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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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Ran writes...

Greg, I have a small gripe. But before I talk about that I want to say I really I dig "The Runaways". It's refreshing to seen a children's cartoon (thought I seriously doubt you could call YJ one, considering some of the themes you sneak past the censors) that portrays minority characters in positive light, acknowledging their race and culture without letting it become a defining part of them.

Now on to the gripe.

What with Asami's Japanese? It's (mostly) grammatically correct, but contextually it's glaringly out of place, as the wrong words were used. I also noticed that the way she spoke seemed a bit... westernised? I speak the language myself and I found it rather odd when Lex Luthor had a better Japanese accent than a native Japanese person. I found the whole thing even odder when I did my research and found out that Janice Kawaye is fluent in the language. Did she have any input? I remember looking through the archives once and I think you said in one of your replies that you had some Spanish-speaking voice actors help with regard to how Bane Spanish.

Greg responds...


Do you guys EVER look and see that someone's already asked your question ahead of you in the queue?

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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pb writes...

Does Bart have an eidetic memory like he does in the comics? Also, how did Arsenal hide his arm in 'True Colours'? I noticed that he had it in his pocket, but that doesn't really seem like a very good method. There weren't very clear shots of it, so I couldn't tell if he was wearing a glove or something of the like.
Also, I hope your queue isn't too clogged with angry, hateful messages about the non-renewal. Though I'm sad it's ending, I'm hoping for a satisfying end to a wonderful series. Thank you for creating this!

Greg responds...

1. It hasn't come up.

2. What's wrong with the pocket method exactly?

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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superfan writes...

When did Barbara Gordon become Batgirl?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If the "meta-gene" is a new concept on Earth 16, then how do Black Canary and Black Lightning explain their powers?
Theyve always been called "meta humans" before (except for the belt Black Lightning used at first, but I havent seen that in ages).

Greg responds...

The fact that the idea of the meta-gene is only now being introduced doesn't mean it hasn't existed in the past.

Electricity existed before Ben Franklin went kite flying. Gravity existed before an apple fell on Newton's head.

Black Canary assumed that something her mother was exposed to during her career as a super-hero caused the current Black Canary to gain her powers. Call it a mutation if you like. The NOTION of a meta-gene is new. Not the meta-gene itself.

We haven't dealt with the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning's origins yet, and I'm not going to give it here.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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JC writes...

Are Neutron, Shimmer, Static, Longshadow, El Dorado, & Samuri the only ones whoes meta-genes the Reach successfully activated?
If not, who else?
I know this would be considered a spoiler request, but since it appears the best show on Cartoon Network (heck on TV for that matter) is stupidly being pulled, how else are we supposed to ever find out?

I'm in my 30's and still jonesin' for more Gargoyles info...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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chalant writes...

i know that Wally and Artemis are studying at Stanford university, but what, if any, colleges are the other of-age team members studying at? (For example, what university are Dick and Barbara currently attending?)

Greg responds...

I'd have to research that, and I honestly haven't.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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K writes...

I was ridiculously excited when I realized that Tye was based on Apache Chief, and I'm even more ridiculously glad to see a whole episode based around him and the other runaways. I remember people wishing Static would appear in the show since episode one, and I was definitely one of them. The whole crew is so endearing. Everyone I've talked to about the show has a favorite among this group, and not all of them are Virgil. It makes the cancellation of Young Justice all the more tragic, because these characters really deserve the chance to grow like the season one team did.

But, for questions.

1) Why was the "Samurai" stand-in chosen to be gender-flipped? Speaking as a girl myself, I'm thrilled there's a girl at all, but was there any specific reason or did she just win the coin toss?

2) Young Justice has used several characters more famous for being created by previous animated adaptations, like Wendy & Marvin or Mercy Graves. Did these three in specific come to mind immediately for their roles, or only after you exhausted the characters created in the comics?

I'm kind of amused that Mercy's appeared in several episodes, but the character who paved the way for her creation, Harley Quinn, has only appeared as a Halloween costume. That and the fact that Joker and Poison Ivy appeared together in an episode without her. I like to imagine her breaking them out of Arkham or Belle Reve or wherever they ended up. There's no question here; just a random thought.

And to finish up, thank you. Thank you for helping to nurture one of the most diverse cartoons I have ever seen. The fact that Young Justice appears to gone out of its way (I don't know if it actually is OUT of the way, but compared to other shows...) to have multiple women, multiple people of most minorities, and many in fleshed-out, starring roles, is really that amazing. The fact that we're going to lose all this in five more episodes is heartbreaking, but we ARE grateful.

I admit, I was one of the people who was concerned by the fact that it took YJ five episodes just to pass the Bechdel Test (getting two female characters to have a single conversation about something besides boys, and "Schooled" passed on one exchange between Miss Martian and Black Canary). While I still think YJ *could* have done better on that front, I believe that it wasn't for lack of trying. I really am devastated to see the show go, and I hope there's a chance for revival in the future.

Greg responds...

1. There's no science to this. It just felt right.

2. We haven't come close to exhausting the characters from the comics. That's not really the point at all. But we have a fondness for these characters too. Both Brandon and I wanted Wendy & Marvin. I think using Mercy and doing our versions of Apache Chief, El Dorado, Samurai and Black Vulcan was Brandon's idea, though I signed on right away. And I seem to recall it was my idea to combine our version of Black Vulcan with our version of Static and to eventually give him Black Lightning as a mentor. And here's a spoiler: we also have very specific ideas for our version of the Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna, for Season Three.

3. As for our "slow start", I make no apologies. Miss Martian and Artemis are the stronger in the series as a whole for how - and when - they were introduced. We were building a series based on existing characters, many of whom were created in the days when nearly every hero was white and male. Diversity was a priority for us from moment one, and I think that shows in the final analysis, as your post indicates. But we wanted that diversity to be organic, not contrived. And I believe we succeeded on that front too.

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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YJ Fan writes...

(On a Flash topic) I know that Barry and Bart are faster than Wally and Jay, but what is the order of speedsters--in this universe--from fastest to slowest? Would it be:
1) Barry
2) Bart
3) Wally
4) Jay
Or would it be some other variation?

Greg responds...

You have the order correct - as of "Endgame".

Response recorded on April 29, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Fourteen.

This was one of the harder ones. Though I thought I knew the subject matter cold, I found myself revisiting my research. But the other issue was how to present it. There was a day or two there, where I was somewhat stumped and actually found myself procrastinating. Now, generally, I'm big on procrastination, but it hasn't really been a problem writing this book, because honestly, I've been enjoying the process so much. Anyway, I finally sort of cracked it open for myself. And now I'm pretty darn happy with how it turned out.

So tomorrow, I'll start writing the new Chapter Fifteen.

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Jon Weisman's 100 Things Dodger Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die - Revised and Updated Edition

While I'm in the mode of pimping books, I'd like to pimp the recently released book by my brother, Jon Weisman, which I ordered on Amazon and received today:

100 Things Dodger Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die - Revised and Updated Edition

If you love baseball, the Dodgers and/or history, this is a great, fascinating and massively informative book, now revised and updated since its previous release. You can find it here.


In addition to writing about the Dodgers and baseball in this book and on his blog - http://www.dodgerthoughts.com/ - Jon also wrote multiple episodes of Young Justice, W.I.T.C.H., So Weird and others. He's a very good read.

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