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Chalicothere writes...

In the episode, "Satisfaction", if Aqualad did not go under cover, would he have remembered Superboys's birthday? I am assuming that Superman knows, for me to feel better for Superboy, but it would be nice if you can tell me that,too.

Greg responds...

I assume if Artemis hadn't died, many people would have been more focused on Superboy's birthday.

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Phoenician writes...

It has been quite some time since I've reviewed anything regarding Young Justice but that in no way should reflect on my enthusiasm for the Team and all-things-Earth-16. YJ's two seasons these past two-plus years have been an incredibly fun ride and I look forward to the upcoming finale . . . but with the finale coming very soon and the tie-in comic now at an end, now seemed like a good a time as any to ramble a few words on a comic I'll miss picking up every month!

I might ultimately regret not reviewing issues #1-#19 first (I did manage to review #0 "Stopover" in a timely manner), but I am still riding a Players-high d:

"Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble"
(I'm already on a tangent, but this felt like the more appropriate place to mention that when Hasbro was doing its Monopoly New Token promotion with the gimmick that a classic token would be "thrown into jail" permanently, I did in fact vote for the Thimble, lol)

Well the story starts on December 1st in Team Year Zero (taking place between season one's episodes of "Agendas" and "Insecurity") which just happens to be Dick Grayson's birthday. Zatanna wishing Robin a happy birthday was a fun scene especially when Robin wonders how Z could have possibly known only for Wally to pop in the last panel to take the credit, hehe.

A simple turn of the page later and its Team Year Five, with Dick being wished a happy birthday by Wally and Artemis across the country (I laughed when Artemis put two and two together on who was the other person in Dick's apartment). They're not the only two with birthday wishes - we soon see newly-inducted Justice Leaguers Zatanna and Rocket kiss the original Boy Wonder at the Cave.

Soon enough the Team's divided into two Squads, with Superboy, Miss M, Bumblebee, L'Gann, Beast Boy, and the Bio-Ship in Metropolis keeping an eye on Noor Harjavti of Qurac with Nightwing, Wondergirl, and Sphere heading to El Paso to recruit the newest member of the Team (oh, nice stage-setting on the first page with the Computer showing a map of Texas).

Having seen the episode "Earthlings," it was a treat to see Garfield's story about Superboy and Miss M's return trip to Qurac be told, not to mention it also gives us a nice compare/contrast of Superman's warming relationship with Superboy over the years. Oh, and Marie introducing Miss M as her daughter to Clark and Jimmy was truly touching.

Nightwing's comment on how even with the ability to fly, Jaime still winds up late to school reminded me of a similar quip of Spidey in TSS-M's ep "Interactions." Speaking of school, it looks like Rio Grande High is in full winter musical mode with "The Pajama Game" (I imagine I'd appreciate the reference when I actually do get around to seeing it!).

Part One ends with a mysterious First Leader retrieving assets (Superboy, Superman, and Devastation at the least) before the Collector of Worlds proceeds perfectly living up to YJ's INVASION subtitle!

Oh, and I'm no expert on comics, but the word Geosynchronous does not get used enough!

"Directly to Jail"
In Team Year Five, a quick Justice League and Team conferencing make it clear that the best lead to those missing is the notable Zeta radiations coming off the Moon, and with all three Green Lanterns and Both Hawks off-world, Nightwing reassigns Miss M, L'Gann, and the Bio Ship to Gamma Squad and gives them a field-trip to the Moon.

I loved both Jaime's line, "Did he just send someone to the MOON?!" as well as the echoes of Miss M telling Garfield she'll see him soon (Gar's clearly feeling those echoes too). Wondergirl pouting about not being abducted with Superboy, Superman, and Wonder Woman was also hilarious.

Take my slight double-take that there's an area of/near Metropolis known as Suicide Slum as proof that I am still learning the basics of the DC mythos.

Gotta love the new kid for letting everyone know they're flying towards Moscow to get to Rome only to be enlightened that the shortest distance between two points isn't necessarily a straight line.

The two Captains working their way around the Orbs was fun, always a treat to see Cameron Scott and a visibly older Billy Batson. It was also a nice reveal that Captain Atom has frequently torpedoed any votes to invite Major Force to the Justice League.

"Landing on Boardwalk"
Always fun to see Artemis and Dick outside the Cave, especially when Artemis still doesn't know who Dick is . . . really makes me wonder if/when they'll laugh about that picture from "Homefront."

Meanwhile in Taos, Blue Beetle is given an Authorized Guest designation, and we clear things up that Sphere and (presumably) Wolf both have C-series designations.

