant to the plot aside from being Artemis' love interest, which any other character could have been, and being the character that died. The fact that he disappeared for a long stretch and was ultimately killed off during season two shows he wasn't important to the show like the others. That he was the one "main" character you guys felt the show could do without. And I got the feeling from how the show treated the character that you guys didn't care all that much about him, either.

And it's not that I didn't like Wally as I liked him well enough. Though I'm honestly not sure if I would have liked YJ's Wally if I didn't feel a pre-established connection to the character (thanks to the comics and Justice League/Unlimited) that allowed me to excuse his behavior/faults that the show never bothered explaining. I ask simply because he didn't bring much to the overall plot of the show in either season as he was just a support character (his relationships with Artemis, Dick, and Bart were portrayed as one-sided too) and the show never bothered examining the important aspects of his character and story like the others. It just seems strange to have a roster of six, and then treat five characters one way and Wally another. I mean, there was probably another character out there that you guys could have made relevant to the plot and/or been interested in exploring their character, right?

Greg responds...

Wow, I'm getting tired of this.

I've said this before, ad nauseum at this point, but I'll say it again. Wally West is my all-time favorite speedster. The fact that he was one of the original sidekicks didn't hurt. But he certainly was NOT just a placeholder for Bart. And I don't particularly care who is popular or not. Brandon and I chose him for a variety of reasons, that included powers, power-level, personality, background, history, dynamics with other characters - and, yes, nostalgia.

There definitely seems to be a vocal minority who seems to think we didn't do the character justice. (At least they're pretty darn vocal here at ASK GREG.) But they are the minority. The vast majority of our audience seems to have loved Wally, which suggests they loved how we handled him - except maybe his ceasing to exist at the end, which BROKE THEIR HEARTS. And you can't break a fan's heart if they don't care about the character in the first place. (I suppose you'll attribute that to the love of the character they brought with them TO the show. But I don't believe that's true for most of our audience, who loved Wally - and in particular, Jason Spisak's performance as Wally.)

And I've never said that Wally was any less of a priority in Season One than the others. All six of the original teammates had equal priority and near-equal screen time. (What I said was that his story was more straight-forward and required less explanation - something that was equally true about Dick and Kaldur.) And what I said about Wally relative to Season Two is that ALL the characters (in terms of screen time) were subservient to the arc of the story. So, yes, some got more priority because of the story. But that wasn't a knock on Wally. Anymore than Superboy's near total absence in the second half of the season was a knock against him.

I will say that if you didn't get some of the nuances of the character until you came here to ASK GREG, then I'm sorry. In that sense, we failed you. Some of it was revealed with more clarity in our companion comic, but I'll grant that you shouldn't have had to pick that up in order to appreciate what was going on in the show. But we took no different approach to Wally than to Dick or Kaldur or Artemis or anyone. If we failed, we failed. But please STOP trying to ascribe some odd motivation to it. You don't like it, fine. But stop trying to tell us how WE feel. It's reductive, presumptuous and insulting.

(And by the way, I don't agree that we failed. The truth of all those things you "discovered" here is IN THE EPISODES themselves. It may not be stated verbally, but I think all of it is there, spelled out in behavior, action and words between words. If we weren't on the head with it enough for you, fine. But it worked for us. We were happy with it. And again, I think most of our audience got it, even if some of our audience did not. And I'm okay with that.)

We were VERY invested in Wally, from his first appearance to his last. Sorry if it didn't work for you, but that's all it is. Us doing something that didn't work for you. Not us crapping it out. We worked very hard, and I believe overall we did justice to the character, as seems obvious by fan response to his death.

Now, can we please put this topic to rest? Those of you who feel this way have had your say, over and over. And I've responded, over and over. Neither side is going to convince each other. It's enough.

Response recorded on October 13, 2014

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Catherine B writes...

I just wanted to write and just give you some thanks for some of the great shows you have helped create, Greg.

Young Justice I enjoyed thoroughly, though I am more a fan of the first season than the second; I like fewer characters and more characterization as opposed to detailed plots just as a personal preference. I will also say I was not a fan of how Wally West was handled but I am sure you have heard your share of them. I will just say that the Wally of the comics and the Wally of Young Justice seemed to be entirely different characters which seemed a shame to me, given all that could have been done with him. He had such a rich comic book history that I really do not understand why more was not done with it but that is your creative decision. Just not my cup of tea.

