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Find it here: http://blacknerdproblems.com/i-knew-it-was-something-special-an-exclusive-interview-with-gargoyles-creator-greg-weisman/
1) In "Happy New Year," when was Adam Strange's first trip to Rann relative to when Martian Manhunter introduced him at the Watchtower (i.e. 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days)?
2) How long was Tseng replaced by a Krolotean or was the switch done at the same time as the events of the "Players" arc in the last issues of the comic?
3) In "War", who was the other tyrant that replaced Mongul from as ruler of his planet or was that in the plans to reveal who he/she was given enough episodes/comics/games?
4) In "Usual Suspects", were Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, and Sportsmaster going to take Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis to the start work on the Atabey's Shrine project on Santa Prisca (later visited in "Legacy")?
5) In "Insecurity", what did Bernell Jones do to be up for assassination by the League of Shadows?
1. I don't have that nailed down on my timeline, but it was sometime between January of Team Year Five and January 3rd of Team Year Six.
2. More or less the same time.
4. No. There were more immediate concerns.
5. He wrote a story after being warned.
What were the Reach going to do with Mongul and Despero?
Take them out of circulation.
You've revealed that Lexington is gay; that Fox and Puck are bisexual; and that Owen is asexual.
So, if you're inclined, I'd appreciate if if you finally settle the debate. Is Demona heterosexual, bisexual, or something else?
Using the word "revealed" makes me uncomfortable. What I say in different contexts doesn't make it canon. Yes, Lexington is gay, in my mind. The rest sound like things I might have said at a Blue Mug or something. Nothing said at a Blue Mug should be taken as definitive canon. Nothing is canon that can't be confirmed from the 65 canon episodes or the 18 canon comic book issues.
In any case, NO SPOILERS.
When Garfield became totally green did from Miss Martian's blood transfusion did Garfield start to age slower? He looks younger than 13 to 14 year old in season two?
Not particularly. He looked the right age to us. Maybe on the short side, but some boys have growth spurts at different times, and some are just short.
I have a couple questions about Spectacular Spider-man so here goes
1) How is Ox, an ordinary human able to hold spidey in a bear hug without him breaking free? (spider-man is able to escape but only by pulling on Ox's moustache and forcing him to let go)
2)Why is it that sometimes spider-man's webs come out in streams and other times they come out like a net?
3) How was Eddie Brock able to make his own web-shooters?
5) How did Peter make the original web shooters? Is it like the ultimate comics where it was a formula his father had been working on and Peter finished it, or is it more like the original comics where he just came up with the idea on his own?
Thank you for taking the time to read all these questions . I recently tried to watch ultimate spider-man and I only made it through a couple of episodes before I gave up on it. Ultimate isn't bad only because they changed things, I understand that some changes are necessary and even enjoyed the changes that were made in spectacular. The reason I enjoyed your show so much is that despite the changes spectacular spider-man stayed true to the spirit of the characters, while ultimate spider-man has not. So thank you once again for making a show that was able to capture the spirit of the original spider-man stories while updating them to a modern setting.
1. Ox is strong. Spidey is stronger, but he's no Superman. If he's got no leverage, he can't just shrug the guy off.
2. Depends on how he sets the shooters, which he can do by where he presses down with his finger.
3. I assume you don't mean as Venom. Keep in mind, he has all of Pete's memories from his time as Venom. Otherwise, NO SPOILERS.
4. There is no question 4.
5. No spoilers.
I haven't seen Ultimate, so I have no opinion on it. But I know a lot of very talented people worked on it. In any case, it's not a competition. But I am glad you enjoyed Spectacular.
Where is Belle Rev penitentiary located? Geographically.
1. Do the Guardians of Oa approve of romantic relationships between Green Lanterns?
2. Is being romantically involved with another Green Lantern forbidden?
3. Have romantic relationships between two Green Lanterns ever happened in the history of the Green Lantern Corps?
I assume you're asking about Green Lanterns in the YJ-16 universe.
1. No spoilers.
2. No spoilers. But no.
3. No spoilers.
Hey Greg, I have a few personal questions for you, unrelated to your shows:
1)Given the link you provided in this blog, you obiously know about TvTropes, but I would like to know what are your favorite Tropes. (for exemple, my favorite tropes are "Physical god", "Eldritch Abomination" and "Sufficiently advanced aliens")
2)Have you watched Maleficent? What to you think about this movie?
3) What's your opnion about furries in general?
Sorry if I am being annoying, but I am just curious.
1. I don't have any. I haven't studied the site. I've just looked at my shows there on occasion for fun.
2. Yes, when it first came out. In general, I liked it. A couple of minor complaints, maybe. But nothing that interfered with my overall enjoyment.
3. To each his or her own.
Hey Greg,
Given the opportunity, have you considered working on anything with the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko?
I think everyone would be very interested in whatever you'd all be able to come up with.
I hardly think they need my help. They do excellent work without me. I'd be happy to work with them, but we've never even met.
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