And in the subject of clearing things up, our abducted heroes have finally realized they're on the Moon. Despite so many unknowns for the two Captains, two Supers, and Wonder Woman (that will ultimately lead to some more bad news), you gotta admit that's still an incredible view!

This issue also treats us to some early Miss M and Lagoon Boy interactions on their way to the Moon. Thought it was funny for Miss M to say that its taking too long to get there by Martian Bio-Ship when I can't help but know that the ol' girl is MUCH faster than NASA's six-day round-trip Lunar Modules from the Apollo program days. Miss M's point, however, still stands -- especially since Gamma Squad spots Kylstar's ship (a convertible no less, as pointed out by Captain Marvel) launching from the Lunar surface and potentially falling behind permanently.

Nightwing, Wondergirl, Sphere, and Blue Beetle finally make their way to the edge of Metropolis and we're soon treated to perhaps my favorite funny moment in the whole Players arc - Nightwing's simple "Don't overthink it" in response to everyone's puzzlement on how to communicate to each other through the force-field.

Other fun moments in the issue included Lex Luthor learning that, thanks to the force field, Match managed to break out of his pod (man, he really let himself go since we last saw him, huh?) and Bumblebee and Garfield - still keeping an eye on Noor Harjavti - finding refuge at Bibbos's Diner. It can't be a coincidence Greg that I tend to crave slices of Banana Cream Pie whenever I'm watching or reading one of your series, lol.

"Do Not Pass Go"
I do think I need to re-watch some episodes again, but I'll take Miss M's word that Connor had a relatively Spartan bedroom, especially in Team Year Zero. This scene with Superman is also awesome just because it gives us another glimpse behind what the Big Boy Scout's been feeling, and how he's naturally progressed in warming up to Superboy. Also totally fitting that this moment comes not long after Superboy's Thanksgiving trip to Cadmus where he became all too familiar with Match, Lex Luthor, and those addictive Shields.

We get an update from Red Tornado who clearly has all his Index Cards in order ;) It also gives us a chance to see the Dynamic Duo thing that Tim was referring to in Chapter One. Though they're clearly on the field in Gotham City, I have no idea where they're at considering all those atypical things littering that apartment complex.

Plastic Man and Batgirl's Instant-Messaging was hilarious - doesn't last long though, Match crashes on the fun - though the Triple-Super Panel still had me smiling.

Speaking of panels and layouts, I gotta say I'm still impressed how my eyes jump naturally from Superboy's speech bubble of "That Does It-" to Superman holding him back. Just one of many little moments that make this comic so, well, animated.

Miss M let's L'Gann see her true physical form as well as a new Atlantean form of hers . . . wonder if this is the inspiration for L'Gann's Angelfish pet-name?
Oh, I've been neglecting all the action on Kylstar's Vessel! The back and forth between the First Leader (through Orb's translations) and his abductees is great, but I'm particularly fascinated with Kylstar's, erm, biology - or are petrology, geology better terms? The guy not only communicates and seems to handle his vessel by glowing various colors, but he can also reflect Captain Atom and Superman's attacks back on to them with ease.

As for the Collector, it's not long before Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Atom are jettisoned right above the city (I originally remembered thinking to myself, "wonder how hard a landing that's going to be?")

"Milburn, Edgar and Jake"
I'll admit these Monopoly-themed titles are starting to get the best of me, lol.
Anyways, yep, landing on that force field sure did hurt for Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Atom. Ouch. And right below them, Metropolis is starting to lose it, what with the looting and mass hysteria, but Black Lightning and Jim Harper are doing their best to calm everyone down.

Hidden in the Glamour, Blue Beetle learns from Zatanna that the Team he's still mulling over joining typically does covert missions. Blue also learns that not only was Zatanna a member of the Team in the days when Nightwing was the original Robin, but that Zatara (a hero Jaime does remember) is both her father and "retired." But not long after Nightwing realizes the ship isn't filled with elaborate dioramas, Alpha Squad's Glamour gets drained and the Collector ambushes them.

While Plastic Man sees the quarantined city steadily shrinking right before his eyes, he's also stuck unable to get help for Batgirl as she goes one on one against Match. Smart thinking to realize even a cloned Kryptonian has got to breathe at some point.

Kylstar's finally checked as his captives get into the teamwork-groove . . . I chuckled when they called out the "West Maneuver" - but you gotta give some credit to Kylstar's Orbs too . . .they swoop in and a little coordinated effort of their own takes out both Captain Atom and Captain Marvel.

And in the flashback to Team Year Zero, Deadshot pulls out the big guns against President Harjavti prompting Superman to get in the line of fire, and Superboy and Miss Martian left to catch the assassin. Its quick but I did like Superboy looking up at Superman, adding another motivation to pull out those Shields.

