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ANSWERVINGS 2011-05 (May)

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg, great, great job on Downtime.
I've only got two for questions you today.
1.I've noticed there was no timestamp when it switched to Happy Harbor?
2.Please,tell me. Did miss Martian and Superboy share a kiss. Please tell me.

Greg responds...

1. We tend not to put a second time stamp when action is more or less continuous in one location and or we're intercutting between two locations and we've already stamped both once. And we had already stamped Mount Justice. And we were never actually IN Happy Harbor. (FYI, Mount Justice is right next to Happy Harbor, but it's not a legal part of the incorporated township, so we make a distinction between the two.)

2. By now, you have more information. Either way, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I had a few questions after watching Downtime.
1. Was the "Atlantean" lanquage derived from an existing lanquage, or was it invented wholecloth?
2. Topo's story speaks of Ocean Master, but Prince Orm was in the episode. I had always understood Ocean Master to be Aquaman's disgruntled half-brother. Is Ocean Master someone else on Earth-16?
3. Is Bruce Wayne at all concerned that Artemis might recognize that Dick Grayson is Robin while attending Gotham Academy? I realize that Clark Kent gets away with it, but neither the sunglasses nor the mask really covers all that much of Robin's face, and he doesn't put nearly as much effort into playacting the different roles as Clark does.
4. Who won the Bruce Wayne vs. Dick Grayson basketball showdown?

Greg responds...



3. How do you know?

4. I'll leave that to your imagination... mostly because I fundamentally don't care.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

we saw Garth and Tula in Downtime, but will we ever see Lorena Marquez in the show as Aquagirl or as herself? Because Aqualad's counterpart in the Brightest Day had a crush on her.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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uzi writes...

this week episode of young justice was bloody amazing
this episode was soo jampacked with easter eggs and nods to future events i loved it
so here my questions
will any other episodes be filled like this to nods and easter eggs?
ocean master was mentioned and orm was still around? are they not the same person or this is a future story line u will go down?
i did like you didnt make him behind the attacks of what we know so far. since every time orm shows up in any aquaman related episode. atlantis under attack and tada the master mind is orm at the end. boring dont you say

Greg responds...

1. Depending on how you define "easter eggs"... they all are.


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Cal writes...

Hi Greg, I've got questions regarding the YJ episode "Downtime".

1.Were any Atlantis guards and Black Manta's men killed during the battle?

2.If yes to Q1, why did Aquaman only mentioned the injured guards and not the dead ones?

3.What foreign language was Aquaman and Aqualad speaking in this episode?

4.Was that Jeff Bennett voicing Alfred? if not who?

5.Was that really Patrick Warburton voicing that TV ad before Artemis' mum turns off the TV? It sounds like him. If not who?

PS: I really like the designs of Black Manta's men as well as their weapons.

Greg responds...

1. It seems to me I should leave that to audience interpretation.

2. Fair question.

3. Atlantean (which is a variant on ANCIENT Greek).

4. Yes.

5. No. I love Patrick's work, but I can't afford to hire him to read half a line of dialogue. I don't remember who read that one line, but it would have absolutely been someone who was already in the cast for that episode.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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BOB writes...

Will you show the critics of Aquaman by showing a why he is king and mentor to aqualad? I dont need specifics but i do want to know if you will and what you feel about these critics.

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know what you're talking about. What critics? Who else would mentor Aqualad?

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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MacLeod writes...

Hey Greg,

This one's about High noon. Did Demona ever pay for that taxi? And if so, were did she keep her money? I mean, she was wearing her Gargoyle outfit after all.

Greg responds...

Use your imagination.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Mary writes...

I wanted to say that I absolutely love Young Justice. I have a few questions.
1) Does Kid Flash know Robin's secret identity?
2) Are Robin and Kid Flash's back stories similar to the sort of traditional stories? (i.e. Dick's an orphaned circus acrobat taken in by Batman, Wally's Flash's nephew)
3) Are you going to explore all of the main characters back stories and how they became heroes?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Check out issues #5 and #6 of the new YOUNG JUSTICE companion comic from DC.

3. Ultimately, yes, in one medium or another.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Jeff writes...

First of all, many thanks for bringing us a great Spidey series. Just a few questions to put my mind at rest, as it bothers me to have my favorite stories left unfinished. Since the show is unfortunately canceled, I wanted to ask how would it have ended for the following characters.

1. Eddie/Venom (Would he have made peace with Peter: brothers again? Anything else?)
2. Gwen or MJ
3. Norman
4. Harry
5. Carnage: was he planned for an appearance?

Please I'd really appreciate if you can go into detail with these, especially first 3.

Greg responds...

As I've stated MANY times before, I don't see any advantage TO ME in vomiting out what my plans would have been absent the execution of said plans. All that accomplishes is to hold the ideas out for all sorts of second guessing.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Axe writes...

Was the change in Red Tornado's voice between episodes 3 (where he sounded robotic) and 7 (where he just sounded British) intentional?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

There was NO change. We gave Jeff Bennett reference from episode 3 before he recorded episode 7 and to the best of all our experienced ears, he was doing the same voice. (So no British accent, period.) And in the mix, Audio Circus used the EXACT same technical effect on Jeff's voice in both episodes.

So I'm at a loss to explain why you felt they sounded different.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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