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GREG-SPONSES 2010-05 (May)

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The!!? writes...

In, "Subtext" Molten Man put Spidey in a bear hug basically and the only thing that was burned was Spidey's suit, I would think there would be more damage...maybe you can explain this for me?

Greg responds...

It's a cartoon.

But seriously, you didn't SEE what damage there might have been under the suit. And we know Pete heals relatively quickly.

Response recorded on May 20, 2010

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Romi Ramirez writes...

Hi sir i have to no im a very huge big fan of spectacular spiderman please you have to make season 3 just like the rest of ur fans we want see more..thank you i just had to tell u. ps would peter get baq liz she really seem to love him?

Greg responds...

Sorry, but it wasn't up to me... and all the various companies (Marvel, Disney, Sony, Hasbro) decided against it.

Response recorded on May 20, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

So.... Just who WAS Patch's mystery employer in Accomplices? I'd think it was triple J, but I'm not 100% certain....

Greg responds...

Yes, Jonah was fronting him - with the caveat that he had damn well better NOT win the auction.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

"IGN: This week he quickly revealed himself to what was left of the Sinister Six. Why did he want to keep it a secret from them last week? "

"Weisman: I think what we saw this week was his inner circle. Tinkerer, Electro, Vulture â€" that's the inner circle. Those people were in on it. But not every member of the Sinister Six was part of that inner circle. So although Sandman, Rhino, Kraven are all free, on the loose and still affiliated with the Master Planner, none of the three of them were part of the inner circle, so they didn't know that Ock was the Master Planner. But the other three did know. So that's what we were trying to show by keeping specifically those three in â€" to tell you the hierarchy. "

1. Now correct if I'm wrong, but I got the vibe that Electro had no idea. In Reinforcement, though I don't remember the exact line, he said something along the lines of how the Doc has changed and isn't the same man anymore, and that he was really disappointed. Then in Shear Strength, he was completely confounded by Ock's revelation! "I don't get it, Doc...." So.... can you explain to this confused fan?
2. Why those three? I've always kind of gotten the feeling of kinship between Ock and Vulture - in Survival of the Fittest, though is Toomes is yelling at Octavius, he also says that Otto recommended Oscorp, so they must've been acquainted beforehand. But Electro? I can understand why he looks up to Otto (I've done a whole character analysis on Electro, in fact), but I can't imagine that Ock would just keep him in the loop to have a good, loyal henchman.... And I mean, Tinkerer's great at, y'know, tinkering and all that, but so's Ock himself, so it's not like he really NEEDS the squealer!

As always, thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. He was in on it. Play-acting in Reinforcement. But just because he was in on it, doesn't mean he understood why the subterfuge was necessary.

2. Otto & Adrien are old friends. Maxwell is ridiculously loyal AND powerful. And Tinkerer was useful and necessary since Otto was in Ravencroft.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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Jessica Walker writes...

Greetings Greg!
First off I wanted to say what a huge fan I am of your series. Gargoyles was by far one of the greatest cartoons back in the day. Now that I'm done fangirling, on to my question. I've read up on various sources saying that the comics may no longer be published due to Disney's iron grip on the Gargoyles franchise. I understand that there will no longer be any comics returning any time soon. My real question to you is WITCH related. Is there going to be a season 3 or any continuation of the series? I'm a huge fan of the original comic's and it seems like shame Disney would cancel it.

Greg responds...

I don't know anything about the status of the WITCH comics. The t.v. series was not picked up for a third season.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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Robby Barrows writes...

I wonder, how would you handle Carnage and Cletus Cassidy in [i]Spectacular Spider-Man[/i]? Are there any plans for season three for them to appear?

And are more Marvel characters going to appear? Like Thor, the X-Men, Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Man?

Greg responds...

Cletus already appeared.

The rest is moot, though as I've said MANY times, we were not given permission to use other Marvel heroes, so it wasn't up to us.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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Justin S. writes...

Dear Greg,

My name is Justin S. And I am from Westfield NY. I know Season 2 Vol.2 is on hold until more copies of season 2 Vol. 1 gets sold. But, is there anything else that can be done? I hate Not having the rest out on DVD. It feels so incomplete. I found a petition recently http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/gargoylesseason2volume2todvd I dont think its getting promoted enough. So I will pass it around. But I will help in any way I can. I have already purchesed Season 2 vol. 1 but I will probably buy some copies and give them as christmas presants. Whenever you can hit me back at IbanezJFS@gmail.com and hopefully I can make it out to the Gathering someday. SeE Ya

Greg responds...

Hey Justin,

As I've said many times, I don't e-mail people directly. But if you're still checking here, I'm afraid I have no new answers in the short term beyond what's already in the archives.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, again, Greg!
So, I recall you saying somewhere (I think on the Season Set) that the reason you redesigned the Vulture was because you didn't want too many green villains....
So, and I'm not sure if you can say this, but I don't really see it as a spoiler, when you guys design Scorpion, do you want to use his blue suit? Or have you not yet decided yet?
Thanks Greg! Good luck tomorrow! (I'm writing this the day before the finale airs - you'll be able to tell me how it went by the time you get this!)

Greg responds...

I think Hasbro didn't want too many green villains. We didn't mind, but I do think our version of Vulture turned out very cool. And he's still a bit green (what appears mostly black is really very dark green, I think).

But Scorpion's design is a bit moot now.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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Robby Barrows writes...

I have to ask, are Dragons real life creatures in the world of Gargoyles? And if they are, do they get the 'Gargoyle Treatment', like they are/were noble creatures or were they chaotic evil creatures?

And what would said dragons look like? European, Chinese, Japanese?

Greg responds...

Well, we saw a dragon in the "Pendragon" episode. And one is visible in the Dark Ages pitch.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

How did Demona learn so much about human technology over the centuries? It couldn't have been easy.

Greg responds...

She made it her business to learn what she needed to know.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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