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Marvelman writes...

1) Is season 4 Shazam as strong and as fast as season 1 Captain Marvel?

2) Is there a limit to the amount of kinetic energy Rocket's force-field can absorb? Is there a point beyond whic the force field will just break?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. There's no limit for kinetic energy. Other energies aren't as compatible.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
I was wondering about Arsenal’s amputation. Is his arm amputated below the elbow?
How does Jason Bard come to lose his leg?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... just below the elbow. Barely.

2. In combat. He's an ex-Marine.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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traught4life writes...

hey Greg i just want to ask about something i've been wondering about for a while did dick reveal his identity to Artemis and show her the picture he took if so how did she react and will we ever see her reaction in a flashback or future episodes???

Greg responds...

At this stage, yes, Artemis knows Dick's identity. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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camila perez writes...

is supermartian your favorite couple? it feels like they're the mainstream couple and I'm absolutely in love with that

Greg responds...

I don't have one favorite. But I'm glad you like them.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

You’ve mentioned a few times that the pandemic likely hit Earth-16 in 2021 instead of 2020. Can we infer from that that the virus in the Young Justice universe is called COVID-20 instead of COVID-19?

Greg responds...

Potentially. I have to think out all the ramifications, and I haven't yet.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Not really a question, but I rewatched the entire show recently and season 1 is really just something special. It's so rare to see something in DC media that's character focused and optimistic. It still has its dark moments, but the characters are there to pick each other up. And I think it's the only show that accurately shows the relationships between the mentors and the proteges; most either focus on the older heroes or the younger ones with minimal interaction. I still love the show, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the earlier vibe.

Greg responds...

That's fair. But kids grow up. It's inevitable, and we wanted to explore that.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

Is Henchy an original character, based on someone from the comics, or both?
Have you ever thought of doing a motion comic where the actors read the whole comic?

Greg responds...

1. He's more-or-less original. He's based on a model created for the Green Arrow Showcase short and a specific voice that I love, which actor Steve Blum has used for me in multiple series: Raythor (W.I.T.C.H.), Blackie Gaxton (The Spectacular Spider-Man), Zeb (Star Wars Rebels).

2. Yes. I'd love to do that. But there's no budget for it, generally. The YJ Wiki did a few using volunteer labor and volunteer voice actors. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QKFkSy4DU

Oh, and what the heck, here's another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N3Z2b-UlTE

Response recorded on May 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why Superboy has the side effect of physically not age being a clone but Will and Jim both ages? I don't think that's because he is half kryptonian since Clark can age

Greg responds...

It was a weird side-effect of trying to combine human and Kryptonian DNA.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Nimh writes...

What happen to Garfield's pet monkey after Marie logan was kill by Queen bee?

Greg responds...

That's a damn good question. But it assumes that Monkey was still around that long.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Gustavo writes...

Artemis Arc ends and i feel thats the time to me do some questions

1- In Marzz Arc we see a flashback with Tim Drake with the outsiders, is that right, a Batfamily member being a public hero?
2- Also Tim's uniform changed a lot since Season3, the same season that introduced Barbara as Oracle and Spoiler and Orphan already on the team. The questions are:
2a- Tim is Robin or Red Robin currently?
2b- If the last Stephanie was a Robin before being Spoiler?
2c- She and Cassandra were Batgirl at some moment or they started already as Spoiler and Orphan?
2d- Which year these two joined the team?
3- I really love how different the show decided adapt The Killing Joke event. Barbara's accident and Jason's death are two events the audience already saw so many times that it started being previsible but the show was in a totally original route, thank you. That's bring the question, when (Team Year) The Killing Joke event happened in YJ?
4- Artemis Arc was full or photos portraits and two of them intrigued me. When and where Will and Jade took that photo with Lian and most importantly when Will took that photo with the Team 0? Rocket joined in the end of Season1 and is in the picture and after Season1 Will was desesperate looking years for Roy, also Megan is too young there then sure that is before Season2. When Will found time to take that picture?

Greg responds...

1. Yep. Keep in mind, back in Season One, Robin was a public hero. BATMAN & ROBIN, the DYNAMIC DUO! Most people don't really get that this is a different Robin, anyway.

2a. Robin.

2b. The last Stephanie? Anyway, no. Stephanie's first - and so far only - nom de guerre is Spoiler.

2c. Spoiler and Orphan. There's only been one Batgirl to date: Barbara.

2d. Feels like I answered this already, but Spoiler joined in Team Year Eight. She also resigned from the Team in Team Year Eight. She rejoined in Team Year Nine. Orphan joined the Team in Team Year Nine.

3. If you mean the event at the U.N. when Batgirl was injured, it occurred in Team Year Eight.

4. That photo of the Team was taken in the Hall of Justice Library on the day - but just before - Red Arrow was officially inaugurated into the League. I mean, I shouldn't even tell you that. But all the evidence is there, including the winter clothes and the BG, so I figure it's pretty obvious.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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