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Riyan writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm happy the question block is open again.
Congratulations on YJ:Legacy.
I bought the PS3 version game and completed it.
It's quite hurt to learn the story when Aqualad know who his father is and then Tula's death. Though we know what happened already, but when seeing the details, still heart breaking and it almost make me cry.
Do you know, I just can't help thinking that you may be too cruel to Kaldur.
Since the end of season 1, it seems only terrible things happened to him. Especially on the screen time. and we cannot see the off screen time so we don't know if he had met anything happy and smiled. (Maybe I should watch through season 2 again to say this, but as far as I remember, I never saw him smile in season 2.)
And without season 3, we don't know if he would became happy again, but with defeating his father and with great loss in the team, I doubt.
It's good to see your answer about he sure would re-new his friend ship with Red Arrow. I think this is one thing may give him a relief.
And I'd like to ask if there is anything good and happy happened to Kaldur. But I'm quite sure I'd got a "SPOILER REQUEST" answer. So, I'm just hoping YJ came back and you can treat him well.
The above is not complaining, or maybe kind of...
But what I really want to say is: it's a great ability to create and develop characters to let people love them and cry for them. I love Kaldur even more in season2, because he sacrificed a lot of himself and go through miseries to do justice. This makes him a greater hero.
It feels sad and hurt to see what he suffered, but it's also the reason I love this character, not for his appearance or powers or ability, just the greatness in his spirit.
I just want to thank you for creating such a great character.
And here I got some questions about the Young justice after the ask section is closed. And also some for YJ:Legacy.
1. I saw several times you said among the first 4 sidekicks, Aqualad is close to Speedy, and Robin is close to Kid Flash. Is there some reasons like:
a) Aqualad met Speedy first and Robin met Kid Flash first so they are close to the one they met first.
b) Aqualad and Speedy spend more time with each other in their mentors' missions, so did Robin and Kid Flash.
c) Personality. Speedy is the oldest and Aqualad is more mature than the other two, so their personality get along easier and better than with Robin and Kid Flash?
d) Maybe all above?
2. This is one question I got when I re-watch the end of S1. When Ra's said that the real Roy Harper "might still prove useful,as well".
So... was he 'useful' to the Lights in S2?
Or he wasn't because Red Arrow and Cheshire rescued him before Ra's can plan anything?
If Ra's already made a plan, and the rescue was also a part of the plan, what exactly did he want?
I didn't see anything like plan happened on Arsenal. Though he messed up a mission in Lex Farm, and also messed up Reach's plan to abduct all the young heroes. But both looks like accidents, not like a plan.
And League and Team surely would do a thoroughly check on Arsenal before he join the Team, so the Lights couldn't plant any program in his brain.
I guess the question "what exactly did Ra's want" would get an "Spoiler" answer.
So I just want to know, is his plan worked in S2 or not because Red Arrow and Cheshire's rescue.
Or... did Ra's totally forgot he had frozen a young hero in one of his base?
3. This question is for YJ: Legacy.
I looking forward to this game so much before it came. But as a game player and also a YJ fans, honestly, the game is terrible.
Not criticize the plot. I think the plot is good.
But the game system and cut scenes performance is far away from good. No need to mention so many bugs.
It's like some half developed project. Many improvement can be made and it would be a better game. We all know it's been delayed once, and now still lot's of problem remain in the game.
Do you know if there are some issues in the developing period?
Is it because the budget is limited or Little Orbit hasn't developed this kind of game before?
If the budget is not enough to make a good performance game, would it be enough to make an one episode or 2 to tell the same story? I think the plot of this game could be tell in one or two episode.
I would rather see a short animation of YJ rather than a terrible game. I don't know if you played this game or not, but as a normal gamer, it's not a game I'd willing to play. Not like LEGO Batman or Batman Arkham, even my friend who don't know batman, she also enjoyed the game itself.
4. Still for YJ: Legacy. No more criticism. Let's talk about some other things.
It's great for the idea of Red Arrow Journal. I think this is one great motive to play the game.
I haven't collect all the Red Arrow Journals yet but I've saw other's collection. so I read them all.
That's the 2nd heartbreaking things in this game other than Kaldur's suffering.
And then I got a question, when Jade leave Roy, she's already pregnant. And later in the mission, we met her and fight with her.
Is that okay to fight a pregnant woman? I mean, wouldn't we accidentally kill Lian? I think I would never go play this fight again.ad
And also, did Jade know she's pregnant when she left Roy?
5. Have you watch the "Justice League Flash Point Paradox"? Did you see Kaldur's cameo in it? Though no one said it's Kaldur but we all know it's Kaldur and Tula and Garth. Cheers for them!
Do you know the team of Paradox would use Kaldur as a cameo?
What do you think of it?
I mean, Kaldur is an original character you created in Young Justice, right? It's like your own child.
When he is used in other DC works, would it make you proud or a bit complicated?
I think I'd be most happy to see him in YJ season3, but if not, it's also happy to see him in some other animation works. But I'm not sure if I would be happy to see him became not Kaldur in other works. I love what he is in YJ, but in other works without your writing? I'm not sure.
okay. I think that's all I got now.
I'm looking forward to your novels and Star Wars Rebels.

