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Something's been bothering me about Arsenal.
"War" showed that Roy still hasn't completely recovered from the trauma of being kept in ice for eight years. Did Dick and Dinah do anything about this? I mean, from the way his destructive tendencies keep surfacing (blowing up Lexcorp just to mess with Luthor and opening the airlock because he panicked even though it meant that his teammates might get sucked into space), I'm wondering if he's really mentally stable enough to go on missions.
Did Dinah counsel him?
Did Dick, as leader of the team, put him on probation or something?
What I mean is that they were both in positions to help him, and it doesn't look like they did. Considering what he'd been through, it seems rather ignorant to assume that he'd be perfectly okay.
Of course, they've been trying to help him. As has Green Arrow and Red Arrow and Jim Harper. You get a clear sense of this in "Satisfaction". And frankly, this seemed SO obvious to us, we didn't feel the need to give up valuable screen time to show it.
But lesson one is that you can't MAKE a person get help. He or she has to WANT to get help.
Dick thought that being with the Team on missions might actually help Arsenal work through some things. (It's worked for others in the past, including Dick himself.) But he was wrong. And you've seen the result.
No one's given up on Roy, however. NOBODY.
How did the Reach get their fleet to the Marianas Trench without anyone detecting them?
Sophisticated cloaking and an assist from the Light.
When the world was split and the helmet was split, Nabu was also split. Why was Klarion not split? Does it have to do with the age of Teekl? If so what age is Teekl?
I thought I'd also try answer why there doesn't need to be an archery force as opposed to a speed force. Within the laws of physics archery can be performed at an expert level and the subject is not destroyed while performing such impressive feats. Running at speeds like speedsters are capable of are impossible to survive while doing. As such the speed force is not the thing that makes them run at that speed but the thing that allows them to survive running at that speed. At least that's my understanding of it though you have said we can imagine it which is satisfactory enough. I just thought you might like to understand the difference between the force being necessary and an archery force not being.
1. It has more to do with the age that Klarion perceives himself as.
2. And how is Speed-Force different from Strength-Force? Or Heat-Vision-Force? Or Flight-Force? Or Shrink-Down-Force? Or Any-Actual-Super-Power-Force?
Look, you picked my most hyperbolic example, the one I was using to make a comedic point, and so didn't address my ACTUAL point. To some degree, you either buy into super-powers or you don't. At least, that's my opinion. The Speed-Force seems an unnecessary complication. Harder to get my head around than the original power its trying to explain. I mean, why should speed even HAVE a force?
Having said that, I'll simply repeat what I've stated before: if you love the Speed-Force and want to believe it exists on Earth-16, then may the speed-force be with you. All I've stated categorically is that no one on Earth-16 has ever heard of the Speed-Force. But the fact that no one's heard of it, doesn't in and of itself mean it doesn't exist. (See my recent answer regarding Meta-Genes.)
Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,
"War" delivered, and the ending was something I did not see coming… It's just like you've said; it gets worse and worse with each passing episode. No good news for our heroes at all… Here are my thoughts below.
My thoughts on "War":
Justice League Trial - We finally get to see what going on, at least for a little bit… They're not free yet, but I hope something good comes out of this trial...
Mongol's voice actor - Awww man…. It HAD to be Keith David to voice the alien conqueror… Don't get me wrong, but I was really, really hoping that he'd be the perfect candidate to eventually voice Darkseid, considering his evil voice and laughing as Thailog in "Gargoyles"…. But then again, with the fate of the show currently in question (due to back-and-forth speculation and the constant dodging of direct answering), I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up…
Mal and Karen - Okay, so I was wrong in assuming that their strained relationship was going to factor into the Reach Apocalypse, because now Mal and Karen have decided to reconcile with each other. Let's hope that they live long enough to make their relationship last into adulthood…
Arsenal freaks out! - I admit this guy was doing okay up until the end of the episode when he assumed he was going to get kidnapped again… Seriously, what is this guy's problem?! If this some kind of psychological thing as a result of being on ice for 8 years, Arsenal really needs to see a therapist… On a side note, it's kind of funny how Wonder Girl gives him a kiss on the cheek and I wonder if it's suppose to lead to something between the two…
Blue… You Traitor! - But we all know it's not his really his fault… What an interesting point in time to show our heroes that Blue Beetle in "on mode." And with this everyone will now know! I don't know if our heroes would not have noticed this in the unaltered timeline (the one without Impulse) until it was too late, but I'd imagine what happened here is probably much different that in the timeline without Impulse… Here's to hoping that Green Beetle's true colors will be discovered before more damage can be done…
The Reach fleet is down to a 1/3 - The Reach had lost 2/3 of their entire fleet to stop Mongol from destroying the Earth, and yet they still have enough to carry on the eventual Reach Apocalypse? Why do I get the feeling that something else caused the worldwide destruction to the Earth in 2056?
Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.
PS. I'm constantly praying that "Young Justice" will find some way to continue on TV. The fact that some television networks, like Cartoon Network, are always putting good cartoon shows to an abrupt end is something that tends to piss loyal cartoon fans off. I'm probably not one to give advice, but maybe you should relocate the "Young Justice" to another television network that would give it a little more respect and allow it to continue for at least another two to three more years. "Young Justice," in my opinion, is a masterpiece of DC Comics animation, and I hope you do not give up on it…
Re: Arsenal. I think you answered your own question.
I've recently been reflecting on your shows, and one thing that's really jumped out at me is that every one of them I've seen is extremely arc and continuity based, but also has, rather than a single "Big Bad", at least two core villains who contrast with and play off each other- Xanatos and Demona, Nerissa and Phobos, Tombstone and Norman Osborn, the Light and the Reach. Even the unproduced Stargate spin-off you posted about a while back had Osyros and Anubis. I was wondering if this was a conscious decision on your part to deliberately include this element in your shows, or if it's just something that flows naturally while designing a series?
Huh. You know, it's clearly not conscious, since I never noticed it before now.
Maybe it's about trying to world-build something convincing, something that logically plays out the consequences of the world created, which therefore sets up multiple responses from different antagonists to a set of circumstances. And perhaps it also comes out of my belief that nothing is truly monolithic. Even the bad guys aren't just a unified mass of evil. They have agendas of their own.
But honestly, you're guess is as good as mine at this moment.
Because I think I've done the same thing in RAIN OF THE GHOSTS without trying.
hi greg!
todays episode (war)......WOW! just wow....nice work! first giving us a false sense of security and then BOOM POW KA-POW!!! i mean i knew something bad was gonna happen because Mal and Karen were soooo lovey-dovey BUT NOT THAT!!!! seriously my respects to all of you people who make this show happen :D and by the way loved the cassie/arsenal ship-ish scene and that MAl is guardian :D poor supey though betrayed by yet another one of his frends *sad smile* next weeks episode will be bitter sweet, we can watch new YJ but is one more near the end! ....wait thats not gonna happen! NOT if the YJ fandom can do anything about it...please dont laugh :P i know it sounds crazy but i think we can do it :)
I hope so! I haven't given up yet!
How did the Light know that Starro was capable creating mind-control technology?
A little bird told them. (Okay, not so little and not a bird, but...)
A very brief history of the "inhibitor collar", based on my research and recollections.
-1957 Oms en série {aka Fantastic Planet):
Tiny humans imprisoned on a planet of gigantic alien beings known as Draags. We follow one, of which, is treated as a toy by a Draag child, held captive by "inhibitor collars". Written by Stefan Wul.
-1968 Star Trek episode- Gamesters of Triskelion:
Kirk, Chekov, and Uhura trapped on alien planet and forced to participate in gladiatorial games. Imprisoned with "inhibitor collars" that shock them. Written by Margaret Armen.
-1991 Wedlock:
Rutger Hauer film about a diamond thief sent to an experimental prison using "inhibitor collars" that connect you to another inmate and will explode if proximity distances from one another are not close enough. Broderick Miller wrote this.
-1993 Fortress:
Christopher Lambert film about a couple escaping America to the Canada border in order to have a second child (hmmm how prophetic). Lambert's character is caught and imprisoned in a maximum security prison and implanted with a device called an intestinator. Similar but not quite the same.
