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Zatanna Fan writes...

Dear Greg,
1)Now that Zatanna is more skilled with magic, is she on the same level as her father Zatara?
2)In episode "Misplaced" Zatanna used a wand to locate Klarion. What it her wand or her fathers?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not too interested in quantifying things. She's more proficient now than she was five years ago.

2. That wand. <grrrrrrr> I don't know what the heck the deal was with that wand. Maybe it helped her focus or something. But she doesn't need it.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Wow... just WOW!!!

"Cornered" was AMAZING! Like I always say just when I think that it's not possible for "Young Justice" to get any better it does.

It's just so unique how this series is entertaining for kids but at the same time has enough bite, substance, and intrigue to hook adults too. I know 30+ year-olds who get just or more excited for Saturday to roll around than I do.

I LOVED the full introduction of Virgil! I loved too the little allusion he made when he said "static shock". HaHAha. Can't wait to see more of him and Ty and the other abducties in the coming weeks. Arsenal too. I want to see him and Red Arrow to team up REALLY bad. ^_^.

I also liked seeing Black Lightning in action too.

I have to say that this season is the kind that I love to hate. When everything is crumbling down around the heroes. It's very deliciously frustrating.

I mean the Reach are good (bad)! They are slowly attempting to turn the public against the League, making it appear that they are so innocent. Though in this universe the public shouldn't be worried about the Watchtower unlike in "Justice League Unlimited" it isn't weaponized. And Godfrey is all: "Why are they in space?" My answer is well if you're attempting to help protect to world what better vantage point is there than space?"

I especially love to hate Godfrey. ^_~. I just keep wondering are you from Apokalips on Earth-16 or are you just a jerk?

Anyway this episode has me hungry for more! I can't wait for next week!

PS: I read in one of the answered questions that you had to write out Icon and Rocket in your recent "Young Justice" comic arc.

1. Why did you have to write those character out? I really enjoy them.

2. If you get a third season (hoping and wishing everyday) will that affect their appearance in the third season?

3. If you had to abstain from using them because they're Milestone characters (don't know what's going on there, nothing is clear on that, {if it has to do with the unfortunate and untimely death of Dwayne McDuffie or what} I've only read theories made by others but I haven't found any official information) would that affect the appearance of Icon, Rocket and Virgil/Static in a season three? Assuming that you would use them?

Greg responds...

1. ASKED AND ANSWERED. Though the short answer is, "I don't know. But I enjoyed them too."

2. No one ever even brought up the notion that we couldn't use them on the show.

3. See above.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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ThatGuy writes...

Why is superboy only a punching bag for a long time and seems to only hit opponents that cant fight back? Its very strange being how he is suppose to be a more powerful fighter.

Greg responds...

I'm not exactly sure what you're saying here.

Superboy, being the most powerful member of the Team, often takes on THE most powerful opponents. And, frankly, some of them flat-out outclass him. I don't think that makes him a punching bag. Though I do think he can take a punch that most of his Teammates cannot.

If what you're asking is, "Why didn't you make Superboy more powerful?" then I think I've basically answered that before. We did not want our heroes to be over-powered. I don't see what the fun is in that.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

The meta-gene explanation that Black Canary gave in "Cornered" sounds very much like the DC Comics version of the X-gene which all mutants from Marvel Comics have. Is that where the inspiration for the term meta-gene comes from?

Greg responds...

To me, it sounds very much like the DC Comics version of DC Comics "meta-gene" from DC Comics.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Before the Dawn-

Black Lightning- LOVED (Nice touch Thunder was texting Grace)Amethyst- Have been reading the new stories and know of the old ones. Clever concept, lovely Sailor Moon spoof included.