I adored your version of Dick Grayson however. He was competent without being overly skilled; he suffered under pressure but learned from what he was exposed to. His relationship with Wally in Season 1 was one of my all time favorites. Thanks for the great run!

Secondly, I could not write you without mentioning Gargoyles. I mean, wow. I think I was in fifth or sixth grade when I first caught it on the air. I just remember being deeply enthralled with it. I thought Elisa was an awesome character, as I did not see a whole lot of strong female leads back then and she was definitely that. I also adored the interesting family background you gave her. So often, characters fall into the stereotypical white, black, etc and she brilliantly avoided those.

I also firmly owe you thanks for igniting my interest in Shakespeare. I remember that I saw "City of Stone" when we were having to pick plays and such to read/analyze for school and after seeing that awesome four parter, I went right to my English teacher and asked if I could read MacBeth. It is still my favorite of the Bard's works.

The characterization of Demona was incredible. Most villains are so one dimensional but all the villains of Gargoyles were so well fleshed out. I am a creative writer myself and working on my first work to aim towards publication and I definitely count Gargoyles among my top inspiration for how to do characterization. To this day, I will tell people if they want to see a well fleshed out villain, go watch Demona from Gargoyles. I honestly would rank her about equal to Gollum from "Lord of the Rings." She can be diabolical, sneaky, cruel and yet you can totally see why she would have turned out that way and I can switch very easily from feeling such anger at her to feeling overwhelming pity. Bravo, my good Sir!

Greg responds...

Thanks. Always nice to have the work thoughtfully appreciated.

Response recorded on October 07, 2014

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Just Asking writes...

First of all, thank you, Brandon and the rest for making Young Justice. You guys have been the reason why I've started collecting DC titles instead of being a casual follower. Even Timm's DCAU couldn't do that.

You must probably have heard about the 'cancellation' of Beware the Batman. While it may have been too offbeat with awkward CGI, it was still a good show. And more importantly, a BATMAN show. Can't believe the state of DC tv animation is right now.

Is it possible for you or someone you know to talk to the DC guys so that they can create a DC nation channel, instead of being left to the whims of CN and toy sales?

I loved how you were able to create such a detailed universe in such a short time. Now that the New 52 is upon us and probably can be expected to last for the next decade or so, before the next 'Crisis', you guys need to pitch a new DCAU!

I'm fully confident that you can be a great showrunner (or overlord, if you prefer that term) to such a combined show universe. Timm did an excellent job but he barely made a scratch on DC's potentially huge cast.

One of my main grouses with YJ Season 2 is that we didn't see the team's growth during the 5 year period. Dick going from Robin to Nightwing, Connor-Megan's rift, Aqualad's 'betrayal' and the departure of Kid Flash and Artemis - all would have been better served if Season 2 was a Season 5 thing. You guys deserved to tell the entire story.

So, my question is: could you guys handle it? Would you be able to create an entire 'DC universe' (I know you can, but hearing it would feel great!) and if DC becomes sane again, would you do it after what they and CN did to YJ?

Hearing your book Rain of the Ghosts is doing really well, so kudos!

Greg Wiesmann, you have saved this city (sounded cool in my head :))

Greg responds...

1. That's way above my pay grade. I'm sure the idea has been floated on various occasions.

2. We did already. It was called Young Justice. It was called Earth-16. Brandon and I on the television side and Chris and I on the comics side made numerous pitches to keep the show going in various forms. All were given a pass by CN, WB & DC. But if they were willing, we'd all eagerly return to the property.

3. Rain of the Ghosts is, frankly, NOT doing really well. It and Spirits of Ash and Foam could use more readers, reviewers, buyers and people helping to spread the word.

Response recorded on October 07, 2014

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Tupka writes...

Brandon, Sam Register, Dusty Abell, David Wilcox and a whole slew of others you'd be well familiar with got a new movie out, Scooby-Doo! Wrestlemania Mystery, and it features four surprise guests: Cassie, Artemis, Zatanna and M'Gann, all enjoying the WWE Action.

