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JCF writes...

I did go to see someone; I started soon after Young Justice started. But the early days weren't easy. Knowing that I'd miss the rest of the show if I killed myself gave me something concrete to hang onto. So. Thank you.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. Please take care of yourself.

Response recorded on May 10, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

I loved your work on Young Justice. The show really shows the hard work and time you and the rest of the creative team put into it. I really loved the character design, plots, and how your were able to take the characters of such a huge and overwhelmingly popular univers and depict them in your own ways, but still stick to their origins. A character that I love in pretty much every adaptation he had a appeared in is Wally West and that includes the way you have made his character out to be in this series. I don't know if you have previously answered this or not but my question involves just this character.

What exactly inspired you to go in the direction you did with Wally West/Kid Flash? And why? (As far as his utterly tragic yet brilliant send off in the episode "endgame"). Which by the way I thought was excellent. There's no better way to send off and honor such an amazing hero in this kind of show. My question is manly out of curiosity and wonderment, because I'm sure there were many ideas contemplated with the role and direction this character and many others that you all had in mind. I don't know if it really fits in the regulations given and can be answered, if not I'm sorry. Once again, thank you all for the effort you put in to the show and giving us such a great piece of art and entertainment. Every episode was outstanding.

Greg responds...

We're glad you liked the series and Wally.

But honestly, I'm not sure I understand the question. We looked at Wally West stories from many different eras and put together what we felt was a classic and iconic yet contemporary version of the character, one that fit into the coherent, cohesive continuity that we were trying to create for the show. Much credit should be shared with my partner Brandon Vietti, character designer Phil Bourassa and voice actor Jason Spisak.

Response recorded on May 10, 2016

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Kyle K. writes...

In Young Justice, who are designated as League Member 27 and 28, A08 and A09?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

If the Light's ultimate goal is to make humanity more advanced and evolved, then why would a Lord of Choas like Klarion be one of the main members? I understand him wanting to cause chaos for fun like he did in the episode Misplaced, but in the end does he really care what happens to Earth?

Greg responds...

If he believes Earth brings the Chaos...

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Burton writes...

Marie Logon was forty seven in episode Image. But she not look a day older than thirty right?

Greg responds...

Marie Logan was indeed 47 in Image. How she looked is, I suppose, a matter of personal opinion.

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Paul writes...

Oops, I meant to say that there's 5 years' age difference between Artemis and Mary, not 6. Artemis obviously was 15 in Team Year Zero and you confirmed elsewhere on Ask Greg that Mary and Freddy were the same age as Billy, so sorry, my mistake. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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b_bee430 writes...

1. What/Who were the aliens from "Failsafe"? Their ships bare resemblance to M'gann's bio-ship, though I doubt they were Martians.

CAUTION: This is a question for Greg Vietti.
2. What is Grany Smith's recipe from episode 17 of "Hello Megan!"?

3. Why was Hello Megan! cancelled?

4. Why did Artemis, M'gann and Kaldur cut their hair before Team year 5?

5. Can Kaldur close his gills so he seems human?

Greg responds...

1. J'onn made them up, interpolating things from many sources.

2. You'll have to ask Brandon Weisman.

3. Mediocre ratings.

4. Artemis for practicality. M'gann for a change of pace. Kaldur - I'm thinking he wanted to look badass.

5. You've seen them closed. They're still visible if his neck is bare.

Response recorded on May 04, 2016

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Bumbleboy92 writes...

Well it's been nearly a year (I think more) since YJ stopped airing. I recently just re-watched the entire series except for the last two episodes mainly because I really despise the feeling that after those two it'll be over again and all that there is to do is watch from the beginning.

Not really a question, just wanted to let you know that even with two seasons it was amazing (ik you've written that the show just isn't picked up and not cancelled)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2016

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Veronique writes...

Did Superboy ever know that he was Artemis' "White Rabbit" and do they ever have some sort of friendship because I noticed in the show that they hardly spoken to one another.
In fact can you just define the whole Team's friendship/relationships to each other. Especially Rocket I wanted more airtime for her and see her with the Team.
Besides that I love your show! I wish it would come on again.
P.S. I'm starting to get addicted to Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

Conner and Artemis are definitely friends. I wouldn't say they're the closest on the Team, but that should not be mistaken as distanced.

