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Hi Greg!
After I watched "targets" I had some questions about Cheshire:
1)When did she started her assassin "career"?
1a)Was immediately after she ran away from her home?
And then I Was wondering
2)Isn't she afraid that the shadows will find her someday and kill her or her daughter? (After she betrayed them)
Sorry if I wrote something wrong,english is not my first language.
Anyway thank you for take the time for answer our questions.
P.D: can't wait for season 3.
1. No spoilers.
1a. No spoilers.
2. I'd think that would be a concern. At least for her life.
Hello! Just a few questions regarding the Block Buster and it's successor Kobra-Venom in Young Justice
The Kobra-Venom was interesting in the fact that they used it on several species. Various animals, plants and humans. Are there organic species that it can't be used on, and are there different events dependent on species?
Does Block Buster still retain any of his previous intellect or has his transformation rendered him less intelligent?
Are Mammoth and Blockbuster capable of speech?
and finally
Are the areas exposed muscle on the Kobra-Venom subjects more vulnerable than the rest of their bodies?
1. What you saw is all we know.
2. He seems less intelligent to me.
3. Blockbuster doesn't seem to be. But maybe he doesn't have much to say. Mammoth never spoke BEFORE the transformation, so it's unclear.
4. They don't seem to be.
Hello again Mr. Weisman, I Just Got and read the first 6 issues of the 'Gargoyles' Comics, and here's 1 of the Curious Questions I do have related to them, though it's More like a 3 in 1 question if you don't mind
Between "Invitation Only" and "Bash" Why Does Xanatos Invite Margot Yale and her Husband to his castle? Since He surely does know that She's the Assistant District Attorney and the Adviser to the gargoyle taskforce and is Clearly Against the Gargoyles, doesn't he think it would be too risky because of the Rumors circulating that he's "harboring" the gargoyles? And Does Margot only accept the invitation to Find Proof of the rumors?
I don't know if it's just me, but she certainly seems like the kind of dirty D.A who'd take advantage of her position by any means to get what she wants
There's nothing in what we've shown of Margot to indicate that she's dirty or corrupt. So I'd be careful with words like that.
I think the stated reasons given in the conversation between Xanatos and Hacker for inviting anyone would apply double to Margot in her position.
As for her showing up to snoop, clearly she didn't. She showed up to socialize with all the right people, including Judge Roebling and others. Whether or not she suspects Xanatos of harboring Gargoyles, she clearly couldn't imagine that he'd just be letting them walk around his party dressed like characters from Wizard of Oz.
You've stated that Quincy Hemings was born in 1900, but he was also on the White House staff since Theodore Roosevelt's administration. Was there a mistake made here or did Quincy get the job as a child? Or neither (somehow)?
He was nine years old when he was first employed at the White House. Of course, he didn't have his current position back then.
I have a major question for you. Greg, what do you think of the infamous animation critic Mr. Enter.
Never heard of him. Which is not meant as an insult to the man. I don't get around much. Especially on the internet. Keep in mind, I'm 53 and a borderline Luddite.
Hello Greg! Long time fan, first time asking a question. My ask is about W.I.T.C.H. I know it's been a long time, and you've said there's things you can't remember and I completely understand that - but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I was always so invested in Cornelia and Caleb's relationship and thought it was so wonderfully well written and engaging. My questions are these:
1. Can you recall if you had a plan for them going forward into season three?
2. If so, what kind of things were going to happen to them?
Much appreciated!
1. I recall that we had a plan.
2. No spoilers.
I have what I think are some interesting questions about Dr. Fate/Nabu.
1) What does Dr. Fate think about a gulag state like North Korea? It is very ORDERED. Does he think a state like that is a good thing or a bad thing, or does he just not care?
2) Likewise, what does he think about chaos within the human realm. For example, wars are very chaotic, so they can't be something a lord of order would approve of. What does Nabu think about human wars? Would he see it as his role to intervene in one?
3) Does Nabu actually care about human life or just maintaining order?
4) Finally, does Nabu care about order and disorder among humans at all? Or, does he just care about supernatural threats to the natural order of the universe - like Klarion?
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
1. He has a more sophisticated view of order than that.
2. Humans are messy. He knows that, which is why he's not impressed with them. But policing them is not his gig. His job is to hold the line magically against the forces of Chaos, like Klarion.
3. Those aren't mutually exclusive. And keep in mind, there's a human host in the mix.
4. See above. Caring about them and seeing it as his responsibility to fix are two different things.
Regarding season 3... This is a very broad question so I hope you don't consider it a spoiler. You once said that season 2 was going to be much more plot oriented and less character oriented than season 1. (Or words to that effect.) How would you describe the breakdown between character and plot in season 3? Is even a vague question like this considered a spoiler?
And I don't believe that Season Two was less character oriented. I just think Season Two was more plot-DRIVEN.
What were the books and films (if any) that inspired the everything in the show Gargoyles, because I know that some of it was William Shakespeare's Works, some was D'Aulaire's Books of Greek and Norse Myths, maybe Le Morte D' Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory,Holinshed's Chronicles in the case of the Weird Sisters, and The Mummy's Hand in the case of Tanna Leaves, and i know where stuff like Anubis, Anansi, Raven, Coyote, Grandmother, Thunderbird, Banshee, Crom Cruach, Cú Chulainn, Hound of Ulster (or Hound of Cullain), Fu Dog, The Green Knight, The actual Macbeth, the actual Duncan, The actual Canmore,Lulach, Gille Coemgáin of Moray, Gruoch of Scotland, Robin Goodfellow (AKA Puck), Quetzalcoatl, Yeti, Actual Crime in Manhatten, The Golem of Prague, Will-o'-the-wisp, and Tengu come from i just would like to know the books you probally read first that made you want to put that stuff in the show.
Didn't you list most of them above?
I don't have a concise reading list. It was everything that influenced me (and others who worked on the show, as I was NEVER a one-man band) all rolled together.
I've read a lot of Arthurian stuff, including Mary Stewart, Roger Lanclyn Green, Mallory, etc. I've read and seen all of Shakespeare. I've read Hugo and a lot of books on mythology of different cultures. Movies including Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Pal Joey and many others, particularly those adapted from Damon Runyon stories. The list goes on. Plus tons of comics.
Still the biggest influences were probably HILL STREET BLUES, GUMMI BEARS and maybe STAR TREK (the original series).
For more, check out the INFLUENCES archive here at ASK GREG.
Has Miss Martian celebrated her birthday since living on earth with her Uncle John in Young Justice Universe?
I would think so.
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