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Speedys Speedys Everywhere! writes...

I just finished watching "Satisfaction" and, first things first, I just have to say that I love the portrayal of Lex Luthor you, Brandon, and company have put together (not to mention how well Mark Rolston sells it). He's just so LIKEABLE. Many writers seem to forget that the main reason Superman can't just say "Uh yeah, he's a bad guy, let's lock him up" is because, to the public that doesn't know what he's upto, Lex is almost as beloved as Supes himself. You guys have nailed what makes Luthor a great adversary. Kudos!

Anyway, onto my questions:

1. The Blue Beetle statue in the grotto implies he was a member of League during the timeskip, yes?

2. Sportsmaster's comments made me wonder about who all knew that Artemis was his daughter. Obviously, Aqualad had reason to know, but would Manta? Is Artemis' parentage well-known among the criminal element in Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. By Season Two, yes. (Frankly, it wasn't that big a secret in Season One either.) But that doesn't make it PUBLIC knowledge. Artemis is largely unknown to the general public, with a few exceptions - like Cissie King-Jones, for example.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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EXALT writes...

1)Has Vandal Savage ever faced the JSA or the All-Star Squadron?
2)If yes, what did he think of them? Was he troubled by them as he is now troubled by the JL?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Ironically, no, because of the A in J.S.A., which made it seem more nationalistic. The moreso with the wartime A-SS.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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JoeMerl writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman! Let me begin with the obligatory praise: "Gargoyles" had a big impact on my childhood, while "Spectacular Spider-Man" and "Young Justice" are new favorites. Thanks for making them!

I have a few questions, which I hope don't come off as too nitpicky or critical. I tend to over-think cartoons sometimes.

1.) M'Gann's subplot in season one feels kind of odd to me. You've said that White Martians and Green Martians look basically the same, but if that's the case, why bother keeping her true race a secret from the Team? She probably realizes that Martians look freaky by human standards, but color makes little difference to that, and they are only going to recognize a social connotation to her White-ness if she explains it. Am I missing something, or is it just that this is such a touchy subject for her that she is not really acting rationally?

2.) You've said before that you always try to capture the "core" of a character, no matter what details you change. Now, I only have second-hand knowledge about Artemis from the original comics, but from what I understand her moral alignment was opposite of what it is in YJ. I'm not necessarily arguing with the result---Artemis is one of my favorite characters---but I'm curious: why did you choose her for the Team (you mentioned several other female archer candidates), and what exactly do you feel is the "core" similarity between the original and Earth-16 versions?

3.) Another not-complaining-but-curious question: I understand the reasons Superman found Superboy's existence disturbing, and I like how they're nuanced if not perfectly noble. But other versions of his character did not go through those sort of issues. Is there a particular reason you decided to include them? Did it just make more sense to you than instant acceptance, or did you want to try something different with the character, etc.?

4.) A more minor query: about how fast can Billy's "Speed of Mercury" go? My math (which admittedly might be wrong) says it took him about a day to get home from India in "Alpha Male." I would have guessed it would just take a few hours, but maybe I'm just over-estimating it? (He's still flying about as fast as a plane, after all.)

I hope none of these questions were annoying, and thanks a lot for this forum! Good luck getting a third season!

Greg responds...

1. The latter, basically.

2. As to why we chose her, for the most part it was her backstory, which gave us the potential to play with our themes of Secrets & Lies. And the answer to the second half of the question is essentially the same. I don't feel there was a lot of there there with this character BEYOND her heritage. That birthright, such as it is, seemed like the core of who she was.

3. Yes, it made WAY more sense to us.

4. I think you're WAY over-estimating it.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I just have 1 question for you today :)

What exactly does Wally see in Artemis? I see that he probably likes how she's pretty and she kicks butt, but is that it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,
I just would like to say sorry in advance if any of these questions turn out to be a spoiler request.

1. Since Zatanna can sense magic/mystic forces near her(as said in "Auld Acuaintance"), can anyone else that can wield magic do the same? What I mean is, can Klarion, Zartara, etc. sense magic near them too?

2. How did Artemis recieve the full scholarship to Gotham Academy? I mean, I guess maybe Batman gave it to her, but why?

3. In Denial, when Artemis and Wally held Kent's staff, why did it fly away with the both of them stuck to it?

4. Why is it that Barry runs at the speed of light and Wally runs at the speed of sound? Was the experiment Wally created done wrong or something like that?

5. In the comics, obviously the story that M'gann told the team about how she became Martian Manhunter's sidekick was a lie, but I was wondering what was M'gann's true story of how she came to Earth?

Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions. I absolutely LOVE Young Justice. It is the most AMAZING super hero show that I've seen in a long time. Congats to you and your team for making this incredible show!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. He was trying to help her.

3. To find Kent.

4. Basically, yes. It blew up the West garage, and Wally was nearly killed in the process. It did not work as well as Barry's.

5. She stowed away on his ship.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Can anybody besides Ra's Al Ghul can use the Lazarus pit?

2. Does the death penalty exist for supervillains?

3. How long has Hal Jordan been a Green Lantern for?

4. How long has the joker and the Riddler been fighting batman for and how many people have they killed?

5. What other teams was the martian manhunter apart of besides the league?

Greg responds...

1. See issues 11-13 of our companion comic.

2. Depends on the jurisdiction under which they were convicted of their crimes.

3. He'd been a Green Lantern for ten years before the start of Season One.

4a. The Red Hood became the Joker ten years before the start of Season One. Edward Nigma became the Riddler two years before the start of Season One.

4b. I don't have numbers for you.

5. I think he joined a Chess Club once.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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EXALT writes...

I have a couple questions about your version of the Joker...
1)Usually, the origin of the Joker is a mistery to anyone, including himself. But you said that you create backstories pretty much for all your characters, even if you don't necessarely put them in the show. So, the question is: have you created an origin for the YJ Joker, or did you just stick with the "total mistery" thing (of course, if you DID create an origin, I'm not asking you to spoil it here).
2)In Revelation, the Joker claims to have multiple personalities. Was that a reference to his multiple origins?

Greg responds...

1. Red Hood.

2. If you like.

Response recorded on November 21, 2012

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TheTavarse writes...

Not a question, but a declaration. In a perfect world there would be four clones of you. Original recipe Weisman to executive produce Young Justice, Clone-1 to write the comic, Clones 2 & 3 to executive produce the Arrow and Aqua family animated series and Clone-4 to write the web comic "Suoveihcsim" staring Rocket, Artemis, and Zatanna during the 5 year gap. Seriously, where's Dr. Desmond when you need him?

Greg responds...

What you really need isn't more of me so much as corporate sponsorship for all the things you - and I - might like to see.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Anon writes...

Why did Artemis choose the bow and arrow as her weapon of choice?

Greg responds...

She excelled at it. Sportsmaster pushed her that way. It suited her name. She admired Green Arrow and Speedy from a distance. Take your pick.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What was it like when Artemis first met Wally's family, and well do they get along?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to tell a story here, but all in all they all get along great.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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