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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did sportsmaster worked for the light before paula kicked him out?

2. Was krypton xenophobic and was there every a kryptoian green lantern?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.


Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg.

1) In Agendas, in your opinion, which leaguers would have voted to expel Captain Marvel had it been put to a vote?

2) With which leaguers is Captain Marvel especially friendly with?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that either to your imagination or to a future story (maybe in the comics).

2. All of them, really. He's a friendly guy. But I do think he's a bit closer to Batman, Red Tornado, Superman, Black Canary and Wonder Woman than some of the others.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

In Young Justice, three separate designation systems were established (that we know of thus far): one for members of the Justice League, one for members of The Team, and one for authorized guests. Here’s where I need to ask two tricky questions about the topic.

a. From her introduction into the show until the concluding events of “Misplaced,” Zatanna was registered as designation A03. Afterwards, she would become an official member of The Team, but we do not know if her designation changed from A03 to B08 for the rest of Season One. If it turns out that it was changed, was Zatanna’s former designation of A03 just left open for someone else to fill? It would definitely explain why Vandal Savage’s designation was A04 and not A03.

b. The designation B06 was reserved for “Speedy/Red Arrow” (the clone) in the event he would join The Team officially. He stuck around for at least two missions with The Team and then he became a member of the Justice League as designation 21. Since “Red Arrow” was given a new designation, what happened to his former designation as B06? Should I assume that everyone from Artemis onwards moved a designation up (for example, Artemis now can become B06 instead of B07)?

Greg responds...

a. Designations are not recycled. Except for Vandal's since he was never meant to be "authorized" by the League.

b. No. Designations are not recycled.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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CoCo writes...

Dear Mr. Greg,
1. Is Rocket and Aqualad supposed to be a *couple* pairing?? Sorrry Im kinda still a little dazed from the last episode (Auld Acuaintince). If so.. i luvv it!! XD

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Sparks writes...

Are Robin and Zatanna a couple now?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Legacy writes...

I was wondering about the Young Justice video game. Usually when a game comes out on multiple platforms there are differences between each one, both major and minor, due to differences between the system. As Young Justice: Legacy has been revealed to be available on at least five systems, there will most likely be at least minor differences. Is there a specific version you feel is the most canon out of them all?


Greg responds...

I'm not well-versed enough about the differences in various platforms to comment. No one's told me that there are different versions of the game.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'd just like to say thanks. This is one awesome show.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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j writes...

A few questions about Black Adam
1.was he granted his powers by shazam?
2. are they based on the egyptian gods?
3.is he Teth-Adam,or Theo Adam?
4.has he ever ruled Khandaq,or fought Captain Marvel one on one?
5.while a hero did he ever use the name Mighty Adam?

Greg responds...





5. I dunno. In translation, maybe.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You said before that after season one was finished you could talk more about the characters selected to be a part of the team during the season...So, what made you choose those characters for season 1?

Greg responds...

I think I've already answered this generally. Check the archives. If you have more specific questions AFTER reading our general approach, I'm happy to answer them.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

Wow! The season finale was phenomenal! Can't wait for Invasion! :)

1. In the comics, Roy's middle name is William. Is that true for Earth-16 as well?

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

1. I dunno. Probably.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is the real Roy Harper's biological age 15, since he's been on ice for 3 years?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Paul writes...

As of Auld Acquaintance, does J'onn know that M'gann is a White Martian?

Greg responds...

Of course. He's ALWAYS known.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Who assigns storyboard artists? You've got big names like Lauren Montgomery, Curt Geda, Michael Goguen, some lesser known ones, and some who I think are people at MOI.

Greg responds...

The directors make board assignments - to a great extent based on who is AVAILABLE. We have/had some staff board artists, but a lot of the work was done freelance.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does the Justice League or a League member (i.e. Batman, Martian Manhunter) know that the Team have a telepathic link?

If the answer is "yes", why, in the season finale, does Klarion only command just Red Tornado to neutralize Aqualad? Would it not be better to have all Team members subdued at the same time?

Greg responds...

1. They know M'gann is capable of creating one, if that's what you mean.

2. Now, how would Tornado have accomplished that? You have to start somewhere.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Dean Howards writes...