Greg responds...

1. D. All of the above.

2. I'd say he was useful, yes. But I'm not going into any details of plans or no plans.

3. I really don't know anything about game production in general. And in terms of YJL, my involvement was limited to story and voice.

4. Yes, Jade knew she was pregnant when she left Roy. It was one of the main reasons she left.

5. I have not seen it, though I heard about Kaldur's cameo and saw a screencap. And I was thrilled when Phil Bourassa told me that he and Garth and Tula were appearing.

Response recorded on January 21, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I've a question about some of the Legacy mooks - don't know how much you were involved in their desigm and stuff.

1 Do they have names/ranks? There's regular Shadows, white Shadows, red Shadows... were they meant to have a name?
2 Some of the League of Shadows minions (that appear in the museum level and higher) have red hair. Are they more Roy Harper Clones?

Greg responds...

1. They're all just shadows. The gear they wear is mission dependent, largely. Or it is in my mind, anyway.

2. No.

Response recorded on January 17, 2014

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Tom writes...

Have you played Young Justice: Legacy? If so, what did you think of the gameplay? I'm sad to see that fans are saying the game is glitchy on many review sites. I would have still bought the game myself, but it was cancelled for all of the systems that I owned a few weeks before the release date. Even so, I hope that they can make more games to continue the story somehow.

Greg responds...

I've watched it but haven't played it, I must confess, because I personally am not a gamer. Frankly, my hand/eye coordination sucks for this kind of thing. I doubt I'd survive the first mission. (Tetris is more my speed. And I'm not all that good at that.)

I haven't heard any glitching complaints. And it seems to be getting high marks for story.

Response recorded on January 17, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Mal isn't in Legacy. Does that mean he became the mission control later? If so, around which month?

It's a pity you didn't get to tell the story of his first time in the Cave.

Greg responds...


And it's a pity that we didn't get to tell a LOT of stories.

Response recorded on January 13, 2014

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hey, Greg.

Considering you can choose your own team for YJ Legacy, I was wondering if there were certain teams that you, Brandon Vietti or Little Orbit consider canon for each mission? Like, for example, Nightwing, Superboy and KF are the canon team for mission 1; Miss M, Artemis, Aqualad for mission 2, etc.?

I haven't played the game yet, as I ordered it from Amazon, but I should have it by Thanksgiving. And trust me, I'm going to play that game like it's my job.

Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it that way. Obviously, if I ever did a comic book adaptation of the game, I'd have to nail it down. But so far, it hasn't come up.

Response recorded on January 10, 2014

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Reiena writes...

I am curious about something with young Justice Legacy.

I was wondering how the Team Years went, is it from July 4th to July 4th each year, or is it from january 1st to january 1st each year.

Got young Justice Legacy for the 3DS and I have to say, was not seeing this storyline coming. The trailers did not give anything away, and I'm happy with the story so far.

Greg responds...

January 1st to December 31st, just to preserve my sanity.

Glad you like it!

Response recorded on January 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

the cast list for legacy was just actors, no roles, and was missing some names associated with characters that did appear like Killer Frost and Riddler. And you did a part as well.

Can you put up a ramble with the precise cast list?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure if I have a document for that or not. I know I don't have it here at my TeamDisney office. I'll have to check my files, the next time I'm in Beverly Hills.

Response recorded on January 08, 2014

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Jasser writes...

1.Are Lords of Chaos/Order an earth phenomenon (explaining why Klarion is humanoid if it needs explaining). I know they are timeless, but are they also all permeating?

2.Does wearing the helmet prevent death? If his human body had a heart attack or aneurysm would he be able to negate it, would the helmet remove itself, etc.

Greg responds...