-2000 Batoru Rowaiaru (aka Battle Royale)
A group of grade school students are sent to an island to compete against one another with "inhibitor collars" to ensure no one escapes.
There was also the latest appearance of Wolverine and the X-Men.
Not this is not a critical examination of your use of it or a declaration of plagarism on your part. I like your versions better, because there has clearly been some thought put into the workings of them. I like the updated version from YJ: Invasion, especially episode "The Fix". Thank you for your time.
You're welcome.
Greg, I have 5 questions for you, please answer them clearly:
1. Even though she was an assassin, does Paula mostly love Artemis and always spends most time with her?
2. What was the cause of Tula's death, and how did Ocean Master became disgraced and ousted out of the Light?
3. When were Icicle, Jr. and Artemis became acquaintances?
4. Can you name a lot of birth dates of the characters of the shows?, we know Superboy's and Kid Flash's and Nightwing's
5. Even though Cassie Sandsmark joined the team a few months before December 1, was Donna Troy the first Wonder Girl and a member of the Team after 2011?
It can be hard to answer clearly, when the questions aren't clear.
1. Although Huntress did some work as an assassin, I don't think of her primarily as one. So when you set that up as the premise of your question, we're starting off with a problem, as I neither buy into that premise, nor do I understand how it creates context for what follows. Nor do I understand what you're asking. Are you asking if Paula loves Artemis? If so, then yes. If you're asking if she loves Artemis more than Jade, than the answer is no. Are you asking if she spent more time with Artemis than Jade before she went to prison, then the answer is no. If you're asking if -before she went to prison- she spent more time with Artemis than Crusher did, then the answer is probably yes. But not much more. If you're asking about after she got out of prison, then obviously she spends more time with Artemis than with Jade, and more time with Artemis than Sportsmaster does. At least until Artemis went away to college and then went undercover as Tigress.
2. SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT. And by the way, that's clearly two separate questions, and you're trying to cheat the system by numbering them as one, so that you can get six questions in when our limit is five. I don't appreciate that.
3. Originally, as children.
4. No. I have not and will not figure out specific birth dates for any character until a story requires it.
5. This was clearly another SPOILER REQUEST when you asked it. Now it's ASKED AND ANSWERED. But the short answer is that the Earth-16 Donna Troy was TROIA. Never Wonder Girl.
In an interview, you decribed Robin (Tim), Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Impulse and Arsenal as "freshmen" and Batgirl, Bumblebee and Guardian (Mal) as "juniors". Following that logic, would Beast Boy and Lagoon Boy be considered "sophomores"? And in that case, what would numbers B10-B15 be?
I was probably speaking somewhat loosely.
I guess if I'm really going to break down the metaphor, here's how I'd do it at the START of Season Two:
B-01 Nightwing
B-02 Aqualad
B-03 Kid Flash
B-04 Superboy
B-05 Miss Martian
B-06 Red Arrow
B-07 Artemis
B-08 Zatanna
B-09 Rocket
B-10 Tempest
B-11 Aquagirl
B-12 Troia
B-13 Robin
B-14 Lieutenant Marvel
B-15 Sergeant Marvel
B-16 Batgirl
B-17 Bumblebee
B-18 Lagoon Boy
B-19 Beast Boy
B-20 Robin
B-21 Wonder Girl
B-22 Blue Beetle
By the end of Season Two, it's more like this:
B-02 Aqualad
B-04 Superboy
B-05 Miss Martian
B-07 Tigress
B-16 Batgirl
B-17 Bumblebee
B-18 Lagoon Boy
B-24 Guardian*
B-19 Beast Boy
B-20 Robin
B-21 Wonder Girl
B-22 Blue Beetle
B-23 Impulse
B-26 Static
*B-24 Guardian's a bit of a special case, since he's been around awhile, but has only been an active hero for a short time. So think of him as a transfer student.
B-25 Arsenal would be a freshman if he came back.
But keep in mind it's JUST a metaphor. Don't take it too literally.
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