I have a question do you are going to ever release a soundtrack or the little music in the background of each episode in a disk because I love the sounds that you put? sorry if the question is silly or stupid I could`t contain myself to ask.by the way my brother and I love your show.

Greg responds...

I don't think it's a dumb question at all, and there's been some discussion about it. I have nothing concrete to report at this time, but if/when I do, believe me I'll be pimping it here. (I assume we're talking about YJ, right?)

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. Two unrelated questions.

1) I just realized it. Robin actually hit Shimmer in "The Usual Suspects!" How did you get away with that? My understanding is that a guy hitting a girl in a show like this is strictly verboten.

2) Why did M'gann revert to her white martian form when confronting J'onn in Auld Acquaintance? It seemed unnecessary.

Thanks, Greg.

Greg responds...

1. From where did this "understanding" come?

2. It freed up her entire focus on the psychic. She's more powerful in that form.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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spartanx54 writes...

1. Where Dr.Spence, Dubbliex, and the Genomorphs get killed at the end of "Auld Aquaintance"?

2. Did Sportsmaster, and Bane get sent to Belle Reve *hopes that this isn't a spoiler question*

3. Since Hugo Strange is no longer the warden of Belle Reve, did Amanda Waller get her job back?

Anyways, Greg. With Young Justice you've created a really really great show, when you look at the season, it's just one big superhero epic, This show is up there with Justice League, BTAS,and Spectacular Spider Man.

Greg responds...

1. They didn't.

2. It's kind of a moot question by the beginning of Season Two.


4. Thanks.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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GraysonRocks writes...

During "Performance" Dick's eyes are clearly visible, yet despite not seeing them before, the team didn't react. I'm curious why this was and if nothing will be mentioned about his eyes or secret identity again. I mean, Dick Grayson is kind of well known, and I feel they should be able to recognize him from the media, thus giving up his secret identity. I know the Young Justice universe is different than the others, but I find it odd that Robin would show his eyes because despite being more trusting than Batman, he still seems to be very cautious. Anyways, I was just wondering if Robin's eyes or identity will be covered. Love the show a whole lot and thanks for taking time to answer question!

Greg responds...

How is Dick Grayson "well known"? Because as a kid he was a circus performer? Because his parents were murdered? Because he was adopted by Bruce Wayne? Any media that might have been generated by any of this was FOUR YEARS AGO. Think about how much physcial change any boy goes through between the ages of 9 and 13. And do you really think any media focused close enough on his eyes that Roy or Artemis would have studied them so closely that four years later they'd recall those eyes when they see them out of context? (And of course, Superboy wasn't born four years ago, and M'gann wasn't on Earth.)

And in any case, Dick WAS WEARING A MASK the whole time. If glasses work for Clark Kent, then a mask can certainly work for Dick Grayson even if his irises and pupils are visible.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I heard that it was previously stated (though this may be incorrect) that Robin wasn't going to get a love interest. What prompted you to change this? I also just wanted to pop in and say I love the show:)

Greg responds...

You "heard it was previously stated"? Heard where? Stated by whom? It was certainly never previously stated by ME.

Nothing changed. Our plans for the character remained the same from beginning to end.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Richard writes...

What are Rocket's superpowers?

Greg responds...

Flight and the ability to create a force field bubble around herself or others.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi, Greg. Sorry. But this is a criticism. As a huge Captain Marvel fan, I was a little miffed by how Zatanna took out Captain Marvel in the fight on board the watchtower. Captain Marvel has in recent years been depicted as being invulnerable to all but the highest level magic. Furthermore, Billy's powers come from a lord of order - Shazam! Would a spell of that magnitude really be affected by Zatanna's "baby magic?" It is (maybe) a minor detail, but I think you were being inconsistent in regards to Zatanna's power level here. Now, if it had been Klarion or Fate casting the spell...

I would like to thank-you though for a great if extremely protracted season. I do sometimes go out of my way to be polite because others on this forum can be so rude, but I'm not kissing your butt here. I think Young Justice is the best superhero show ever. And yes, I am ranking it above Batman: the Animated Series.

Greg responds...

