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Asker writes...

Hello Greg! DC's Rebirth event recently brought back Kaldur'ahm/Jackson Hyde back into the main DC universe. He's also revealed to be attracted to men and he even has a boyfriend.

Considering your previous tweet about not assuming YJ Kaldur to be straight, does the recent DC reveal have any bearing on his animated counterpart's sexual or romantic orientation?

Greg responds...

It has no bearing. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Jackson writes...

I'm sure you're aware, but Marvel has been churning out plenty of content with the MCU.
1. Have you kept up with the movies and shows? Or do you not go out of your way to do so?
2. Whatever the previous answer is, would you say that it's too much content?
3. What are your thoughts on the franchise as a whole, especially as another interpretation of the Marvel Universe?
4. Do you think doing a direct adaptation of a comic book universe like with Young Justice has its advantages, or is this string of movies (and shows) the way to go?

Greg responds...

1. I've seen all the movies. I'm about a year behind on SHIELD, though I've DVR'd all the episodes and hope to get through a bunch of them when my son comes home from college for winter break. I've seen both seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones and am about halfway through Luke Cage. I haven't seen any of the animated content.

2. No.

3. Generally, I love it. I'm not saying it's perfect, but their track record in movies is astounding. Some I think are truly great films. Some I just enjoy. But every single one, starting with the first Iron Man movie entertained. SHIELD has been a mixed bag, but I enjoy watching it with my wife and son. (My daughter's not into it.) I've enjoyed Daredevil, loved Jessica Jones, and I've been enjoying Luke Cage, so far.

4. Young Justice is no more (and no less) a "direct" adaptation than the MCU is. I'm not sure what the contrast is in your mind.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Stiller writes...

Did Garfield Logan get the poster of the Young Justice Team before or after he started living at Mount Justice?

Greg responds...

What poster is this? What episode did you see it in?

Response recorded on October 27, 2016

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Jon writes...

So currently rewatching YJ Season One on Netflix. I'm up to "Secrets," and I can't help but wonder... do Martians consider "War of the Worlds" and similar alien-invasion movies and literature to be derogatory and/or racist? If the Martian population hasn't been sufficiently exposed to human culture at the point where the story left off to have an opinion, *would* they eventually take offense to said works? (I have to wonder if they'd wind up seeing Marvin the Martian -- the form Megan takes in this episode, presumably showing that Looney Tunes exist on Earth-16 -- as a sort of Chief Wahoo sort of figure...)

Greg responds...

I think that when J'onn sent broadcasts to Mars, he would have definitely sent anything that depicted "Martians," (including what must have been a perplexing "Life on Mars"). Because, after all, wouldn't Martians be very curious about "Martians"?

Way back when he started, I'm sure he would have prefaced his transmissions by reminding his Martian audience that Earthlings have no idea that Martians actually exist. That this was fantasy, much like the way Martians tell stories of evil sentient ma'alefa'aks, knowing that they're really just animals (like the way we talk about the Great Apes in Tarzan).

Given that, I think the Martians would be able to regard the "Martians" of Earth as kitsch.

Of course, as time passes on Earth-16 and Mars-16 (and Martians become aware that Earthlings are aware of the truth and nature of Martian existence), if the depiction of "Martians" didn't change, then the Martians would begin to have issues with those depictions.

But specifically, "War of the Worlds" - having been written over a hundred years before Earthlings knew that Martians did in fact exist - would still fall into the category of quaint.

Also, keep in mind, given the fact that at least three alien races - the Appellaxians, the Kroloteans and the Reach -DID, in fact, attempt invasion, the Martians wouldn't be upset about fictional depictions of OTHER races being demonized. Only if the "demons" were labeled as "Martians".

Fun question, by the way.

Response recorded on October 25, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

It seems like Vandal Savage is the leader of the Light, but I would imagine Klarion is significantly more powerful. As a Lord of Chaos, why does Klarion even bother submitting to Savage's plan, rather than wrecking havoc on his own?

Greg responds...

You don't think he's having fun?

Response recorded on October 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Did Jay Garrick when was in his prime did most of his solo crime fighting in Central City or Keystone City?

Greg responds...

Are you sure there is a Keystone City?

Response recorded on October 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

When did Barry Allen first fought Vandal Savage?

