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Lorisa214 writes...

1) How old were Artemis & Jade when Jade ran away?
2) And how old where they when their mom got caught/sent to jail (did it take a year for her to be convicted?)

Greg responds...

1. Jade was 13. Artemis was nine.

2. The same.

2a. She plea-bargained.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. What are the blue crystals in the Blockbuster formula?
2. Why did the Light use Kobra Venom on Poison Ivy's plants instead of the Blockbuster formula?
3. Would the Blockbuster formula have a different effect on Mr. Tawny, Wolf, or the other animals in India?
4. Was Rex the Wonder Dog an inspiration for Wolf?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know. But they look cool, don't they?

2. Kobra-Venom combines Blockbuster with Venom. It's more stable.

3. Yes. It reduces intelligence.

4. One of many, perhaps. But way down the line behind Krypto and Wolf.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long does the Parasite have access to someone's powers and abilities?
2. How long does it take for someone to get their abilities after the Parasite takes them? Do aliens have a quicker recovery time?
3. Why did you decide for the Parasite's absorption ability not to have energy effects like he has in other animated incarnations?
4. Why does Red Arrow have different re-curve bows?
5. What were the alter egos of the team the Dangers based on?

Greg responds...

1. It's relatively brief.

2. A few hours to one degree or another.

2a. Apparently not.

3. I don't know what you're referring to.

4. Different from what?

5. What makes you think they were based on anything?

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At what age did Sportsmaster start training Artemis?

Greg responds...

From birth, in his mind.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Curious writes...

I wanted to ask three related questions if it is not to much trouble.

1. What exactly are the 'lords of order and chaos'? I couldn't really find much information on them (plus this being your universe artistic license could easily rewrite their purpose) and I am curious since two of the characters (Nabu/doctor fate and Klarion) fall into this catagory.

2. What made you decide to make Klarion a lord of chaos? Initially he was a young witch boy from another dimension who happened to be versed in magic (and more than a little bit of a nasty streak) and in a later incarnation he was a rebellious kid from limbo town (witch city under gotham) with a confusingly grey moral chompass.
So I am sorta curious what made you decide to go in the direction of 'lord of chaos' for the Klarion character.

3. If Teekl is Klarions connection to the mortal plain then does that make her Klarion's equivalent to Nabu's helmet of doctor fate?

I appologize if one or more of these questions could be considered spoilers but from looking around, few people have bothered to ask anything in regards to this very interesting character.

Greg responds...

1. I think the terms are fairly self-explanatory. They are personifications of two natural mystic forces in the universe.

2. Clarity, Consistency, Coherence.

3. Yes. In a way.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Someone Not Really Important writes...

please answer my question, and please do not answer my question with another question

In some questions, people asked if we'll see the league's reaction to Robin fighting crime.
In Agendas, we saw that Wonder Woman did not approve of this.
Was the 'spoiler alert'? and if so, is it only a small part of it?

Greg responds...

In "Agendas", you did NOT see that Wonder Woman does not approve of Robin fighting crime. LOOK AGAIN.

And I'd love to answer your question - really. But I honestly do not understand it:

"Was the 'spoiler alert'? and if so, is it only a small part of it?"

What does that mean?!

You went to a lot of trouble to preamble this question with a lot of pleases, etc., and then didn't take the time or trouble to clearly state - or even proofread - your question.

So... sorry. But I can't answer it.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Angela writes...

How is wonder woman able to stay immortal? In the comics she can't age only when she is on paradise island.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Shatter writes...

What Math class is Dick in, in season 1?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Kittygirl56 writes...

Hi! I'm a big fan of Young Justice! and I have a few questions(well,opinon questions,but a question is a question.)Thank you.

1.Why is Kid Flash considerably slower than Flash?
2.Out of the 4 pairings that were created in the first season,which one was your favorite?
3.If Wolf and Sphere(In super-cycle mode)were to travel the entire way around the earth, which one would win?
4.If you had to choose a battle between the season 1 team,who would fight who?
5.Name your favorite line from Young justice.

Greg responds...

1. It has to do with the nature of their different origins on Earth-16.

2. Do you mean romantic pairings? I don't have a favorite.

3. You mean in a race? Sphere. By a lot.

4. What?

5. I'm not sure I have just one. Maybe, "Dude, that's your sister!"

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Auld Acquaintance. Still happy.

