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Angie writes...

How does wonder woman still keep her immortal life? Does she live on paradise island

Greg responds...

I'm not clear what you mean by "immortal life"...?

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Why was Wally denying magic so much in denial? writes...

Okay, I'm really sorry for asking you this old question from a old episode, but this kinda bugged me when re watching the series xD.

I realize Wally is a man of science, but considering Zatara, someone apart of the Justice League is a magic user, why didn't he believe in magic?

Greg responds...

I think he explained that effectively in the episode. I have nothing to add, except to contrast how he was feeling at the beginning with how he was feeling about it at the end - when (despite what he said aloud to cover) he had clearly had a change of heart about the whole thing.

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Ellie writes...

I've been going over some questions and it seems to me that it can be really irritating answering them sometimes. So this isn't a question, just a huge thank you and I really enjoy all the effort that's been put into the show. I've never seen anything like it, it's amazing!
Thank you!

Greg responds...

Thank you!

(Which show?)

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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megan 32 writes...

Thanks for this amazing series

young justice forever

Greg responds...

Thank you!

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Superboy X2 writes...

Superboy And Megan Are Virgin ?

Greg responds...

Sigh. I'm really hoping that English is your second language, in which case, I know I should make allowances. (Cuz if it's not - and as a former English teacher - I find the sloppiness of this post truly annoying.)

Anyway, as of when?

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Craig writes...

Hi Greg,

Just wondering which heroes, besides the Zatara's, have lived/fought crime in New York City from Team Year Zero until "present day" on Earth 16?

Thanks for your time, you rock!

Greg responds...

I haven't broken everything down by city.

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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J writes...


Also, I'm not asking for any detailed spoilers or anything, but does AJ know any Atlantian magic?..I imagine with his parantage (father descended from the greatest sourcerers of the past & mother is the greatest of the present) he would show a prodigal talent for the art, even at 5 years old...

Greg responds...

Who's "AJ"?

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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J writes...

Yove mentioned before that the reason Aquaman doesn't have his "water-bolt" power is because he is not a sourcerer, and only Atlantian sourcerers have hard-water power...now in the comics, the only reason Aquaman can communicate with sealife is because he is a direct decendant of the most powerful Atlantian sourcerers...
My question is, how are these points reconciled on Earth-16? If his telepathy with sea-mamals is not the product of sourcery, why can only he do it (or am I assuming too much)?
And if it is the product of sourcery, even inately, wouldn't it be a simple task to learn such a minor technique as the "water-bolts"?

Greg responds...

You're assuming that there's some connection between telepathy and sorcery, and that's NOT something we've ever connected on Earth-16.

And nothing is SIMPLE when it comes to sorcery.

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Why the Justice League keep the Watchtower a Secret?

Greg responds...

Perhaps so that it doesn't get attacked...

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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Zatanna Fan writes...

Dear Greg,
1)Now that Zatanna is more skilled with magic, is she on the same level as her father Zatara?
2)In episode "Misplaced" Zatanna used a wand to locate Klarion. What it her wand or her fathers?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not too interested in quantifying things. She's more proficient now than she was five years ago.

2. That wand. <grrrrrrr> I don't know what the heck the deal was with that wand. Maybe it helped her focus or something. But she doesn't need it.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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