Greg responds...

Sometime previously. I haven't bothered to nail it down.

Response recorded on October 19, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Question about Artemis' outfit:
i noticed in one earlier question how you said the writers wanted to make the costumes for the Teams outfits as realistic as they should be - thus why none if the girls had heels or anything. i was wondering why they chose to give artemis a cropped top, or was it just an aesthetic thing? its something ive noticed with a lot of other female superheros and i dont really get it; i would assume it would be colder and make that region slightly more vulnerable.
side note: i think its cool how the team behind young justice to make artemis half asian; its nice to seem more minority representation in superhero shoes, especially as a half asian myself :)

Greg responds...

1. You'd have to ask Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa. Maybe in-universe it's a freedom of movement thing. But most likely it's an aesthetic choice. Artemis' and/or Brandon's and/or Phil's.

2. It's a priority for us, and for me particularly, to get more diversity in there.

Response recorded on October 19, 2016

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Ciera writes...

For the love of all that is mighty please do a season 3 of Young Justice, my 3 year old son and I love that show.

Greg responds...

Ciera, why in the world would you think that decision is at all up to me?

Believe me, if it were up to me, we would never have stopped making it. (After all, why would I want to put myself out of work?) If it were up to me, we'd be premiering season seven this month.

Unfortunately, I don't get to make those calls.

Response recorded on October 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was Ra's Al Ghul intially hostile to the idea of working with lex luthor?

2. How long has Belle Revee existed since season 2?

3. What happened to Amanda Waller after she was fired from Belle Revee?

Greg responds...

1. No. Why?

2. Huh? It was built before Season One.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What are Black Spider's webs made out of?

2. In universe how did the webs come to be red?

3. In universe who created Black Spider's webs?

Greg responds...

1. Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails.

2. Easter egg food coloring.

3. The Easter Spider.

Okay, sorry for the joke answers. But the truth is I don't know.

Response recorded on October 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth 16 are both of Katar Hol's parents Thanagarians?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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CloudOfKings Ace writes...

HI Greg,

Is it true that is we binje-watch Young justice that it may bring back a season 3 .

Greg responds...

It's possible, yes.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Jenneration writes...

In Young Justice: Invasion, why does the Team use the Greek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) instead of the NATO alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) for squad distribution?

Greg responds...

Think about who the leader of the Team might have been when the system was installed.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Kat writes...

Why is Shayera 11 years old younger than hakwman?
Im just curious behind the decision

Greg responds...

"old younger"? I'm not sure what you're asking here.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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YJ fan forevahhhh writes...

Hi! I've finsihed YJ and it was so awesome! (Without that Wally died)
But how can I help to make a third season when Netflix don't have the episodes in my country?
Thanks again for the awesome series and #KeepBingingYJ !

Greg responds...

I don't know for sure. You can always ask Netflix customer service in your country if they would start carrying it.

If the BluRays are available, purchase those. Or you could purchase the episodes individually on iTunes.

You can also purchase our companion Young Justice comic on iTunes or Comixology.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Christopher Chance writes...

Earlier you had said the reason Batman told Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) to keep their identities a secret from the Team is so that a plausible deduction of his identity would not be made.

If that's the case, would the original members of the Team (plus Kid Flash/Bart Allen and Beast Boy) outside of the "Bat-Family"-16 be able to make a guess at Batman's identity if they haven't already since they know who Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) are?

--Christopher Chance

Greg responds...

Certain individuals have been let in on the identities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne. No deductions necessary.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Kshitij writes...

Hey Greg big fan of young justice. in season 1 wally cannot vibrate his molecules did he learn to do so by season 2.

Greg responds...

No. It's not a question of learning. He's just not that fast.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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cabes writes...

hi greg!! first i just wanna say, i love young justice and i really hope it can come back one day! i kind of cried when i heard about the netflix thing.
soo, a few questions?!

1. does dick still have romani heritage in earth sixteen canon? I apologize if that's already been asked.
2. how did arsenal stay fifteen (i believe) for eight years? was there some
kind of anti-aging technology in play when he was on ice?
3. i don't actually have a third question. wait, yes i do. is there a chance the yj original trio will make some sort of appearence, since they're all on the team now? that's a spoiler, though isn't it..

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. He was frozen.