Plastic Man- hee hee New Teen Titan backwards in time costume changes! Starfire has to do a Lady Godiva to coer her naked costume ;) (Toy Wonder- the nerd in my got it, rest of team- nope)

Q1 "He called us 'kids'" was that Batman managing to get a hint on in a funny way? Poor command or subconscious resistance?

The team's psychic link must make things a little easier for the animators...and dubbers.

Q2 Sphere/cycle is a 'her'?

Q3 The Light's cause is described. How would Klarion fit in or even find interesting to watch?
What was Atom dissecting? More Starro?

Lovely misdirection with Reddy,Roy & Dinah- even if knew it was coming.

Nice hanging of lantern on the speed of the cure tech 'small miracle'

M'gan's resorting to form against uncle convinced me he knew and thought it nothing odd- like the 'game'. With all information you chose to share on the Martians I wonder why we haven't seen him in that form at some point.
Wonderful raproachma between the supes.

Equally nice, though less obvious, is the body language between Roy, Ollie and Dina. That's family...makes what comes later a bigger shock.

I missed the implication that Guardian was a clone too.

Not to the mystery of the 16 hours..

Greg responds...

Q1 - Poor command on Klarion's part.

Q2 - Yes, that was established in "Disordered".

Q3 - I'll leave that to your imagination/interpretation, though it seems pretty clear to me where he's finding his fun.

Q3a - Yes, more Starro.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Another happy review: Usual Suspects-

First the shorts-
Green Care Bear-not a bad parody. Odd it seems it wouldn't be my thing, but I liked it better than the Ardman one, and that would ordinarily be my thing.

On to the show.
Rocket has nice line that needed saying, "Since when is being a sidekick a bad thing?" (So here too she convinced Icon to be a hero? For now I am assuming her original back story.)

Icon- "You don't know Raquel...though I thought she'd at least stick around." Nice beat. Icon has a strangely stilted form of speech, like someone new to the language and not, presumably, here for 150 years already.

Old times for Artimas and Jade = "Dad pitting us against each other." No, that's not at all dysfunctional....

Great voice acting "OK Fine. We're sisters, I don't actually want you dead." Sheepish- like a bad guy has to apologize for not always being the absolute worst.

Zatanna & Rocket walk off together here... and are inducted together the JL 5 years later.

Super Boy coming clean is a rare instance of someone choosing that moment to NOT dig deeper.

Didn't notice the first time I saw the episodes, but when Conner inspired Artimas to come clean Cheshire was already on the way to pick her up. She was actually past the time to not dig deeper and was probably in the hoping something unexpected saves her stage. M'gann too, even deeper, since Artimas has said no to her father's face before. Queen Bee was exerting power over M'gann. (It also has a slight parallel to Superboy handing the arrow back to Arrowette in the original Young Justice- trying to give her a chance to unmake a bad decision.)

"Who's next?" "I am." "I swear I was kidding." Great timing and image.

mmm... Robin knew Artimas's secret, Conner knew M'gann's (wish I could recheck his reaction to bald M'gann.) Nice that they took the involuntary step back. Accepting is not the same as not being startled.

Q1{All that recent Martian info!! I wish we knew what magic trigger gets you in the mood to share that much info. Was that something that would have been in the comics if they had longer to hold off the time skip?"

Q2 The Martians have War of the Worlds' looking alien hands-despite two fingers? Do their mouths move and do they talk?

Conner standing still as ruse till Queen Bee was down was great strategy.

Lex's reserve is lovely

"This has been a good day." Meanwhile at the Watchtower... Irony

Q3 "RECOGNIZE VANDAL SAVAGE A04" Vandal has a low number League designation? Is that a real indication of former membership?

Greg responds...

Q1 - Given enough issues and/or episodes, I'd get to everything eventually.

Q2 - If by "move" you mean "open and close", then yes, their mouths move. But they can't articulate English with their natural mouths. And on Mars they communicate telepathically.

Q3 - It's an "A" designation. League members have no letter in front of the number. For example, Superman's designation is "Zero-One". NOT "A-Zero-One".

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I've finally read all the answers and questions in the queues. (Wow!) Now, before the queue is closed I can post...really old reviews. (All positive ;)

Performance- very nice...

...But first a very quick review of the DC Nation shorts:
"Animal Man...!" bwahahaha SBFF...happy happy.

Question 1- apropos of very little, what do you think of the new DC logo? Personally, I like it fine on tv, especially when they can fill the bottom image with moving images. Although it still strikes me as a good logo for a different product when I see it still, mostly I don't notice it any more.

