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GREG-SPONSES 2010-10 (Oct)

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, in Young Justice, would I be correct if I assumed that Artemis has no superhuman abilities?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 29, 2010

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, the Dc Showcase dvd coming out in November says that, in addition to a new story pitting Superman and Captain Marvel (for once not being made to fight under the slimmest of pretexts) against Black Adam, it features expanded versions of the three previous Showcases. Since you wrote the Green Arrow short (very good, by the way), do you know if any material was held back from this dvd for the later release?

Greg responds...

I really don't know.

Response recorded on October 29, 2010

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, why was Valmont called Brother Valmont? Was he a member of a religious order, or does he just pose as one?

Greg responds...

He's not a poser.

Response recorded on October 29, 2010

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Alix December Frost writes...

I was just reviewing the guidelines for asking question. i just want to make it clear, that I wasn't trying to submit any ideas.

Also, what DID Demona do during WW2?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

So my last question apparently didn't get approved. I'm a tad dissappointed, but I read the terms about a post being removed if it had just one idea-thingy in it, so I'd like to repost it minus the questions I think it got disapproved for:

1. Would you ever consider doing crossovers with other dc shows, if the opportunity came?

2. Was it a conscious decision not to make Robin the leader to avoid a huge similarity between Young Justice and Teen Titans? I know such a notion might be a little offending, but I think it's a fair question.

3. Are you in any way for or against the idea of using voice actors for a part that they have played earlier in other DC shows?

4. I'm not an expert on the DC comics, but I heard that, some time ago, it was revealed in one of them that Bruce Wayne has a son who eventually becomes the new batman. This is in opposition to the JLU and Batman Beyond continuety, where Terry McGinnis becomes Batman. If it comes to it, which continuety do you think you would use in Young Justice, if any?

5. Have there been, or do you expect there will be, any problems with censoring, where you
want to show something, but you're not allowed to?

6. Will you have story arcs, or maybe just returning villains, that will focus on developing one of the six main characters more so than the others?

7. Would you consider making other DC shows in the Earth-16 continuety, in the style of this show, after Young Justice ends, if it is possible?

I really hope this makes it through to you. I'm really hyped about Young justice and I got more than half a dozen other questions that I left out this time. There are things in the trailer I thought looked weird, but I thought the same about Spectacular Spider-Man and it turned out fantastic. And lastly, I don't want you to answer any questions if it means spoiling the show of course.

Greg responds...

1. Other DC SHOWS? Um, that seems unlikely, but I guess I wouldn't rule it out without knowing the specifics.

2. Ask again after you've seen the first half-dozen episodes or so...

3. Not on principle. But there may be specific instances where I would choose not to reuse someone.

4. I'm not currently familiar with either continuity you're referencing.

5. Not particularly.

6. Sure.

7. Definitely. Though of course, it's not up to me. (And of course, I'm in no hurry for YJ to end either.)

Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Do you have any favorite moments or anecdotes from the voice sessions from any or all of the shows you've worked on? And if so, could you share a couple or more with us?

Greg responds...

I probably do, but none spring to mind, and this isn't really the kind of forum for me to just wax nostalgic... unless I'm inspired to write a ramble, which I'm not at the moment.

Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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Storyseeker writes...

I was just wondering something... The Praying Gargoyle has the power to bring Gargoyles to life, does it not? Then couldn't it have brought Goliath and clan back to life, while they were stuck in stone sleep? And if so then why didn't Demona do it, or at least try?

Greg responds...

No, the Praying Gargoyle definitely does NOT have the power to bring Gargoyles back to life. It was designed to be used in a variety of different ways to "protect the protectors".

Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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MasterGhandalf writes...

Regarding Oberon:

1. Do the Third Race as a whole view Oberon as their most powerful member, or do they follow him for other reasons (royal bloodline, his overthrowing of Mab, etc.) Are there any who might stand a chance of overthrowing him, or would even want to?

2. Is Oberon regarded as a tyrant by his subjects? Obviously neither Puck nor Banshee wanted to go to the Gathering, but what is more general opinion of Oberon's rule?

3. Several of the Third Race are venerated as gods by mortals (such as Anubis and Odin), while Oberon himself, so far as I'm aware, has never been the object of a major religion. Is he at all irritaded by this, or would he even care?

Greg responds...

1. Probably all of the above.

2. Nah, I think generally most are loyal to him and believe he's ruled relatively wisely. Although, "relatively" may be the key word, as their previous ruler was Mab.

3. No.

Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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Alan Parlin writes...

Dear Greg: Were you a fan of the Green Arrow as a young boy? And were you excited for the Showcase short to be GreenLit?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, very much so.

2. Well... it was greenlit before I came aboard, but I was definitely psyched to be invited to write it.

Response recorded on October 26, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

...and here's my second Bad Guys question:

On the cover of Issue One, above the Wanted poster for Matrix is another piece of paper which reads in part: "... modified and so[und?] ... N/A ... Descr[iption] ... Date of Birth: December 16, 1962 Place of Birth: Sacramento, Californi[a]"

1. Does this paper refer to any specific character? In other words, have you decided yet who it refers to?
2. Does it refer to any character already depicted in the comics or TV show, or mentioned in canon-in-training?
3. Does it refer to a member of the Redemption Squad? According to GargWiki, all of their birth dates have already been revealed, except for Matrix's "birth" date, but it was created in the 1990's in Australia as far as I know, not in 1960's California.

Thank you.

Greg responds...

Hadn't even noticed that until now.

Response recorded on October 26, 2010

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