Show- (no questions, just observations)
1- The female Reach voice is so familiar...
2- The torture Aqualad must have went through for that tour - friends are being tortured because he put them there and he can't even show any emotional response.
3- Star City teens ...I'm still annoyed at all thoughtless Before the Dawn spoilers telling me to look for Stephanie and Virgil. I think of Stephanie as being Gotham to the core like the rest of the Bat family. I'm curious how she'll integrate. (I gotta review if Sissie was established in Star City when she appeared as a little girl.) But, blond hair, blue eye AND ~purple~ jacket and wry response in face of bad situation...that would be Steph. (I like she looked older than Tim - I could have sworn she was originally created a year older than Tim and somehow dropped a year to match him.)
4- Didn't the pods used to put people to sleep? I guess if this hasn't already been covered elsewhere it could be an actual question.
5- Cassie is observant- how do you know our friends are there? The tech reminds her of Blue Beetle. Nice.
6- M'gan wipes Aquadlad's mind- Wow... implications, shock, moment between M'gan and Artemas - all nicely played. Also, Beast Boy makes a scary big cat. (I can't tell if there is a bit of an homage to HeMan's battle cat or if that's what you're going to see when you see a giant angry green tiger.) And then there is the nice echo to last season and the training sequence started with M'gan losing it over Artemas's 'death'.

Thanks for letting us rabble
7- Bart/Jaime SPOILED. Come on guys 2 words, "spoiler alert", and hit enter a few times.
8- Black Beatle - scary guy. On the plus side Jamie gave Scarab full control and no evil monster came out of it. No evil, clears that worry. Beginning of good guy scarab?
9- Bab's & Dick - Noticed their Bat military precision. Also noticed the extra hand hold while they confirmed,
10- La'gon gets the heroic save of Jaime
11- On ship- Lagon is happily draped over catatonic M'gan, Garth covering, Conner watching.
12- And then the clever of Reach introducing themselves before being exposed.
13- GGG- Not wrong about coming through the front door, but none of the alien superheroes represent their home planet. The GL's are the closest.
14- If the Reach is inducing powers and that boy is Virgil, then this would seem to be the BANG. Then again, Steph doesn't traditionally have powers. I remember one of the old comics once indicated that Sissie's eyesight was on the edge of Meta. Though probably within the range of ARGHH!!! famous baseball player who could aim his bat at where he wanted it vis-à-vis the seams…La).
Overall very good indeed.

Greg responds...

1. That was Masasa Moyo channelling Eartha Kitt.

3. Keep in mind, those teens on the dock were not necessarily from Star City. That was a launching point to bring them to the Reach. They were all runaways, and they might have come from anywhere. Also Stephanie's not older than Tim, however, on our show. She's a couple years younger.

4. There's a setting that puts people to sleep, but it isn't automatic.

6. No He-Man homage attempted. (More of a Mr. Tawny homage in green.) But if you see it there, that's fine.

14. Keep in mind, Stephanie was rescued BEFORE she was experimented on. Virgil was not.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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hmm... writes...

What were Zatanna's spells in cornered?

Greg responds...

Well, she had a fainting spell and a hunger spell and a chatty spell.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anon writes...

Dear Greg,

Let me just start by saying that I am a complete fan of Young Justice. I absolutely love it and I am a fan.

I saw that you answered a question in which someone asked if Artemis knows Nightwing's secret identity. And you answered that as of Season 2, she did.

So my questions are:

1. Why did Dick tell Artemis his secret identity? Or did she figure it out herself? Or even through Wally?
2. Who else knows? (I know you might not answer this one, but I might as well give it a try.)

Greg responds...

1. Artemis saw Dick naked in the Cave's communal shower. Later, that same day, she saw him naked in the Gotham Academy's communal shower, and thus was able to identify him by a telltale zit. Frankly, it's ironic that she had to see him naked twice to make that identification, since the zit was on his chin. But that's what happened.

2. Well, the audience knows. But as far as I can tell from Ask Greg, they're all named "Anonymous".

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I have no important questions today, but I'd like to share my thoughts on "Cornered."

