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Michael M. writes...

Hi Greg. Very excited for Young Justice: Outsiders. Finally glad to see Arrowette make her animated debut :)

1. What exact species would Cassie Sandsmark be? Her father is a Greek god and her mother is a mortal human. Wouldn't that classify her as a Demigod?

2. How old Helena Sandsmark?

3. Is Traci Thirteen Asian or Caucasian? The reason I'm asking this is that her concept art at Comic-Con makes her look more like the latter.

4. How cruel are the Lords of Chaos'? Do they get a nice kick of seeing mortals from different planets killing each other?

5. In Denial, Klarion mentions Nabu as an "old fart". Does this mean the latter is far older than the former?

Greg responds...

1. I'm gonna say yes.

2. She was born in 1976.

3. She's biracial. Her father is Caucasian; her mother is Asian.

4. They get a kick out of Chaos.

5. Mostly it means that the latter acts like an old fart to Klarion.

Response recorded on October 27, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the names of the following characters' species?:
a. Boka
b. Primat
c. Solovar
d. Wolf

Greg responds...

a. Gorilla
b. Gorilla
c. Gorilla
d. Wolf

Response recorded on October 27, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the names of the following characters' species?:
a. Mongul
b. Monkey (S1E21, Image)
c. Tribune
d. Ultra-Humanite
e. Vartox

Greg responds...

a. Don't know.

b. Green Monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus), also known as the sabaeus monkey or the callithrix monkey.

c. Don't know.

d. He's got a human brain in a gorilla body.

e. Uh... Valeronite? Valeronian? I don't know.

Response recorded on October 27, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the names of the following characters' species?:
a. Icon
b. Kylstar
c. Lobo
d. M. Mallah
e. Maxima

Greg responds...

a. His species is a member of the Cooperative. Beyond that, I can't remember.

b. Don't know.

c. Czarnian.

d. He's a gorilla.

e. Um... Almeracan? Almeracian? Almeracite? I honestly don't know.

Response recorded on October 27, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the names of the following characters' species?:
a. Alanna, Sardath and other Rannians (is this a demonym, an ethnonym or a species name?)
b. Despero
c. Draaga
d. Galet Dasim
e. Gorilla Grodd (there are two gorilla species)

Greg responds...

a. They're Rannians.

b - d. Not sure.

e. He's a gorilla. I haven't done the research to be any more specific.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

1) What gender (if any) does Ultra-Humanite identify as?
2) Can M. Mallah or Ultra-Humanite speak? If so, can they speak any human languages?
3) Of the non-human Genomorphs, how many of the different breeds constitute different species?
4) Can any non-human Genomorphs reproduce via "natural" means?

Greg responds...

1. Generally, male. But he feels fluid.

2. If you are asking whether they can use their ape vocal chords to speak human languages, the answer is no.

3. Not sure what you mean. We have G-Trolls, G-Sprites, G-Dwarves, G-Elves, G-Gnomes, and at least one G-Goblin.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the "real" names of the following heroes?:
a. Crimson Avenger
b. Doctor Occult
c. Hourman
d. Rose Psychic

Greg responds...

Look... Go research this stuff. Odds are good that we're not going to change names willy-nilly. And if we were planning to, I wouldn't tell you anyway. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

Hi Greg!

I realize some of these questions may be spoiler requests, so I'd really appreciate it if you could answer any parts of the questions that you can.
If Outsiders has aired or started airing, could you please include information up to whatever date it currently is in series, as opposed to 07/05/16 (Endgame, S2E20)?

1) Can you confirm or deny, and hopefully correct, the numbering for the following heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre?
2) For heroes/villains missing their other names, could you please provide them?
3) For any heroes/villains who were missed in numbering (such as another Kid Flash between Wally and Bart), could you provide their numbers and names?
4) If there any other heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre that you're aware of, could you please share their noms-de-guerre, numbering and names?
5) Would you define Doctor Fate as the nom-de-guerre for Nabu, or for his hosts? Your response to this may affect the list below.

Flash I - Jay Garrick
Flash II - Barry Allen
Green Lantern I - Alan Scott
Green Lantern II - Hal Jordan
Green Lantern III - Guy Gardner
Green Lantern IV - John Stewart
Black Canary I - Dinah Drake (Lance)
Black Canary II - Dinah Lance
Atom I - ?
Atom II - Ray Palmer
Blue Beetle I - Dan Garrett
Blue Beetle II - Ted Kord
Blue Beetle III - Jaime Reyes

Robin I - Dick Grayson
Robin II - Jason Todd
Robin III - Tim Drake
Kid Flash I - Wally West
Kid Flash II - Impulse
Guardian I - Jim Harper
Guardian II - Jim Harper
Guardian III - Mal Duncan

Firebrand I - ?
Firebrand II - Danette Reilly / Red Inferno

Icicle I - ?
Icicle II - Cameron Mahkent

Thank you for your help!
By the time you read this, Outsiders will probably already be out, but best of luck!

Greg responds...

I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist.

1. All seems right.

2. Normally, I wouldn't be too inclined to do this, but these seem pretty obvious, so...

Atom I - Al Pratt
Firebrand I - Rod Reilly
Icicle Sr. - Joar Mahkent

3. I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist, so that you don't know whether or not something is missing.

4. Can't think of any off the top of my head.

5. Doctor Fate is the nom-de-guerre for Nabu AND his host-of-the-moment.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Marvelman writes...

It occurs to me that I repeated a question you had already answered. I asked why some villains work with the Light even though the Light may not be working towards their best interests. Your original response was something like: not everyone understands what the Light's motives are. Sorry for the repeated question.

Greg responds...

No worries.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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boopbopbeep writes...

Out of curiosity: what do you think the members of the original team from Young Justice majored in, assuming they went to college. Like, what does Dick and/or Wally or Roy plan on majoring in/studying?

Greg responds...

Wally majored in Physics.

Roy/Will didn't go to college.

Dick majored in, uh... philosophy, maybe? Haven't thought about it too much.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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