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Nathan Beaudyne writes...

Dear Mr Weisman, I wanted to thank you for all your work. I was raised by Gargoyles through my childhood, I also wanted to say I was introduce to Captain Atom through Young Justice, I wondered who that silver man was in the show, so I asked my friends who told me about him. Now I am reading Captain Atom's comics, I love the struggle he goes through maintaing his form and learning all about atoms and their structures.

Young Justice also introduced me to Red Tornado, and I love the character as well. Humanity was such a great episode, just like all the other episodes. I have been introduced to so many characters, that they're too many for me too say, but I am doing research on all of them. Young Justice gave more love of comic books then I already have. Thank you for everything and I can't wait for more episodes of Young Justice.

Greg responds...

Wow. Praise-fest today! I'll take it! Thanks!

Response recorded on March 08, 2012

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TVT writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Thank you so, so much (as well as everyone else involved, though I kinda want to leave out CN for their hiatuses, kidding, kidding) for Young Justice not only for its great story, characters, and animation, but for its crazy fandom which never stops speculating what other DC heroes are going to show up. I got curious to know more about the heroes everybody wished would eventually show up and wouldn't stop gushing about, so I finally decided to start reading the mainstream comics. It's kinda funny; despite me watching nearly all the DC animated cartoons that have come out, none of them got into interested into getting into the comics themselves. (When Justice League Unlimited came out, I had other responsibilities that prevented me from watching it.) Now there's a bunch of new characters for me to fall in love with (as well as some heartbreak as some of them got shafted in the DCnU. Part of me wants to go up to you and shake you until you get Lian Harper in the show, but I don't think you'd appreciate that.)

Also, thanks to the show, I've met some really fun people online who are fun to talk and discuss geekish things about, and, despite the many pairing wars this show generates, I'm really happy to finally find a fandom with other asexuals in it ^-^.

There's so many questions I have, but I'm willing to wait. Besides, I have to get over my habit of spoiling myself whenever something comes out and ruining the suspense. Great job so far, and I hope the world you've built up keeps on going!

Greg responds...

Thanks! Me too!

Response recorded on March 08, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1)Who is Zatanna's mother and where is she?
2)How ling has Greta been a ghost (AKA dead)?
3)How long has Inza Nelson been dead?
4)Which Green Lanturn did Batman have analyse the Kobra Plants?
5)Has Poison Ivy fought Batman before?
6)Where is Count Vertigo nowadays?
7)What is Harm's real name?
8) Is Selena Gonzalez really dead?
9) Are Jay and Joan's arguments those "thry argue 'cauyse they love each other" types of arguments?
10) Why does every character voiced by Lacey Chabert on your shows end up being bound and gagged?

Greg responds...


2. Not long.

3. Twelve years.

4. As I recall, it was John, wasn't it?

5. Yes.


7. Billy Hayes.

8. I'd prefer to leave that up to your interpretation.

9. Basically. (But when have you heard them argue?)

10. Geez, dude...

Response recorded on March 06, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1)Is Robin Aqualad's second in command?
2)Who would you say is Superboy's mentor: Superman or Black Canary?
3)Is Lex Luthor still Superman's archenemy on Earth-16?
4)Did Detective Daniels and the Curator survive their encounter with Harm?
5)Did Cooper, Hart, Abra Kadabra, Biggitz, Devastation, Hook and Ripley survive the taking of Belle Reve?
5.5) Moreover, did Killer Frost kill Hart after she froze "Tuppence Terror" to the wall?
6)Is Earth-16's Hugo Strane obessed with Batman, or at least part of fanclun? (Disclaimer; fanclub part intended as joke)
7)Does Artemus have romantic feeling for Wally?
8)Prior to October 31 2010 9by the YJ wiki calender), how many times had Zatanna been gagged?
9)On Harm's television, Zatanna is bound around her chest and legs. However, after Secret removes her gag, an additional coil of rope is around her waist. What is your response to this?
10)In "Secrets", we clearly hear Zatanna say the spell under her gag. Then why didn't it work; I thought the rule was that as long as she can talk backwards she's a spellcaster?

Greg responds...

1. There's no official second-in-command. But Robin tends to naturally fill that role.

2. At the moment, Batman, Black Canary and Red Tornado, plus Aqualad and a bit of a few others as well.

3. Basically.

4. I'll leave that ambiguous.

5. At least one of those did.

5.5. I'll leave that ambiguous.


7. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

8. Not many... if any.

9. Uh... magic?

10. You "CLEARLY" heard it? I don't think so.

Response recorded on March 06, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) Why did Wotan want to blot out the sun?
2) Why was Professor Ivo thought to be dead?
3) Why did Professor Ivo create Amazo?
4) Why dis Klarion want the Helmet of Fate?
5) Did the newspaper in Artemis's apartment in "Downtime" have a pitcure of Earth-16's Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent in it?
6) Is Sportsmaster Lawrence Crock? (PS: I know this counts as a SPOILER ALERT, I only ask because his action figures bio claims that he is)
7) Where were Artemis Robin and Kid Flash during "Targets" and "Terrors"?
8) What happened between Professor Ojo and Icicle Jr.?
9) How did Red Torpedo and Red Inferno bypass the Cave's security system?
10) Were the Injustice League aware they were set up to take the fall for the Light?
11) What do the claw marks on Harm's face mean?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly as a distraction.