Well, we'll just have to disagree. If Captain Marvel can be blindsided by a punch, he can be blindsided by a magic spell. And Zatanna's abilities may be "baby magic" to a LORD OF CHAOS, but Cap is no Lord of Chaos or Order - even if his powers do "come from a lord of order" (which by the way, I'm neither confirming or denying vis-a-vis Earth-16). Cap has a kryptonite-like vulnerability, which Zatanna exploited.

And for the record, statements like "X has in recent years been depicted" don't interest me much. I'm always trying to get to the core truth of any character in the show. But most of these characters are older than I am, and I can't be enslaved by every depiction that ever existed, whether recent or not.

Otherwise, thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Scott writes...

Just wanted to tell you that my 7 & 8 yr old daughters love your show. The 8 year old wants to BE Artemis. She was so mad when it appeared that she was the mole in last weeks episodes that she yelled "that's not fair". She was relieved to find out that Artemis was not a traitor. They also loves the New Years eve kisses. I love the show because I'm a DC geek from way back and I think your version of the JL is the best in any medium ever. Absolutely love it. And thanks for giving us a show that we can enjoy together.

Greg responds...

That was the goal. I'm extraordinarily glad it's working for your family. Thanks.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Colton writes...

I have a few questions regarding designation numbers
1) does wolf have a number?
2)does sphere?
3) has zatannas changed?
Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Twice.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

In YJ are there any magic users who are capable of doing detective work?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Brett W. writes...

-John Stewart and Hal Jordan REALLY don't like Guy Gardner. Is there a reason for that?

-Why isn't the Watchtower weaponized?

-Do Batman or Black Canary have any kind of mentor-student relationship to Wildcat in this universe?

-What exactly do Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor know about each other? Have they ever met?

-Depictions of Batman tend to fall between two extremes. On end of the spectrum is the Ubermensch Batman who can predict everything, is always right, take down the Justice League on his own, outmatch Darkseid, and can fight Superman solo and win. On the other end of the spectrum is the Chris Nolan kind of Batman who is just a regular guy of slightly above average intelligence who fights crime with resourcefulness and rigorous training, with backup guys like Lucius Fox doing most of the genius work. A happy medium between these two I would say is the Batman from the Justice League series and BTAS. Where would you say your Batman falls on this scale? Towards one end, the other, or in the middle?

Greg responds...


2. Why would it be?

3. Black Canary was mentored by Wildcat, among others. Batman worked with him too.

4. I'm sure they've met.

5. The middle, I guess. Though I'm not sure Nolan's Batman really represents one end of the scale. Particularly if the other end is a Batman that's omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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kyle K. writes...

In the end of Auld Acquaintance, Robin said that Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, John Stewart, Superman and Batman were missing, but Superman and Batman were both present, who were the real leaguers missing?

Greg responds...

Missing for sixteen hours. Not STILL missing.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Will D writes...

What were you most and least satisfied with as far as Season 1 turned out? Nice finale by the way.

Greg responds...

I'm pretty happy with the whole thing. Not that it's perfect, but given our schedule and resources, there's nothing I would have done differently.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Mike writes...

First off, I wanted to commend you for creating an amazing show, Young Justice. I love it. I have one question regarding Superman and Superboy:

Do they age at the same rate as a normal human, or is their lifespan much longer?

Greg responds...

By now you know that Superboy doesn't visibly age at all.

Superman ages at just a slightly slower rate than the normal human.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

The Season One finale episode was the best episode ever next to "Usual Suspects." It's been a great first season, and I hope the second season does just as good. On to my questions for this particular episode.

1. Was the kryptonite that Robin used to stop Superman actually shaped like a bullet? I wasn’t sure since he moved it towards the screen rather quickly.

2. Batman was under the influence of Starro Tech when he said that Roy Harper was switched with his clone shortly after becoming Green Arrow’s protégé. Personally, I DON’T think Batman was telling the truth at that time (because heroes under the influence of mind-control never do tell the REAL truth). With that fact in mind, was the real Roy Harper on ANY of the past Season One episodes besides the brief appearance at Cadmus at the closing moments of the finale episode? It would be hard to believe that the clone has been around since 2007.

3. The six Starro Tech-controlled Justice League members who returned from their unknown mission appeared to be a nod to the two-part Justice League episode called “A Better World,” in which they were a group of anti-heroes called the Justice Lords in an alternate timeline. Am I correct with what I just said? Now that I think about it, were any other nods to other DC animated media during this entire season? If there was, then this must have been the only one that I’ve actually noticed.

