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Anonymous writes...

Rocket tells Robin Wonder Woman couldn't escape her force bubble if she kept punching it. Does it mean she could escape if she did nothing? How does that work?

Greg responds...

It doesn't mean she could escape if she did nothing. Rocket was merely making the point that Wonder Woman was fueling it with the kinetic energy she was releasing.

Response recorded on March 02, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Can you give us some details about the Amulet of Aten? Who created it? What for? What can it do?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on March 02, 2017

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Esra Karacay writes...

Hi, and thank you for taking time :) why didn't air YJ in Germany? Or would be there at lesst some german subtitles within a DVD release in Germany? Pls can you do Fans from Germany a favour: DON'T FORGET US over here and bring YJ to Germany, too, please! :)

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but all those questions and requests are way above my pay grade. They don't tell me anything about international distribution at all. And I have no control over it either. Wish I did. I'd make sure EVERYBODY in the world had it!

Response recorded on March 01, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg Weisman there was always something that kinda bugged me when I rewatched the show. In season one Robin didn't use stealth tech which made sense because he was trained in stealth. You also mentioned Jason probably didn't in one post and i don't remember what you said about Batgirl but my question is simply this.
A. In True Colors is their a in universe reason for Robin to use stealth tech if he is already trained in stealth. Thanks man for your future reply and congrats on Season Three. :)

Greg responds...

Did he use it in True Colors? I don't recall.

Response recorded on March 01, 2017

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El Papagayo writes...

What martial arts does Batman know? (Not just how many, but if possible which specific ones) What about Nightwing, Robin (Tim) and Batgirl?
Also, while rewatching YJ, I realized that Mr. Twister was the first Teen Titans villain. Was that intentional?
Lastly, I just want to say that I liked how YJ incorporated pre-Crisis homages while also modernizing the DC universe creating something both amazing and unique. Thanks for answering!

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Yes.

3. You're welcome. Thanks for watching.

Response recorded on March 01, 2017

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Yojimbo writes...

On Young Justice, Batman was the leader of the Justice League in Team Year Zero (or YJ season 1).

1) Was the first episode of season 1 Batman's first day of his tenure as leader of the Justice League in Team Year Zero?

2) Who were the leaders of the Justice League during the time skip between season 1 and season 2/Invasion besides Captain Atom in Team Year Five (or in other words, who was the leader of the Justice League in Team Year One, Two, Three, and Four)?

3) Who were the leaders of the Justice League before the formation of the Team (or in other words - Team Year Minus One, Minus Two, Minus Three, Minus Four, Minus Five, and Minus Six)?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 28, 2017

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Just Some Guy writes...

Hi Greg,
I have some questions regarding Young Justice.
1) I heard you changed your position on the speedforce. Just to be clear, does it actually exist in the Young Justice universe?
2) Why did you choose the same voice actor that did Robin's voice in season 1 (Jesse Mccartney) to do Nightwing's voice?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know that I changed my position as opposed to nuanced it slightly. And even that I did years ago. I'm still not a big fan of the concept. But instead of saying/claiming it doesn't exist, I took a couple steps back and said that no one on Earth-16 has heard of the Speed-Force. Whether or not it "exists" becomes a SPOILER REQUEST.

2. Cuz it's the same person, the same character, i.e. Dick Grayson. Was that not clear? That's like asking why did I chose Nolan North to play Superboy in Season One AND in Season Two. Why in the world would I change actors?

Response recorded on February 28, 2017

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ClarkeC writes...

Hey Mr.Weisman, managed to check out Starbrand and Nightmask and it was pretty good to no one's surprise. Also congrats on a season 3 of Young Justice. I just have two questions regarding that show.
1. You mentioned that there was both a timeline(that only you and Brandon are privy to) and a series bible(with details like Vandal Savage being Attila
the Hun supposedly). In the context of Young Justice, is their a difference or are they more or less the same.
2. You mentioned on this site that you used post cards and a giant billboards with different cards with different colors to establish certain dialogue or plot points. Do you also use them for events off screen such during the time skip or prior to the series?
Thanks in advance for time.

Greg responds...

