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no.1 batfan writes...

I saw in the archives that someone asked about the religions that the members of the Justice League are practicing, so I was curious about the religions of the members of the team as well. I think it is safe to say that some of them, namely Miss Martian, are already revealed (in her case in Denial), and others like Aqualad and Zatanna can be inferred from their counterparts on the Justice League. Also, since it will be a while when you do get to this question, I would appreciate if you would answer this for any and all new additions to the team as of answering this question as well. Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

Hmmm, I don't love answering this kind of question casually. It requires research that I haven't (yet) done. But I'll give it a shot. Just don't hold me to it.

B-01 Robin/Nightwing - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-02 Aqualad - Atlantean Pagan.

B-03 Kid Flash - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-04 Superboy was given no religion.

B-05 Miss Martian - In theory, grew up worshipping the Gods of Mars.

B-06 Red Arrow - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-07 Artemis - Fairly confident, she wasn't brought up with any faith...

B-08 Zatanna - Catholic.

B-09 Rocket - Baptist, maybe?

B-10 Tempest - Atlantean Pagan.

B-11 Aquagirl - Atlantean Pagan

B-12 ?? - ??

B-13 ?? - ??

B-14 ?? - ??

B-15 ?? - ??

B-16 Batgirl - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-17 Bumblebee - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-18 Lagoon Boy - Atlantean Pagan.

B-19 Beast Boy - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-20 Robin - Protestant Christian of some kind.

B-21 Wonder Girl - - Protestant Christian of some kind with a new respect for Amazon Pagan.

B-22 Blue Beetle - Catholic.

B-23 Impulse - Protestant Christian of some kind (assuming there was time for faith post-Reach Apocalypse).

B-24 ?? - ??

B-25 ?? - ??

B-26 ?? - ??

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Tracy writes...

Hey Greg! Just wanted to say I loved YJ and a had a few questions about the universe for you.

1. Have all the JSA members who were active on Earth-16 been shown already? Or are there some that weren't on the archive footage?

2. Are there any other Superhero groups on Earth-16 other than the JLA right now?

3. On Wikipedia it says that an imaginary story about Batman and Superman's children took place on this universe. Is that still canon to this verse?

Greg responds...

1. They haven't all been shown.


3. No.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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ILoveRobin writes...

Hello, Greg. One quick question:
I was just looking at the comic sample called Face Your Fears. In the panel where Robin has his mask in his hand, it doesn't have lenses. Is this a blooper? I just don't understand where the white lenses went :O
Sorry for the random question :/ But I hope you answer it!

Greg responds...

I didn't write on that issue, but it sounds like a mistake.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Inkie writes...

As billionaire Bruce Wayne's adopted son, does Dick get a lot of privileges (big allowance, credit cards, wants vs needs) or does Bruce keep him pretty down to earth?

Greg responds...

Both probably.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Jules Verdonck writes...

Hey Greg,
I just watched 'performances' and noticed one problem:
As a belgian fan of young justice I was offended that the circus master only greeted the audience in german and french. why didn't he say 'Dames en heren' in Dutch? Because Bruges is a Flammish city.

Greg responds...

He did. Look/listen again. (His accent might not have been great, but he said it.)

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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maxx writes...

Does Kaldur have any siblings?
Does he have an uncle or aunt?
Does he have any relatives on his mom's side in Atlantis?
Why is Kaldur so shy or introverted?
What Kaldur's favorite surface world food?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Probably.

3. Probably.

4. Why is anyone?

5. Uh... sushi?

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Mike S. writes...

I noticed in the Young Justice comics and television show, that Artemis and her mother live in a pretty meager apartment. This appeared to also be the case when Lawrence was living in the house.

So were they living that way on purpose, or does being a skilled assassin just not pay much money? You'd think Lawrence would be making some major bank. As an addendum, in the time he's been away, has he sent anything in the way of financial support?

Greg responds...

Being in and out of prison takes a toll on one's bank account. But I also think that Sporty isn't spending his money on the finer things - unless those finer things explode.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How long does it take a Lord of Chaos to regain their hold on the physical plane if their familiar is destroyed (if the Lord of Chaos in question relies on a familiar)?

Greg responds...

I guess it would depend.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Has Zatanna's A-03 designation changed since she joined the Team?