4. Are Dr. Spence and all the Genomorphs at Cadmus dead… or were they just knocked out? Also, if Guardian WAS the cause of it (regardless of what their fate was), was it because he was also under the influence of Starro Tech as well?

5. Because Vandal Savage was registered as designation A04, I’m worried that if his designation is not removed, he can not only gain access to Watchtower, but to other locations such as The Hall of Justice and Mount Justice, and therefore all secret locations could be compromised. With the immediate crisis over, will Vandal Savage’s designation be removed from Justice League computer systems?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. Looking forward to the Invasion in the coming week!

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember the shape per se.

2. No. Batman (or rather Vandal using Batman as a mouthpiece) used the partial truth to create a more convincing lie.

3. Not particularly. It was more of just a general nod to the Justice League series as a whole.

3a. Probably. None that leap out at me.

4. Knocked out.

4a. By now you know Guardian was a clone too. So, no, it wasn't Starro-Tech. It was his Cadmus programming.

5. Of course.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did the light existed before the league?

2. How many lazarus pits are there and they be created?

3. Is biayla an islamic nation and is there any other countries that didn't sign the justice league charter?

4. Were the justice league affilated with the U.N before they were public?

5. Is there a term for people with superpowers on Earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. I'm not confirming or denying more than one.

2a. Huh?

3. Islam is the religion of the majority of the population of Bialya.

3a. Yes.

4. No.

5. There is by the end of Season Two.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Gruntled Fan writes...

Did Captain Marvel ever get the cure chip? What did Zatanna say before he said SHAZAM! What's it like being so awesome?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, of course. Originally, Zatanna had a line of dialogue where she uses that as an excuse to stay behind (and pull the Helmet off her father). The line got cut for time. But eventually, both Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman would have gotten the cure chip.

2. Zatanna's spells in episode 126:

*Etativel taht ssorg gniht.
*Trulb tuo Mazahs!
*Temleh, esaeler ym rehtaf!

3. Ah, shucks, you're making me blush.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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b1db43 writes...

I have checked the archives and I have not seen a response to this question, but with over 800 questions in the queue it hard to be sure.

My question is: why Artemis?

I would understand if you had chosen, say, Supergirl, but Artemis seems really obscure. With whom did the idea to use Artemis originate, and how did it develop?

(BTW, I'm not arguing with the end result. I love the character! You never know what she's going to say or do next. I hope DC will take the hint and introduce her in the comics. As far as I'm concerned, from now on Wally West will only be half a character without Artemis.)

Greg responds...

Having a female archer was initially Brandon's idea, but I readily agreed - as long as I could keep Roy in there too. Choosing which female archer was a process. DC has something like four blonde female teenage archers. We looked at all of them. And Artemis' backstory seemed the most interesting, with the most secrets and lies.

Whether a character was obscure or not didn't enter into it. (And why would we use Supergirl as one of our original six heroes, when we already had Superboy?)

Anyway, I'm glad you like her.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) Why is Clark Kent not present at the Daily Planet in the implanted memory seen in Issue #6?
2) How is Professor Ivo affiliated with Artemis's father?
3) Why is Batman so concerned what Talia thinks of him?
4) Why did Ocean-Master want to rob Queen Mera of her powers?

Greg responds...

1. He was in the Men's Room.

2. See episode 123, i.e. "Insecurity".

3. Fair question.

4. So that he could have them.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Auld Acquaintance

It's hard to believe that we're finally here. "Young Justice" premiered with "Independence Day" on Black Friday, 2010. Finally, on April 21st, 2012, the show's premiere season comes to a close. Twenty-six episodes spread across three separate years. I don't know if this has ever happened before, but it's certainly the longest time I've ever spent watching one season of a television show. But right now, I can think of no better testimony for this series than to point that despite the constant delays in the airing of the series, and even losing some momentum because of it, the show never ceased to be engaging. Sure, in a perfect world, the season would have aired in less than one year, but we do not live in a perfect world. Neither does The Team.

