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Anonymous writes...

why aren't zatanna and rocket in the intro?

Greg responds...

I assume you're talking about the season one main titles, in which case those were created long before either Zatanna or Rocket joined the Team. Including either would have been a massive spoiler. I'm not big on spoilers.

Response recorded on October 21, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. After their kiss on New Years, did Aqualad and Rocket ever date?

2. If so, why did they brake up (call it off)?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers (but yes).

2. No spoilers (for real this time).

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

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D. R. McLeod writes...

Hello, I'd just like to say that I absolutely love Young Justice, I think it's one of the most mature and thoughtful shows I've ever seen, of any genre, and I hope that you get to come back to it someday. Anyway, I have two questions... well, two with a lot of subquestions, all about Doctor Fate and the events of "Misplaced."

1: In an earlier question, you mentioned that putting on the helmet of fate ages the body of the host. Did that happen to Zatanna when she wore the helmet in Misplaced, and if so, how come she wasn't sent to the adult universe like Captain Marvel was when he transformed?

2: What would have happened if both Zatanna and Zatarra had each put on the Helmet of Fate in their own universe? Would that even be possible? Would there be a separate Nabu entity in each universe with its own host, or would he have awareness of both universes? Would the hosts have awareness of each other? What would happen to Nabu and the hosts when the universes merged?

I apologize for throwing so many metaphysical questions at you at once, this just seems to be one of those scenarios that's full of story hooks. Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Did I say that? Even if I did, I didn't mean it ages a person instantly. I merely meant it takes a toll.

2. The split Nabu would probably have possessed each, and would probably have been even less effective than he was. Nabu would probably be fine once he merged. But all his is a big hypothetical. It didn't happen, so we'll never know for sure.

Response recorded on October 02, 2015

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Nate Elias writes...

1. Most of the time Batman Villains in general are shown being incarcerated at Arkham regardless of their mental state. Which Villains do you consider to not be criminally insane?

2. What drove the decision to use the Matt Hagen Clayface or Raymond Maxwell Jensen Parasite as opposed to the more Known & Widely used Basil Karloff and Rudy Jones Versions? This isn't a criticism by the way.

3. You've said that at the time of season 1 Batman & Bane hadn't encountered each other yet. Would you say that the events of Knightfall, or events similar to it, had taken place by The time of Season 2?

Anyways, hope you get around to Answering me. I'm a Lifelong fan of your work, especially Gargoyles! ;)

Greg responds...

1. It pretty much depends on HOW a given set of creators are portraying those villains. But if we're talking YJ, Joker belongs there. But Riddler, Bane and Clayface do not. Have we done any other strictly Batman villains?

2. We used the versions we thought would be the most fun/dangerous, which incidentally were also the versions that I was most familiar with.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 02, 2015

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ND writes...

First of all, I apologize for the mistakes: English is not my mother language.

Then I'd like to tell you that I really like the animated Young Justice for many reasons. I love the variety of genders and ethnicities and the lack of stereotypes. There was a Japanese girl who didn't do Kung Fu or computers, blondes who weren't stupid or shallow, Black characters who didn't die in the first episode, and so on.

Now, there's something I don't like about Young Justice (and many animated shows, by the way): there's a variety of body types among boys yet all girls have the same impossibly tiny waist. It's very guilt-inducing for the girls who watch the show and don't have a "perfect body", that is 99.99% of them.

I know some male characters like Kaldur or Conner have incredibly huge muscles but all male characters were not like that: Billy Batson was skinny throughout the two seasons and the fans LOVED him the way he was. Moreover, Dick's evolution may have been explained by his training while there was not such explanation for the girls: in real life, most high-level female athletes have "ruler" body shapes, not impossible hourglasses. Also, some male characters like La'gaan or Garfield (I apologize for mentioning Garfield) look like "monsters" while all female characters look human (I don't count Miss Martian because she looks human most of the time). Why?

I know you probably didn't mean it but this is quite disturbing. I don't mind hourglass women but every woman cannot have an impossible hourglass figure. Personally, I exercise regularly, I eat healthy food, I'm thinner than average and I don't have an impossible hourglass figure because 1) I have intestines and 2) I inherited my granny's "pear" body shape. I've been heavier on bottom since puberty and I'm ok with it but some teenagers are not THAT ok because they hear all the time that every woman should look like Zatanna!

I apologize if I sound rude. I'd just like to tell you that a female character doesn't need a "perfect" body to be endearing, interesting or a good role model. Just after the episode "Secrets", I read from some fans on forums and some said "Hey, I like Greta, I hope we'll see more of her later". None of them said "I hope we won't see her again unless she grows some huge boobs, flat-chested girls are repulsive". In real life, people shouldn't grant less value to women who are skinny or plus-size so why should they in fiction?

I hope you don't take this badly. This is not an attack against you, I'm just wondering about teenagers' body images. Have a nice day. :)

Greg responds...

