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Anonymous writes...

First off I would like to say how much I enjoy the tv show Young Justice. I love DC Universe in general and the tv show Young Justice is one of my favorites out of all of them. I was very excited to hear the announcement for the third season. I can't wait to see what your team will come up with! Don't worry I wont ask for spoilers. I read the other comments. I know how you feel about them. But I do have a question. The show doesn't give much on the life of Batman and Robin but there are hints that Bruce is more of a father to Dick at least in his own way. This isn't the case in a lot of other tv shows. In most versions Robin ends up growing apart from Batman. Granted, we don't know what happened in the 5 year skip and I wont ask. But Batman does treat Nightwing as more of a partner. Is there a specific reason for this? Or and I'm going to go on a limb here and may or may not answer my own question, is it because you wanted to focus on the team?

Greg responds...

Well, of course we want to focus on the Team. But we also interpreted the Batman/Robin/Nightwing relationship as a solid one. In my opinion, Dick doesn't have to be estranged from Batman to grow up.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Kolty writes...

So in Young Justice, you cast Bruce Greenwood as Batman, but not John DiMaggio as the Joker. Any reason on ditching that match-up? I find it amusing.

Greg responds...

I don't know why it's amusing. We weren't/aren't in continuity with the Red Hood movie. But we felt Bruce was right for our Batman, and that John's interpretation of Joker wasn't right for our version of the character. Love John's work, however, as any fan of The Spectacular Spider-Man must know.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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ShadowKiller2000 writes...

Hi Greg,
I recently finished watching Young Justice and loved it and I have some questions.
1) What was your favorite episode?
2)When did you start reading DC comics? Did you grow up reading them or is it just something you read before the production of the show?

Greg responds...

1. I kinda love them all. But if I had to pick just one, it would probably be "Misplaced."

2. I grew up reading DC and Marvel comics since I was a little kid.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Kevin writes...

1. Did Vandal Savage have multiple children over the years to improve the human race? I am aware he had named children in the comics and I am not asking if they will appear just in general did he decide to improve the human race with his bloodline over the years?
2. Does Vandal Savage have the potential to know every single language since he was born before civilization
3. His incarnation in Young Justice is much more cerebral and more restrained then his previous portrayals what made you decide to go in this direction with the character? In my opinion it should be the standard how you portray lead antagonists.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Potentially, all Earth languages, yes.

3. It felt right and true to the character.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017

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Kevin writes...

1. When Klarion called Zatanna spells' baby magic was he referring to her way of using magic speaking backwards or spoken magic in general?
2. Why would some magic users call themselves wizards or witches as opposed to sorcerers or sorceresses for example Wizard as a wizard and Wotan as a sorcerer?
3. How did Kent Nelson get away from Doctor Fate's control since the good doctor seems to be very strict with free will when it comes to fighting Chaos?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly neither, but maybe a little of the former.

2. I'm gonna say that you need to ask them. These may all be synonyms of a sort in the Earth-16 universe.

3. In those days, he took off the helmet after a mission. One day, he just never put it back on.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I have a question about superboy, and I'm sorry if my english is messed up, english is not my native language. I watched and readed all young justice data, and after that I couldn't help but think that superboy is too weak if we compare with the others. I mean, not in terms of power and all, but all the ex-sidekicks had their evolution in some aspects, but superboy was not that good in aspect of evolution, after all, his condition kind of prevents him to get stronger, and I think anyone who watched yj may think that way. On top of that, even wonder girl seems to be as strong as him (or almost), and has her bracelets, lasso and flight. My question is not if he will get stronger (or not) because it would be a spoiler question, but I want to know your opinion about the last superboy that was shown. Do you agree that Superboy was shown a little weak? If not, why do you think that way? i'm not asking you as a creator, but as a viewer, so please, give your opinion about it.

Greg responds...

If by "evolution" you're ONLY talking about his super-powers, than I'll just say he is what he is. He's stronger and more invulnerable than Wonder Girl. But she does have other abilities. He's had extensive martial arts training and can still leap tall buildings in a single bound (more or less). But we're not looking to power him up or over-power him.

As to him being weak: no. I don't think he's weak at all. I don't know why you'd think that.

And, of course, I do think he's evolved a TON as a character. Probably more than anyone else.

Response recorded on February 15, 2017

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Bat-Mite writes...

How smart is Batman? What college degrees does he have? Which subjects does he have degrees in?

Greg responds...

He's smart.

I'm guessing, Bruce Wayne has a B.A. of some kind. And I'm guessing that's all he has, officially. But that doesn't mean he hasn't studied up on a number of subjects that he has no college degree for.

And, by the way, I assume we're talking about YJ's version of Batman. Because otherwise, I'm no more qualified to make pronouncements about him than you or anyone is.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg,
I've heard somewhere (I don't remember where) that Sportsmaster was supposed to have the ability to copy people's fighting styles after watching them (or something along those lines), but I haven't been able to find any source about that. Can you confirm or deny this?

Greg responds...

Nope. Can't confirm or deny. Which doesn't mean it didn't appear in some comic or other. Doesn't mean it did, either.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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KOBreezy521 writes...

Hello Greg!

Thank you for all the great work you have supplied to my childhood and young adult life! YJ was a Saturday tradition with my cousins at my great-grandmother's house (even after some of us graduated high school).

Ok I apologize in advance if this has been asked and answered, but..during their encounter in "Infiltrators" was this the first time Artemis has seen Jade since Jade left?

I love their dynamic throughout the series, and look forward to seeing their developments going into Season 3.

And with that: Congratulations on Season 3! Thank you to you and your team for working with the Fandom to be able to see these guys back in action!!!
(Keeping my fingers crossed for more Spitfire, but no Spoiler request here)

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal whether or not it was the first time they had laid eyes on each other, but clearly Artemis didn't know about Jade's Cheshire identity.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

1) Hi Greg, now that season 3 is a go, can I just ask: is Troia off-limits again (like she was when you started work on Young Justice), or is she still a character that you can use (should you choose to)?

2) In theory, would DC's insistence on calling Captain Marvel Shazam impact on your use of him or the Marvel Family in future episodes? To put it another way, would the Marvel Family still be called the Marvel Family?

Greg responds...

1. I'll reiterate what I've already revealed. Troia was off limits only at the very beginning of Season One. So we never considered using her in that season. Partway through the season, we were told she was now available, but by that time all our plans for Season One had solidified and it was too late to include her. We had planned on including her in Season Two, at both Raquel's wedding shower and in the final mission against the Reach MFDs. But production concerns - not enough hours in the day - made that impossible. I won't address whether we plan to use her in Season Three, but I will say that as far as I know, there are no off limits characters. At any rate, no one we've asked to use has been vetoed.

2. Have we EVER called them the Marvel Family?

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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