1. Please tell me this is canon and they're WWE fans.
2. Did Brandon tell you?

Greg responds...

1. Ask Brandon.

2. Yep.

Response recorded on October 03, 2014

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Random Gal 3 writes...

Hi Greg! earlier, in a different question, you said that Mary Bromfield and Freddy Freeman have A designations like Billy Batson, Can you say what those designations would be? (Sorry if that's a spoiler!)

Greg responds...

Eh... what the heck.

A-06 Freddy Freeman
A-07 Mary Bromfield

Response recorded on October 03, 2014

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Anon With Style writes...

Greg, now that Young Justice is over, is there any chance you cold post a ramble or something with all the lines cut for time? (My apologies if that would be considered spoilers)

Greg responds...

I've done that already. Check the archives.

Response recorded on September 30, 2014

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Hi Greg writes...

Hi Greg! I have a question about Young Justice.
1. In "Agendas" how long was Superboy in a trance for? After Lex said "Red Sun" and he zoned out. The background changed to night time but it didn't say when.

Greg responds...

Off the top of my head, I can't remember exactly. But it was long enough for the sun to fully set.

Response recorded on September 30, 2014

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Paul writes...

How did the parallel universe/Earth-16 approach come about in the development of Young Justice? Was the decision to set the show in an alternate timeline influenced by the discovery that you couldn't use Donna Troy as one of the Team's founding members? Obviously there was no way you'd have followed the comics to the letter even if you had used Donna and Garth, but maybe not being able to use all the founding Titans was what prompted you to 'embrace' the series as a parallel universe show - since that was one of the first big statements made about the show when it was announced back in 2010?

Greg responds...

No, it had nothing to do with any specific characters.

We knew that we'd be doing some stuff different; we knew we wanted to surprise our audience. We could have just done that without labeling it. But since (at the time) DC had 52 Earths, we figured we could - in our way - be IN continuity with their multiverse by choosing an unclaimed Earth (which is what we thought Earth-16 was).

Response recorded on September 30, 2014

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13th Dimension Interview

In anticipation of my FIVE panels at Long Beach Comic Con, here's a nice little article/interview on 13th Dimension:


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Todd Jensen writes...

In your ramble on "Future Tense", you commented that nowadays you wouldn't be allowed to do such a story, where almost everyone gets seemingly killed, even if (as happened in "Future Tense") it was revealed to be an illusion at the end.

In the "Failsafe" episode of "Young Justice", you got to use such a concept - almost all of the main and supporting cast is killed, and again it turns out to be an illusion. Did you have any difficulties with Standards & Practices over the numerous deaths (and deaths which, as I recall, showed the characters even being reduced to skeletons before being completely disintegrated), even when those deaths were revealed to be an illusion at the end? (I wonder if it helped, not only that it *did* turn out to be an illusion, that: a) the characters hypothesized for a while that the disintegration victims were really being teleported on board the aliens' spaceship and b) "Young Justice" airs on cable rather than on regular broadcast television.)

Greg responds...

You're more or less answering your own question here.

We definitely were questioned about it.

It definitely helped that for a good chunk of time, the cast (and maybe the audience) think that the "deaths" were actually teleportations.

By the time they figure out otherwise, we were then very close to the reveal that it was all just a psychic conceit.

And, yes, it at least helps a little that the series is on cable. Most kids cable networks abide by FCC guidelines voluntarily. But they have more discretion.

Response recorded on September 24, 2014

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John Blake writes...

Is/was Young Justice in the same timeline as Batman: Under The Red Hood. There are so many similarities and the little glimpses of Jason todd resembled the one in BAtman: Under The Red Hood.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 23, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

1)So far, you've said this Wildstorm character was included in a 'stealth way' and appeared in Young Justice season one. While it's been fun rewatching season one, it's been a challenge looking for this character. Could you please offer up another clue and who or where this character is?

3)In Young Justice, who designed and built the Hall of Justice?

3)Did the Light extract Red Volcano from Yellowstone after he was defeated by his siblings or did he escape himself?