1. They are two different documents. I'm constantly updating the timeline. The bible, I haven't looked at in five years.

2. Index cards, not post cards. And, yes, sometimes.

Response recorded on February 28, 2017

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Megan writes...

Would it be fair to describe Wally's relationship with Artemis on Young Justice as being an unhealthy one for him? Because as much as I loved Artemis as a character, I failed to see what Wally got out of their relationship that could have been considered beneficial for him over the course of the series. It appeared the entire basis of their relationship as it was portrayed on the show was Wally doing all the work and making all the concessions because only Artemis' wants and needs really mattered within it.

Wally was shown to take the initiative to tell her she was beautiful, tell her she was brilliant, tell her she had nothing to prove, take her hand in support, stand up for her, and show complete trust & faith in her at various points in the episodes "Bereft" & "Insecurity" during the first season to combat her insecurities and their rough beginnings while Artemis was only really shown to think he was a joke and treated him as such unless he was propping her up. Even when the show was having Kent Nelson nudge Wally in her direction in "Denial" she was only shown to think and expect the worst of him in the episode.

So where Wally was shown to like and accept Artemis for who she was by the end of the season, I thought Artemis was just going to reinforce whatever doubts and insecurities he had about himself based on her never being shown to like anything about him on a personal level and their interactions. I just didn't see how her constantly belittling, criticizing, and expecting the worst of him like she was shown to do was a solid foundation for a healthy relationship given his own apparent insecurities. The only thing Artemis was shown to accept was that he thought she was great.

The second season appeared to follow a similar strategy. Wally was once again doing the heavy lifting and making sacrifices for Artemis because she was important to him while she was off "having fun" doing the hero thing like she wanted to do. It wasn't until she began feeling sorry for herself after things had taken a turn for the worse on the mission that she started to doubt her choice if what she said was to be believed. It would have been one thing if she was shown to care about what she was putting Wally through or about what he wanted, but it appeared she only cared about what was best for her in the grand scheme of things.

That was why I thought Wally came across as being more of a tool Artemis could use or toss away depending on what was convenient for her at the time than he did as her partner since there never appeared to be anything equal about their relationship on the show. Wally ended up being an ineffective plot device since Artemis was never really shown to have any real attachment to him or their relationship beyond what he/it could do for her. I know you have said Artemis supposedly loved him, but her actions and the choices she was shown to make over the course of the series made it feel like the show forced her into a relationship her character wanted absolutely nothing to be with. I couldn't help but think Wally deserved better than that.

Greg responds...

Well, I mean I obviously disagree strenuously with nearly everything you've written above. I'm not even sure how to respond to this.

But here are a few examples to refute your arguments:
*Artemis clearly knew she liked Wally long before he realized he liked her.
*She shows her love and care for him the night he comes back from trying to talk to the clone Roy Harper.
*She feels horribly guilty for leaving Wally and risking what they had.

She's not perfect. Neither is he. But they seemed like a great couple to me. And I certainly don't see him as a "plot device" for her. He's a character in his own right. So is she. At least that's my opinion. And it seems to be the opinion of the majority of the fans, who worship at the Spitfire altar. And while that proves nothing, it does suggest that we were more successful demonstrating my take on things than you indicate.

But your mileage may vary. I can't make you change your mind if you're not feeling it. But you're hardly going to make me change my mind either.

It might have helped if we hadn't cut the dialogue in "Endgame" where he says he wants to come out of retirement and go back to the hero life. Have it all with her. We cut it because we thought it telegraphed his death too much. But maybe that was a mistake. It might have changed things a touch for you. Or not. Probably not. But <shrug>, that's all I can think of that we might have done differently. I'm pretty happy with what got on screen.

Response recorded on February 27, 2017

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Thomas writes...

Because the Y.J universe is so interesting

1: Why did Dan Garrett never join the JSA?

2: Just to confirm, the Joker fights Batman primarily right? As this universe is unique, he might be Green Arrow's problem.

3: How many superheroes are based in areas outside of the United States?

4: Did Lex and Clark know each other prior to Clark taking up the cape?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. He might be. (He's not, but he might be.) No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 22, 2017

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