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I've asked a couple of questions here over the course of years, well I've lost track of some because I dont't check this site very often so ya know, but I just wanted to chime in and say that I discovered Young Justice when I was 14, so 5 years ago, and going through my first episode of depression. I'd always been a fan of dc comics and shows but watching yj, to me, was something completely different. For the first time i was able to actually connect with characters, to feel what they feel because I mean we were about the same age, and Artemis oh my god she means the world to me. Now, 3 years later, at 17 and a half i went through my worst episode ever, lost 5 kg in 4 days, lost sleep, lost myself and i just thought id give yj a try because maybe what worked once will work again and while it didnt take away the pain instantly it definitely helped me, it was like revisiting old friends in a time when i felt incredibly alone. The reason im writing this is the fact that i just cleared out my old laptop and found old fanfiction of young justice(i know you dont like hearing about it but 14 year old me was very fond of saying "Artemis glared art Wally") and i remembered that this site exists and all.
I guess..I just want to say thank you, because YJ got me through some rough times, really, and it helped me, in many ways, to find an identity and to accept myself, flaws and all, secrets and all. I just, I dont think I would have been the same without it, certainly not as wise. Thank you, I'm incredibly grateful for your work.
Also, thank you for the episode Coldhearted, it's definitely the best in the series and to be completely honest, that episode changed something in me, it really did.
Wow. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for telling me this. And take care of yourself!
Hi Greg,HUGE fan of your work,especially of shows like Young Justice and Gargoyles
My question is how painful are Karen's (bumblebee) stings? I ask this because many people seem to underestimate Karen's powers.
2.) Also how strong is she? from what I remember she was pretty strong on the Teen Titans show even in shrunken form, did she posses the same strength in Young Justice?
I don't know how to measure these things for you. Observe what's on the show and make your own decisions.
1 what do you think of the marvel and Sony Spider-Man agreement and do you think this could help spectacular spider man get season 3
Anything's possible, but it doesn't seem likely.
Hi! I know it's been a long time since W.I.T.C.H season 2 but is there are any possibilities of new seasons? Just in love with the cartoon from the childhood
I doubt it. But I'd love to do more.
Hi Mr. Weisman. I remember we met in WonderCon last year and I asked you questions about writing spec scripts for cartoons. I remember you said that I should write three scripts, then go over them, and only submit one of them if you're absolutely sure it's good.
Knowing what you and your crew got away with in Young Justice, how do how people like you and Gennedy Tartakovsky on Sym-Bionic Titan get away with the TV-PG content and make your show with teens in mind? And since I plan to make TV-14 shows for the main Cartoon Network channel, would the channel accept them?
You'd have to ask them. The needs of ANY given channel are constantly changing.
And I don't write for an older audience. I write on levels so it works for the widest possible audience.
Reminder: convention arrangements are often in flux, so the following may change.
But here's what I have scheduled so far in 2017:
February 17-19: Gallifrey-One in Los Angeles. I'll only be there for one day - probably Saturday, February 18th. http://www.gallifreyone.com
May 5-7: Wizard World Minneapolis. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/minneapolis
June 16-18: Wizard World Sacramento. http://wizardworld.com/comiccon/sacramento
October 20-22: Grand Rapids Comic-Con http://www.grcomiccon.com
That's it, so far. I'm sure there will be others, particularly if Warner Bros decides to start sending Brandon Vietti and I "on tour" to talk about Young Justice. I'll try to update as I know more. BUT - ALL OF THIS IS TENTATIVE!!! ALL OF IT!!
Hi Mr. Greg! Firstly I'd like to say how much I truly enjoy your shows and shows you've written for, you've been an inspiration to myself as a writer for a long time. You're one of the greats!
I have some questions about writing, if that's okay.
1. As stated previously, I admire your writing greatly and wanted to know if there are some tips you could give me in writing a series focused on a team and writing for multiple characters? I'm currently working on my original ideas, and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that a lot of my writing pace and story planning/arcing is influenced by watching shows such as Spectacular Spider-Man, YJ, TMNT and many others including comics like Kanan: The Last Padawan (I own every issue)that you've written for. But writing for multiple characters can become difficult since I write in third person.
2. Have you ever gotten "bogged down" so to speak in writing a series planned on spanning over a period of time?
3. Lastly, do you find it hard to focus on what's happening in the series currently instead of jumping to the conclusion because of exciment for the end? If so, how do you stay focused?
Just for fun question: When not writing for tv, what's your prefered voice for writing, first or third?
Thank you for your time, and I can't wait to read/watch what you write next!
1. I've answered questions like this before, so check the WRITING and WRITING TIPS archives here at ASK GREG for more details. But it's hard to answer your question, because I'm not clear what you're trying to accomplish. When you say you're "writing a series," what does that mean? Television? Movies? Books? Comics? Short stories? A proposal for one or the other or all? Are you asking me about choreographing action or about juggling storylines or something else?
2. Sure.
3. Sometimes. DEADLINES help me focus.
4. I don't have a preference. It depends on the needs of the specific story.
Hey Greg I have two questions rearguing sportscaster.
1.- During the show it was ambiguous if he actually cared about Artemis and used the reputation thing as an excuse or he just cared about himself . If it's the later he might be a psychopath.
So my question is: Will we get a definite answer about whether or nor Sportscasters loves Artemis and Chesire or was it meant to be ambiguous?
2.- Before your show I along many people consider him to be very ... lame. How did you manage to make him so badass?
3.- Now that he isn't working with the light and is on the sights of the villains, does he still have any way to keep being a "top dog"?
Congrats on your great work. Hopefully you will get a new season on netflix.
By "rearguing sportscaster," I assume you mean "regarding Sportsmaster."
PEOPLE, PLEASE PROOFREAD BEFORE YOU HIT SUBMIT!!! I'm guessing the villain in this piece is your spellcheck automatically "correcting" what you wrote. And I know I'm not perfect either. But it would really help me out if you did NOT trust your spellcheck and CHECKED YOURSELF before submitting a question.
1. What you see is what you get. If you want to define all that as love (twisted or not) that's up to you. If you don't, that's fine too.
2. Mostly, I'd credit Phil Bourassa's design. But we also treated the character with respect.
3. No spoilers.
I notice its been a while since an answer on ask greg, but I recently started rewatching Young Justice after begging my boyfriend to start watching (he loves it by the way... even though he says season 1 wally is one second from calling people toots)
One thing that really struck me in this THIRD full rewatch is that there is a lot of.... I don't want to say unnecessary dialogue. But just strangely placed lines that are usually longer than general throw aways. They tend to be more in season 2, and are usually abruptly interrupted. One example is when M'gann rescues Beast Boy and Impulse. Beast Boy says how she's short, and she starts to go into a full explanation about the water pressure. These lines tend to actually seem more like clues or red herrings than quick exposition.
I was wondering if I'm missing something? And these actually are clues to something bigger or future plots for future seasons (fingers crossed)
The one you named isn't. I'm guessing you're probably reading into things. Or maybe you just don't like our dialogue. It all seems pretty much of a piece to me.
In light of there respective majors in college, have Wally, and Artemis ever both worn glasses (not shades like Robin or Night wing) when studying or in class?
If you're asking if either are or were near- or far-sighted, then no.
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