I loved that cold opening. In fact, it almost feels that on any other DC show, Batman would have been so on top of things that they would have stopped Red Arrow, and subdued Vandal Savage. On any other DC show, Batman would have already known that Red Arrow had been compromised as a traitor. Hell, I've seen people demanding to know how Batman missed this after "Usual Suspects" aired last week. Well, Batman might be the world's greatest detective, but he is not omniscient.

The build-up to this episode started as far back as "Independence Day," everything mattered. Every action taken by every character since the pilot has built up to this. Every action had implications and consequences. It was all a slow burn to a boiling pot. Unlike the overrated "Justice League Unlimited" where you were lucky if anything had even short term consequences, and character development was non-existent unless you were named John Stewart or Shayera Hol. What were the long term consequences of the Annihilator armor created for Ares in JLU's horrid "Hawk and Dove" episode? Um, we got a pretty cool Suicide Squad episode where they infiltrated the Watchtower to steal it, and add it to Project Cadmus' arsenal. Quite a lot of build-up and then... Felix Faust took it on a joyride and it got destroyed in an episode that had nothing to do with their Cadmus arc. Not that I much cared for how the Cadmus arc ended... so much great set-up, and then when it got just a touch too nuanced, a convenient bad guy, without the slightest bit of hint or foreshadowing, showed up for them to beat up and no one again questioned whether the League could go rogue because they took down the big gun on the Watchtower (as if that was really the most powerful thing the League had). I, of course, bring all of this up because the acclaimed "Justice League Unlimited" may have attempted a story arc (something its predecessors never tried), but they didn't really succeed at it. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too, which is why nothing really disturbed the precious status quo. Hawkgirl betrays Earth to the Thanagarians (which was a GREAT story, by the way)? Yeah, she takes a sabbatical and comes back to the League, and the only consequences are an "I Hate Hawkgirl" chat room on the internet.

"Young Justice" knew what it was doing from the word go. Yes, there were times when I was frustrated with it, particularly early on, but it was a slow burn. The seeds were being planted. I was wondering how Red Arrow being the traitor was going to work, and in retrospect, boom, it was there since the pilot. There is not a single episode you can take out of the entire season without really losing something. It would be like removing a chapter from a novel, and that's what the first season of "Young Justice" is: an animated novel. While it did take me a while to warm up to some of the characters, hell it took some of the characters a while to warm up to each other, or in some cases warm up to themselves. But, in the end, it all came together beautifully and we got the best DC series since "Batman the Animated Series."

But how does the episode itself stack up? Pretty damn well. It's sidekick against mentor, and some of us discover whether Freud was right. I was wondering how The Team would be able to take on the League and defeat them in a manner that was credible, and they did it... thanks to the Starro Tech taking 0.16 nano-seconds to control the host, long enough for Red Tornado to arrange to save The Team. From there, it's a series of twists and turns, and all those months conducting stealth black-ops missions really would have paid off.

Vandal Savage was in top form here as we learn what his motivation is for all of this. He believes in survival of the fittest, and as the Justice League preserves the status quo, they also slow down the evolution and development of the human race. The truth of the matter is this, he is not wrong. Evolution is come about through conflict. The United States split the atom to end the second world war. The United State went to the moon to beat the the Russians there. With eternal peace, with an eternal status quo, there is no reason to go anywhere. No reason to develop. Vandal Savage has been around for fifty thousand years, he's seen every human accomplishment, and probably had a hand in at least a few. He wants us to become a galactic power, and in a universe where aliens are known to exist, he's not wrong. Weakness can lead one open to invasion (see what I did there?). However none of this makes him the good guy, far from it. What is the price of the strength he wants to give us? Our freedom. But, I think this is a great motivation and plan for Vandal Savage... and much better than the Bond villain with a gimmick from "Justice League" and "Justice League: Doom." The latter especially, where his plan there was to kill off half of the human race, deprive technology to the other half so the survivors would depend on him and make him ruler. I prefer a Vandal Savage who sees the big picture, not one who is short sighted enough to think the plan from "Doom" is a good idea. This guy is the perfect arch-enemy for The Team... an ancient, immortal against young heroes.

