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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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Guy Gardner writes...

Hi! I'm sure it'll be a while before you get to it, but I wanted to get this in now.

First off, I want to say that I'm a huge fan of the show. I'm a massive DC Comics guy who started off watching the animated Batman and expanded out from there, and no show has gotten me as pumped as this one has me. Also like the music on the new trailer; reminds me a lot of Alien/Aliens/Prometheus, which makes sense considering you guys are going out into space. Hopefully these questions will be quick, easy to answer, and aren't asking you to give anything away prematurely.

1) From the comic and the show, we know that there are still some JSA members running around and that they do have contact with JLA members. Were these members consulted/give advice on the formation of the League and how it was structured, or was this a completely internal thing?

2) We already know that Atlantis is a constitutional monarchy. So do they have a Parliament or Senate based around the various City-States you mentioned in the comic book? I know it's a rather dorky question, but the depth (no pun intended) you've given this version of Atlantis makes me interested.

3) Probably the question that is closest to a spoiler, and I hate asking it... but I just have to. We see an image of Blue Devil for a few seconds in "Agendas", and attached to his belt on the left side is what looks like a law enforcement badge. Am I correct in that assertion? I won't ask for any more beyond that.

4) When the other Lanterns said "No" regarding Guy Gardner, was it because of his good looks, his chiseled abs, or because they knew his ring-slinging skills would make them obsolete? All of the above is an absolutely acceptable answer.

Thanks, and I look forward to the new season!

Greg responds...

1. It was mostly "internal". But of course, the League was at least in part inspired by the Justice Society of America. And since Barry and Jay are such good friends, it was natural to seek advice.

2. Each Polis is represented in a governmental body.

3. You're correct.

4. I'll stick with "Um."

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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