Haly's Circus...you can go home again!

Question 2 (a little long) - Haly's always seemed to me a bit of a golden childhood that Dick can revisit at any time and has a lot to do with why he is nowhere near as dark a character as Bruce. They couldn't raise him after his parents' death, but they were still family. They saved money to support him. They always welcome him to visit and step right back into his old life.

I'm working on the assumption that you are too busy to keep up with the current main universe comics, but are you aware of the current Court of Owls storyline? In it it turns out that the circus and the Graysons were part of a centuries old kabal that controls all but only rises to the knowledge of the public as nursery rhyme references. The circus exists to provide enforcers who are made somewhat dead somewhat immortal and unquestioningly loyal. Dick would have been next had it not been for the accident that killed his parents and took him away.

Divorced from Batman and Dick it is an interesting story, but I find it galling that they have so changed the circumstances of Dick's life- it has made monsters of his circus family, of his own parents; they all knew what was in store for him. It seems too far a departure from the basic truths of a character.

{Oddly I'm enjoying the heck out of the current Wonder Woman storyline which does the same to Thymiscara - now there are no men because they go out on ocean raids, take over ships, get pregnant, kill the men and give away the male babies. They would have killed the boys, but instead they trade them for armor and weapons because Hephaestus insists upon it. His own history making him particularly empathetic to unwanted children. I should object to the change on the same grounds, but the new mythological based series is so different my mind has simply been treating it as a fantastic elseworld run.}

If you are familiar with the City of Owls story, what do you think of it? In general, what do you think are the limits to how far you can push a story while remaining true to its essence? You've done several adaptations, what are the guideposts you use to what is and what is not acceptable?

Personally I reference the movie The Iron Giant when, er...spoiler free version...when the Giant makes a momentous decision at potential great cost to himself, he remembers a previous discussion with the boy, "You are who you choose to be". He smiles and says, "I am Superman". Any none elseworld depiction of Superman must be one in which that thought make sense. To my mind, Dick is always an orphan of a loving family, not someone who narrowly escaped the family job of unkillable assassin. If you want to have a Batman protégé who was created to be a killer make a new one. (I guess a new new one besides Cass and Damian.)

Back to commenting on the episode. (mostly just listing what caught my eye.)
mmm...Flying Grayson poster is reminiscent of Nightwing's costume...not the high collar version. Clever. Of course now I wonder what Dead Man's costume looks like on Earth 16.

Q;"Who knew a Martian could be vulnerable to a human virus?"
A;"Uh...HG Wells"
(Also, nice body language with Conner on edge of M'gann's bed in that scene.)

Question 3 No one questions them staying in costume and mask on the train?

"Does this circus have an elephant I don't know about?" "Not on foreign tours."
2 pts - one for actually show how their observation skills would work and another probably being realistic for a traveling circus.

Chuckle: "Uh guys, I found Ray"- mask

It is interesting how in sync Artimas and Roy are. They actually work in concert as well as Bat Family members work with each other.

Robin spy camera tube is more or less real world spy tech.

"There is no mole." The irony!

Question 4 I love that the closing credits are for the Danger family- It ups the fun of them generally being listed according to whether or not they are in costume. Was the series idea to credit characters as they appear in a particular ep just for fun, or was it humor borne of necessity?

thanks and more to come...

Greg responds...

Question 1 -

Question 2 - I'm not familiar with it. As you guessed, I haven't had the time to read it, so I'm not going to comment on something I haven't read.

Question 2a - What I think works in adaptation - as cold, theoretical ideas - may to some feel like it goes way to far and to others feel like it does not go far enough. It's all about execution, really. But I start with simply what FEELS right to me. If that doesn't work, than I can't execute anything that will work. As for process, I try to think in terms of boiling down a character or a story or a dynamic to its essence. What is the essential appeal? What essentially makes this character unique? Etc. Then I feel free to either jetison OR keep the rest of the details, as it suits my interpretation - always being true to the essence that seemed to matter to me. Or in the case of Young Justice, to us, i.e. myself and Brandon.

Question 3 - Circus folk. Whatchagonna do.

Question 4 - I'm anal about stuff like that.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

regarding your post about not owning a smartphone... i saw you playing on your phone one year at sdcc. i think it was way old school, with the green screen and all. haha. :)

anyway, my question is: are the yj stories in the dc nation magazine new stories, and are they canon? (trying to decide whether i need to pick it up.)