Red Arrow? That poor kid. Yes, he may be a clone, he may be biologically eighteen years old, but eighteen is still a kid. He was probably the biggest victim out of anybody. While he was obnoxious and disrespectful at times, he still wanted to be a hero. He still wanted to do the right thing. He couldn't help what he was, what he was programmed to do. On top of all this, he learns that he is not who he thought he was. But he wants to do the right thing, and find the original Speedy. Speaking of whom, that shot where we see the Light clearing out of Cadmus and we see the original Speedy on ice, missing an arm... talk about high octane nightmare fuel. What did the Light do to him.....

... and it really stops to make you think that this is what the Light would have done to Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad in the pilot.

But, this episode is really about The Team, and this was their finest showing to date. They saved the League and handed The Light a real defeat (or did they?). Superboy finally bonded with Superman, and it looks like Superman will finally become the mentor that Superboy needed. Kid Flash and Artemis finally kiss at midnight, and I was even more amused by Zatanna pulling Robin into a kiss.

I will say that if any member of the Team got the short end of the stick, development wise, this season, it was Aqualad. But, we're now at New Year's. Queen Mera is due in February, and Ocean Master/Prince Orm is still at large, as is Black Manta. I suspect Aqualad's real shining moments are yet to come.

I suspected that the Light would survive this season as an organization, and I'm glad they did. Things should get really interesting now that the League and The Team know that the Light exists. But even worse, six of the League members are missing sixteen hours while under Savage's control. What did they do? Whatever it was, even in defeat, the Light accomplished something and I suspect the consequences will be dire... because in all great stories, actions have consequences.

Bring on the invasion!

Greg responds...

You know, I appreciate all the kind words about YJ, but I don't really see the point in denigrating another show here in this forum. One doesn't have to rag on JLU, in order to praise YJ - or even in order to review it. It seems neither here nor there.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) Why did Haly lie to Faraday regarding his troupe's whereabouts?
2) Why did Intergang want to create a black hole in Geneva?
3) Where did Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, and Sportsmaster want to take Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis from Santa Prisca?
4) How long ago was Roy Harper cloned?
5) Was the Zeta-Beam portal in Star City in "Insecurity" a deliberate cultural reference to the TARDIS in Doctor Who.

Greg responds...

1. He was protecting (in a fatherly way) his people.

2. They wanted to test the tech.

3. Du-Pars. For pancakes.

4. Three years prior, give or take.

5. Uh huh.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) Were the ice-villains really behind the snow storm?
2) Why did Queen Bee want to unite Qurac and Bialya?
3) Why were Hal Jordan and John Stewart so adamant to cut short any discussion on Guy Gardner's induction in the Justice League?
4) What happened to Genomorph City after Cadmus found it?
5) Why did Black Spider want to kill Bernell Jones?

Greg responds...

1. "Behind it"? No. Vertigo was behind it. But they created it.

2. To gain power.

3. They're not fond of his... style.

4. It was co-opted into Cadmus.

5. He was hired to.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) How is Professor Ivo capable of eluding telepathic probing?
2) Are Harm's scars self-inflicted
3) Were was Wotan held between his arrest and liberation?
4) Why is Artemis not a cat person?
5) What is Vandal Savage's history with Flash?

Greg responds...

1. Much the way Bane did.

2. Depends which scars you mean.

3. Ask Nabu.

4. It was a sardonic reference to Cheshire.

5. They've conflicted.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) Why did Queen Bee want Robin taken in alive in "Bereft"?
2) What caused strife between Professor Ojo and Icicle Jr.?
3) How did the Riddler manage to escape Belle Reve in "Terrors"?
4) Who assembled the Injustice League personally?
5) Did the real T.O. Morrow act on his own initiative to destroy the Justice Society of America, or did he do it at someone else's behest?

Greg responds...

1. Think of Speedy as a cautionary tale.

2. Bad shrimp.

3. That would be telling.

4. Vertigo.

5. His own initiative.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) What was Wotan's sun blotting distraction for?
2) Are Blockbuster and Mammoth's mutations reversible?
3) How did Ivo fake his death?
4) Why did the Light want to steal Intel form STAR Labs and Wayne Tech?
5) Why did the Ocean-Master attack Aquaman in "Downtime"'s flashback?

Greg responds...

1. To keep the League away from Cadmus, mostly.

2. Nope.

3. Does it matter? If it does, it's a story for another day.

4. Why do you think?

5. To kill him.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Miss Martian writes...

Why couldnt Miss Martian capture Starro on the minds of Batman and RT?