"Rolling Doubles"
The last chapter and Dick's birthday couldn't get more intense, both in Team Years Zero *and* Five.

In Team Year Five, Miss Martian's arrival gives the others on Kylstar's Vessel a chance while Sphere and Jaime (listening to the Scarab's recommendation) gets the coludroid's attention. Now knowing the Scarab's Reach origins in the show, I gotta admit the Collector's got a point - it had to be weird to see Blue Beetle defending Earth.

Bumblee's reaction was hilarious, especially after all the hard work both her and Beast Boy went through in figuring out how to disable the force field. Gotta kick out of Plastic Man's enthusiasm once the force field went down, only to peter out when learning that he's now stuck there until the city's enlarged to its full size (lucky for him he's adjustable, hehehe).

Really loved the fact that we got to see Superman and Superboy together at least one other time before New Year's Eve in Team Year Zero, and it gave Superman a chance to witness Superboy's actions as he slowly gets more and more hooked to Lex's Shields. Their interactions really helps drive the need that Superboy does need Superman in his life . . . and with Superman having finally met Connor (and not just his "Super Clone"), there's enough now to motivate the Big Guy to take his first step as a real mentor for Superboy.

In the end, what sums up the whole arc beautifully, not only for its last six issues but also for the entire second season that follows it, is the fact that the Collector could also be called the Herald of Worlds . . . dedicating to collecting cities from *doomed worlds.* The series ends with Superman only focusing on a lost opportunity to look into anything surviving from Krypton, but readers know that the Brain of Colu was just the appetizer of many bad days to come.

Second to lastly - Queen Bee and Marie Logan. I had to put the book down briefly after seeing what happened - and now knowing the date when Queen Bee takes her revenge out on Marie, I can't help but muse the thought of a hypothetical episode taking place in the first half of Team Year One. This scene alone would have made for one depressing season premiere.

"Okay. Wow. Just. Wow." Birthday kisses from Zatanna and Barbara on the same day in Team Year Zero, huh? Guess Dick's been a "dog" - juggling relationships and notably ending them all amicably (*his* superpower, lol) - since he was fourteen!

You rambled last year that you had other stories planned for the comic series, specifically a "Green Arrow, Black Canary, Artemis, Red Arrow story (set after episode 114)" and a "Marvel family story." Now I have no idea who gets to decide the schedule or how one thing may or not affect the other, but in hindsight, perhaps it was better that the show had its share of breaks . . . otherwise (considering how soon the comic ended to the show's run) I'm not sure we would have had the chance to enjoy some of the last few stories we *did* have the luxury of having.

Ultimately, consider me incredibly thankful for it all (major kudos to everyone behind the show and comic's run) and I do look forward to what's to come (which will no doubt include your upcoming set of novels for "Rain of the Ghosts").

Never the end.
That's just what we do.
Tell me there's something better. Go ahead, try.
Sleep well :)

Greg responds...

Thanks! That was a fun trip down memory lane for me. And very gratifying that you enjoyed it so much!!

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1) What was the in-universe reason for Donna Troy and Mary Bromfield not being at the bridal shower in "Satisfaction"? As in, what reasons did they give for not being able to attend?

2) With "Endgame" airing tomorrow, I thought it fair to ask: who were the six or seven major characters you wanted to include in season 2 but didn't have enough room for? (Were Troia, Red Hood and the Marvels four of them?)

3) When Troia was on the Team, did she have a lasso like Wonder Woman and Cassie?

4) Is Troia stronger than Superboy or Cassie Sandsmark on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't thought about it.

2. Yes to Troia and the Marvels. No to Red Hood. The rest, I'm not saying.

3. Yes.

4. Superboy, no. Cassie, they're probably comparable.

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Can Beast Boy change into female animals? Say for example a male and female lion, would he only be able to change into a male lion and not a female lion?

Greg responds...

Males only.

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Falcon Mera writes...

Hi Greg

Can shapeshifters change their sex/genders?

Can clayface mimic the material of clothing such as cotton, silk, wool, leather etc.

How did m'gann learn to fight like deathstroke as she is shown using her psychic powers in battles and some of her shapeshifting? Did she like transfer deathstroke's knowledge on fighting?

Greg responds...

1. Some can; some can't. It's clearly more challenging for someone like M'gann. But with practice, she managed it.

2. He can mimic the APPEARANCE of those things, but not their actual texture.

3. She was using her training from Black Canary.

3a. No, there's no knowledge transfer.

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg,

Thank you for filling in some of the missing designations. It's really interesting to see Troia, Tempest, Aquagirl, and the Marvels included.