Greg responds...

Ah, those were the days...

To be fair, it didn't have a green screen but it was tiny and it wasn't a smartphone. I held onto that phone until it flat out stopped working. Then I had it fixed three times, but it kept dying. So, finally, just this past September, I broke down and bought an iPhone. But I still mostly ONLY use it as a cellphone. I don't check e-mail or the internet on it. I do not WANT to be that connected.

I'm not sure I've seen the DC Nation Magazine, so I'm not sure.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Thus far, when members of the Justice League attend meetings at Watchtower, they have:

a. Vote who joins/leaves the Justice League (which has been seen in Season One as an example).
b. Vote on who becomes the overall leader of the Justice League (a term of one year according to archives; no example has been actually seen yet).

What else normally goes on during these meetings besides other than what is just mentioned above?

Greg responds...

I dunno. Whatever business needs to get covered. Briefings. Things related to the Light, for example. I mean what do you think goes on?

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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btgr writes...

1. Did you based the character designs of both that thug voiced by John DiMaggio from the Green Arrow DC Showcase and Henchy from the YJ episode "Coldhearted" on video game character Marcus Fenix from the Gears of War series, or was it just a coincidence?

2. Who do you think would win in hand to hand combat? Merlyn or Count Vertigo?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I didn't design the character, so I have no idea. But I can tell you I've never heard of "Marcus Fenix" or "Gears of War".

2. See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.
(Haven't used this one in a while, huh?)

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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EXALT writes...

Would you ever consider doing rambles about YJ like you did for Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Maybe... someday in the DISTANT future.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Sportsmaster have a favorite daughter?

Greg responds...

No. He may think that Jade has slightly more common sense, but let's give him credit for this much as a parent: he holds both his offspring in equal measure of adoration. (That is, pretty much none.)

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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JAC writes...

Sorry for the multiple posts in a row...I would have put this question in with the first, but the rules say to make seperate posts for differant topics (but I swear this is the last one for today) so here goes:
What was the reasoning behind not giving Artemis the "Tigress" persona, whether or not she eventually becomes a villianess...

Was it to keep at least one thing true to her origional character? Brcause that was her name when you wrote about her and you dont like other peoples ideas? You just like the name better? Other reason?

Personally, I usually detest the idea of writers making hero monikers rxactly the same or similar to given names...but im also a HUGE Greek mythology buff, so I dont mind it much this time, im just curious about your (was it your...?) decision.

Thank you for all of your time spent.

Greg responds...

By now, I assume your question is moot.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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JAC writes...

I didnt include these questions in my last post, lest the entire thing get deleted again, as they may encroach "spoiler reqest" territory maby a smidge further...

1. WAS there an origional "James" Harper? (its establised that hes a clone, but not of whome).
2. Did he (Guardian) ever find out who he was really working for?
3. Are he and Dublex still in contact?

Thanks again.

Greg responds...

1. There was. But OUR Jim Harper is a clone of Jim's descendent Roy Harper, not of the original Jim Harper.

2. Yes.


Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Did you have Beatrice and Benedict in mind when you created the Wally-Artemis dynamic?

Greg responds...

Shrug. I suppose it'd be cool to answer yes, but the truth is - and I'm not pretending otherwise - it's a pretty common trope, and mostly what we had in mind was Wally and Artemis and tracking how they'd react as individuals.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Marie writes...

I want to ask something and it's really random, but stil:
I was watching Homefront and I saw that there are no individual showers, I mean one in one cabin. There are just many in one room. Why? XD

Greg responds...

It's a locker room shower. Most that I've been in don't have 'cabins'. There's a girls' locker room and a boys' locker room, though I forget which was in Homefront. Of course, each bedroom has it's own private bathroom too.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Hammer writes...

First off, GW, I have to applaud you for such a well crafted series. I can't applaud your team enough for this series. Here's hoping we get favorable news on Season 3 soon!

As for questions:

#1.) We know Wonder Woman and Red Tornado were part of the All Star Squad. Were any other members of today's Justice League in the All Star Squad (such as Captain Atom) ?