I doubt, however, that she revealed the whole White Rabbit thing. Unless maybe it came up after she and Wally were firmly locked in as a couple.

But, no, I'm not going to create some kind of relationship chart that lays out how every character feels about every other character. Mostly, I think that can be left to your imagination.

Response recorded on May 02, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman.

1) How do you feel about fans putting names to the pairings?

2) Usually pairing names are a mix of the two characters' names. But Spitfire (Wally / Artemis) and Chalant (Dick / Zatanna) aren't, what do you think about that?

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. I'm fine with it.

2. I'm fine with it.

Response recorded on May 02, 2016

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ShadZ writes...

Have you been reading the Gotham Academy comic book (since Gotham Academy first appeared in Young Justice)? It's good...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Dule Hill writes...

How does Beast Boy fell about Miss Martian having his mother Marie Logan's face?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Anjali Vaid writes...

1. Why did Robin/Nightwing and Zatanna break up?

2. In Bereft, a scene was shown from Hello, Megan! when M'gann was trying to help Superboy. But Superboy didn't know about it being a TV show until Image with the rest of the Team. Why was the scene in there?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I'm certain you've misinterpreted what you saw.

Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Maybe it's because they were in a few episodes together, but for some reason I imagine a sibling relationship between Billy (Captain Marvel) and Zatanna - similar to the one between Beast Boy and Ms. Martian. What say you?

(I may be projecting a little here. Zatanna is so cool. Who wouldn't want her as a big sister?)

Greg responds...

I wouldn't go that far. They're not as close as Beast Boy and Miss Martian. But there's clearly a connection there.

Response recorded on April 29, 2016

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ND writes...

In the tie-in comic "hot case", Kaldur keeps a photo of Tula in his mobile phone. How did he take this photo? Does his mobile phone work in Atlantis? Shouldn't the image be dark and/or blurred? And if the photo was taken on the surface, what were Kaldur and Tula doing together at that time?

Greg responds...

He sent the photo - taken with Atlantean tech - to his surface smartphone. Yeah. That's the ticket.

Response recorded on April 28, 2016

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Nancy writes...

Why did Superboy and Miss Martian visit Garfield and his mom on December first of 2010?

Greg responds...

A. They were in the neighborhood, so to speak. B. Since "Image," M'gann feels very close to Marie and Garfield.

Response recorded on April 27, 2016

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Chris writes...

Is a Martian's lifespan longer than Superman and Superboy's lifespans?

Greg responds...

I would think so but the answer is probably a Spoiler.

Response recorded on April 27, 2016

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've read the synopsis of the radio play crossover you made for "Gargoyles", "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and "Young Justice" (it'd be neat if you could put up the script for it at "Ask Greg" as you did for "Religious Studies 101", and noted that, near the end, you had Batman asking Goliath to join the Justice League. Now, the obvious reason why you had Batman be the one approaching Goliath was for the joke about Xanatos trying to get both Batman and Iron Man to join his club for rich guys with fancy equipment. But I remember how, back when you were making "Gargoyles", you were concerned that people might see it as a rip-off of "Batman: TAS" (to the point where you even drew up a list of differences between the two series); did you choose Batman for that role as a sort of callback to that?

Greg responds...

Not consciously.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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Colin writes...

Mongul and Black Beetle were trading blows on the War world, and seemed to be evenly matched. But then we Green giving Black some assistance towards the end. Who would have won had it "stayed" strictly a 1 v 1

Does Klarion like being a pawn in Vandal's schemes. Is there a genuine mutual- respect between them.

Why does Nabo use the Helmet as medium to materialise in the physical plane? It just seems like Klarion's method "The familiar" is far more practical since he does not have to rely on a human vessel. Additionally, what are Lords of Chaos and Order.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Mongul is stronger, but strength is his only power. Black Beetle was using a number of powers. It might have gone either way.

2. Klarion doesn't see himself that way. Neither do I.

3. I'm not sure Klarion understands "respect". But, yeah, each in their own way.

4. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. Klarion has to rely on his familiar, which often creates a vulnerability.

5. They are creatures of pure magic from a different plane that serve those two conceptions.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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Edwards4509 writes...