2. He had faked his death.

3. To prove he could.

4. To permanently neutralize Nabu.

5. I didn't see that.


7. See issues 16 and 17 of the Young Justice companion comic book.

8. Nothing good.

9. They didn't. Didn't you see the explosions?

10. Some were; some were not.

11. They make him look tough.

Response recorded on March 06, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

Big fan of your work Mr. Weisman. My plan C in life is to just like you. I'm also autitic, so you may have to accuse some of my more unusuel questions and any spelling mistakes.

1) Are you a fan of Doctor Who?
2) Why did Hagen reveal his plans to use the Lazarus Pit to Talia BEFORE he ectualy used it?
3) What is the "Half-life" Atomic Skull mentions?
4) How old is Zatan...Clayface? (haha, gotcha)
5) Is Superman's reaction to Superboy in anyway inspired by Goliath's reaction to Thailog?
6) Has Hook killed a man named Boston Brand?
7) Does Cadmus know that Superman is Clark Kent?
8) Who is Talia's mother and what happened to her?
9) How did Clayface know of the relationships within the Team to decieve them?
10) Who did the vocal effects for Clayface, Captain Cold, Mammoth, Blockbuster, Devastation, Shimmer and Tuppence Terror?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. How else would he get to it?

3. His religion... based on the endlessly parsed "lifespan" of a radioactive particle.

4. Hagen is 34.

5. No. But I see the commonalities, though I think they're more situational than anything.



8. Her name is MELISANDE. As to what happened to her: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

9. Observation.

10. Uh... vocal effects? Anyway as of episode 119:
Clayface is Nolan North.
Blockbuster is Rene Auberjonois.
Tuppence Terror is Danica McKellar.
Captain Cold, Mammoth, Devastation and Shimmer have never had set voice actors. Different actors have grunted for them in different episodes.

Response recorded on March 06, 2012

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Paul writes...

1) Are Zatara and Zatanna celebrities, since the former doesn't seem to have a secret identity or disguise who he is in any way? Are they well known to the people of New York?
2) Why is it that Michael McCuiston, Kristopher Carter and Lolita Ritmanis always compose each episode's music together? When they worked on Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans etc, each one of them tackled a different episode, an approach that I felt worked extremely well. Would you ever consider letting them compose individual episodes on their own, 'splitting duties' as it were?
3) Is Zatanna attracted to Robin?
4) Not to be pedantic or anything, but shouldn't "Homefront" and "Coldhearted" be "Home Front" and "Cold Hearted"? Homefront and Coldhearted aren't actual words to my knowledge.
5) Do the other members of the Light find Klarion annoying?
6) Was Paula Crock ever married?
7) How did Harm's parents die? Did he kill them?
8) Since Garth and Tula were referred to as Tempest and Aquagirl on the Comic-Con playing cards, can that be taken as an indication that they will assume those aliases in the near future on the show?
9) Which was your favourite season 1 episode to write?
10) Why hasn't Artemis's crush on Superboy been touched on in episodes other than "Infiltrator" and "Secrets"?

Greg responds...

1. Zatara is. Zatanna has been out of the spotlight largely

2. We're not enforcing anything. But as long as I've worked with them, i.e. since SpecSpidey, this is how THEY have chosen to work.

3. What do you think?

4. They are, actually.

5. Not generally. I certainly don't.

6. Yes. See issue #7 of the YJ companion comic book.

7. Probably.

8. Eventually.

9. My mind doesn't work that way. They're all like my kids. Even the ones I didn't write. But I'll admit, I was pretty proud of the synergistic elements within "Misplaced".

10. It has. It's just subtle, I suppose. It's also been in the comics. Ultimately, there's only so much screen time, though, I guess to focus on it.

Response recorded on March 06, 2012

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Irenerb writes...

who voiced Billy Batson on the show.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Robert Ochoa."

[Response recorded on March 5, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 05, 2012

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Kevin writes...

I just checked the unanswered questions and I want to apologize for asking a question that was already asked. When Ask Greg reopened I thought I would be one of the first ones to post and it was only after I posted did I realize someone else had already asked the question about the Blockbuster formula. So again I am sorry and I hope that this doesn't ruin the experience of Ask Greg.

Greg responds...

It doesn't. But thanks for the apology.

Response recorded on March 05, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Where were Wotan and Count Vertigo incarcerated at once they were captured?
2) Since Belle Reve is a federal prison in the U.S., why are Mammoth and Shimmer there when they're Australian? Or are they Australian on Earth-16?

Greg responds...


2. See Issue #17 of the comic.

Response recorded on March 05, 2012

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