3. I honestly don't know what you're asking here. But in any case, it would clearly be a spoiler.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did the guardians of universe knew of Alan Scott's power ring?

3. Did Alan Scott ever found out about the guardians of the universe?

4. When did the malfunctioning power ring landed on earth?

5. Did the guardians of the universe ever consider taking away Alan Scott's power ring?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. There is no question 2.

3. Yes.

4. No Spoilers.

5. No Spoilers. (By the way, this is the DEFINITION of an idea masquerading as a question. Please, EVERYONE, do not post ideas masquerading as questions. In the future, they will be deleted, along with any legit questions on the same post. I only let this one stand to make this point.)

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi. A little while ago I requested a character oriented slant for a hypothetical third season of Young Justice. I want to rescind my request. As I sit here working on my YA novel, I realized that no writer can work that way. He/she can only tell the story she wants to tell and hope other people like it.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Blue diamond writes...

What is joker's real name and when did he became Red hood

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. And in any case, NO SPOILERS.

2. You're assuming facts not in evidence. And in any case, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Dane writes...

1. In "Misplaced" was Icicle Jr. still seventeen or had he already become an adult?
2. What did Icicle Jr. do during the time that the adults and children were separated into two dimensions?

Greg responds...

1. Is Icicle Jr. in Misplaced? But in any case, throughout season one, he's 16 or 17.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Victor writes...

Hello Mr Weissman,

So first of all I would like to congratulate you and thank you for Young Justice. Whilst I am saddened you weren't able to do more with the series, I think what you produced was a great run and a rich, fascinating world which I am sure we would all have loved to see more of. I'll try to avoid ranting against the Powers That Be here, and just say thanks for giving it to us.

Now I have some extremely dorky questions about the background;

1: How much do Kryptonians weigh? You've said their strength and toughness comes from their density, but the fact Superboy can be shot by a tank with no result but to make him angrier seems to suggest he ought to weigh several tons, which would have caused him a few problems. It's possible he's made of some supertough material, but he also pins down an enormous monster in season 2 just by lying on top of its arm, so it looks like it's just his weight that's holding it down, which again would indicate he's REALLY heavy and Flash is presumably tailing him and putting reinforced chairs down whenever he has to sit somewhere :)

2: What kind of working relationship does the League have with mortal law enforcement/intelligence agencies? Have they told Interpol, Europol, the CIA and so forth about the Light (even if they don't want to start accusing Lex Luthor because it might get them sued if they don't have enough proof)?

3: Atlantis isn't part of the UN as per 'Usual Suspects' and even in season 2 little enough is known about it by air-breathers that Godfrey can ask if they're actually aliens. What kind of contact DOES Atlantis have with the surface world besides Aquaman and his sidekicks?

4: Does the Justice League own the rights to its logos and does it get royalties from all the superhero logos people presumably put on t-shirts, lunchboxes and so on on Earth 16?

5: Batman describes Bialya as a 'rogue state', but it seems to have some pretty high end military hardware (predator drones which are far more manouvrable than the real ones) and, frankly, I'd question the decision to let Queen Bee on the Light's board of directors if she ran a pariah state. So what is Bialya's standing in the international community, and specifically its relationship with the USA?

Greg responds...

1. I'd ask them, but it seems indelicate.

2. I'm sure they've got reciprocal intelligence sharing.

3. Little, at this point.

4. There's a lot of pirating, but yes.

5. It's standing varies from state to state. It's standing with the U.S. is not good.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Jacob writes...

Recently you implied that if people binge Young Justice it could get revived. While I want that is it possible? A lot of the writers and animators have broken up and are doing other things ex. Kevin is a writer for Star Wars Rebels. I'm not trying to be a cynic its just a huge hurdle that no one seems to be discussing.

Greg responds...

Not every single person who EVER worked on the series would be back, certainly, but we'd get the cast back. And Brandon Vietti, Phil Bourassa and myself have all made it clear we'd come back, and I believe we're the three individuals who are truly essential to the show beyond the cast. Kevin isn't on Rebels anymore, but he does have other work. I don't know whether we'd get him back specifically, though I would hope so. But I can guarantee you that the writing would still be top-notch.

To be clear, this is all theoretical. The show isn't back. We simply are hopeful and optimistic.

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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