Greg responds...

"Capture"? I don't understand this question.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Reaper writes...

In the season 1 finale, Robin said that starro tech could control 4 kinds of aliens. The Justice League has only 3 kinds alien species; a Kryptonian, a Martian, and Thanagarians. And Atlantians don't count because they are from earth. What was the 4th type of alien he was referring to?

Greg responds...

You're forgetting Icon.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Rebel writes...

Okay, here's hoping my post won't be deleted this time. To avoid posting about multiple topics in one post, I'll be leaving out the white martian stuff and just posting about Doctor Fate. This'll be more of a ramble with my thoughts and suspicions followed by some numbered questions.

What I've been curious to find out is more information about the nature of Nabu / Doctor Fate. Specifically, about what Nabu and Kent Nelson's relationship was like back when Kent Nelson was Doctor Fate. In the show, Kent Nelson says something about how it's been 60something years since he put on the helmet. That line, plus the fact that Kent Nelson had a wife, would seem to suggest that he was frequently putting the helmet on and taking it off during his tenure as Doctor Fate, which would suggest that Nabu / Doctor Fate liked Kent Nelson and trusted him not to abandon the helmet. And in "Denial" Nabu says something about the 60 years of the helmet not being put on made him feel isolated. This suggests to me that prior to that 60-year isolation, Nabu trusted humans to put the helmet on and take it off as Doctor Fate was needed. But after that time period, he no longer trusts humans to put the helmet on after it's been taken off, which is why it was so difficult to get Doctor Fate to relinquish control of Wally, Aqualad, and then Zatanna. In a way, there's a sort of mutual trust involved. The human has to trust Nabu to take the helmet off when Doctor Fate is not directly needed. But Nabu has to trust the human to put the helmet back ON and not leave him all alone forever.

Anyway, time for questions.

1. So, what was Nabu and Kent Nelson's relationship like? Did they trust each other? Are my suspicions about their relationship correct?

2. What made Kent Nelson stop wearing the helmet? My suspicion is that something went wrong in their relationship, which is why he ended up wearing the half-helmet that he made. But maybe it's something much less dramatic than that.

3. If it's true that Nabu has lost his faith that humans can be trusted to re-don the helmet from time to time to give him something to do so he can feel useful, do you think this faith can be regained? In other words, do you think Nabu could ever "heal" so to speak?

4. While Nabu is more-or-less one of the "good guys" in the sense that he does heroic acts, that shouldn't justify coercing a member of the Justice League into giving up his freedom, so why hasn't anybody on the Justice League tried to get that helmet off of Zatara?

5. I doubt Nabu really *wants* to enslave anybody but I think his desire to not be left alone and isolated outweighs that. Do you think this is correct? Would Nabu be happiest if he had a partner who would frequently put the helmet back on and take it off, or is he happiest being in constant control of his host?

???? Thanks for your answers Greg! If there's any additional light you'd like to shed on Nabu beyond the scope of my questions, feel free!

Greg responds...

1. Generally, yes.



4. Who says they haven't?

5a. I think that's part of it, but not a part he'd readily admit to. In his 'mind', he MUST maintain Doctor Fate in order to safeguard the world from Chaos.

5b. I don't think he ever LIKES being powerless.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I wanted to comment about the disgruntled (former) fan.

I think you did the right think changing the limit on the question. I read some of them and well, I could answer those, just common sense. I think Ask Greg is great and a wonderful way to know how your shows touch the fans.

Okay subject change:

ROY WAS THE MOLE!!!!! I did not see that coming until last week,I was sure it was Conner, M'gann, and Artemis. Can't wait for today's finale and next week starting Young Justice INVASION. I've been a fan of DC Comic Shows and movies since I was 7, so I'm about to hit my 20 year anniversary. I hope there's a season three of Young Justice.

Last thing before I close this out. LOVE the job you did on Dick Grayson, Robin's been my fav since I was 7, and this one, I really love. With the hacking, and the cackle that was great but add in his messing with the english language and it's even better. Thank you for the show and keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

Thank you very much!

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Ben writes...

superboy and icicle jr understood each other and got along well in prison,
so i was wondering how do superboy and icicle jr feel about each other after the events in belle reve?
does jr only commit crimes to get his fathers approval or does he enjoy it as well?

