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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg!

A couple questions about the additions to the lineup for Invasion.

1. Had rights not been an issue, would you have set up Wondergirl in Season One the way you did Mal, Karen, Gar, and La'Gaan?

2. Did you plan on all of the Season 2 Team members from the beginning? I'm particularly thinking of Blue Beetle since he didn't get a cameo in Season 1.

3. Were the Season 2 recruits drawn from their own list? Or were they the "runners-up," as it were, from your masterlist of young heroes used for Season 1's lineup.


Greg responds...

1. There's no way to know. She was unavailable while we were prepping the season, and we were told that from moment one, so we never gave any real thought to her inclusion, until we were told she was fair game. By that time, it was too late for Season One. We don't have the schedule luxury to sit around and muse about what might have been.

2. Yes, except Wonder Girl. But we were informed before we started any serious work on Season Two.

3. I didn't make a separate list. I wouldn't say they were runner-ups. So much as younger-ups.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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The Captain writes...

First off Mr. Wiesman I would like to say sorry on behalf of the fanbase, obiviously some people have poor impulse control and lash out to those who don't deserve. I am confidant that you and the rest of the Young Justice production team know what you are doing. I won't bore you with the concerns that I have after watching Happy New Year but once again I state that I am confidant in you and the rest to adress those concerns. That being said I do have actual questions to ask. Sorry if some off these have been asked before but as you know it is kind of depressing to read the unanswered section of this blog.

1)Why is Zatanna a member of the Justice League? admittingly part of the reason is that I am sad to see the old Team broken up I do not understand why Zatanna would leave. Being on the Justice League would mean working beside Doctor Fate, who as far as I know, is still controlling her father. Even if she can put aside her feelings to work beside Fate that means she would have leave the team since she is the strongest pure magic user and there seems to be no replacement for her role. Again something that happened during the time skip could explain this and only the first episode of season 2 has aired but her motivation for joining the league are unclear to me as of this writing.

2) How is Rann able to keep up with current members (such as newly inducted Zatanna and Rocket) of the Justice League and put them on their most wanted list while Earth and the Green Lantern Corp are ignorant of this fact, does Rann have the ability to monitor galactic events while keeping a low profile or is there something else at work

3)Finally and I apologize if this seems both a bit whiny and probably asked already (like I said the unanswered archives kind of scare me now) but what was your reasoning for inducting Rocket into the Team in the last two episodes of season one when she leaves to be in the league in season 2. I mean with all the plot threads being tied up in those episodes she didn't get much of a chance to shine so I am wondering why include her when from my perspective she could have appeared as a guest star in an earlier episode and be in the team during the time skip. Once again I am sure you have your reasons and most likely this will be met with SPOILER REQUEST but can the fans expect her tenure on the Team have an effect on stories that if not affect episodes of Invasion at the least the comic book tie in or upcoming Legacy game.

4) SOrry I said I something occured to me while writing the last question but I have a question about legacy. SInce it is a year away and since it is it takes place during the time skip I am worried that if this game were to be cancelled during development the fans would lose valuable insight to what happened between seasons one and two. So this question is that if the game contains information to better understand the transition and this game is cancelled, will that information be avaliable via alternative methods?

Thats it so thank you for your time and I hope that the grief that the more...militant members of the fanbase don't cause you to lose faith in the part of the fanbase who still believe that you and the production team can deliever the same quality entertainment that caused us to become fans in the first place.

Greg responds...

1. Well, the first question I'd ask you is "Why wouldn't Zatanna accept an invitation to join the Justice League?' And I'm not confirming or denying anything about Doctor Fate or her father, but is there any scenario you can think of where Z wouldn't want to keep as close an eye on Fate as possible?

2. You're looking at it backwards. The information didn't come from Rann. It came from the Kroloteans who were ON Earth.

3. The reason she was included in Season One was ASKED AND ANSWERED. As for why she was moved up to the League in Season Two, we felt we needed to be true to her character arc. But rest assured that Rocket is a very important character to me, and her presence will be felt in both the comic and the show, and in addition, given enough issues and/or episodes we'll be learning MUCH more about her.

4. The television series contains all you NEED to know to appreciate the television series. The game will supplement that. I see NO indication that it's going to be cancelled. (I just edited another dialogue script for cut scenes today.) But on the off chance it is cancelled, you won't lose anything that was necessary to enjoy the series. Though, as with the comic, you'll get more out of all three of our media by enjoying all three.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anon writes...