1. How powerful is Earth-16's Wonder Woman. Could she trade blows with Superman.

2. Ive always been intrigued by this; why is it that Kid Flash has to accelerate and decelerate when running, whereas Impulse and Flash can stop and start almost instantly

3. I know it has been established that Supernoy would never have full krptonian powers due only being half human-but in theory, would he get stronger(even if a little bit) if were closer to Earth's yellow sun.

4. Whats Superman's top flight speed in terms of "Mach"? Is it anywhere near as fast as Kid Flash.

5. What would it take to kill Superman on Earth-16, in terms of conventional weaponry. Could he survive a nuke as powerful as the Tzar Bomb?

Greg responds...

1. Sure. So could you. As long as you got to go first. Anyway, she's strong, but not AS strong as Superman.

2. I feel like I've answered this before, but once again...
*Jay Garrick became the first Flash due to a laboratory accident which gave him his speed.
*Barry Allen became the second Flash by intentionally recreating Jay's accident under laboratory conditions. It infused every molecule of his being, down to the genetic level and gave him much more advanced speed and molecular control over his powers than Jay had.
*Wally West (at age 14) attempted to recreate Barry's experiment in his family garage. He blew up the garage and nearly died. His powers are equivalent to Jay's.
*Bart Allen's powers are a result of a genetic inheritance from his father Don Allen, which came from Don's father Barry. His powers are equivalent to Barry's.

3. Eh. Maybe.

4. I dunno. Maybe he could build to that.

5. I don't know what the Tzar Bomb is, but he survived the Reach Bomb.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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Giorgio writes...

Why did Conner not hear Queen Bee in Garfield's room?

Greg responds...

He wasn't listening?

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Zion1244 writes...

In regards to strength, how does Icon compare to the other league heavy hitters, such as Superman, Captain Marvel, Cpt Atom & Green Lantern?

Greg responds...

Green Lantern's not particularly strong. Not physically. As for Captain Marvel, it depends whether we're talking season one or season two.

I'm not too interested in ranking generally, so I won't be held to this, but I guess I'd rank it Superman, Icon, Captain Atom. The latter's strength is augmented by energy from the quantum field reinforced by his alien metal exo-shell. The energy is virtually unlimited, but there's only so much augmentation his muscles - even with his exo-shell - can manage.

But they're all very strong. And often, strength is situational. No one's interested in how much they can bench press in a gym under controlled conditions. (Or at any rate, I'M not interested in that.) So in one situation, I could see Superman being stronger; in another, Icon, etc.

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Tupka writes...

No question, just something I observed.

The very first time I asked a question here, one of mine was about the change from Nathaniel Adam to Adams. You explained in always felt more natural to you, even in the 80s.

Did you know that, during the Silver Age, Captain Allen Adam was frequently, erroneously, identified as Allen Adams? In early appearances in Space Adventures, he would often be called Adams instead. See this one:


Like I said, no question, but vindication, perhaps?

Greg responds...

I did know... as I read all that stuff in the eighties when Cary Bates and I did Captain Atom. The Adam/Atom pun was always more annoying than fun for me. And at least Adams felt like a real surname. So real, that letterers of the day naturally made the mistake.

Response recorded on April 20, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Does Nightwing like Wally in the series Young Justice? To go behind Batman's back and reveal his identity knowing it was against the rules seems pretty extreme.

Greg responds...

Yes, of course. They're best friends. Which is indicated by the fact that Dick revealed HIS OWN identity to Wally. (Wally figured out Batman's identity from that.)

Response recorded on April 19, 2016

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Yasmin writes...

hi Greg! I love you show young justice! I'm currently rewatching the show for I think the 3rd time now? sounds lame but what can I say, the show never gets old! anyway I have to ask some questions, they're stupid questions but it's bothering me.
1) when is Artemis's birthday? I don't know if this counts as a spoiler (if it is I apologize)
2) is Atemis younger or older than Wally? I know that they were both the same age, but I'm confused because there was an episode where Wally turned 16 and I don't really know if she was 16 or still 15 turning 16 or...?
thank you and keep up the good work with your projects. I have hope that young justice will one day come back(:

Greg responds...

1. Haven't set it yet.

2. Younger - though by less than a year.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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