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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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Albert writes...

What is Garth's, as well as his parents Thar and Berra, Atlantean name? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Garth is Garth's Atlantean name, as you saw if you watched episode 108. We have not addressed his parents yet at all.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Piper writes...

Hello Greg. I have a few questions about Nashville as a character.

1. How would little Gnash react to living with the Manhattan Clan in 1997? Staying in one place and not time hoping around with his family like he's used to.

2. What's his impression of Goliath as the clan leader? Does he admire him, or is he envious that Goliath is the leader and not his father.

3. Does he address both his parents in English, or in English and Japanese respectively?

Greg responds...

1. That's something I'd demonstrate and reveal in storytelling. Not on a question answering site like this.

2. I think he's been raised to think highly of Goliath, but as for how it plays out... see above.

3. He's bilingual.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review on True Colors:

It ABOUT time they've said Deathstroke in a DC cartoon!, But I love how Nick Chinlund delivered that name. More funny moments and one-liner jokes from Blue Beetle and Impulse which I do appreciate. Green Beetle?, well that's original. I really wonder where are Barbara Gordon and Cassie Sandsmark though. Anyway looking forward to "Fix".

Greg responds...

Hope you liked "The Fix."

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What determines a scarab's color?
P.S.- Good work on your shows, I appreciate how you have taken the time to set up this Q and A, and I hope you keep having this kind of communication with your fans.

Greg responds...

Scouts start out as blue. Warriors as black. Color can change based on circumstance.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Z-Rocket Fan! writes...

Dear Greg,
Zatanna and Rocket are my favorite characters, so I have a few question pertaining to them.
1) Who is better at hand-to-hand combat between the two?
2) Would you say they are close friends?
3) Where does Zatanna live now in 2015?
4) Does Rocket fight alongside Icon anymore now that she is part of the Justice League? Is she still his sidekick?
5) After Zatara's imprisonment by Dr. Fate, did Zatanna have to learn magic on her own.Did she ever ask for help from Dr. Fate?

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Rocket, probably. I guess. Maybe.

2. Yeah.


4. She's more his partner.


Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Thomas writes...

Mind releasing some episode names post Runaways?

Also, a question about the Rimbor 8. Do they know what Godfrey is doing to the league's rep? Or anything going on at the moment

Greg responds...

The Rimbor 8? Do you mean the Rimbor 6? Or is 8 including Icon and Hawkman? If so, then why not the Rimbor 10 and throw in Hal and Guy?

Anyway, they knew very little about what was going on on Earth.

As for episode names, of course, you know them all by now.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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West writes...


I've really gotten addicted to Young justice ( it has converted me from marvel to dc lol) and I watch it religiously.
My favorite characters are aqualad and superboy.
1. I kind of see superboy as the main character of the series, he seems to have the most number episodes centered around him, picks up the best toys (sphere and wolf) and over all seems to have had the most character development. While kalder is my favorite character, my favorite episodes have always been the ones centered around Conner.

So I would like to know, while the series is really more of team show, which character would you consider more of a main protagonist? ( blue beetle, nightwing etc)

2. I loved how kalder pulled an "anakin " ( went over to the dark side, so to speak,), and he's really a awesome at it!!!
I loved the scene where came out of the water to fight artemis and nightwing, and then the ALL SHALL SUFFER IF BLACK MANTRA COmmands it, along with how he instantly fired his laser while the team was in stealth mode was beautiful.

Does kalder enjoy being bad? Even a little..

3. Young justice is INCREDIBLEly well drawn, are you more motivated to make more intricate battle scenes because they come out so well?

Greg responds...

1. It doesn't work that way. This isn't Spectacular Spider-Man, where we had one clear lead, and everyone else was a satellite orbiting around him. We think of this as a DC Universe series. It's an ensemble piece. "Leads" are defined by story. Hopefully, we laid enough groundwork in Season One that any character can step up and be interesting and carry an episode.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Nah. We always just want the show to be the best it can be. Period.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

Another good episode! Here are my thoughts on interesting things I've seen on this episode.

Jonathan Kent's First Appearance - Finally! After all those times of me worrying of what his fate might have been in comparison to the comics, Mr. Kent is still alive and well on Earth-16. It's probably a fair bet that Martha Kent is okay too, but thanks for at least showing us Mr. Kent… Also, I noticed Jonathan acknowledged Conner as one of his "boys," and so I'm guessing that Conner was introduced to the Kents by Clark during the time-skip?

Green… Beetle? - Yeah, the latest promo did show this guy, but I never expected him to be a Martian. The name probably suggests that he is a Green Martian. I also suspect he is an original character because I looked around the Internet to see if there was prior info on the guy, but I found nothing. It got me curious that he seems to know about Martian Manhunter to some extent. Perhaps they met before?

The Light wants a team of heroes of their own? - Oh no no no no no! I had feared something like this would happen. For a while, I have been theorizing that one of the factors that could have led to the Reach Apocalypse is that there would be some kind of meta-human civil war (which would theoretically be something like the Marvel Comics event "Civil War."), because something like that could really push public opinion against the Justice League forever. And now, we are going to have a group of kids whose intentions may be good but are going to unintentionally work for the bad guys? Not good! Not good at all! If I turn out to be right, I will be very surprised.

Tim Drake's second round of leadership - It's nice to have Tim be in charge again. I've been waiting forever for him to have a chance to lead more often. If Tim gets more chances like this, I bet he'll eventually lead the Team himself someday…

Aqualad is at risk of being compromised?! - With Psimon on the case, it's going to be bad for him if the truth is revealed. I hope Aqualad recovers in time to help our heroes in the fight against the Light and the Reach…

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts about this episode.


Greg responds...

Conner is considered family at this point.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Just A Nughtwing/Oracle fan writes...

The new episodes was AWESOME, and never have I had any other show that kept me waiting for the next.
1) What is Bruce and Barbara's relationship to you?
2) If Stephanie Brown is now in, is there gonna be like, Tim/Steph interaction?
3) Why is YJ not aired in South East Asia? Cause, well, the fans back here are all watching the newest episodes on YouTube.
4) When Nightwing said "Just don't die, okay?" to Robin, did he mean Jason?

Well, I guess that's it. If I have any more, I'll make sure to ask you. Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I don't really think they know I exist.

2. What you saw is what you got, unless WE get more episodes or issues somehow, someday.

3. I have no idea.

4. I think Jason was on his mind.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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guy writes...

how old is deathstroke?

how old is green beetle?

Greg responds...

At the END of SEASON ONE (that's right, ONE):

Deathstroke was forty-seven.
B'arzz O'oomm was 114 Earth years old, which is the biological equivalent (more or less) of 38.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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