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How is 'Troia' pronounced? Is it like 'Troy-a'?
Yes. TROY-ah
Are Billy Batson and Mary Bromfield brother and sister on Earth-16?
1. How physically strong/durable are the New Gods on Earth-16 compared to other races? Are they around the range of normal humans or in the range of say, kryptonians and martians?
1. Beyond the range of normal humans. But there's a lot of variety over that way.
Let's say I suddenly come into a fortune. Could I fund the production of a third season of Young Justice, or is life just not that simple?
Life is not that simple. You could approach the three divisions of TimeWarner that co-control the series, Cartoon Network, Warner Brothers Television Animation and DC Comics, and see if each division would grant you the license. Then you'd have to contract with the key players to come back, which at minimum includes myself, Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa.
Etc. Etc.
I bought the final volume of the "Young Justice" trade paperback series today, and thought I'd give you a brief review of it.
I remember some of your viewers commenting on a map of Bialya in the second season and wondering whether it had annexed Qurac during the time-skip. The "Year Five" scenes suggest that they weren't so far from the truth.
Liked Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen's cameos.
One of my favorite moments: Nightwing figuring out how to get a message to the teammates in Metropolis, based on sight being the one form of communication between Metropolis and the world outside that wasn't blocked.
I noticed seeds for a potential future story with the revelation that Kylstar has plans for galactic conquest in order to defeat the enslavers of his people. As well as foreshadowing of events in the second season of the television series with Brainiac convinced that Earth's doomed and that he'd better preserve a piece of it, in the form of Metropolis, before disaster strikes; presumably, he'd gotten wind of the Reach's plans.
And we get another argument between Jaime and his scarab that looks strange to everyone else.
I was glad to see another "Not the End" caption, like the one in "Clan-Building". It fits your style so well.
(I did wonder, though, what the significance of the fifth chapter's title was. It was the only one I couldn't link to "Monopoly".)
They're all characters in the game.
would you count the ending of hunter's moon part iii a definitive win for the manhattan clan
1).Does barry or bart hold any feelings of guilt over wally's...ceasing?
2).How does bart feel about being trapped in the past where he may meet his own father and possible himself? Does he care?
1. Of course.
2. Of course.
First I'd like to say that I love Wolf in Young Justice, but I'm curious as to why it was nesissary to create him in the first place. I read somewhere that he was loosly based on Rex the Wonder Dog...and their origions seem to parrallel as much as, or even closer to than, any other character in the show...so my question is, why not just name him Rex?
Was it a lisencing issue? You just didnt like the name?
Rex was only one of Wolf's antecedents. The other main ones were Krypto and, from Enemy Ace, Wolf. Brandon and I talked about it, and given who Superboy was, the name "Wolf" seemed like the one he would pick.
In Young Justice: Legacy, Aquagirl mentioned asking Green Lantern to consult the historical records of the Guardians of the Universe on Oa to find anything on Tiamat.
Which Green Lantern was this - Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner or John Stewart?
Probably John, since he's in the game. But it might have been Hal. Guy is an unlikely third place.
Hi Greg,
Hope you're well and that your book is successful and work on Rebels is going well. I've tweeted and posted before and can't express how much I appreciate your epic style of storytelling. I'm from the Boston area and would love to see them invite you to our Comic-Con this summer.
Now I am a Lex Luthor fanatic. I find him to be a fascinating character, which is why I cosplay as him and go to costume parties. The Young Justice version in particular was really quite fantastic and I just wanted to thank you, the other writers, and Mark Rolston for crafting such an amazing version of this great character.
Having recently finished YJ: Legacy I was blown away by the story and couldn't help but be disappointed by Lex's lack of screentime and dialogue. Your dialogue is always so brilliantly written and Mr. Rolston delivers the lines so flawlessly.
1)I was just wondering if there was a reason that even as a major "boss" in the game he had so little screentime and dialogue.
2)Was there any dialogue for Lex that was written but didn't make it into the game? If so would you mind posting that dialogue to Ask Greg
Thanks again,
1. Don't overthink it. It is what it is. Much as you might have liked it, he's just not a lead character in the game. He got the screentime that was warranted, no more, no less. (I mean, we'd love to give endless screentime to nearly every character on the show. But that's never going to be possible.)
2. Not that I know of. Certainly none that I edited.
But I'm glad you like Lex. I'm fond of our version too. And I can't say enough about Mark's contribution to that.
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