#2.) In regards to the countdown:
#2A.) To the best of your knowledge has there ever been any characters you counted on your countdown that didn't show up in the series due to time constraints?
#2B.) Are characters from your countdown counted if they are mentioned or are they required to show up in an episode to be counted? (IE In the episode Terrors, Headmaster is mentioned but doesn't show up. Is he counted?)
#2C.) Are characters counted even if we don't know we've seen them yet or are they only counted once we (generally) know who they are (IE Were both Speedy and Red Arrow counted in episode 1 even though we met "Clone Speedy" in episode 1 and didn't see the real Speedy until episode 26?).
#2D.) In the countdown, are you currently (up until episode 26) counting Guardian and Clone Guardian as two characters or one?

Greg responds...

1. Doctor Fate.

2. What countdown? I'm going to assume you mean my list of characters, cuz I can't figure out what else you might be referring to. (But how is that a countdown?)


2b. No, a mention doesn't count.

2c. These seem like two separate questions. Characters are counted if they've appeared, whether or not you recognize them as such and/or they are named. Characters do NOT count until they appear. So Clone-Roy was counted from episode 101, but Original-Roy wasn't counted until episode 126.

2d. When has the Golden Age Guardian appeared?

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

The local library finally got a few copies of the Season One Volume Three DVD of "Young Justice", and I watched it last evening. I enjoyed it, too. Here are a few thoughts about the individual episodes.

BEREFT: Psimon was one of the creepiest villains I've yet seen in the series - I especially liked his "Psimon says - forget!" line. I'm curious about this partner of the Light, and look forward to finding out more about him/her/it/they in later episodes.

Makes a change to have Superboy rather than Kid Flash wind up with a souvenir.

TARGETS: Hearing Ra's al-Ghul voiced by somebody other than David Warner takes a bit of getting used to (when I hear Warner speak, I can understand why you brought back the Archmage in Season Two), but another good episode. Lex Luthor was certainly impressive here, and his conversations with Red Arrow were a delight, contrasting Red Arrow's passion and suspicion with Luthor's calm, amused tone. (A bit like the confrontation between Goliath and Xanatos at Castle Wyvern in "The Edge".)

I picked up the "Superfriends" joke with Marvin and Wendy as two of Connor and Megan's classmates - and thought it was hilarious when Connor and Megan thought that "Kent" was a reference to Kent Nelson (clearly Superman hasn't been sharing his alter ego with them - though in light of his troubled relations with Superboy, that's not surprising). I also liked Connor's explanation about Rhelasian history and his bewilderment over humans at war with each other.

TERRORS: I'd seen Professor Strange in a few episodes of "The Batman", where he was a villain (and an especially creepy one, ready to plunge Gotham City into chaos more than once just so that he could study Batman), so I wasn't surprised when he turned out to be another agent for the Light.

Icicle, Sr. made an impressive villain, and I liked the parallel between the two Icicles and Superboy and Superman. Though I kept wondering who the guy with the odd helmet was, who'd recognized Superboy; my memory of some of the earlier episodes must be getting fuzzy.

And now we know why all four of those ice-themed super-villains were on the rampage all at once in the first episode.

HOME FRONT: The two Red Tornado-like intruders were truly creepy, and I look forward to seeing what their connection is with Red Tornado.

Among the highlights: Artemis commenting on how cliched the secret entrances behind the library bookcases were, the "They're all dead!" moment, Kid Flash helping Robin set up the EMP even while a prisoner, and Kid Flash and Superboy bluffing their captors. (Though the book-lover in me felt horrified when the intruders were on the loose in the library - I kept wondering what kind of damage those torrents of water and the toppling bookcases were doing to those books, even if it was less important than whether Robin and Artemis would be able to escape.

I hope that the local library will be able to get the rest of the episodes on DVD soon (I understand that the remainder of Season One comes out on DVD next month).

Greg responds...

Thanks. That guy with the helmet was Professor Ojo, who appeared in episode 106.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Cooper writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman I have 2 questions:

1. Does Aquaman's telepathy in the show only affect fish life or can it also affect mammals/humans in some way?

2. If Aquaman can affect humans does Black Manta's helmet protect him from telepathy?

Greg responds...

1. Can't effect fish. Really only marine mammals.

2. He's not really a human telepath.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Moe writes...

It has been confirmed for a very long time that next year there will be a new batman series for DC nation. But recent information says there will also be a new Teen Titans go series[which is supposed to be comedy heavy..not sure how I feel about that. And it looks like its animation went very down]

Anyway my point is next year 2013 if those two shows will be on DC nation block what does that mean for Young Justice? Will DC nation be extended to two hours. Or maybe every week they will switch up the shows?

Greg responds...

I can't comment on this.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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