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Young Justice: Invasion

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YJistheBEST. writes...

Hello Greg!
It's such an honor to be able to write to you through this site. Thank you so much for replying to your fans questions. Not many cartoon creators do that and I think is a big shame... Then again, I understand it can be hard to deal with unwanted questions too. Anyways; I'm a huge fan of Young Justice and its second season. I can't say enough how much I love everything about this show. From the characters, to the action, to the plots, to the drama, to the voice cast, to the comedy, to the animation and effects, etc. Everything about YJ says awesomeness. Needless to say I am one more of those fans who would die to have a third season :'( I really miss this series and in just the past four days I have rewatched the whole show again. I love this show and I really miss it on the air D:
Ok, to the questions (hope you'll be helpful, please) Regarding the so devastating Endgame episode and my #1 couple on the show, Artemis and Wally. When everything was over and Barry and Bart stopped running, Artemis was obviously sad and worried searching and asking for Wally. She doesn't start crying until Barry let her know that Wally loved her:
1) Were Wally's words a surprise to Artemis?
2) In all those years together. Did Wally ever told Artemis to her face that he loved her?
3) The same for Artemis. Did she ever told Wally to his face that she loved him?
I think is pretty obvious these two really loved each other, is just that Artemis' loss of Wally felt so deep... Wally's death was a huge sacrifice to save the world, and it really showed what a great hero and man he was. And Artemis breaking down in tears and when her and the Wests are comforting each other are scene that break my heart whenever I see them. I am sad for everyone who lost Wally. And I am sad that Wally can't be with his family, friends, and love of his life anymore. But that doesn't take away what a well done and dramatic finale Endgame is. Thank you for creating this show, which is one of the best shows I have ever watched (I grew up watching Gargoyles and Justice League, just so you can imagine how old I am) and though it might sound crazy, I don't lose hope it might get a new season some day.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I think she knew that Wally loved her. I also think she knew that if Barry was leading with that, it meant Wally was dead.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

Thanks for the kind words, and I wouldn't lose hope. I think there's a better than decent chance that YJ might come back.

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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safminako writes...

Do you think Keith David could voice any other of your characters? If so, which ones?

I am still a fan of the show and totally used jump off of an ironing board trying to fly when I watched Gargoyles as a kid.

Greg responds...

I don't understand what you mean. Keith is amazing, and has done a voice for me on nearly every series I've produced. The list includes Goliath (Gargoyles), Officer Morgan (Gargoyles), Thailog (Gargoyles), Mama (3x3 Eyes), Hades (Kidd/Hero), The Big Man (The Spectacular Spider-Man) and Mongul (Young Justice: Invasion).

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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Prosky writes...

Is Happy Harbor in ruins in 2056 at the end of Young Justice Invasion episode Bloodlines?

Greg responds...

At the VERY end? No. But Mount Justice is.

Response recorded on September 15, 2016

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Alexis writes...

Why did Martian Manhunter not stop Miss Martian from abusing her powers in season two of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

He wasn't fully aware of it. Keep in mind, she's way more powerful, telepathically, than he is.

Response recorded on September 14, 2016

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Kiri B-G writes...

Hello Greg! First of all, thank you for making my childhood awesome.

I have about billion question I'd like to ask, but the one I keep coming back to over and is this. What was life after the Reach Apocalypse like for the average human civilian? Was all of humanity made into slave laborers and the entire Earth rendered barren, or is that just the bits we got to see? All of what have been shown of that time is from Impulse's point of view, so I wasn't sure if those scenes were to be taken as a world wide example or specific to metahumans in the vicinity of Mount Justice.

Greg responds...

Basically, what you see is what you get. Or what the human race got.

And thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on September 14, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

Greetings Greg, what are the true names of the Reach Scientist, Ambassador, & Black Beetle? I really liked how you provided all three alien invasion leaders with distinct personalities, which made them feel like actual people rather than stock villains, but was curious as to whether or not they had actual personal given names beyond their ranks & titles within the Reach hierarchy, or in Black Beetle's case his codename as a scarab bearer. Thanks for your time & for Young Justice & its entertaining baddies :D

P.S. poor Reach Scientist, Beetle & Ambassador TOTALLY should have listened to her, no respect I tell ya, no respect XD

Greg responds...

We never named them, and to be honest, I'm not sure they have names. They have functions.

Response recorded on September 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

As of Season 2

1. Why does Mal live in the Cave instead of an apartment or house?

2. Why doesn't Lagoon Boy live in the Polis' he's from?

3. Does he split his time between the Team and the Polis he's from?

Greg responds...

1. Free rent?

2. He does, when he's home. But he was a student at the Conservatory in Poseidonis. So he also feels at home there.

3. Probably splits time between all three locations.

Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is Mal majoring in?

2. What is he minoring in?

3. As of Young Justice Legacy was Raquel in college?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers to all questions.

Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

What is Deadshot's ethnicity?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. On Earth 16 is Guy Gardner Irish?

2. Were his parents Irish immigrants?

Greg responds...

I haven't studied this.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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