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GREG-SPONSES 2010-11 (Nov)

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Clark Cradic writes...

Did you like the original Legion of Doom?

Greg responds...

As I mentioned before, I get all the names mixed up: Legion of Doom, Injustice League, Injustice Unlimited, Injustice Society, Secret Society of Super-Villains, etc.

I can't quite remember which group consisted of which villains and/or appeared in which series or story.

So the short answer is I like the idea of the villains teaming up, but I can't address the specifics without a more specific reference.

Response recorded on November 12, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

Does Felicia Hardy in your series wear a wig or die her hair? I'm guessing the white hair isn't natural in your world.

Greg responds...

It's a cartoon TV version of platinum blonde in my mind. Others might disagree. Like, say, Storm of the X-Men.

Response recorded on November 12, 2010

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Mo writes...

Forgive me for being dated, but I have a Spidey question. In rereading some of my collected editions of the Lee/Ditko era, I realized that Peter Parker was established as a high school senior. In Spec. Spidey, he is an underclassmen (I forget if he's a freshman or sophomore). Why the change?

Greg responds...

He's a junior actually. As for the reason, it's fairly simple. Stan and Steve kept Pete a high school senior for a LONG time. Years. Since we wanted to play the passage of time as an element in the series, but still wanted the opportunity to tell many of those stories (and more) while Pete was still in high school, we started him as a junior to give us some breathing room.

Response recorded on November 12, 2010

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Young Justice Premiere!

I've finally been authorized to post what many of you have known for some time: the one-hour Young Justice pilot premiere is scheduled for Friday, November 26th at 7pm on Cartoon Network!

Brandon, myself and the entire Young Justice crew (and even our bosses) are ridiculously proud of how this almost-movie has turned out! If you like super-heroes... if you like shows about teens coming of age... if you like action... if you like drama... if you like a little humor spiced in... and mostly if you like ANYTHING I've ever done in the past, then I really believe you'll like Young Justice.

So check it out!


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Anonymous writes...

Is there any recurring voice talents from Batman: The Brave and the Bold on Young Justice, or is it too early to confirm it?

Greg responds...

I'm sure there are. But I won't pretend to be intimately familiar with all the voice talent on B&TB.

I guess calling for patience is out of the question...

Response recorded on November 11, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about Anubis.

Anubis is a death god, is strongly connected to death, and apparently has power over death (whether or not he chooses to use that power). But is he able to use magic that is not connected to death? Is he limited to only using and reversing the effects of "death magic," or can he mostly do anything he wants, magically speaking?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

He's still one of the Children. Power isn't infinite, as we've seen. But he has options.

Response recorded on November 11, 2010

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Neil writes...

Do you still listen to that Spectacular Spiderman theme song (full version)? It's so catchy!

Greg responds...

Uh... I've heard it. And it is very catchy.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Tako writes...

I understand that the Yong Justice show is using Earth-16 of the DC Universe, and I'm fine with that. However, there are a few inconsistencies. Earth-16 was previously stated to be the Home of the "Super-Sons" storyline, and the home of Earth-16's Superman, Chris Kent, who appeared in Countdown: Arena as a monk-like Superman.
Could you play clarify or explain the inconsistencies and contradictions, please?

Greg responds...

I've answered this. Check the archives.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Maya writes...

dear greg;
i no that you keep saying you wont tell us lexs mate but i have to ask if there will even be on.
(by the way i dont think nor wish that lexingtons gay)

Greg responds...

Lex will have a mate eventually.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Bill writes...

Hey Greg. Big fan of your work. Super-excite about the upcoming JOUNG JUSTICE series. I also run the titanstower.com site so I hope some of my info has been useful in researching characters. I recently attended your panel at the NYCC and had a few (hopefully non-spoilery) questions.

1-- You and Brandon referred to Aqualad by his civilian/given name, which sounded like "Calderon" or "Calder" for short. Is that the correct spelling? Can you clarify his name?

2-- You mentioned a desire to use Captain Atom. Have you considered a story around Bombshell from the Teen Titans? She's connected to Captain Atom by power source and through some government ties.

3-- You mentioned pulling from different eras of YOUNG JUSTICE and TEEN TITANS of the 60s, 70s and the NEW TEEN TITANS of the 80s. Is this more in just building the characters? Or do you plan to adapt some of the comic stories into animated form (for example, as the TT series adapted "Judas Contract")?

thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur for short.

2. Bombshell was on our master list, but if she enters the story it won't be in the first season.

3. Without getting into specifics, we are adapting some existing stories and coming up with new ones.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Dragomir writes...

