A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Reminder: convention arrangements are often in flux, so the following may change.
But here's what I have scheduled so far in 2017:
February 17-19: Gallifrey-One in Los Angeles. I'll only be there for one day - probably Saturday, February 18th. http://www.gallifreyone.com
May 5-7: Wizard World Minneapolis. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/minneapolis
June 16-18: Wizard World Sacramento. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento
October 20-22: Grand Rapids Comic-Con http://www.grcomiccon.com
That's it, so far. I'm sure there will be others, particularly if Warner Bros decides to start sending Brandon Vietti and I "on tour" to talk about Young Justice. I'll try to update as I know more. BUT - ALL OF THIS IS TENTATIVE!!! ALL OF IT!!
Hello. How soon do you usually post about a convention you will be attending? I keep up with your "Ramblings" section on Station 8 and usually don't see a post about your conventions until a few days to a week beforehand. It's hard for me to get to a convention when I only find out about it a week before it happens. Do you post information earlier than this on twitter or somewhere else (I do know you have a twitter, but I haven't seen earlier convention posts there unless I've been missing them)? I ask because I've always wanted to attend a Gargoyles panel, and have not yet had the opportunity. If I knew a month or more in advance you were going to for sure be at a convention I would do my best to be there for a panel. I know you usually go to the ConVergence convention now, but are there any other conventions you go to regularly? I know you are VERY busy man, and that this may be asking a lot, but if it is possible, could you, in the future, put up a list of which conventions you plan on attending on Station 8 near the beginning of the year, even if that list may change as time goes by? I hope my request isn't bothersome, and if I've been completely clueless to where you've been posting more updated convention info, please call me out on it and tell me where this information is.
Thank you for your time and help, and here's hoping you have a wonderful day too.
I think it's a legit request. I haven't focused on this, since I was assuming, frankly, that I wouldn't be what drew someone to a convention. So I was just posting to inform folks who might ALREADY be attending that convention to check out my panels and booth.
Also convention arrangements are often in flux, so I've tended to wait until I was sure I was going, which sometimes isn't until right before the con.
But here's what I have scheduled so far in 2017:
February 17-19: Gallifrey-One in Los Angeles. I'll only be there for one day - probably Saturday, February 18th. http://www.gallifreyone.com
May 5-7: Wizard World Minneapolis. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/minneapolis
June 16-18: Wizard World Sacramento. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento
That's it, so far. I'm sure there will be others, particularly if Warner Bros decides to start sending Brandon Vietti and I "on tour" to talk about Young Justice. I'll try to update as I know more. BUT - ALL OF THIS IS TENTATIVE!!! ALL OF IT!!
Here's my schedule for Wizard World Sacramento Comic Con. Note that all panel blurbs come from the official website: http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento
Sacramento Convention Center
1400 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
03:00pm - 06:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
I'll be selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of my RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. Buy this and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $5. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something for me to sign - are FREE!
07:00pm - 07:45pm - 25 YEARS OF DISNEY'S DARKWING DUCK! (ROOM 104)
That's right... it's been 25 years since the terror that flaps in the night, Darkwing Duck, first appeared in a cloud of smoke on television screens, as part of Disney's beloved programming block, the Disney Afternoon! In celebration of this milestone anniversary, the masked mallard, Launchpad, Gosalyn, and all DW's villains have returned in an all-new comic series from Disney Comics, and publisher Joe Books! Join comic creators Aaron Sparrow and James Silvani as they discuss the road it took to get here, as well as what's next for the terror that flaps in the night! Moderated by Gargoyles creator Greg Weisman.
10:00am - 05:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
Selling and signing. Stop by to make a purchase or just to say hello.
Greg Weisman has had-and continues to have-an incredible career as writer, producer, executive and editor for countless comics (including Captain Atom, Star Wars Kanan and Starbrand and Nightmask) and cartoons (including Gargoyles, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice and Star Wars Rebels). He's also a prose novelist (Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam), whose latest work-World of Warcraft: Traveler-is due out in November. Today, Greg talks about his career and how he got to work on so many cool projects. Danny Fingeroth (The Stan Lee Universe; Deadly Foes of Spider-Man) moderates.
SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016
10:00am - 01:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
Selling and signing. Stop by to make a purchase or just to say hello.
02:00pm - 02:45pm - GARGOYLES - WE LIVE AGAIN! (ROOM 203)
Twenty years after new production ceased, the groundbreaking Disney animated television series Gargoyles still has a massive and loyal fan following. Come hear series creator Greg Weisman talk about the history of Goliath, Demona, Xanatos and the rest with Joe Books' Aaron Sparrow. Plus - spoilers! - find out what's next for everyone's favorite Defenders of the Night!
03:00pm - 03:45pm - SIGNING at BOOTH A5
Selling and signing. Stop by to make a purchase or just to say good-bye.
Greg---I LOVED Gargoyles like you have NO idea.
I was in my late 20's when this was out, and watched it religiously like a little kid. Somehow though, when it switched networks, I think I missed (and still haven't seen) the last season "The Gargoyle Chronicles."
What I would like to know is, when is your next convention appearance? Do you still do signings?
I have many convention appearances still remaining this year (2016), and I do signings at all of them:
June 17 - 19: Wizard World Sacramento Comic Con (http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento)
June 30 - July 3: CONvergence in Minneapolis (http://www.convergence-con.org)
August 18 - 21: Wizard World Chicago Comic Con (http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/chicago)
August 26 - 28: Comic Con Palm Springs (http://www.comicconpalmsprings.com)
September 17 - 18: Long Beach Comic Con (http://longbeachcomiccon.com)
October 21 - 23: Grand Rapids Comic-Con (http://www.grcomiccon.com)
November 4: BlizzCon (https://blizzcon.com/en-us/)
That's seven convention appearances left this year, after having already done Gallifrey-One, Long Beach Comic Expo and Midwest Media Expo.
Wait! Ten conventions total?! What, am I nuts?!!