4)In "Happy New Year," when was Adam Strange's first trip to Rann relative to when Martian Manhunter introduced him at the Watchtower (i.e. 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days)?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I could.

2. The architect was probably John Stewart. I'd lay odds, Wayne Construction won the bid to build the place, with some (top secret) work done personally by the Lanterns, Superman and other Leaguers.


4. I'm afraid I don't have my YJ timeline handy at this office. You can try to ask this again.

(Okay, so one for four isn't TOO bad, is it?)

Response recorded on September 23, 2014

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My Long Beach Comic Con Schedule

Stop #6 on the Gargoyles Twentieth Anniversary Tour is LONG BEACH COMIC CON: http://longbeachcomiccon.com/

The full schedule can be found here: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=55700

But here's MY schedule. I'll only be there the one day - Saturday, September 27, 2014 - but as you can see, I'm certainly keeping busy, with five panels and three signings!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

11:30am - 12:20pm - Room 102B/C
Moderator: Greg Weisman (Creator, Producer, Writer)
1. Thom Adcox-Hernandez (Voice of Lexington, Brentwood)
2. Vic Cook (Storyboard Artist)
3. Elisa Gabrielli (Voice of Obsidiana & Maria Chavez)
4. Frank Paur (Producer, Director)
5. Dave Schwartz (Development Art Director)

12:30pm - 01:30pm - Signing Area
I won't be attending this signing (because I have to rush off to another panel), but the rest of the Gargoyles panelists will probably be there.

12:30pm - 01:50pm - Hero Complex Theater, Room 104A
Moderator: Jevon Phillips (Los Angeles Times)
1. Phil Bourassa (Emmy Winning Character Designer)
2. Cameron Bowen (Voice of Robin/Tim Drake)
3. Kris Carter (Composer)
4. Nicole Dubuc (Writer, Voice of Iris West-Allen)
5. Oded Fehr (Voice of Ra's al Ghul)
6. Kevin Grevioux (Voice of Black Beetle)
7. Kevin Hopps (Writer)
8. Bryton James (Voice of Virgil Hawkins/Static)
9. Josh Keaton (Voice of Black Spider)
10. Curtis Koller (Talent Coordinator)
11. Eric Lopez (Voice of Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Scarab)
12. Michael McCuistion (Composer)
13. Jay Oliva (Director)
14. Mark Rolston (Voice of Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent)
15. Jason Spisak (Voice of Kid Flash/Wally West)
16. James Arnold Taylor (Voice of Flash, Neutron, Topo, Burton Thompson)
17. Brandon Vietti (Producer, Writer)
18. Greg Weisman (Producer, Writer, Voice of Lucas Carr)
19. David Wilcox (Line Producer)

02:00pm - 03:00pm - Signing Area
I plan on being here for only the first twenty minutes or so - before I have to run off to yet another panel. But for as long as I can stay, I will sign for free, anything you put in front of me. I will also be signing and selling copies of my animation teleplays for $20 cash. Among the series you'll have to choose from are Gargoyles, Men In Black, Team Atlantis, W.I.T.C.H., The Batman, The Spectacular Spider-Man, DC Showcase/Green Arrow, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Young Justice, Beware the Batman and two radio-plays: The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Gargoyles and Gargoyles Meets The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Young Justice. All while supplies last, and for as long as I can stay. So show up promptly at 2pm.

02:30pm - 03:20pm - Room 102B/C
Moderator: Greg Weisman (Supervising Producer, Writer, Voice of Donald Menken)
1. Kevin Altieri (Director)
2. Kris Carter (Composer)
3. Victor Cook (Supervising Producer, Supervising Director)
4. Nicole Dubuc (Writer)
5. Elisa Gabrielli (Voice of Ashley Kafka)
6. Sean "Cheeks" Galloway (Lead Character Designer)
7. Kevin Hopps (Writer)
8. Josh Keaton (Voice of Peter Parker/The Spectacular Spider-Man)
9. Andrew Kishino (Voice of Kenny Kong, Ned Lee)
10. Phil LaMarr (Voice of Fancy Dan/Ricochet, Joe "Robbie" Robertson, Rand Robertson, Homunculus)
11. Joshua LeBar (Voice of Flash Thompson)
12. Eric Lopez (Voice of Mark Allen/Molten Man)
13. Michael McCuistion (Composer)
14. Daran Norris (Voice of J. Jonah Jameson, John Jameson/Colonel Jupiter)
15. Deborah Strang (Voice of Aunt May Parker)
16. James Arnold Taylor (Voice of Harry Osborn, Frederick Foswell/Patch, Alan O'Neil, Homunculus)
17. Wade Wisinski (Line Producer)