Greetings Greg,
I've read that Angela and Broadway will/would eventually have three hatchlings of their own at some point in their future. Now, while I am VERY happy for the two lovebirds, I can't help but wonder if their different upbringings and views on parentage & child raising would prove an issue for them. I mean, Broadway was raised in the traditional Gargoyle way and never knew who his actual biological parents were, nor showed any interest in learning who they were, & I've even read that if he ever did find out Hudson is his dad it wouldn't really change anything between them (which is the norm for most garg clans). However, Angela was raised by humans and cares very much about her blood ties with Goliath & Demona, wanting her father to acknowledge their bond & rejoicing once he does & over time their bond deepens, & wishing to bring Demona back into the light because of her connection to her despite being aware of her dark & troubled nature. I guess what I'm saying is, Angela strikes me as someone who'd want to raise her children personally & form a strong mother/child bond with them whereas Broadway would likely treat them the same way any gargoyle of an older generation would treat those of a younger generation. So I guess my question is, would Angela's & Broadway's different upbringings cause some problems for them in their relationship & in raising their hatchlings? Or would Angela convince Broadway to form a real parental bond with the kids as Goliath has formed with her? I can't really see Angela NOT making her blood ties known to her kids while Broadway just keeps quiet about it. Hope my questions make sense, this is my first time doing this, & thankyou for your time.

Greg responds...

Probably fewer problems than you think. They'd BOTH still behave as parents to all eggs hatched. How is that going to differ between them?

In any case, these are issues that will hopefully be explored in the years to come.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Becca writes...

Sorry to bother you, I know you're busy. As much as people are excited abou the ny comic con clip, I don't think it's right that someone so obvously sneaked it up on YouTube illegally. I haven't watched it, and I only know its up because of a forum I go on. Again, sorry to bug you, but I just thought you should know it was leaked.
Sincerely, Becca

Greg responds...

We know. I don't want to condone it, but it was hardly a shocking development. It's almost impossible to prevent such things. And what's done is done. Feel free to watch it.

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Andres writes...

I loved Teen Titans is the Robin characterized in Teen Titans different or in the same vein in Young Justice? Does it follow closely the Young Justice version? Im guessing the fact that Batman plays a larger role in Young Justice than in Teen Titans that Robin is develop differently?

Greg responds...

Young Justice is its own series. Watch and evaluate for yourself, I guess...

Response recorded on November 10, 2010

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Andres writes...

I wish you well on Young Justice! I must say while it seems there is so much comic/ superhero material from animation to movies to so many comics that is almost hard to get into anything if your a little bit more than a casual fan but I am excited and anticipating Young Justice and the reboot of Thundercats. I wanted to ask you if you saw and what you thought about The Secret of Kells? if you thought that it deserved to win the Oscar? Lastly what impact you think small indie animation and European animation will have on the larger animation industry?
P.S Loved the inclusion of St.Columcille/ St. Columbia in Secret of the Kells made me re reread the Gargoyles comic

Greg responds...

I haven't seen The Secret of Kells.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Mayor Wilkins III writes...

Hi, Greg. As a freelancer, you wrote the episode "Ken 10" in the series "Ben 10". If you remember much about that episode, I'd like to ask you:

1. Kevin 11(000) had a son in that episode named Devlin. When did he have that son, and who was the mother?
2. Gwen was able to create a golem-dog-creature like her foe Charmcaster did in the present. How did she learn to do that?
3. There was an alien at Ken's party that looked and sounded like Billy from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy". Did you have anything to do with that, or was the character just made that way in the animation/voicing process?


Greg responds...

I'm afraid I can't answer any of these questions. You'd have to ask the producers of that series.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Grant writes...

How old chronologically and biologically is the jay garrick set to appear in YJ?

What is his relationship with Barry Allen?

Greg responds...

Ask again after he first appears in the series.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Livy writes...

Hey Greg,

Could you give us the proper spelling of Aqualad's Atlantean name on Young Justice?

Looking for ward to the show. Keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur, for short.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Anononon writes...

http://speedforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/YJKidFlash5.jpg In this pic it looks like Robin is pretty tall and has big hands for a 13-year-old. Any comment?

Greg responds...

No. Just watch the show. If you still don't buy into the designs, that's your prerogative. But let's not pretend this is any way to make a valid assessment. You're looking at (a) development artwork (as opposed to production artwork) at (b) a weird angle off (c) a still frame off a video. There's no attempt at matching size-comps between the pictures either.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Alec Howell. writes...

Who provided the voices of Dr. Elena Yevshenko and Mari Keita in Max Steel?

Greg responds...

The very talented Jean Gilpin provided the following voices on shows I've worked on...
--Elena Yevshenko (Max Steel)
--Inger (Team Atlantis)
--Mari Keita (Max Steell)
--Mrs. Wong/Xunquai (3x3 Eyes)

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Jordan writes...

Hi Greg! I just wanted to say that it was an absolute honor meeting you at the Young Justice panel today at comic con, and I was the guy who asked you if a character on the show will say "Jalapana!" at some point. Thank you for indulging me.

