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Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Alex Costa writes...

Hi Greg, hope you're doing good.

How old would Johnny Storm, Cyclops and Beast have been in the SpecSpidey universe relative to Peter (if you could have used them)? Would they have been 16 too?

Greg responds...

I didn't fix ages for characters I was not allowed to use, i.e. it never got that far. But they definitely would have been on the young side.

Response recorded on December 20, 2017

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Akeem M. writes...

Hi Greg,
While wading through all these Young Justice topics, I must ask a couple things about Spectacular Spider-Man.

1.Confirmation of characters.
So as you know, you and your team decided against creating original characters for the show. EVERY named person had to be from the comic books, even if alterations were made to their race (Ned, Kenny, Kingsley, Debra, Fancy Dan, Ox, Liz, Mark, the Warren bros. etc.) or gender (Mayor Waters). However there are a few characters that you confirmed who they were, but we didn't get to see too much of them since their role in Peter's life had yet to be realized (Jason Ionello, Tiny McKeever), and would have been more active in Season 3, which is a shame we never got. We also got some fun characters like Dilbert Trilby (Bugle obituary writer in comics, newscaster in Spectacular), Matthew Resnick (Officer murdered in "Maximum Carnage", Vault warden in Spectacular) and Trina (barista/cashier in "Brand New Day" and the same in Spectacular)

That said, there are some characters that we never got names for and just need a confirmation that they are who we think they are. We have Hammerhead's chauffeur, who we believe is Myrna, who in comics is Hammerhead's moll from Gerry Conway's "Gang War" arc.

Another character you mentioned is Eddie's roommate at the Empire State University dorms. You mentioned that his name was "Josh something", and he was indeed from comics. The only Josh that we were able to find was Josh Kittling, Randy Robertson's friend in college during Stan Lee's "Crisis on Campus" with students protesting and a plot to steal the Lifeline Tablet. He was a black student during the racially charged late 60's early 70s [when the comic came out])

Now the question is, are we correct about Myrna and Josh? And are there any other characters from comics that who we've seen, but weren't didn't have their names said in the show (much like Tiny, Jason, Myrna and Josh), if so, who were they? Or if you just provide names, I'm sure we could find them.

So as you know, Ned would have gotten much more screen time in season 3. However, it was mentioned that there was ground work with him and Betty laid out in season 2 that was recorded, however it was cut as there were time constraints and the scenes weren't all that important in the scope of things happening in Peter's life. So out of curiosity I must ask what those scenes consisted of? Simple things like Ned flirting with Betty, or starting to have a romance (kind of like Flash and Sha-Shan's scenes but Betty being more receptive to Ned's advances), or was there anything deeper than that? Also what kind of person is Ned? How would you describe him in Spectacular? In comics, he wasn't too much of a character, but just got wrapped up in a major storyline WAAAY after he was introduced, but I'm curious to know your thoughts on Ned Lee(ds). Not to ask what your plans were for him in a hypothetical season 3, but more along the lines of how you described Betty (being someone who can handle someone like Jonah with ease).

3.Character ages
While I think that it wasn't as thoroughly thought out as Young Justice (like the exact dates they were born and all that), I am curious about the ages of a few characters. Don't worry; I'm not going to ask their EXACT ages and blood types, but generally a ball park. We know most of Peter's circle is 16 (Liz, Harry, Gwen, etc.) with Flash turning 17 in the series, Kenny and Rand being high school seniors (which would put them at 17-18), Eddie being a college freshman (which would put him at 18-19), Betty being 20, Debra Whitman being graduate student age (which would put her in her early to mid-20's), I can assume Norman is in his early to mid-40's, with my assumption that May, Vulture, Tinkerer, Silvermane, being in the same generation (Maybe late 50's early 60's?) However, who I'm interested in is Electro… clearly he's older than Pete's high school crew, but he's also clearly younger than someone like Ock, whom I assume in his late 30's to early 40's. I can only assume that Spectacular Maxwell Dillon is in between Eddie Brock and Debra Whitman's ages… So would I be correct about Max?

Greg responds...

1. I won't confirm or deny Myrna. You're correct about Josh. Otherwise, I'm not providing names beyond what was in the show.

2. The Ned and Betty stuff was flirtatious and perhaps a bit more than flirtatious. Beyond that, I'll leave Ned to your imagination.

3. Basically, yes. Max was in his mid-twenties when he became Electro.

Response recorded on December 18, 2017

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Julian Sagan writes...

Hey Greg, congrats on Young Justice Season 3. I have a few quick questions on Spectacular Spider-Man.

1) Peter in the comics is generally considered to be 5'10". Your Peter said he was 5'6". Was the idea to eventually grow him to 5'10" or keep him the same? Sorry if this goes into spoiler territory.

2) Unlike Batman and Superman, Spidey's archenemy is a bit more debatable. Most will point to either GG Doc Ock or Venom but it partly depends on the writer's preference, the era and the continuity. I was surprised by how much equal dedication you guys gave to the Big Three; I feel most Spider-Man writers are somewhat biased to one or the other. So I'm curious, would you say YOUR version of Spidey had an archenemy in the show or did you see all three of them as equals? My instincts tell me it's Norman after Final Curtain but I'd like to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

Thank you and best regards,


Greg responds...

1. He might have gotten a bit taller. He was only 16 in the show. But I never figure Spider-Man to be tall or brawny. Seems out of step with his character and archetype. And 5'10" seems like a tall man to me. Of course, I'm only 5'7", so perhaps I'm biased.

2. My gut is to say Gobby. But it's not like the others are pieces of cake. I just think it's more personal with Peter when it comes to Norman.

Response recorded on December 15, 2017

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.