1) Did you hear about Artemis Crock appearing in the DC reboot with the Teen Titans?
2) Did you know they based her off her Young Justice animated series counterpart, like what was done with Aqualad in the old DCU?

So congratulations to the Young Justice series staff on reimagining a character so awesomely that some of the changes made it into the DCnU.

Greg responds...

1. Well, I heard about an "Artemis" appearing there. But I haven't seen it.

2. I'm not sure that's true. I'm not sure it's not either. I just don't know. No one at DC has mentioned it to us.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Carolyn writes...

Hmm... you are going to blow our minds this season aren't you? Should I be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster more intense than season 1? And why do I feel like you're secretly amused by all the frantic/paranoid/distressed questions/accusations you are getting about the new season?

Greg responds...

I am amused by it sometimes; other times it's quite frustrating. And, yes, I'd be prepared for quite the emotional rollercoaster.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.In order from strongest to weakest in terms of combat can you arrange the original eight members?
2.Who would you say is a better fighter Red Arrow from season 1 or Nightwing from season 2?

Greg responds...

1. No. [See my next answer.]

2. Totally different fighting styles, so it's all situational.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Christopher writes...

Crazy brilliant season premiere, team. It's a perfect sequel to the first season: at its core, this series is a story about how the youth of the DCU grow and evolve into adult heroes. Moving from the first 'generation' of sidekicks to a second seems perfectly natural in hindsight. I'm looking forward to getting to know your versions of all of the new characters.

I'm certain that you'll find it impossible to completely ignore the hate generated by the changes to the show - but I hope you don't take any of it to heart. Take it instead as reaffirmation that you have really hooked many viewers - take it to mean that they really care about the characters that you have shaped, and that they are actually afraid for their futures. I want to know what happens with Wally and Artemis and Kal'dur'ahm as much as the next fan - but I also have faith that you and your team will deliver.

However, we still have not seen a green light for a third season. While I don't dislike Green Lantern, I'd much rather Young Justice continue to be a part of DC Nation once Beware the Batman becomes part of the block as opposed to GL:TAS. I live a few miles from Cartoon Network HQ ... do you think it would do any good if I took them cookies on a daily basis in order to convince them to pick up the show for another 26 episodes?

Many thanks to you and the rest of the team for continually delivering the best in entertainment.

Greg responds...

I guess it couldn't hurt... but somehow I doubt cookies will wind up playing a big role in the decision. (Heck, if I thought they would put us over the top, I'd buy cookies for CN myself.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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B writes...

Godfrey's "reporting" indicates that the fact that Icon and Hawkman are aliens isn't public knowledge. If so, why are they keeping it secret?

Greg responds...

What do they gain by revealing the truth?

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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AMN writes...

I've just remembered 2 questions. (It was going to be more than 5 anyway)

1- During season 1, only Alfred, a few league members and Ra's Al Ghul knew Batman and Robin's identity.
Now 5 years later, are Batman, Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl's identities known to the rest of the team? Or only a few of them know? (in that case, who knows?)

2- When did Barbara discover Dick was Robin/Nightwing? When did she become Batgirl? When did she join the team?

Greg responds...

1. More know, but not all. I'm not going to reveal here who knows what.


Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Hi Greg! Loved Season 2's opening, can't wait to see where it goes from here.

1. Do Lagoon Boy's powers all stem from Atlantean sorcery?

2. If so, can other Atlanteans inflate themselves to be super-strong and tough using magic, or is this unique to Lagoon Boy's species?

3. Err...actually, come to think of it, does Lagoon Boy's species have a name?


Greg responds...

1. Well, not all of them. He's still an Atlantean and can breathe underwater and is fairly strong and dense naturally. But his "puffing" and extra-super-strength come from sorcery.

2. It's unique to his chosen study at the Conservatory. In theory others could do it, if they mastered the technique.

3. It's a sub-species, not a species. He's an Atlantean Human.

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Spanky writes...

Hey Greg,

So I just watched the YJ season premiere; it made me think of an old interview of yours where you say you wish that cartoons depicted the characters growing over time. You really weren't kidding huh? This is what I love about your shows, I honestly can't say I know what's coming next. Props to DC and Warner Bros for letting you take such a big, interesting narrative risk

Greg responds...

DC, WB and CN were all huge supporters of the risks Brandon and I wanted to take. And we appreciate that a lot.

Response recorded on September 20, 2012

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