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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I hope you don't think I'm playing a game of "gotcha" but there is something about "endgame" that bothers me. When Wally decided to go help Flash and Impulse, Captain Marvel was standing right beside him. (Actually, Artemis was right beside him but you get the idea.) I believe you have said that Cap is actually faster than Wally. Wouldn't it have made sense for Wally to ask Marvel to come along to help the Flashes?

Greg responds...

Though I'm not denying it per se, I don't recall saying that Cap is faster than Wally, and in any case, Season Two Cap is definitely NOT faster than Wally.

Besides, I just don't think it occurred to Wally to ask Cap. Fast or not, he's not considered a speedster. So it wouldn't be an automatic thing.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Not so much a question as something interesting for anyone who feels up to it. Quizzes of EVERY character in YJ and Gargoyles. Go nuts.



Greg responds...

Well, I got 50% on YJ and 86% on Gargoyles. (Though I think I've done the latter before.)

I consider both scores pathetic. My memory sure ain't what it used to be.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Has Tim ever met Troia, Lieutenant Marvel, or Sergeant Marvel?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Dale writes...

Did Garfield ever meet Rita Farr before Marie's death by Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

NO SPOILERS. But yes. Rita and Marie were good friends.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Andres writes...

I love YJ awesome work between YJ and Geoff Johns work on Aquaman in new 52 I have renewed interest in the character and has become my favorite of the New 52 comics. Aqualad is the best created tv superhero character ever is my opinion. Watched a few episodes recently and I have just one question. In season is established that Aqualad is one of the more experienced and powerful members of YJ but in season 1 he is defeated soundly by Chester but by season 2 Kaldur is taking on half of YJ and holding his own and taking out Superboy with a couple of blows even after Superboy advancing in fight technique with instruction by Black Canary. Is this simple progression of fighting ability or increase in power?

Greg responds...

Mostly the former, but I also don't agree with the premise of your question. I think you are (a) underestimating CHESHIRE and (b) not taking into account that the first time one fights any new opponent, it's going to be more difficult then fighting someone you know well, and (c) missing the fact that Aqualad intentionally threw the fight with Cheshire at least once.

Plus, you're skipping all the other season one battles he had.

It's just an odd question.

But if what you're asking is whether or not he got more powerful between seasons, the answer is basically no.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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B writes...

You responded "Why would she want Garfield dead?" to Ben Wes's question "Why Queen Bee did not kill Garfield right after Marie was killed?". Well, the same reason, revenge on Miss Martian. So was there a motivation for Queen Bee to kill Marie beyond revenge?

Greg responds...

Revenge at one's own expense doesn't make a lot of sense. The heroes are viewed as assets by the Light. Chess pieces that one doesn't sacrifice without cause.

As to whether there was a secondary reason for Queen Bee to kill Marie Logan -- NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on February 09, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I have a question about female heroes in the YJ universe, I hope it doesn't venture into spoiler territory.

The Team had a solid male-female ratio. The League considerably less, with 3/16 and later 5/25. Wonder Woman even mentions this inbalance in "Agendas".

My question is: what was the ratio in the JSA/A-SS? Wonder Woman was a member, as was "Firebrand", but were there any female heroes operating at the time? Obviously, there was no Black Canary yet in this timeline, but were there any other women? Or was it mainly a boys' club?

Greg responds...

There were other women, but both the JSA and the A-SS were primarily boys' clubs.

Progress, I'm afraid, is slow. But as you noted, the Team was considerably better balanced. So progress has been made.

Response recorded on February 09, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Were Aqualad and Rocket still dating when Jason joined the Team?

2. Did they break up sometime after Jason's death?

3. Were Dick and Zatanna still dating when Jason joined the Team?

4. Did they break up sometime after Jason's death?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

4. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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Yojimbo writes...

1) In "Happy New Year," when was Adam Strange's first trip to Rann relative to when Martian Manhunter introduced him at the Watchtower (i.e. 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days)?

2) How long was Tseng replaced by a Krolotean or was the switch done at the same time as the events of the "Players" arc in the last issues of the comic?

3) In "War", who was the other tyrant that replaced Mongul from as ruler of his planet or was that in the plans to reveal who he/she was given enough episodes/comics/games?

4) In "Usual Suspects", were Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, and Sportsmaster going to take Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis to the start work on the Atabey's Shrine project on Santa Prisca (later visited in "Legacy")?

5) In "Insecurity", what did Bernell Jones do to be up for assassination by the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

1. I don't have that nailed down on my timeline, but it was sometime between January of Team Year Five and January 3rd of Team Year Six.

2. More or less the same time.


4. No. There were more immediate concerns.

5. He wrote a story after being warned.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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Dan writes...

What were the Reach going to do with Mongul and Despero?

Greg responds...

Take them out of circulation.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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