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Anonymous writes...

So, weird question: in Homefront what kind of... Whatever was used to hold Superboy and Kid Flash? It kinda looked like ice, but ice is usually clear, and that seemed opaque. And if it was ice, then how come Superboy didn't just busy out? Ice is brittle. It shatters easily.
I don't know. Maybe it was metal that Red Inferno melted and then Red Torpedo cooled again so it stopped them quick, but they didn't show burns... please explain this.

Greg responds...

It wasn't ice. It was flubber.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

Back when the Superboy clone was first introduced into the DCU, he was given a pair of "specs" by Prof. Emil Hamilton that granted him X-ray, telescopic, microscopic, & heat vision powers...would the Superboy of Earth-16 ever consider useing that kind of technology (if it were available)?
Or did he learn his lesson bout augmenting his powers after the patches?
Would this violate his "no tights" policy in some way?

I'm not asking, or even hoping that he will use the "specs", just asking if he would if given the oppirtunity.

Greg responds...

Professor Hamilton gave Superboy contact lenses that grant him all those powers. In fact, he gave Lucas Carr the same lenses.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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ArctheFlash writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. I actually prefer a "SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT" to nothingness and apathy in general.

2ndly, thank you and the team for this show! Love the story-driven dynamic direction and constant emotional roller coaster that ensues with every episode.

Artemis and Wally: best relationship in the show/DC universe
Jade n CloneRoy: extremely close second
Miss M and Supey: Glad they broke up.

But enough fan-girling, my big questions actually regard the Flash family:

Did Barry Allen have any influence on Wally's (and Artemis') decision to leave the hero "life" behind?

Was Barry always a study science over speed kind of guy?

I may be wrong but didn't Barry disapprove of Wally gaining super speed powers in the beginning and is he happy that he's left the life?

Can Wally get "out of shape" speed-wise since hes at college and does that effect his acceleration or top-speed in any way?

That is all. Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Not directly, no.

2. Basically.

3. Barry wasn't looking for a sidekick and initially accepted Wally out of guilt when Wally nearly blew himself up getting his powers. But Barry came to appreciate Kid Flash with time. On the other hand, I'm sure he appreciated Wally and Artemis' decision.

4. I don't think he's let himself go but theoretically yes.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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Candice writes...

Hi Greg, I love Young Justice and just had a couple questions about M'gann's family relationships:
1) Does she keep in touch with her family back on Mars?
2) Does she or Martian Manhunter go back to visit them on Mars?
3) Are they proud of what she's doing on Earth?

Greg responds...

1. No.


3. Your question assumes they know.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I absolutely love Young Justice and it inspired me to write an outline for an animated series.

Hopefully you can answer this but I was wondering since my idea involves dc comics characters, what steps do I need to take to try and get the idea out there? I'm assuming I'd have to get permission from dc comics first.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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J writes...

You mentioned before that the main reason for the lack of women in the Leauge was primarily due to lack of source material, ie. not many female Leaugers to choose from...but what about Vixen, Gipsi, Dr. Light, Fire and Ice, who are all established Leaugers through many incarnations, much more so than Rocket (which is not to say that I dont enjoy Rocket in the show, because I definatley do).
Were these charicters not considered? Just not fit into your timeline? Some other reason?
If any were simply never considered, why not?
It seems that not including any of them is a missed opportunity for diversity on multiple levels.

Greg responds...

We wanted to begin in Season One with a League that was both highly iconic and quite powerful.

After that, we had plans for some of the members you named.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Young Justice has not been renewed for a third season, what have you been up to lately?

Also, how excited are you for the new Young Justice video game?

Greg responds...

1. I've just recently gone through all this. Check the archives.

2. Very.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How long did it take for her teammates to learn that Artemis was Artemis' real name?

Greg responds...

Depends which teammate you're talking about.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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kenzey818 writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
In reading Ask Greg and other forums, I've noticed a lot of bashing of many plot points in Young Justice. So instead of any bashing or questions (since it might be a while till you'll get to see this and I'll get my answers by watching the show :D) you're getting a heaping helping of praise:
First off Superman: When Season 1 started a lot people bashed his portrayal and avoidance of Superboy. But I loved it. To me it felt realistic and honest. I'd feel violated and uncomfortable if I found out someone had cloned my awesomeness. When Supes did accept SB at the end of Auld Acquaintance I cheered and it brought a tear to my. People bash Supes all the time for being "too perfect" but here was a real portrayal of imperfection and humanity. I was especially excited when we saw the team up between Supes and SB in alienated and the good-bye was very touching, and then when it came out in the comic that Clark made an effort to get to know Connor as a person and not a clone my heart soared. So beautiful and sweet!
And now something I'll admit I had some issues with: The Time Skip. But not for most of the reasons I've been reading from others. I wanted to see more of the relationship develop between the Supers, and see them kick Luthor's butt :) however I've been a fan of yours way back to Gargoyles (which is still one of my all time favorites) to know there is a reason for everything you do, even if I don't know why. One thing I love about your productions is the cohesiveness of it, the stories don't change and don't go back on their founding principles. In rewatching the first season of Young Justice I realized if I had missed an episode I could've been lost as to whats going on. Even the littlest thing you don't expect is connected has something to do with the overall story. Thank you so much for a beautifully written and gorgeously animated show. In age when it seems some companies are dumbing stuff down I love the H.G Wells references and the respect you treat you audiences intelligence with, whether they be children or adults like me. Thank you again to you and your wonderful staff! Keep up the amazing work you've found a fan for life :)

Greg responds...

Thank you. Although I will say I don't agree that you need to have seen every episode to get or appreciate our series. Sure, it ADDS VALUE the more you consume (show, comic and video game included), but you should be able to tune in to any individual episode and enjoy the yarn that's on screen. I do sometimes worry that the PERCEPTION that that was not the case might have kept people away. But if they had tuned in at any point, I like to think they would have been hooked. And then AFTER THE FACT, they could go back and watch any episodes they missed, while simultaneously continuing to view the new stuff as it appeared.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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guy writes...

who is aquaman parents?

Greg responds...

Who ARE Aquaman's parents?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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