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Louissa writes...

I've asked a couple of questions here over the course of years, well I've lost track of some because I dont't check this site very often so ya know, but I just wanted to chime in and say that I discovered Young Justice when I was 14, so 5 years ago, and going through my first episode of depression. I'd always been a fan of dc comics and shows but watching yj, to me, was something completely different. For the first time i was able to actually connect with characters, to feel what they feel because I mean we were about the same age, and Artemis oh my god she means the world to me. Now, 3 years later, at 17 and a half i went through my worst episode ever, lost 5 kg in 4 days, lost sleep, lost myself and i just thought id give yj a try because maybe what worked once will work again and while it didnt take away the pain instantly it definitely helped me, it was like revisiting old friends in a time when i felt incredibly alone. The reason im writing this is the fact that i just cleared out my old laptop and found old fanfiction of young justice(i know you dont like hearing about it but 14 year old me was very fond of saying "Artemis glared art Wally") and i remembered that this site exists and all.
I guess..I just want to say thank you, because YJ got me through some rough times, really, and it helped me, in many ways, to find an identity and to accept myself, flaws and all, secrets and all. I just, I dont think I would have been the same without it, certainly not as wise. Thank you, I'm incredibly grateful for your work.
Also, thank you for the episode Coldhearted, it's definitely the best in the series and to be completely honest, that episode changed something in me, it really did.

Greg responds...

Wow. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for telling me this. And take care of yourself!

Response recorded on November 30, 2016