My thoughts about "Cornered":

A. Did Jaime Made The Right Decision? - It is becoming more and more unclear. Watching "Before the Dawn," I'd suspected that IF impulse had not been able to rescue Blue Beetle, it would have been the moment that Jaime was corrupted. Impulse, however stated he know NONE of the details that led to the corruption of the Scarab. Jaime now wants the Scarab off, but what if that led to the Scarab's eventual corruption should it attach to someone else? It makes one wonder…

B. Poor Miss Martian - It's a shame that Miss Martian's self-confidence seems to have shattered after the events of "Before The Dawn." I hope that she does get her head back in the game before the end of the season. However, that does leave some concern to her fate once the conflict with The Reach is resolved. Personally, I think either she'll get kicked off the Team, OR she'll probably live in a self-imposed exile without telling anyone where she goes…

C. Mal Duncan's Character Development - Becoming Guardian is an awesome move, and I'm looking forward to see more of him in action. In regards to his relationship with Bumblebee, I sense that it's only going to become more and more strained. I'm waiting to see if their strained relationship factors in any way to why the Reach Apocalypse possibly happened.

D. Gradual Fall From Grace - That's the best words to describe what I feel is happening to the Justice League right about now. For the Reach Apocalypse to somehow have happened in the future, one of the possible reasons would have to be the public's complete distrust of the Justice League, and then when the Reach turns their back on humanity, the public is going to have to regret what they did. I also think that the Justice League probably got killed when they actually do have to fight the Reach, but considering there has been very few key facts about the future that has been revealed, I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up to find out if I'm right…

Thanks for taking the time to read my posting,

Greg responds...


B. Miss Martian was kicked off the Team because those guys just hate White Martians.

C. The Reach Apocalypse was a direct result of the closing of the Happy Harbor Bowling Alley. Without bowling, Earth just surrendered.

D. The Justice League still exists in the future that Bart came from. They simply changed their name to "The Reach League".

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Shade234 writes...

Hey Greg!I loved "Cornered"!
1.How old is Virgil Hawkins?
2.How old is Neutron/Nathaniel Tryon?
3.Why didn't Artemis with Kaldur just surrender to Beast Boy and M'gann? It would've been a good way to get them out of deep cover. After all, they'd found out who the Partner was.

Greg responds...

1. He's 75 if he's a day.

2. He's 75 if he's a day.

3. Because she's 75 if she's a day.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review and disappointments for YJI episode "Cornered":

I enjoyed the scenes with Captain Atom, Black Canary, Blue Beetle and Impulse. Captain Atom is most likely saying "Screw the Reach!" or "Nonsense!" inside his thoughts. I noticed Jaime Reyes is shirtless again in this episode!

Mal Duncan was funny in this episode and he resembles Steel/John Henry Irons from that terrible Shaquille O'Neal movie "Steel" while wearing that Guardian costume.

I don't trust that Wade Eiling. I still believe all the US Military soldiers who are working under his wing are dirty, corrupt, merciless, cold-blooded and bloodthirty terrorists in uniform, unless you can give evidence in the upcoming episodes.

And Miss Martian did indeed watered her uncle's plants after all. Oh and more hilarity from G. Gordon Godfrey and he's so obsessed with the Reach lately. Looking forward to True Colours.

My disappointments:
You win 10 points for introducing Static/Virgil Hawkins properly, but you lose 20 points for not introducing the other two unknown liberated abductees who were waiting in the corridor.

Greg responds...

In scenes that were cut for time, Wade sacrificed himself nobly in order to help Miss Martian get to Chicago in time to water her uncle's plants, so that the watering could all be done by the time Conner arrived, so that they could watch "Steel" on Netflix. Unfortunately, all this effort was for naught, as John Jones' Netflix subscription had run out while he was in space.

The good news is that Asami and Eduardo recovered from the amnesia they were experiencing during "Cornered" (which explains why they COULD NOT be introduced in the episode, since they didn't know their own names).

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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