2) I know that Hawkwoman and Hal Jordan only had one line in "Agendas" (Hawkwoman said "Hear, hear!" in response to Wonder Woman's comment about the League needing more female members, and Hal said "No" in response to the question about Guy Gardner) but could you reveal who voiced them please, since they went uncredited? I think Vanessa Marshall voiced Hawkwoman but I'm not sure.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Since they were uncredited, I don't have a list of who played those parts on my electronic copy of the script. I would have jotted down who played them on my cast list on the hard copy of the script I was using at the actual record, but I'm afraid my first season scripts are currently boxed up, so I can't check my hard copy to see. I have a vague memory that Danica McKellar played Hawkwoman and that Dee Bradley Baker played Hal, but I can't be sure.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Another character focus episode, this time on Robin. I will admit, up front, I don't have quite as much to say about this episode as I do others. It's not to say I didn't like this one, because I definitely did. A lot. But, I write reviews, and I certainly won't ignore this one. As Gandalf the White would say, it's the deep breath before the plunge.

Out of all the characters this season, Robin has gotten the least amount of focus. This is forgivable though, as Dick Grayson is the most famous and well known character on the team. Hell, before the press release for this show, I had no idea who Aqualad, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, and Artemis were. My knowledge of superhero sidekicks was limited to Robin, Bucky, Batgirl and Kitty Pryde (assuming they count), and Launchpad McQuack. Hey, Stan Lee thought sidekicks were lame... and I didn't disagree with him. I didn't watch "Teen Titans," but this show has made the concept grow on me. But Robin is the iconic teen sidekick, and you could find a nomadic tribe in the Sahara and chances are at least one of them would recognize Robin thanks to countless TV shows, movies, and pop culture references over the last several decades. But I enjoyed his story, it felt natural. The circus was his home, it was where he grew up. As much as I am enjoying the Light conspiracy, it is nice to take a small break from that as Dick wants to help a man who was like a father to him.

I thought this episode's version of the Parasite was an effective, and sometimes even scary villain. I definitely preferred this version to the one in "Superman the Animated Series" who was content as long as he had a big screen TV in his prison cell, and cable TV. This is a guy who should be terrifying, and this episode did that. Adam Baldwin was a great pick for his voice. Parasite was working for Intergang, who have ties to Apokolips. Was Parasite really trying to destroy Geneva with a black hole, or was that a giant boom tube? I suppose we'll find out soon.

I absolutely LOVED hearing Clancy Brown as King Faraday. As far as I'm concerned, he does good guys just as well as he does bad guys. I loved him as Captain George Stacy, and I loved him here. I do wonder if this was a small homage to George Stacy as the character design and voice seemed to match quite well. Either way, it put a smile on my face.

I really enjoyed the reference to H.G. Welles "The War of the Worlds." If there is one thing you can always count on to appear in a Weisman-helmed production, it is literary references. "Gargoyles" was full of them, it certainly didn't stop at Shakespeare; "W.I.T.C.H." had a few, my favorite being Xanadu. "The Spectacular Spider-Man" had plenty of Shakespeare as well as a classic reference to Dante's Divine Comedy. I'm a sucker for this sort of thing. But, to quote another reviewer named Dread: "I can say the biggest difference between this show and "ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN" is showcased in one detail; this show expects their audience to know who H.G. Welles is, while "USM" assumes kids have never done anything but play video games in their room or watch MTV." It's a sad state of affairs to see a series promoted as much as USM push and cater to ignorance. But, I suppose Jeph Loeb thinks if he caters to children who don't know what a book that have parents that won't push them to find out, he'll get more butts in to seats.

Finally, there's Red Arrow coming around and deciding to be more trusting and that there is no mole. At this point, I'm ruling out Artemis, Miss Martian, and Superboy as they are all too obvious, and have seemingly been cleared. There is no chance in hell it's Kid Flash or Robin. Zatanna is too new. That leaves Aqualad and.... Red Arrow himself. I guess we'll find out on Saturday when it hits the fan.

Greg responds...

The H.G. Wells reference was what we call a "throw-away". If you get it, great. If you don't, it hardly matters. I don't particularly consider it writing up or down to the audience, but rather being true to Robin's character.

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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