03:30pm - 04:20pm - Room 102B/C
Moderator: Aaron Sparrow (Writer of Darkwing Duck: The Duck Knight Returns)
1. Jim Cummings (Voice of Darkwing Duck, Bonkers, etc.)
2. Jymn Magon (Creator/Producer Talespin)
3. Greg Weisman (Creator/Producer Gargoyles)
4. Mark Zaslove (Story Editor/Producer Talespin)

04:00pm - 05:00pm - Signing Area
I'll have to miss this one too, as I'll be in the Disney Afternoon Panel, followed by the Disney Afternoon signing.

04:30pm - 05:20pm - Disney Afternoon Reunion Booth/Signing Area
I'll be at this one for the entire signing. Again, I'll sign anything you bring along for free. And I'll also be signing and selling my teleplays.

05:30pm - 06:20pm - Room 102B/C
Greg Weisman (Author)

06:30pm - 7:30pm - Booth 104 on Show Floor
I'll be selling and signing copies of my two novels, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM.


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LONG BEACH COMIC CON - The Full Schedule

The Full Schedule for Long Beach Comic Con can be found here:


Note the Gargoyles, Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-Man, Disney Afternoon and Rain of the Ghost panels. More details coming soon. Because as many panelists are already listed at the above CBR website, that's NOT everyone!

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I'll put up a big master-ramble on Long Beach Comic Con soon. (Monday at the latest.) But there's more information on the FIVE panels I'm doing on Saturday, September 27th, 2014 at the convention here:


and here:


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The GARGOYLES TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY WORLD TOUR continues at Long Beach Comic Con on September 27th. I'll have more info on that and on many other special events at the convention over the next few days.

But right now, we have a special announcement regarding another panel: WARNER ARCHIVE COLLECTION PRESENTS YOUNG JUSTICE. In cooperation with the Los Angeles Times "HERO COMPLEX," we've gathered a truly stellar lineup of SIXTEEN panelists.

12:30pm - 01:50pm - Hero Complex Theater 104A
Moderator: Jevon Phillips (Los Angeles Times)
1. Phil Bourassa (Emmy Winning Character Designer)
2. Cameron Bowen (Voice of Robin/Tim Drake)
3. Nicole Dubuc (Writer/Voice of Iris West-Allen)
4. Oded Fehr (Voice of Ra's al Ghul)
5. Kevin Grevioux (Voice of Black Beetle)
6. Kevin Hopps (Writer)
7. Bryton James (Voice of Virgil Hawkins/Static)
8. Josh Keaton (Voice of Black Spider)
9. Curtis Koller (Talent Coordinator)
10. Eric Lopez (Voice of Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes & Scarab)
11. Jay Oliva (Director)
12. Jason Spisak (Voice of Kid Flash/Wally West)
13. James Arnold Taylor (Voice of Flash, Neutron, Topo, Burton Thompson)
14. Brandon Vietti (Producer/Writer)
15. Greg Weisman (Producer/Writer/Voice of Lucas Carr)
16. David Wilcox (Line Producer)

More info here: http://herocomplex.latimes.com/comics/long-beach-comic-con-lineup-mignola-man-of-action-among-highlights/

and here: http://longbeachcomiccon.com

If you're a YJ fan in the Southern California area, you won't want to miss this panel!!

On a semi-related note, I've found I will have space and time to sell copies of my animation teleplays at LBCC. If you're interested in buying a signed copy for $20 cash, let me know on twitter @Greg_Weisman. Because I DO take requests.

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Anonymous writes...

was tim drake ever showen prior to the second season of young justice.

Greg responds...

Not that I can recall.

Response recorded on September 17, 2014

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