I think you raise some very valid points. And I think its an area that comics and cartoons have traditionally been less than great at, though that's no excuse for continuing those traditions blindly.

We did have Devastation and Tuppence Terror (in Season 2) and Shimmer, none of whom have the hour-glass figure - but all of whom are villains.

We were also guilty of that in Gargoyles, and it was something I tried to address (years later) in the comics with the addition of Constance/Coco - a badass, kickass gargoyle of larger proportions. I think she was quite popular with the fans. So it's something I'm working on. But there's often resistance. And, to be honest, some of that resistance is purely internal and unconscious on my part. So it's something I'm working on within myself, as well.

But please don't stop reminding me.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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AhhGoodTimes writes...

How involved were you or will you be in the upcoming Young Justice/Teen Titans Go crossover? Which btw I'm very excited for. It sounds fun!

Greg responds...

Not involved at all. Calling it a crossover is pushing it. It was more like a YJ cameo in TTG. I enjoyed it. It was fun.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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ND writes...


We all know that Queen Bee's powers work on most men and some women, so would they work on a romantic asexual?

I love your show, by the way.

Greg responds...

I don't know enough about "romantic asexuals" to answer the question, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I recently watched the first season of Young Justice and I loved nearly everything about it. But there was two things that I didn't quite understand.

1. The first being Red Arrow's logic in determining there was no mole in "Performance". He claimed that since he now saw them in action that there was no way they (Artemis/M'gann/Conner) would betray the team. Yet Artemis did just that on the previous mission (Red Arrow was there) in "Insecurity", and that mission even involved the person that leaked there was a mole in Sporstmaster.

Not to mention it was clear that Superboy and the others knew about Red Arrow's distrust of them. So why would they do something when they knew he was watching them closely? Plus, if him theorizing that his programming was part of the reason he casted suspicion on them is correct, then how did he overcome it with such little evidence?

2. The second thing I didn't understand was Artemis' sudden romantic interest in Wally at the end. I get that he was shown to be crazy about her, but nothing from when she showed up in "Infiltrator" to "Performance" gave me the impression that she reciprocated those feelings. She was only show to care about Wally to the extent that they were teammates and sort of friends. She treated him the same way she did all the others aside from getting annoyed by him occasionally.

The only guy she was shown to have any romantic feelings for was Conner. So her agreeing that Wally should have kissed her "a long time ago" felt really out of place. It's not that I don't think she could have liked Wally, but there was nothing there that made me believe she did before it came out of the blue at the end.

Greg responds...

1. I think, given the fact that he knew that he was already in the League, there was less of a subconscious NEED for him to feel there was a mole. And so, for once, camaraderie won out over suspicion. OR - you could believe he was lulling them into a false sense of security. Pick your poison.

2. If you don't see she was interested in Wally, I doubt I can convince you. But from our point of view, her attraction was there (though intentionally somewhat subtle) from "Denial" at least, and probably from moment one. Certainly, in "Bereft," it's clear that they have a connection - no matter how hard both try to deny it. Many fans agree, so I feel like we succeeded.

3. She was, without a doubt, superficially interested in Conner. But that was a pretty shallow attraction.

Response recorded on August 07, 2015

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This is a question about Bialya and Qurac. These are both Middle Eastern countries (and according to wikipedia, both are located near Saudi Arabia and Iraq), and I am wondering about their conflict.

How long has this been going on? Since before Queen Bee took power in Bialya? After? Is there a Sunni vs Shi'ite element at work here, too?

Queen Bee's powers provide an explanation for how she is able to keep such absolute power in Bialya, given her gender in a Middle Eastern state... but her power only works in close range, so I wonder how much loyalty she has from her military and police force. Either way, it seems like a pretty liberal country by the standards of that region... which makes me think Bialya is, at least on paper, a Shi'ite state... at the very least, it doesn't appear that wahhabism has taken root in either state.

So, I guess what I'm asking is, in your mind, what are the religious politics of these two countries?

Greg responds...

These are all fair questions, but I haven't invested the time to work the answers out.

I think Queen Bee's powers combine with her intelligence to make her military feel pretty good about serving her. It probably helps that the male half of the royal family is non-existent. Some military men may rationalize their service by thinking she's a figurehead - until they're around her. They might on occasion question her decisions except for this - she's keeping them in power too.

As for the Sunni vs. Shi'ite thing, I don't feel comfortable locking down an answer.

Response recorded on August 06, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Has Bruce Wayne ever dated Lois Lane?

2. Does Batman keep files on how to defeat every member of the Justice League?

3. Was Alfred Pennyworth ever a member of M16?

4. Is Alfred's policy on guns, NO GUNS like Batman, or is he not above using a gun for self defense?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Does he need to keep files? Like how limited is his memory?

3. He was a member of something. But I'd have to research it. (I was about to write OSS, which is how I always think of him, but he's obviously too young for that now.)

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 03, 2015

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