1. They're not restricted to Earth.

2. Not ultimately, no.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Brent Wolgamott writes...

Hey Greg: I just wanted to say "thanks", for such a wonderful TV series in both "Young Justice" and "YJ: Invasion". I watched everything YJ-related for 2+ years now, and it was my first introduction into anything related to you (I watched Gargoyles rarely back in the day). YJ was (is) an amazing drama, albeit animation. I loved the character development of M'gann this year, and I loved the evolution of the series. I am sorry to hear it is likely over now, but I appreciate it (and you) for what it is -- a kickass TV show, juggling multiple characters with a complex but mostly resolved storyline. Thanks for the memories, and I hope to see you again soon. -Brent

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. If you want more YJ, check out our comics and the YJ Legacy video game. All are CANON.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Emily writes...

Hi Greg! In season 1 of Young Justice Aquaman and Mera announce they're going to have a child but there is no mention of that ever again. Did Manta kill Aquababy like in the comics or is he still alive during season 2?

Greg responds...

Check out Young Justice Legacy for more information on this.


Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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jacky writes...

How involved were you in the Young Justice Legacy videogame? I'm sure the next question have been asked many times before but are there currently any plans to continue the young justice universe in any way or form? I read that Little Orbit, the legacy developer, has the young justice license for quite a bit. How likely is it that they will make more Young Justice Video games?

Greg responds...

This has mostly been ASKED and ANSWERED. Brandon and I were very involved in the story. I story edited all the dialogue and supervised the voice recordings.

Little Orbit would love to make more YJ games - and they do still have the license. Whether they do or not depends almost entirely on the sales for Legacy.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Matthew writes...

Not a question, but I thought you'd like to read this:


Greg responds...

Thanks. I'd seen it, but it was nice to reread all these months later. It's very gratifying. Wish we could have made more. Haven't given up hope for more stories either. Of course, our best bet right now is to support Young Justice Legacy, so that Little Orbit decides to make a second game.

Response recorded on November 26, 2013

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Young Justice Legacy

Want more stories set in the EARTH-16 Universe of Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion?

Then vote with your wallet! Go out and buy a copy or six of YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY!!! This new video game from Little Orbit is canon material set during the five-year gap, between Seasons One and Two.

In addition, if it sells well, Little Orbit is very interested in using their existing license to make a sequel game set during "Season Three".

Here's what Little Orbit's own Matthew Scott had to say in an e-mail to myself and fellow YJ Producer Brandon Vietti:

Hi guys,

I just want to send a big thank you for all your support helping us launch Young Justice: Legacy.

Not sure if you saw the World Finest review:

The review certainly seems to have picked up on the main aspects of the project that we were trying to achieve.

My favorite quote:
"This game is so full of revelations and bombshell moments. Between that and all the new information you're getting, it's like we got an epic mini-series event, and not just a cheap cash grab video game. One nuance that I loved from the show was how actual mythology was incorporated in the ongoing story plots, and that carries over here."

BTW - In your interview on Nerdy Show [ http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/ ], you mentioned that you couldn't speak for us. But I will go on record saying we would absolutely do a Young Justice: Legacy sequel set in the season 3 period. Just need to see how sales are for this title.

Matthew Scott

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Brandon & Greg talk YJ Legacy on Nerdy Show!

Brandon Vietti & Greg Weisman talk about YJ, YJ Legacy, Rain of the Ghosts, Scooby-Doo, WWE and more on Nerdy Show!

Here's the link: http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Hope you are well, super excited to have you back answering questions for us! (thank you!)

I was brushing up on the guidelines and such, and I read along the way that the new game covers the 5 year time skip, does It also continue on through the season 2 content and beyond or strictly the time skip? (I completely understand if you are not at liberty to say)

Greg responds...

It doesn't "cover" the five year time skip. Young Justice Legacy tells ONE SIGNIFICANT STORY from during the five year skip. It was never designed to be comprehensive in any way.

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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I will be attending LONG BEACH COMIC CON on Saturday, November 23rd.


Specifically, I'll be on two panels.