Greg responds...

I think Junior bears a grudge. Superboy's feelings are probably more nuanced.

Junior's a bit of a psychopath.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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maskedmax writes...

I noticed that you you used atomic skull in the injustice league episode, my question is which atomic skull is this, Albert Michaels or Joseph Martin?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Guy Gardner writes...

Hi! I'm sure it'll be a while before you get to it, but I wanted to get this in now.

First off, I want to say that I'm a huge fan of the show. I'm a massive DC Comics guy who started off watching the animated Batman and expanded out from there, and no show has gotten me as pumped as this one has me. Also like the music on the new trailer; reminds me a lot of Alien/Aliens/Prometheus, which makes sense considering you guys are going out into space. Hopefully these questions will be quick, easy to answer, and aren't asking you to give anything away prematurely.

1) From the comic and the show, we know that there are still some JSA members running around and that they do have contact with JLA members. Were these members consulted/give advice on the formation of the League and how it was structured, or was this a completely internal thing?

2) We already know that Atlantis is a constitutional monarchy. So do they have a Parliament or Senate based around the various City-States you mentioned in the comic book? I know it's a rather dorky question, but the depth (no pun intended) you've given this version of Atlantis makes me interested.

3) Probably the question that is closest to a spoiler, and I hate asking it... but I just have to. We see an image of Blue Devil for a few seconds in "Agendas", and attached to his belt on the left side is what looks like a law enforcement badge. Am I correct in that assertion? I won't ask for any more beyond that.

4) When the other Lanterns said "No" regarding Guy Gardner, was it because of his good looks, his chiseled abs, or because they knew his ring-slinging skills would make them obsolete? All of the above is an absolutely acceptable answer.

Thanks, and I look forward to the new season!

Greg responds...

1. It was mostly "internal". But of course, the League was at least in part inspired by the Justice Society of America. And since Barry and Jay are such good friends, it was natural to seek advice.

2. Each Polis is represented in a governmental body.

3. You're correct.

4. I'll stick with "Um."

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Kendall Jones writes...

Does Topo have six or eight tentacles? He has six in Down Time, but eight in issue fourteen.

Greg responds...

He has fourteen actually, but sometimes he hides a few. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I’m guessing Superman might not be married to Lois Lane on Earth-16 just yet (it's probably still too early), but do they have feelings for each other at this point in time (or at least they’re starting to)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Fluttershy writes...

Hey Greg before asking my question I would like to praise your exellent characterization on the show. I have become fan of characters i would have ignored otherwise thanks to you (miss martian, superboy artemis Aqualad) Sure you didn't invent them but yo made them actually interesting for the casual viewer imo.

I have only have two question this time, regarding the Zeta beam portal

Due to the fact that it's technology is able to recognize the heroes (ex recognized superman 01), could that technology be abused to identify the heroe's out of their customs and their secret identities?

Is there a failsafe for that technology not to be stolen and be used to find for instance batman's secret identity?

Thanks for your time

Greg responds...

Actually, I did help invent our Aqualad, but why quibble when you're saying such nice things?!

1. In theory, but so could fingerprints or any retinal scan.

2. Of course.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I only have one question to ask... sort of.

1. How did you come up with Kaldur's character, going beyond his design and parental origin?
2. Did you originally envision him as calm and collected as he has been seen in the show, or did you have any other ideas regarding his personality?
3. When you were planning the show, was he one of the first characters you started 'fleshing out', so to speak?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. It was a fairly organic process. We knew we wanted Aqualad in the show, but we wanted to increase the series' diversity, and with Garth dead in the DC Universe of the time, the void seemed to offer an opportunity to create someone new - AND simultaneously give us the chance to demonstrate "the road not taken" aspect of our Earth-16 parallel universe. We also wanted to establish Atlantis' combination of sorcery-based technology and give "Aqua-Lad" (which literally means Water-Boy) a unique power and devices (i.e. his water-bearers), which we thought would compliment the rest of the group. We based his physicality on Michael Phelps, and his costuming on a combination of Garth's original uniform and the kind of swimming 'suit' that Olympians were using back in 2004 and 2008.

2. He was always going to be the calm and quiet leader.

3. One of the first six, certainly.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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