The show looks absolutely fantastic. Honestly, me and my friends were blown away by the creativity and originality of the premise, and the animation too. I am so excited. Please god let this run many seasons!

Greg responds...

From your keyboard...

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Grant writes...

From NYCC, the Black Canary is suppose to be the combat trainer for YJ, is this modelled after Gail Simone's take on the character in the Bird of Prey comic of her being one of the most elite martial artist in the DCU on par with Batman?

Greg responds...

I haven't read Birds of Prey, but I've always seen Canary as an elite martial artist.

Though only Batman is Batman.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Alix December Frost writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman, how are you? It's Alix again.

My question revolves around the Gargoyle nicknamed "Kermit". In City of Stone part three, Kermit is seen destroyed by Duncan. How is it that he is seen alive afterward? As is the other Gargoyle that they destroyed that evening. I'm confused. Please explain.


Greg responds...

It's an error. Or there were two similar looking gargoyles. Take your pick.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Trevor Doyle writes...

Hello Greg

I just want to say thank you for creating such a wonderful world. Filled with complex, multi layered characters. I am nearly twenty three now, but I can still remember watching the premier of episode one just two days after my seventh birthday. The show definitely affected my childhood both conscioussly and subconsciously. Anyway I digress. I recently learned about the annual Gargoyles Gathering. I was disappointed to find out that it has been cancelled. So my question is why it was cancelled, and if there is any chance that it will start up again in the future?

-Trevor Doyle

Greg responds...

Check the archives.

Nothing stops fans from starting up a new or another Gargoyles convention. But I'd read the archives carefully before I tried. Keep in mind, I'm always happy to attend. But I don't want to see fans go into debt just so that I can have a fun weekend.

Response recorded on November 09, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

A recent question about the relationship between Hudson and Demona got me thinking...

There was one off note in the question (the rest of the analysis was pretty cool)- Hudson would not have any discomfort at the idea that his rookery children were mated to each other. Given that the chance of multiple births is statistically zero and the strong predilection to marry within ones own rookery there is nearly no chance of biological incest ever happening so there would be no sibling taboo.

I recalled a factotum that caught my attention a few months back- Even the most gung-ho kibutzes in Israel got rid of true communal child raising in the 70's because their children were forming sibling bonds and not marrying. Of the thousands of children raised in the system, about 30 married within their own community and not even one married within his or her age group. (err... I suppose, by definition, two would be the minimum for that....) These children were raised with the intention of being future potential spouses but humans are hardwired not to look at siblings that way, even none biological siblings. A similar problem arises in some endangered animal sanctuaries - I remember a documentary mentioning that if male and female rhinos are housed together they eventually stop mating completely - it may have been anthropomorphizing, but they called it developing a sibling relationship. Obviously there are degenerates and incest does happen, Egyptian royalty was designed with sibling marriage, but we are biologically wired against it even when it is not based on blood and therefore dangerous on a Darwinian level.

It makes sense that Gargates, having evolved as very different species with different circumstances would be fundamentally different at times, but they are so very similar in some ways is it surprising when the differences pop up.

1) Do gargoyles have an incest taboo or does it just not come up?
2) If they do not have it, or, at least no strong one, what do they think of it when it occurs with humans? (I don't mean abuse, rather, for example, if they read about Egyptian kings marrying siblings does it give them pause or it just passes as an oddity.)
3) Are there any other instances that come to mind of there being a basic difference between humans and gargoyles? Not a culturally based one - or if it is culturally, it as outgrowth of their biological reality.

Sorry this last one is so vague. It is hard to think of examples. You once answered that racism puzzles Goliath. It makes sense that a species that seems to have nearly uinlimited skin color possibiilities even within a small and relatively isolated population would think the human skin tone based racism is plain odd. (Granted, gargoyles might have their own version of nonsensicle racism that makes no sense to humans.) I can think of where similar differences would be rooted- they are completely nocturnal, they have wings, the do not share the sleeping experience in any way etc…- but it still seems more the sort of thing that occasionally pops up and surprises you. Maybe...a creature with usable wings would be hardwired against agoraphobia or fear of heights. err. Maybe, not so much, they can still fall if their wings get bound up, so at minimum the concept of falling might lurk somewhere even in their minds.


Greg responds...

1. For the biological reasons you stated above, it's a non-issue. Obviously, some rookery siblings develop sibling relationships. Others do not.

2. It depends on their understanding level.

3. Not at the moment.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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Andrea writes...

Hi Greg, i've heard about some unaired 15-minute pilot episode of W.I.T.C.H. with a different story on halloween and i know they wore made for some test or something like this. I've heard on a topic on a forum that they are on a tape and it was just one copy of that. Now i was wondering if you can tell me were can i find those 15 minutes, because i didn't find anything on internet or maybe you know were it is or you can find that copy and share it with me. I really want to see those 15 minutes.

Greg responds...

Sorry. I don't know where you can find it.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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