The first panel is at 2pm in Room 104A:

Learn all about the voice acting process on DC/WB/CN's Young Justice animated television series from the folks who were there:

*Thom Adcox ("Klarion")
*Cameron Bowen ("Robin/Tim Drake" & "Toyman")
*Nick Chinlund ("Sportsmaster/Crusher Crock")
*Nicole Dubuc ("Iris West-Allen" and series writer)
*Crispin Freeman ("Speedy/Red Arrow/Roy Harper Clone," "Speedy/Arsenal/Original Roy Harper," "Guardian/Jim Harper" & "Galet Dasim")
*Kevin Grevious ("Black Beetle")
*Josh Keaton ("Black Spider")
*Curtis Koller (Talent Coordinator)
*Phil LaMarr ("Aquaman," "Dubbliex," "Green Beetle/B'arzz O'oomm," "L-Ron" & "Reach Ambassador")
*Stephanie Lemelin ("Artemis/Tigress/Artemis Crock" & "Catherine Cobert/Justice League Computer")
*Yuri Lowenthal ("Lagoon Boy/La'gaan," "Tempest/Garth," "Icicle Jr." & "Tommy Terror")
*Jason Marsden ("Impulse/Bart Allen/Kid Flash" & "Atom/Ray Palmer")
*Vanessa Marshall ("Black Canary/Dinah Lance," "Amanda Spence," "Ida Berkowitz," "Noor Harjavti" & "Red Inferno/Firebrand")
*Jason Spisak ("Kid Flash/Wally West")
*Jamie Thomason (Voice & Casting Director)
*Producers Brandon Vietti (Producer, Writer)
*Greg Weisman (Producer, Writer, "Lucas Carr" & Panel Moderator)

That's right, we have FOURTEEN members of the cast, plus our talent coordinator, voice & casting director, both producers and three of the writers! This YJ Panel is really a "don't miss" endeavor.

The second panel is at 3pm in Room 102B:

Life is like a hurricane at Long Beach Comic-Con! It's been almost 25 years since Disney Afternoon debuted on television screens, and the impact of "the golden age" of Disney TV Animation is still felt today. Get ready to "spin it" with Greg Weisman (producer, creator of Gargoyles) Jymn Magon (co-creator Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers, creator of Talespin), Bob Schooley (co-creator, Kim Possible, co-ex producer Penguins of Madagascar), Mark McCorkle (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, co-creator of Kim Possible) and Rob Paulsen (voice actor, Darkwing Duck, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Animaniacs) for raucous recollections and never-before-heard stories! Moderated by Aaron Sparrow (Darkwing Duck: The Duck Knight Returns)

Both panels are gonna be a lot of fun! Come and see!!

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VoicesOfChaos writes...

Lots of fans are sad that YJ is over even though we still have Legacy that has canon storyline. I am super excited for it so my questions will strictly relate to that.

1: How much input did you and your team have on the game? Heard it was more then most games get.

2: If the game sells really well will that help to continue YJ ether through a squeal game, direct-to-video movie, etc.?

3: Without giving spoilers of course, is there anything special you want to tell us about the game to hype it more?

Thank you for your time. I think it is super cool that you take your personal free time to interact with the fans like this and it really upsets me whenever I see a question from someone being rude or ungrateful.

Young Justice is my favorite TV show ever! I think you and everybody that worked to make it perfect is a genius! I could probably rant for days about everything I love about the series but I don't want to waste your time and it is better to keep this message short.

Greg responds...

1. I can't speak for other games, but Brandon and I broke the story with them, and I edited all the dialogue. I also attended all the voice sessions.

2. Good sales are our best bet to get any further material.

3. Not at the moment.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Young Justice forever writes...

Is there anything us fans can do to help Young Justice come back for another season?

Greg responds...

Vote with your wallet. Buy the DVDs. Buy the soundtrack. Buy the comic book trade paperbacks. And most important of all, buy YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Jessie writes...

Dear Greg,

I have just finished watching the season 2 final for young justice and in my opinion it was truly bittersweet. I want to congratulate you on creating such an amazing show. I was honestly in love with the characters, their personalities, thoughts, feelings, and dialog were so realistic. I am a fan of DC comics and love all those heroes and enjoyed seeing them all on young justice :) I think that "endgame" was a great way to end the season but i was left heartbroken when i had to watch my all time favorite hero, Kid Flash, do something impulsive and selfless for the last time. To say i'm not upset would be lying so i wont say that but my heart honestly broke when Wally told Barry to make sure he tells Artemis and his parents that he loved them. :,( i wish i didn't get so attached to fictional characters because their fate is always in the hands of their creators, which makes them fair game and anything/everything could happen. I know there is a chance you probably wont read this but i just wanted to take this chance and ask you, is there hope for Young Justice and Wally West or will i have to just re-watch episode and just have Wally remain in my memories? I also wanted to let you know that the scene between Kid and Impulse was just.. no words can describe it. Wally and Bart's relationship is just precious and in that scene i saw an older brother passing down his legacy to his younger brother and that just made Wally's tragic fate all the more difficult to accept.

but no matter what my feelings are toward's Wally, i still want to THANK YOU for an amazing superhero show that this closet geek went crazy for ;P

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words.