My question is: Why call the young Marvel Family representatives Lieutenant and Sergeant Marvel? They're logical choices for names, but I wonder what your specific reason was for picking them over Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr.

Greg responds...

It's story driven to a large extent.

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Barb writes...

Hi! Love your show. It's great to see Dick and Barbara love each other, I'm a big fan of them as a couple. I'd like to know if Dick has told Barbara the truth about Artemis "death" and Aqualad's undercover mission? Thanks for creating the show:)

Greg responds...

Not initially. Of course, she knows by "Summit".

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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B writes...

In "The Hunt", Miss Martian said that Green Beetle was able to fool her because she was afraid to probe deeper. Did Green have some reason to believe this would be the case before he ingratiated himself with the Team in "True Colors"? Since it would be logical for him to expect them to have Miss Martian scan him telepathically at some point, and if he couldn't fool her then the jig would be up immediately.

Greg responds...

Green Beetle knew what had happened to Aqualad in episode 210 and was prepared to exploit it.

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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Melissa writes...

Hi Greg! I hope you know how much we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. Anyway, I love Young Justice and will be devastated to see it going off the air as of tomorrow. I was wondering however, if you or Brandon or any of the other writers have given a thought to continuing the story of our favorite characters in Earth-16 through novel format? I know you would probably have to go through the proper channels to even get approval for something like that, but I know myself and most of the fandom would love to get our hands on anything YJ once the show ends, especially in a written format. Would you be even interested in doing something like this or are you more intent on saving any and all material for possible future projects? It's just a thought. Thanks for giving us this great show!

Greg responds...

I'd love to, especially now that I'm a novelist. <cough cough> Rain of the Ghosts available for pre-order now <cough cough> But it's not up to me and neither DC nor WB seems all that interested in pursuing the property right now.

The best bet for getting more new material - assuming you already have the DVDs, Comics or Trades and Soundtrack - is to purchase Young Justice Legacy when it comes out.

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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Angel writes...

I have more questions, hehe

1. Did Donna Troy called herself Troia when she joined the Team or did she had other codename before? Let's say Wonder Girl?

2. Most of The Light's members seems to be people that have idealist beliefs so I find it interesting how Black Manta became a choice for The Light's membership, what were The Light's motives to offer him a place in their society?

3. How many villains are aware of The Light's activities? If there are, even tough they may not know The Light's motivation or plans, Are there some villians that may actually rivalize or oppose them over the fact that the may monopolize villians for some criminal activities? We've seen that The Light in fact doesn't tolerate this kind of activities when Sportsmaster attacked Intergang

4. I've seen that in some of your answers you don't seem to know too much about some modern comics, I remember that in the early stages of developement you choosed the lead characthers over around 100, some were elected based on how much screen time they had before, how they fit with the story, how they can contribute to the story, etc. I even have vague memories about some early concept art of Mary Marvel.

Did you needed to read some issues in which some of those recent characters appear to help you decide which ones will be elected or you just researched the ones that you think would be good for the show?

5. I remember that when The Batman was on air, they introduced Batgirl first in the show just because they couldn't use Robin because he was on Teen Titans, so when Teen Titans ended they in fact introduced him in the next season. There have been some cases like the fact that Superboy couldn't be named Superboy in Legion of Superheroes because Smallville was on air so they renamed Superman

With Teen Titans Go! on air now, if Young Justice were to be renewed for another season that would mean that we would have said good-bye to screentime for Nightwing, Beast Boy or Robin? or we would have never seen Starfire, Raven or Cyborg? Or Nightwing would be safe as he is counted as a different character of Robin? Would Tim Drake be safe as he is not Dick Grayson Robin or he would need to change to Red Robin?

Greg responds...

1. Troia.

2. His competence and their need for his specific skills and tech mostly. But Manta believes his motives are pure.

3. A number are vaguely aware. Only a few really know who's in the inner circle, let alone understand their true intent. I could see certain villains opposing them. Joker, for one, who was not initially aware that he was being used by them when he was part of the Injustice League.

4. Clip art of Mary, not concept art. We never got around to designing her, even in a rough stage. And, yes, I read a number of recent comics to get up to speed. But it's not a comprehensive education by any means.

5. I don't know for sure what happened in the past, but I think your claims in the question aren't quite accurate. I don't think Superboy in LSH being called Superman had anything to do with Smallville. I think that was about legal issues DC had with the estates of Superman's creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. And I'm not even sure if the real reason Batgirl came before Robin in The Batman had anything to do with Teen Titans either. Maybe, but I'd guess otherwise. In any case, vis-a-vis YJ and TTG, I don't think there's any issue with two such different versions being on the air simultaneously. But the situation changes all the time, so who knows?

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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