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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) become available for use before "Usual Suspects" was written?

2) If so, why did you decide to make Rocket the 8th member instead?

3) Was Rocket mainly added for ethnic diversity? I know you'e fan of Rocket and Icon as well, but was diversity the main reason?

4a) Any particular reason why you felt that as many as 3 of the Team's members needed to have evil fathers (or an evil donor, in Luthor's case)?

4b) What made you opt to go the 'rough background/from a broken home' route with Artemis when you could have just done so with Aqualad (who is also descended from a criminal)? Doing so would have created more variety in the characters' backgrounds. Apologies if this question comes across as rude, I do like Artemis but I feel that her saga could have been covered by Aqualad (aside from the love interest for Wally bit lol.)

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember the exact date, but she became available AFTER we had already set the entire first season.

2. Rocket was ALWAYS planned to be the NINTH member from day one, which is why we seeded her in a handful of times in earlier episodes.

3. Diversity was a reason, but it was pretty far down on the list. As you mentioned, I always liked Rocket and liked what she could bring to the Team in those last couple episodes.

4a. Honestly, it just worked out that way. We actually de-evil'd Wally's dad back to his pre-Millennium good dad state.

4b. We weren't trying to 'COVER' beats like it's some kind of checklist. We wanted the AQUALAD you've seen on the show, the one with a solid parental childhood who had been one of the big four teen sidekicks. (The fact that we've since learned that he's Black Manta's son, doesn't change the guy you knew in Season One, who believed his father was Calvin Durham.) Likewise, we wanted the ARTEMIS you saw on the series, with the background we gave her. We didn't need and weren't looking to combine these elements into one character to service some pre-ordained needs in as few characters as possible. The whole process is WAY more organic than that.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman. My questions today relate to Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows.
1. Has Ra's ever been an assassin himself, or does he merely command them?
2. Did Ra's found the League of Shadows?
3. Whether Ra's founded the group or not, when was the League of Shadows founded?
4. When did Cheshire join the League of Shadows?
5. You've identified Talia's mother as a woman named Melisande. Was/is she also Ra's' wife?
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions, and those of many others. It is much appreciated.

Greg responds...

1. He's killed people, if that's what you're asking.

2. Yes.

3. I haven't pinpointed a date, but it was a long time ago.


5. Yes.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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Lurker writes...

1-When will the comic book catch up and begin telling stories of season 2? Also will the comic tie into the video game?

2-Dont you think it would be a good idea to publish character profiles with a few informations, to make the question line a bit smaller?

Greg responds...

1. Starting with the VERY end of issue #19 (out now) - but really starting with issue #20 (out in September).

1a. Given enough issues, sure.

2. We've got FAQs up the whazoo. Trouble is few check them.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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Tup writes...

It appears my last post was deleted in light of your new no-long-lists policy (I have to say I agree, though this time around, my list was only three questions.) So, I resubmit one question, and come up with two new ones (all sort of Captain Atom-y related). I hope it gets through.

1. In the whole JLA/I/E/Extreme Justice era of the 90s, Captain Atom did not get along with Wonder Woman. Green Arrow and Hawkman were never big friends, and Batman seems to detest anything that glows green. Are there any "fights" or rivalries in the League in YJ, or are they all big super friends?

2. Seeing as how the Vietnam War is now over 40 years ago, and not 20 as it was when you and Cary wrote the Captain Atom comics, how does it influence characters? Rako was made a kid (and around 50 now?), but how old are Rois and Eiling? They both have to be well over sixty, or even seventy.

3. Which Captain Atom-derived character is your favorite, Major Force or Bombshell?

Greg responds...

1. Without going into details, they all get along professionally, but some are better friends than others.

2. Yep. It's an issue that I've largely avoided dealing with so far. But eventually. The main shift that through me so far, was how old I had to make Peggy Adams Eiling.

3. I'm not that familiar with Bombshell, and I co-created Major Force, so... take a guess.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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jon damon writes...

hope this is good with the new guidelines.

1. Is Aquaman king of Atlantis, or King of All Seas?
2. Is all of Atlantis in the Atlantic? I'm just asking because "Lemuria" shares its name with the hypothetical sunken land in the Indian Ocean.
3. Is Poseidonis in the northern of southern hemisphere?

Greg responds...

1. Technically, his title is "Orin, King of Atlantis, Poseidonis and the Seven Seas".


3. Northern.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Correct me if I’m somehow mistaken, but wasn’t there supposed to be some kind of catastrophe that nearly wiped out the Martian race at some point on Earth-16 or did that catastrophe never happened at all and all the Martians still alive?

2. Were ALL White Martians treated as second-class citizens, or were there those within the Red/Green Martian population who might have been sympathetic towards them? It would be hard to believe that the ENTIRE Red and Green Martian population would be so cold towards the White Martian population.

Greg responds...

1. Before I answer, please tell me where "wasn't there supposed to be" comes from. I'm curious.

2. Nothing's monolithic. For example, J'onn obviously has no anti-White bias.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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witch boy writes...

is teekl a he or a she?>

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1 - How old is Ubu?
2 - How old is Black Manta?
3 - How old is Cat Grant?
4 - How old is Mayor Hill?
5 - How old is Mark Desmond?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One:

1. Ubu is 31.

2. Manta is 37.

3. Cat is 23.

4. Hill is 52.

5. Mark is 42.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1 - How old is Professor Ojo?
2 - How old is Uncle Dudley?
3 - How old is Icon?
4 - How old is Dubbilex?
5 - How old is Henry Yarrow?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One:

1. Ojo is 49.

2. Dudley is 65.

4. Dubbilex is 5.

3. & 5. I haven't done the math on Icon or Yarrow.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1 - How old is Black Adam?
2 - How old is Amanda Waller?
3 - How old is Lucius Fox?
4 - How old is Wotan?
5 - How old is Wade Eiling?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One:

For various reasons, I've only done the math on Waller, who is 44.

Response recorded on August 31, 2012

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