There's always hope for the series. Right now most of those hopes revolve around Legacy.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Bianca Ruhland writes...

Hi Greg :)
My name is Bianca Ruhland and currently i have just started my final year getting my double major in Creative Writing and Animation. It's a big wish of mine to one day go on to write for or create a cartoon series of my own (especially of the superhero variety, haha.)
After the series final of Young Justice i just want to say, well done. It's shows like Young Justice i want to show to my own kids one day. It inspires me and i want to work with shows like it one day.
Visually, it's stunning, story wise it's even better. You've managed to find a way to introduce characters to keep existing comic book fans happy, but write it in such a way it introduces new fans as well. That's a very hard to do (from what i've heard). Not to mention, your show is built in such a way that it doesn't patronize children's intelligence. You have connecting story lines about big issues. You show them the power of love and friendship, but also show the realistic side that sometimes, friends fight and relationships end. People grow up on the outside, but not always on the inside. Also, the fact you broke the 'Rule of 3' and had such a large female cast was so awesome!
I'm writing to you as one of many voices of support for this show. It breaks my heart to see it go, especially in favor of other new shows that...well, that just kind of look like the same old stuff personally. It's really upsetting. After watching the final episode, there are so many cliff hangers! And Wally! Also, i've heard rumours that there were plans to bring in Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne into the next season. That would have just blown my mind.
I was wondering, Greg, exactly where the show stands right now. Is there a possibility at a Season 3 if Beware the Batman and Teen Titans Go don't fare too well? Can we get it outside of DC Nation or on another channel? Do you have plans for a Kickstarter (ala Veronica Mars?)Is there anything at all being done that you can mention? Like plans for a mini-series or an online follow up comic? (ala Smallville?)
If you can't tell me anything that's fine, but i just wanted to let you know Greg that you did a really great job on this show. You and Bruce Timm are my idols and i hope to be like you one day. If it's possible, please don't give up on the show just yet, not because I and other fans want it, but because i honestly feel that children everywhere NEED it, for what it is and what it teaches.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Okay, first of all, thank you so much for all the kind words. It's much appreciated.

In that spirit, and since you have stated a sincere interest in being a professional writer, I'd like to offer some advice, which I hope you'll take in the spirit in which it is given: you need to do a better job proofreading, especially when you're expressing your desire to be a pro to a pro. When I look at a potential writer, once I get to the second or third typo, I've generally written that person off. I know this wasn't a formal communication, but you took the time to give me your full name and to list your goals. You never know, and you don't want to poison the water by not ALWAYS putting your best foot forward.

As for the episode, I'm going to state again that there were no cliffhangers in it. Loose ends, yes. Cliffhangers, no.

As for the series' future, there isn't much to tell, but I'll try to answer your questions.

Our pick-up has absolutely NOTHING to do with the success or failure of either Beware the Batman or Teen Titans Go!

I don't know about the health of DC Nation, as I'm no longer at Warner Bros. But it is extremely unlikely that we'd ever get YJ on any channel other than Cartoon Network. Keep in mind that CN, Warner Brothers and DC Comics are all part of the same company, Time-Warner.

I have no plans for a Kickstarter and such plans are beyond my ability without the interest and cooperation of the folks who own YJ, i.e. Time-Warner. I've asked about this option and gotten no encouragement.

There are no current plans for more episodes, spin-offs, mini-series or movies, despite Brandon and I pitching multiple options for all of the above. I have asked DC Comics if they're interested in publishing more YJ or Earth-16 comics, and they have declined.

What there is, is YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, a video-game coming out next month with original cannon content, telling an important story from the five-year gap between Season One of Young Justice and Season Two. If this sells well - really well - then it represents our best chance of telling additional stories down the line. There's also the soundtrack album, the various DVDs and Trade Paperbacks collecting the comics. Again, the best way to get more YJ is to vote with your wallet or purse!!

And I'll NEVER give up on the show. It's important to insert reality into any conversation about bringing it back, but that doesn't mean I don't still have hope.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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RC writes...

