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UNQUESTIONS 2016-07 (Jul)

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Carlo and his brother join Haley's Circus before the deaths of the Flying Graysons?

2. Did Dragon's Breath?

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about the answer to either. I'm tempted to say, "no spoilers," but the truth is I just haven't needed to decide that yet.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is Melisande's ethnicity?

2. Sensei?

3. Dragon King?

4. Black Adam?

5. Rako?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Japanese.

3. No spoilers.

4. Egyptian.

5. Cambodian.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In Misplaced Cat Grant mentions Sabbac.

Is Sabbac Timothy Karnes or Ishmael Gregor?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Gia writes...

Hi there!
I'm Viennas (Austria) biggest fan of Gargoyles and want to thank you first of all for all the fun and inspiration it has given me! I really love it.
Your novel series "Rain of the ghosts" is just as brilliant and I can't wait to get my hands on "Masque of bones". Is it by now possible to say when it will be approximately released?
Thank you and good luck with your projects!

Greg responds...

No, I haven't started writing Masque of Bones yet, because - to be perfectly honest - I needed to earn some money. So instead I wrote the World of Warcraft: Traveler novel, which will be out in November of 2016. And I just started working on the second Traveler novel.

I will get back to Masque eventually. But in the meantime, have you read the sequel to Rain of the Ghosts: SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, which is available at bookstores or websites like Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Spirits-Ash-Foam-Ghosts-Novel/dp/1250029821 ?

And have you heard our RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay, which is currently available for download at Gumroad.com/RainoftheGhosts ?

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, first of all, I am really looking forward to Masque of Bones. I was more ambiguous on Rain of the Ghosts, but Spirits of Ash and Foam has really, really got me interested. Congratulations on your story and on the audioplay!

Second, a Star Wars Rebels question. Were there any LGBT+ characters that were slipped past the radar? Sure, general animation has been doing it since the 90s, but there's been a lot more attention to it recently and I was curious.

Greg responds...

I don't feel I can answer that, as Lucasfilm controls those characters, and I'm not even on the series anymore. Plus, I signed an N.D.A. I have my own opinions, but they may or may not be shared by Lucasfilm.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Harlan of Ash and Foam writes...

Decided to rewatch the making-of video for the Rain of the Ghosts audio play.


Around the :38 seconds mark, you mention you were developing "another series" set in New Orleans prior to fully developing Rain.

1. Was this series one of the other Dreamworks projects (Madison & MON-ro, Treasure Hunters Inc., etc?) or was it developed on spec without any studio affiliation?

2. If the former, would you be willing to divulge which of these series was set in New Orleans?

Greg responds...

1. I developed this right in between my tenures at Disney and DreamWorks. So I own it. I've tried more than once to sell it over the years. But no luck, so far.

2. It was called "The Trickster".

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg!
About the League's leadership:
1) When Canary becomes leader, was it because Captain Atom's lenght was over or because he stepped down?
2) Can a member be leader two years in a row if he is elected?
3) In Legacy, Batman was acting as Team supervisor (or liason with the League), which is a duty of the League's leader. Almost at the end, he says "I've sent the League out to help quell the panic". So during early 2015, was he the leader?
4) If so, when did Batman's lenght as leader (during 2015) start and finish? And during 2010?
5) After Aqualad leaves, the task of recruiting new members falls into Nightwing. Does that mean he always recruits the freshmen or, like in season 1, the mentors bring them into the Cave?


Greg responds...

1. The former. In my head, I had a vague notion that it had been up for some weeks, but Cap stayed on to finish out the Reach crisis. But that's just a notion.

2. Yes.

3. Team liaison is not by definition a duty of the League leader. The leader can delegate that to someone else if he or she choses. But, it does seem that he's the leader from that quotation. On the other hand, he may simply have had monitor duty and was being a bit loose (and paternalistic) in his word choice.

4. It's a one-year term. I'm not going to be any more specific than that, at this time.

5. A little from column A; a little from column B.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Josh writes...

Hi Greg. Why does Wonder Woman take Batman to task in "Agendas" for training Robin to fight crime at the age of 9 when she was trained to be a warrior when she was a child? Don't Amazonians start training young?

Greg responds...

Sure. But training and going into action are two different things.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg!

About Zatanna's Glamour Charm:
1) Is the Glamour Charm an ancient magical object or just a gem Zatanna made a spell on?

2) If so, in "Depths", when Wally asks, Dick says something like "Glamour Charm, Courtesy of Zatanna. Physio-morphic spell, I think. She said it backwards." So is it safe to say that Nightwing was there when Zatanna performed the spell?
3) Do all Glamour Charm look the same? I ask this one because Ra's recognized it in Summit
4) Is it too hard to make a Glamour Charm? Could Zee have done it back in season 1?
5) Has Zatanna worked with Doctor Fate after she joined the League?

Greg responds...

1. I'd lean toward the latter.

2. Yes.

3. They all have something in common, certainly.

4. Probably not.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 25, 2016

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Harlan of Ash and Foam writes...

You answered this question recently,


And I'm here to respond to your question. I actually had NOT suspected Renee, and here's why (minor Spirits spoilers, I guess?):

It's not the first time for your work to feature important, lead characters who're advertised right up front to not actually appear until later: Artemis, after all. It essentially occurs again when Miranda features heavily in the synopsis for Rain of the Ghosts but is really a small, supporting piece of worldbuilding to pay off later. So it didn't seem odd to me that Renee would be introduced in, and become important during, book two while reasonably being a lead who was planned to feature from the very beginning.

Cash makes more immediate sense, and I'd at least suspected him. But my other guess was actually a small cheat: the three Kimlets as a singular unit.

The Kimlets themselves are very episodically important, but are spoken of in a way that feels pretty thematically important to the direction the series seems to be going. I'd wondered if you, often describing them in the book as a singular unit, had given them some more thought to take them even more in line with the (speculated) importance they may have to the wider series arc.

Greg responds...

It feels like we're talking about two slightly different points.

The ORIGINAL point was that there were two characters in the book, who - when I broke the story originally - each had very minor roles. Two characters, who separately asserted themselves into more substantial supporting roles that will continue to play out as the book series progresses. The Kimlets do NOT fit this particular bill, as they pretty much played exactly the role (in the final draft) that I intended them to play when I first broke the story.

You seem to be making a separate point about what's thematically important to the book. I won't deny their thematic importance. But it wasn't a surprise to me.

Response recorded on July 25, 2016

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