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VELATIONS 2013-12 (Dec)

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

Thank you for responding to my question about Barry Allen's persona. When I think about it, it may also be that the Flash in the Silver Age is in a quite different time period than in Earth-16. And it made a lot of sense when you said you were trying to vary character persona so that they all wouldn't be strict boyscouts. I am still not entirely convinced but your explanation helped put me more at ease.

PS Cary Bates is among one of my favorite Flash writers! Could please tell him if you are able to? Thanks!

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I've forgotten the specifics of our exchange. But I'm glad you're more at ease.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Martianologist writes...

Hi Greg,

First of all, thanks for rounding off a great second season of Young Justice. I know nothing's slated, but I really hope there'll be more to come.
I have one quick question about B'arzz O'oomm (hope I spelled that correctly), also - formerly? - known as Green Beetle.
When he is shown in his natural form, he seems to have both green martian and white martian characteristics (his skin hue seems green, though lighter than J'onn's, and he has the red "x" on his chest which M'gann also sports in her natural form, to name two). Is he a hybrid (I hesitate to say "inter-racial") green/white martian?


~ Martianologist

P.S.: I hope it's not too presumptive of me, but I'd like to wish you and your family a very happy Passover.

Greg responds...

He's green.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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jacky writes...

How involved were you in the Young Justice Legacy videogame? I'm sure the next question have been asked many times before but are there currently any plans to continue the young justice universe in any way or form? I read that Little Orbit, the legacy developer, has the young justice license for quite a bit. How likely is it that they will make more Young Justice Video games?

Greg responds...

This has mostly been ASKED and ANSWERED. Brandon and I were very involved in the story. I story edited all the dialogue and supervised the voice recordings.

Little Orbit would love to make more YJ games - and they do still have the license. Whether they do or not depends almost entirely on the sales for Legacy.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

Why didn't Queen Perdita revoke Count Vertigo's diplomatic immunity after the events in "Revelation". Yeah, I know, he wasn't committing acts of treason against her country but...wouldn't she have thought, "This REALLY isn't the kind of company I want to keep. Family or otherwise."

Greg responds...

She didn't have the authority.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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IF writes...

1. How old is Plastic Man?
2. What is the Plastic Man's real name?

Greg responds...

Patrick "Eel" O'Brien was 38 by the end of Team Year One.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Nope, this isn't a reference to Young Justice.

This is another shameless plug for RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, which was released today as a paperback and e-book.

I'm hopeful all of you have or will buy a copy. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, help me spread the word about the book! I'd hate for it to do badly simply because people hadn't heard about it.

It can be purchased here:


Also, please think about pre-ordering the second book in the RAIN series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM:

And finally, check out:



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Everything Geek Podcast INTERVIEW

I was interviewed on the Everything Geek Podcast here:


I discuss my "secret origins", The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels, Young Justice and more.

Check it out!

(But of course I totally forgot to mention Rain of the Ghosts at all, darnit!)

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Some of you have already received word that your copy of my first novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, has shipped. I'm even informed that the book is on the shelves of some bookstores (like Barnes and Noble) now.

For those of you who haven't pre-ordered or purchased, this is just a reminder that the book officially becomes available tomorrow, December 3rd, 2013. You can order on sites like Amazon:


Or you can go into any brick and mortar bookstore and either buy it there - or if they don't have a copy - order it from them.

I hope all regular and casual readers of this website will consider purchasing either a hard copy or an e-copy. (Or more than one. They make great stocking stuffers. Plus they're arriving just in time for the end of Chanukah!) If you've liked my work on GARGOYLES, W.I.T.C.H., THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN and/or YOUNG JUSTICE, I truly believe you'll like RAIN, as well. I've done my best to stuff it with world-building, mythology, action, comedy, drama, MYSTERY and just a little bit of horror.

[SPOILER WARNING: Speaking of mystery, I've been privy to a few advanced reviews. Most are positive. Some are more lukewarm. One was scathing. (The phrase "graceless grammar" will stick with me for awhile.) But nearly every single one reveals/spoils some or all of the story's mysteries. (The scathing review seemed to have so much contempt for the book that the reviewer had no compuction about revealing EVERY mystery possible.) This is not to say you shouldn't read reviews, but I thought I should offer fair warning. The tradition of not spoiling in a review seems to have fallen by the wayside.]

In any case, my fervent hope is that you will all help me out by using every means necessary - but particularly social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc. - to SPREAD THE WORD about the book. The second book in the RAIN series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, is written and will come out on May 13th, 2014. But it's a nine book series, and there's currently no commitment to publish the other seven. That will depend on sales. And sales, of course, depends on folks KNOWING ABOUT THE BOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE. So, please, please, please, help me by letting every one you know in on our little secret. Because really, I don't want it to be a secret, but it still feels mostly like it is one.



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