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ANSWERVINGS 2011-08 (Aug)

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Greg Bishansky writes...

In 1050, when Macbeth visited the Pope in Rome, did Demona accompany him?

Greg responds...

Story for another day.

Response recorded on August 25, 2011

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,
I've got a Third Race question I've been mulling over. Now obviously a lot of the Children are drawn from the gods and supernatural beings of various world mythologies. But since you established that many of them have adapted mortal identities over the centuries, particularly during the 1001 year exile from Avalon, did any of them take mortal identities we might recognise from conventional history books?

Greg responds...

Any of them? Sure.

Response recorded on August 25, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

How was Brother Valmont able to fire magical arrows with his "Saeth" spell without using a talisman or other magical conduit? I'm curious about this, since we haven't seen any other mortal sorcerers perform such feats, save for the Magus on Avalon, and he perished doing it (not to mention magic was the lifeblood of Avalon, making it possible for him to tap into it).

Greg responds...

How do you know what he did or didn't have?

Response recorded on August 25, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

How does Demona feel about Coldsteel? Considering her tendencies to hold a grudge, I cannot see her liking him much after the stunt he pulled with Goliath, Othello and Desdemona. On the other hand, she didn't seem to mind teaming up with him in "High Noon." In fact, she got along as well with him in "High Noon" as we've ever seen her get along with anybody. Now, I suppose I could chalk that up to the Weird Sisters' orders, but aside from the basic order (you and Macbeth steal the talismans and steal Coldstone to distract the gargoyles), she still was very much behaving as she normally would.

Greg responds...

There's more to this than I'm willing to reveal right now.

Response recorded on August 25, 2011

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Tim writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering who is your favorite Young Justice character?

Greg responds...

I don't have one favorite. My mind doesn't work that way.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg, I have a comment and a question.

First, I'm sorry to hear about the vitriolic hatemail regarding Megan's catchphrase. I know comic fans are a very opinionated bunch, but this seems extreme and ridiculous. But not all of us hate it to that extreme. Do I find it annoying? At first, but it grew on me. Did I ever hate it? No. I thought you'd appreciate someone supporting your choices rather than condeming.

Now, onto some questions. As you've no doubt heard, DC is revamping their universe in September, and much specualtion is being made about what will happen. Do you think YJ will influence any changes in the mainstream comics(besides Kaldur being a supporting character in Geoff's new Aquaman series)? Would you be flattered if your show contributed to the history of mainstream DC?
As always, thanks for answering these fans questions (well, the ones that aren't fishing for spoilers)

PS- Oh, humorous note; in the newest Previews catalog, they left off half your name on the YJ comic,so apparently you're Greg Weis.

Greg responds...

I suppose I would be flattered, but I don't have any expectations of that.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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geet writes...

what is impt. in your life family or money?

Greg responds...

Family is most important. Money is important in service to family and other things. But I don't make my life about money.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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Irish Phantom writes...

Hi ^_^
I was wondering about Fox's tattio. I was wondering the 5w's
why did she get the tattio and why on her face? what made her get it? a suggestion from a friend or wanting a deeper sense of conncetion between her and her animal counter-part? when did she get it? where was her tattio done? who did it for her? a friend or a tattio artist? However I was also wondering if her parents knew that she was getting a tattio or found out when she walking in the door with a Fox head on her face. Also how did Fox's dad take the news/sight of his daughter with a Fox head tattio on her face? Last two questions that I want to ask about Fox and her tattio are what made her get the tattio in Blue? is Blue her fav. colour?
Sincerly: Irish Phantom

Greg responds...

I'm going to demure from answering most of this... some because I believe it's best to leave the answers to each viewer/reader's interpretation, some because the answers would be spoilers and some because, to be honest, I just haven't figured out the answers at this point.

The one I will answer is to confirm her folks found out about the tattoo after the fact.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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Sam.i.am writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm from Ireland, huge fan..
Just want to say, thanks for a large part of my childhood in the form of Gargoyles.
I have a picture of Goliath tatooed on my arm with 3 crows over his shoulder representing myself, my dad and younger brother as we used to watch it togeather, everyday after school..Thanks alot. And just out of interest, any idea where I could get Season 2 part 2 on dvd, video, anything..??
Kind regards,

Greg responds...

Wow. Tattoos are quite the commitment.

Sorry, no new news on the DVD front.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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WordSarien writes...

I know you hear this a lot, but I wanted to start by saying that I've always loved Gargoyles; I was raised on it. It was one of the things that started my love for the fantasy genre, and it taught me by example how to write/appreciate stories with complex characters and well-thought stories. I also love TSSM and Young Justice, and started watching both after hearing you were working on it. ;) :) Thanks for all the hard work you've poured into your work over the years. :)

My question has to do with Demona and "Operation Clean Slate". (I hope I'm not repeating a question; I tried searching for it but couldn't find anything.) Anyways, I was wondering a couple of things:

a) if Demona knows about other sentient life outside of humans, gargoyles, and Oberon's children--like the New Olympians--would she care that she's probably killing all of them, too? (I'm not asking if she does know about them--I imagine you probably want to keep that to yourself. ;))

b) Would killing the entire human race count as Demona killing MacBeth? (To be honest, I've never fully understood whether they actually have to kill each other practically simultaneously, or whether just one killing the other would be enough. MacBeth seems to believe the latter, but if he's mistaken, then I'm assuming they would both survive.)

Thanks for your time! :)

Greg responds...

a. I'll leave that to your interpretation of the character.

b. This has been covered. Check the archives.

Thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on August 19, 2011

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