GREG!!! YOU OUT DID YOURSELF WITH YOUR SEASON FINALE FOR INVASION!!! But Seriously, WALLY? Why him? And the way you ended things off this season, Apokolips, Darkseid, I mean, there's no way that you guys can pull the plug on this show now you realize that right? Fans will petition and write and demand for more YJ, especially now that Darkseid has been shown to be in the picture. Cause if Vandal is looking for payback then bringing down Darkseid on the Earth is sure as heck the best way I can think of.

Please tell us there will be more!!! I don't care if I have to wait till next year to watch more, please tell me that there's still more to come!!!!

Greg responds...

Well, there's Young Justice Legacy still to come. And the best way to get more YJ is to support that.

But I'm glad that the first post here at ASK GREG about "Endgame" was a positive one. That's a relief. (Or perhaps, merely a small mercy. Either way, I'll take it.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Melissa writes...

Hi Greg! I hope you know how much we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. Anyway, I love Young Justice and will be devastated to see it going off the air as of tomorrow. I was wondering however, if you or Brandon or any of the other writers have given a thought to continuing the story of our favorite characters in Earth-16 through novel format? I know you would probably have to go through the proper channels to even get approval for something like that, but I know myself and most of the fandom would love to get our hands on anything YJ once the show ends, especially in a written format. Would you be even interested in doing something like this or are you more intent on saving any and all material for possible future projects? It's just a thought. Thanks for giving us this great show!

Greg responds...

I'd love to, especially now that I'm a novelist. <cough cough> Rain of the Ghosts available for pre-order now <cough cough> But it's not up to me and neither DC nor WB seems all that interested in pursuing the property right now.

The best bet for getting more new material - assuming you already have the DVDs, Comics or Trades and Soundtrack - is to purchase Young Justice Legacy when it comes out.

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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Darksuperboy writes...

you said i one of your previous answers ''who said any thing about being cancelled'' can you elaberate? also
1) do you have any plans to sell the show to another channel so it may continue?
1a)if not then why not?
2)currently the rateing for the show averaged at 1.9 million+ what numbers did you need for season 3 to get a green light?
3)is the online petitions (one numbering over 31000+ votes)and tweet trends akeing a difference in picking up the show for season 3 by cn or any other channel or helping in any way for the show continueing?
4)if season 3 isnt an option will we at least exspect a dvd film like TEEN TITANS TROUBLE IN TOKYO to round out the shows ending

thank you for your time, youve made great shows now and in the past and look forward to your next

Greg responds...

1. That's not up to me, but it seems unlikely, as that would mean that they'd be selling to a competitor.

1a. Keep in mind that Young Justice is the product of three divisions (DC, CN, WB) of one company: Time-Warner.

2. I don't know that it was that simple, ever. The biggest problem we had was not our ratings, which were inconsistent and influenced by a number of factors, but the lack of the success of the toy line, which paid for the series.

3. Doesn't hurt. But the best way to vote is with your wallet. A good showing on Young Justice Legacy would definitely help.

4. I don't think you can 'expect' it. Brandon and I would love to do it, but there seems to be no interest at this time.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Adam writes...

What are some effective things we viewers could do to persuade Cartoon Network to pick up "Young Justice" for another season?

I'd love to see what you'd come up with next.

Greg responds...

I really don't know. Right now, the best thing you can do is buy the DVDs, the Trade Paperbacks of the comics, the Soundtrack CD and Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on August 15, 2013

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Athena Keene writes...

Okay so first off- I LOVE YJ! I won't go into details but the past year I spent as an invalid in bed- the first time I smiled after that was because of YJ. It's the best thing that's happened to me in the longest time. Secondly, (as random as this may sound) Tula is my favorite YJ character. In fact, I love her so much that in [the] Instagram [app] I RP as her in a DCRP group. Okay here are my 3 questions:
1.) If you were to pick a word to describe Tula's personality- what word would it be. (Ex. bubbly, smart, wise, ect.)
2.) After Tula joined the Team, did she have any best friends, (besides Kaldur and Garth). Perhaps she and Artemis were close? [In my head, they are, but- being a hopeless rabid fangirl my mind is not (if ever) close to canon… So, would you consider them close? If so, how close? (Sisters, BFFs?)
3.) Will the details of Tula's death be revealed; if the series ends before the details are- will you tell us anyway because we (the YJ fandom) are just that obsessed? Or will you not specify and make us wait…. (Why??? *starts to sink with her fangirl feels*)

Greg responds...

1. Um, my mind doesn't really work that way. It feels very reductive. Competent, maybe? (Competence to me is very sexy.)



I will say that Tula does have an important role in YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, so you're definitely going to want to pick that up in September.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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